[1 year AR October 4]

The next day, 7 people gathered in the leader's hall. Unlike past gatherings, where a crowd of 100 attended, it was very quiet here. And only Ivo's voice broke this silence "Now that the council is created and you got to know each other, you can finally move on to important issues"

Ivo said "First of all, I want to inform you that you must continue to study the Esnor language, but in addition to it you will also study arithmetic, later the shamans will tell you what it is. And yes, soon I will announce arithmetic and the need for it, in order to take any role in the council"

Looking at Ceres, Ivo said, "First of all, I will also need the help of shamans to organize regular classes in the Esnor language and arithmetic, although I understand that the tribe is not very fond of learning, we need it."

Ceres nodded in agreement and continued to listen.

Then Ivo looked at the Architect "Atrei, you need to learn a little more than simple arithmetic, later I will teach you geometry as well, which will be useful to you in designing any buildings, you will love it, I promise"

Atreus did not protest, he was more interested in the so-called arithmetic and geometry.

Turning to Quartermaster Ivo asked "How are things with food in the tribe?"

Agatha replied "The crops of Knoss, potatoes and white beets have already been harvested from the fields.. You were right when you said that farming brings more food than hunting, now the barns are full of food and it will be enough for us until the summer. "

Ivo smiled and said "Yes, this crop is very good, but only on plant food the tribe cannot survive for a long time, so in the future we will need to find and catch less aggressive animals and try to domesticate them, then we will have meat for which we do not need hunt"

After 30 minutes, the council finished discussing tribal issues and began teaching the council members numbers and arithmetic, Ceres was also present to help Ivo.

[1 year AR October 12]

Although the leader announced the introduction of arithmetic in the tribe, now there was no such hysteria as when the Esnor language was created, because you can only be nominated for the council post after 10 years. But still, now in the tribe, many are familiar with prime numbers and can count up to 100. Ivo considers this a great progress, because earlier, when they did not know the numbers, they could only figuratively count up to 10.

Now Ivo was in his hall, and next to him were the shamans of the tribe. Ivo said "Now that you are already familiar with language and arithmetic, I will teach you the magical laws and rules by which the new magical system that I have created will work."

Without interruption, he continued "As you know in the tribe of the wolf and the raven, shamans use the energy of nature, in the tribe of salamanders - the energy of fire, but you probably do not know what the southerners use - mana"

For all shamans, this term was new, so they continued to listen carefully to Ivo "Southerners divide users of energy in this way: Mage, sorcerer, user of the combat aura and priest"

Then, for half an hour, Ivo explained to the shamans all the principles of magic that Vevet told him. When he finished doing this, he said, "But in our tribe, things will be a little different. We will no longer have shamans, but will: Magician, sorcerer, knight, cultivator of blood, priest "

"As you understood from my explanation, the shamans will be divided into priests and magicians, but the system of magicians and sorcerers will be changed by me. Having visited the Southern countries, I realized that their magicians do not have an exact classification and this upsets me, so I decided to fix it. "

After his words, Ivo put two round glass balls on the table, after which he said "I recently invented these two useful things. The first ball determines the type of energy a person uses, and the second ball determines the amount of energy in the body

Ivo touched the first ball and two lights appeared in this one, one green and the other blue. After that, he touched the next one, in this ball, the numbers suddenly lit up that indicated the total capacity of the core.

Removing his hand, Ivo said "As you can see, thanks to these two balls, we can classify the users of energy, by the way I have already come up with an initial classification: Mage of 0 circle 1-250 energy points, Mage of 1 circle 250-500, Mage of 2 circle 500- 1000, Mage of 3 circle 1000-2500, Mage of 4 circle 2500-4000 "

"I have not carried out further classification, as it is not yet necessary. In addition, I decided to also classify different spells, for example, fireball is 1 circle magic. The circle of magic will be determined by the assessment of qualified magicians, who determine the strength, difficulty and cost of the spell, and based on this data, they will assign the circle of the spell. "

Then suddenly remembering Ivo said, "By the way, I hasten to please you that in addition to the Esnor language, I created a Magic language with which you can create more effective spells, later I will definitely teach you"

Finally, when Ivo finished his explanation, Ceres decided to ask, "I don't quite understand, are we now priests or magicians?"

Ivo replied "Your natural element, you received it not from the goddess as a priest, but as a simple gift, so you are still considered magicians, the priests never know the structure of their spells, they just pray to get power, you follow another way, but naturally I do not forbid any of you to become a priest, this is your choice "

One of the shamans asked, "What about the role of the Sage? After all, he is responsible for religious activities "

Thinking it over, Ivo replied, "I will divide the position of the sage into Archmage and High Priest. Later, I will definitely create a temple where each god will be on a par with the other and anyone who wants to can worship their god "

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