[1 year AR August 5]

There were several gray sheets of paper on Ivo's desk, on which Ivo was currently writing various English words and letters. He wrote with the pen of some bird and ink, which he made from soot and ash.

During the last days, while the entire tribe was busy building, Ivo spent several hours listening to reports about the tribe, and the rest of the time he spent on making paper and adapting the language for the tribe.

Finally, having finished writing the last letter on paper, Ivo put down his pen, and then ordered the guards to bring the shamans of the tribe here.

Half an hour later, 5 people entered his house, four of them he already knew, these were his elders at the time when he studied with the shaman, the latter was a shaman from the wolf tribe, which Ivo had recently captured. Fortunately, this shaman was also young, because recently the old shaman of their tribe died in the war.

Now in front of Ivo stood: Melania, Rena, Ceres, Jove and the new shaman Antonias.

Ceres asked "What did you want? You know I don't like it when someone distracts me from my practice. ".

Ivo smiled and then handed out 5 leaflets with symbols to everyone. When everyone carefully examined the sheets, they looked at Ivo with a questioning glance.

Ivo said "Imagine that you need to send a message to another shaman, in a distant tribe, what will you do"

Jove replied, "I will find a warrior, I will tell him everything, and he will go to that tribe and tell the shaman everything."

Ivo nodded and then said, "What if you have a lot of information, and you also need to convey the name of many plants?"

Jove thought a little and replied, "I'll draw a picture of these plants on some tablet and give it to the messenger, and as for the information, let him give what he can"

Ivo then said, "What if you need a lot of different types of plants?"

Jove thought for a moment and then said, "You probably want to use these things? They are much lighter than planks and you can transfer a lot of drawings on them "

Ivo shook his head, suddenly Ceres, who was carefully looking at the symbols on the paper, said "You want to use these... symbols to indicate information."

Ivo smiled broadly, Ceres is still smart as before, he replied "You're right, but these symbols are called" Letters ". Letters form words, words form sentences, sentences form some information. All this is called language. Southerners also have their own language, it is called "Latin" "

Ceres nodded and then asked, "So, is this Latin?"

Ivo replied "No, the Latin language is different from the language we speak, therefore, I created my own language and called it the Esnor language, this language has some similarities with the Latin language, but still there is a big difference."

Ivo took another sheet of paper and wrote "Ceres is smart" on it

Then Ivo pointed to this piece of paper and said "This is how the spelling" Ceres is smart "will look like. But do not think that the Esnor language is useful not only in the transmission of information, but also in storage. If we can write down all the knowledge that is important to us on this paper, our children will be able to learn from these papers, it will become easier for them to perceive information. "

Taking Ivo's pen he wrote something else on a piece of paper, and then said, "I wrote that our tribe moved from the silver forest to the northern part of the meadows when Ivo became the new leader. And now if we keep this paper, future generations after many years will be able to find out what happened in the past. "

All shamans were not fools, so they understood the meaning of language for their tribe.

Seeing their interest, Ivo said, "You will take these sheets of paper with you and try to learn how to write letters, you can do it on the ground, on tablets, etc. I just don't have a lot of paper now, so I can't give it to you, but come back in a day, then I'll teach you the basics of the language. "

All the shamans nodded, grabbed these sheets and left to study them carefully.

[1 year AR August 6].

The next day, 5 shamans gathered at Ivo's house, whom Ivo sat down at the table and gave each of them several papers and ink with feathers. After that, he began to explain to them the meaning of letters, grammar and more. It is quite difficult to teach people a new language, but thanks to the high intellect of shamans, they do not have to strain too much.

Therefore, most likely in half a month they should already be able to write simple texts.

When the first lesson was over and all the shamans were leaving, Ivo said "Ceres, you could not stay"

Ceres, who was also about to leave, heard Ivo's words and remained in her place, waiting for why Ivo asked her to stay.

A minute later, when everyone left, Ivo began to speak, "After that night, you and I have not discussed our situation."

Realizing what he wanted to talk to her, Ceres was slightly embarrassed and then said "I .... I don't even know what we need to discuss"

Ivo sighed and said, "Ceres, you've been trying to avoid me all the time lately."

Ceres disagreed "It seemed to you ... ... ... just ... ... ... the tribe has a lot of things to do and we rarely see each other.

Ivo rolled his eyes, and then came close to her and gently stroked her cheek, from such actions Ceres blushed and lowered her gaze, trying not to look at him, Ivo said "Look into my eyes and tell me that you don't avoid me"

Ceres finally gathered her will, looked into Ivo's eyes, and then said, "I was just afraid that you ... ... ... didn't like the fact that I took advantage of the situation when you were drunk."

"Already a shaman, but still silly, if I was against our relationship, I would tell you about it right away," Ivo answered.

In the eyes of Ceres there was a shine from such joy, Ivo could no longer stand this cute face and kissed her tender lips.

Although Ceres and Ivo already had sex, for her this is only a second kiss, so she is not at all experienced in this, but gradually she began to surrender to the power of emotion and began to follow Ivo's rhythm.

Finally, Ivo pulled his tongue out of her mouth, and then gently said "Ceres, now we will live together."

Breathing hard, Ceres nodded with a smile.

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