[1 year AR August 18]

After a few days, the Shamans finally learned the language, although it is still difficult to call them experts, this is quite enough.

Now that they had learned the language, Ivo began teaching them Arabic numerals as well as simple actions like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

While the shamans were learning new knowledge, Ivo also decided to reform the military system and everything associated with it. Therefore, all the veterans of the tribe, with whom Ivo began to discuss the reform, have now gathered in the hall for discussion.

"Brothers, now that we have captured another tribe, we have become one of the largest tribes in the valley, but with the good comes the bad. Due to a large number of people, we have some problems with the management of the tribe. " Ivo gave his opening speech

All the soldiers in the hall began to discuss this issue with each other, a few minutes later Kato came forward and said "Indeed, during the recent hunt, the soldiers got confused in orders, since other veterans commanded them along with me."

Some warriors also agreed with Kato, some disagreed "Why we need to change what has worked for a thousand years, we just need to better train newcomers and then no one will get confused in orders.".

Several veterans also agreed with this warrior's opinion.

Finally, Ivo said, "As I said earlier, we must look at the path of our ancestors, but at the same time move forward, so we need to change the existing structure of the tribe."

"But before creating an effective structure, I need you to familiarize yourself with this." After his words, Ivo clapped his hands several times and several guards began to hand out paper with letters to each of them.

When everyone received these strange things for them, Ivo began to say "What you hold in your hands is called paper, by the way, in the southern lands there is no such thing, they only have a more expensive analogue for production, but that's not the point. The most important thing is what is written on these papers. This is our language, which will be used by our tribe and our future generations "

Seeing the still confused views, Ivo said, "This is what you can use to store and transmit information. "

One of the veterans asked, "Isn't it easier to draw something on a board or stone?"

Ivo smiled and replied, "If you need to accurately describe some beast and tell a warrior who is very far away about it, will you make your messenger carry this stone?"

The veteran scratched his head and then shook his head.

"Precisely, thanks to this language, we will be able to interact more conveniently, and also, we will be able to keep the history of our tribe on these papers so that our descendants know everything about us. If the Titans had their own language (But Ivo is sure that the Titans did have a language), then we could not lose the knowledge of how to make the same great creations as they are, "Ivo said.

Ivo continued "Now I will turn to the most important news. From now on, there will no longer be gatherings of veterans of the entire tribe "

After what they heard, the whole crowd began to boil madly, no one wanted to lose their small status and power, because thanks to this they are respected by their fellow tribesmen.

After listening to the noise of the veterans, Ivo finally stopped them "QUIET"

"I haven't finished speaking. We really won't have any more veteran meetings, but we will now have a Council. This council will include only some worthy people from the tribe who will be responsible for certain parts of the tribe, now I will announce the initial positions. "After saying that, Ivo picked up the paper from the table and began to read.

"At the moment, the tribal council will have the following positions: Chief and Archon in one person, who is responsible for the management and coordination of the entire tribe and council, and any members of the tribe, warriors and council must obey him, insubordination can be considered treason."

"The Tactician is the strongest and wisest warrior of the tribe, he leads, trains, organizes the warriors of the tribe. In addition, any warriors of the tribe obey him and his orders are considered paramount, only the orders of the leader and archon have higher priority. "

"The main architect is a person who is responsible for everything related to construction in the tribe, all builders in the tribe are subordinate to him."

"The Sage is the strongest and wisest shaman of our tribe, he is responsible for the actions of shamans, their training and for religious activities."

"Quartermaster of Agriculture - responsible for the production, processing and storage of food"

"And two Tribunes to be chosen by veteran vote."

Having finished listing the positions, Ivo moved on to their requirements "To take any of these positions, the candidate must know the Esnor language. I need smart and strong people on the council who will help govern the tribe and lead it into the future. "

Ivo continued "Competitions will be organized for the position of Tactician, where the strongest candidate will take this position"

"Main Architect - First 64 candidates will be selected by voting, and after that, competitions will be held, where each participant will have to come up with an idea for building something."

"Sage - Must have an excellent understanding of the Esnor language, as well as possess strong skills."

"Agriculture Quartermaster - Selected only from among current farmers"

"Well, two Tribunes, as I said earlier, are chosen by veterans."

Removing the last sheet of paper, Ivo said "Each person can be at his post for an infinitely long time., but after 10 winters, any suitable candidate can challenge for this position, and the Archon has the right to remove anyone from his post at any time."

When Ivo finished his speech, there was silence in the hall. Each one considered everything that their Leader said. Initially, about 100 people participated in the council of chiefs, but now there will be only 7 people on the council, including the leader.

Now everyone wants to test their opportunities to take one of these tasty positions, because then almost the entire tribe will obey them and they will be very respected.

Of all the roles, these veterans are not interested in the roles of Sage, Quartermaster, and Architect. Although the role of the tribune provides little or no power, it is still a pretty good role, which is why these veterans also wanted to take the position.

But they understood that the main struggle would be for the role of the Tactician.

Ivo added "Yes, I forgot to tell you, now in the tribe only 5 shamans and I know Esnor language, so to give everyone time to prepare, all competitions begin in 2 months."

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