Ivo smiled and replied, "Well, your tribe will cease to exist, and all people and warriors will simply join our tribe, of course, we will not immediately accept your people as our own and will control them, since some may still try to hinder the development of the tribe, but in the end eventually your people will become ours "

The chief asked, "If I accept the first option, what will happen to me?"

Ivo thought a little "Since we still do not fully trust your people, they will not be able to join the discussion of tribal issues, but for you we will make an exception, you will be their representative"

The leader thought: in a normal situation he would never agree to this demand, but after the war only the weakest remained in his tribe, and then there are fewer of them than Ivo's warriors, also due to their small number and their inexperience, it became much more difficult to hunt. If in a couple of months no one will come to trade with them, they will begin to die of hunger, in addition to everything, their old shaman has died and now his apprentice has taken his place, but he is still not very experienced in everything, so there are a lot of problems in the tribe associated with illness and injury.

Although the chief didn't strongly believe in Ivo's words that they would take care of his people, it's better than letting his tribe die of internal problems, so he finally said "I agree to the first option"

Many of the warriors from his tribe began to resent, but their leader began to quickly calm them down, saying something like that it would be better, etc.

When he stopped trying to persuade them, Ivo said, "Since we need to move all your people, tell them to prepare for the move, also let all your soldiers lay down their arms. We still don't fully trust you "

The leader sighed and gave the order to begin preparations for the move.

When the leader left, Ivo thought. In fact, he expected it to be much more difficult, yet the barbarians are quite stubborn, and this leader acted quite wisely, although in the future there will definitely be problems with a few disgruntled people, Ivo will deal with this in the future..

[You have captured a small tribe + 100FP]

Nice bonus.

[1 year AR July 30]

Having brought the new people to the tribe, Ivo estimated that now the number of the tribe is somewhere around 25 thousand people. We can say that now this tribe is considered one of the largest in this valley, but there are still many problems that need to be solved in the near future.

Now that more than half of the houses in the tribe have been built, many have begun to help each other, at such a rate the remaining houses will be ready in a month. The first crop sprouts also appeared on the farm fields.

Ivo also thought about introducing a crop rotation, but then decided that there was no rush, such a fertile land could produce a good harvest for at least 50 years, so Ivo was not in a hurry with this.

The problem that now worries Ivo is the education of his tribe. Although he does not need to launch rockets into space, he still needs the barbarians to know at least primitive knowledge so that it would be easier for Ivo to coordinate the work of the tribe.

Therefore, now he is thinking about creating his own language, as well as about introducing number and other basic mathematical knowledge.

Ivo turned to the system "System, I want to buy out knowledge about Linguistics, as well as knowledge about English, French, Russian"

[Transaction successful -50FP]

Although Ivo knows English and Russian, he knows these languages ​​as a regular user, and to create a new language, he will need very accurate information.

In addition, Ivo wants to use French and Russian to create his own magical system.

Ivo wants to use words instead of schemes, he believes that thinking or saying a word is much easier and more convenient than trying to draw a scheme on his palms using mana.

The French language is beautiful, so Ivo decided to use this language to teach other magicians spells, also not forgetting about the laws of this world, Ivo will try to make new magicians think that spells in French are stronger than spells in English (Someone in the future will definitely try to create spells in English)

The same is about the Russian language. Ivo wants to make sure that only his closest people know this language. Also, using the laws of this world, Ivo wants to make magicians consider this language mysterious and special, which will give additional strength.

Of course, if this does not work out, he can always spend his points on strengthening any language.

As for the English language, Ivo decided to adapt it to the locals. Since English and Latin have some similarities, and although the barbarians do not know Latin, they speak an approximate dialect, in addition to all this, this language is considered one of the easiest to learn, well, if you do not delve into all its subtleties, so this is a suitable language for his tribe.

However, thinking about all this, Ivo realized that he had a little difficulty. Paper has not yet been invented in this world.

In Hellenistic countries, animal skins are used to make books, which is a rather laborious and expensive process. Ivo had thought about creating paper before, but he did not have the right conditions, but now he has. After all, he is the leader of a whole tribe.

But first, he still needs to experiment.

Finding a quiet place where he would not be disturbed, Ivo began trying to create paper. First of all, he took a whole tree and with the help of stones grind the log into wood chips, after that he took a large container of water, put it on fire and threw the chip into the water.

While the water was slowly heating up, Ivo continued to constantly stir the chips with a long stick, when the water boiled, Ivo added ash from the fire to the water where the chips were boiling, continuing to stir.

Realizing that this process will be long, and he still has a lot to do, Ivo found Vesta and asked her to constantly stir the chip in the water. Vesta first asked about what it was, but Ivo simply dismissed it and said that he would tell later.

After 8 hours, Ivo returned and freed Vesta from this tedious work, still not understanding why her brother was doing this, she happily ran away, so that her brother would not force her to do this boring business again.

Ivo just shook his head and continued production. Half an hour later, when the water cooled down, Ivo took a square shape with a fine mesh inside, Ivo made this shape recently, specifically to make paper.

After dipping the form into the water, and then pulling it out of the water, Ivo saw that a homogeneous gray mass remained on the grid, satisfied with his work, he put this gray mass on a piece of cloth. After Ivo removed the form, a gray wet sheet of paper was already lying on this fabric, which only remained to be removed from a large amount of water and dried.

A couple of hours later, next to Ivo, a small wooden dryer made of sticks was already made, on which many gray sheets were dried.

Of course, Ivo had some mistakes in production, since he did it for the first time, but now he has a way to make paper.

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