Ivo was bored to watch all this fight, since most of the warriors fought primitively, and their blows were predictable, only a few stood out from this crowd, such as Kato, Vesta and a few other experienced veterans.

Half an hour later, only 12 people remained on the platform, who were able to withstand this massive fight.

Ivo announced "Now that there are only 12 of you left, you will draw lots that will determine your next opponent, but to make it more interesting, you will have only 5 minutes to rest after the fight and only the final battles will take place the next day"

After 5 minutes, each candidate took out a paper with the name of his opponent from a wooden jug, since these are candidates for the council, they must know the language of their tribe, so everyone knew how their names were spelled.

Finally, when the fighting began, Ivo decided to leave this place, since besides the Tactician, there are other positions on the council, so he headed towards the side where the farmers are currently standing and communicating with each other.

Although a few months in the tribe softened the relationship between people from the Salamander tribe and the Raven tribe, it is still clear that certain groups of people have formed in society who try to be always close.

Noticing the arrival of Ivo, they stopped talking and began to look closely at their chief.

Ivo announced "As stated earlier, there will be a vote for the quartermaster role. But before that, I want to tell you that the role in the council is not just respect in the tribe, but a great responsibility. The future quartermaster will have to constantly work with farmers, solve their problems, carry out checks, and in case of any problems with food, the quartermaster will be the first to blame, so I advise you to think twice before nominating yourself "

After waiting a few minutes for them to think carefully, Ivo said, "Ok, candidates wishing to be nominated for the role of quartermaster, come up to me and write your names on paper."

Finally a few people emerged from the crowd, but fewer than Ivo had expected. Initially, he assumed there would be about 30-50 candidates, but now, he sees that only 3 people came out.

After waiting a little, Ivo realized that no one else would come forward, so he said "Now let's start voting. To vote for a candidate, write the name of your favorite on a piece of paper, and then throw the paper into the jug, after which I will count all the votes and we will determine the winner. "

The crowd nodded in agreement and people took turns to step forward and write names on paper.

After 20 minutes, everyone had already voted, so Ivo went to the jugs, turned them over, thereby emptying a pile of paper, and then stuck three spears into the ground and began to put paper with different names on them.

He naturally could count the votes, but unfortunately his tribe is not yet familiar with arithmetic and they will not be able to understand why Ivo chose someone as the winner, so he decided to make an illustrative example.

When the voices ended, Ivo looked at the spears and saw that one of them had the most paper, so going up to the spear he tore off one piece of paper and read the name "Agatha, come to me"

After that, a woman of about 30 came out of the crowd. She could not be called a beauty, but at the same time she was not ugly, she had a good appearance, but she cannot be compared with Ceres or Vesta. She has short blonde hair, a pretty face, with some small wrinkles and a good waist, although she is far from ideal.

Ivo also checked her stats, but she turned out to be an ordinary person who never practiced her blood, it is a pity that she already missed her opportunity. But no one has canceled the fact that she may become a user of the combat aura in the future.

"Tell me about yourself" Ivo decided to clarify information about her, just in case.

Agatha nodded and replied, "I am from the Salamander tribe, since I am a woman, I did not have the right to go through the ceremony. My father died while hunting and I only have my mother, if not for the fact that I began to help the shaman, my family would not have been able to provide for themselves. Of course, the shaman would not let me take the path of a shaman, but when I was sorting different plants in his hut, he sometimes shared with me the knowledge about plants and their properties. Thanks to this work, my mother and I did not live in poverty, so I sometimes helped some of the poorer families. When you announced farming, I decided to try myself in this business, since I knew at least a little bit about plants and now I am here "

"Great, I have no problem with you becoming a Quartermaster, come in 2 days to the chief's house, there you will meet other members of the council," Ivo said.

Appointing Agatha to the role of quartermaster, Ivo went to conduct the selection of the Architect. Unfortunately, the elections for this role were delayed because the candidates need to build something first in order to evaluate it later. As a result, by the evening the winner was determined, he was a warrior from the Wolf tribe, who became interested in the methods of construction in the Raven tribe and decided to build something in a similar style.

Ivo was slightly surprised when he learned that Atreus was a warrior, because they usually are not interested in anything other than fighting and hunting.

Atreus looked 40 years old, had a bushy beard and mustache, as well as a bald head that glistened with the rays of the sun. Although he looked 40, he was over 100 years old, but due to development, he rejuvenated. Of course, if Ivo likes Atreus' attitude towards Ivo's ideas, then he will most likely improve his blood technique.

When it was already getting dark, Ivo also quickly chose Tribunov. As he initially assumed, the veterans were able to place only one of their people in this position, and conflicts began to appear among them. The other role of the Tribune was taken by the leader of the wolf tribe.

Finally, when these issues were resolved, Ivo summoned all the shamans to choose the Sage, fortunately, all the shamans were prudent and they quickly chose Ceres for this position.

[1 year AR October 3]

Finally, 3 finalists were determined, it was not surprising that they were: Kato, Vesta and some veteran.

After a short speech, the audience moved on to watch the fight between Kato and the veteran. Unfortunately for them, the battle was not long and naturally Kato won.

After 30 minutes, when Kato rested, he went out to fight his own daughter.

Kato had a complex expression, but Vesta, on the contrary, was more worried that if she could surpass her father, only her brother would be left in her way.

Therefore, unlike the first fight, this fight has become more intense.

Vesta was not at all shy about hitting her father, she constantly delivered heavy blows, from which the crowd was only more happy. Finally, Kato got tired of these beatings and gathered his will into a fist, began to counterattack Vesta. Unfortunately for Vesta, Kato was not only more experienced, but he also conducted special training sessions for Ivo.

Therefore, even with all her desire, Vesta still could not defeat her father. And now everyone in the tribe knows that Kato has become the Tactician of the tribe.

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