[1 year AR December 31]

Although Ivo said that every warrior in the legion will have an iron weapon, this is not easy to realize. Therefore, during the last days, he devoted all his time to improving the iron smelting process in order to obtain purer and higher quality iron.

Ivo also decided to melt all the bronze weapons to make metal nails out of them, and thanks to the iron, the tribe finally had the equipment to make strong and neat buildings.

Atreus was overjoyed when he found out about such good news, so he immediately began to accustom himself and his people to work with new instruments. First of all, Ivo, of course, assigned them to rebuild the workshop.

But such news did not greatly disturb the bulk of the tribe's population, now they are more interested in the ceremony.. Previously, the ceremony was carried out by the decision of the shaman and there were never exact dates, but now, thanks to the calendar, everyone knows that on December 31, a ceremony and a holiday is held in honor of the end of the year.

Ivo, standing in front of the crowd, said loudly "Brothers and sisters, today I announce the end of this year and the beginning of the ceremony, but before we begin, the sage and I have an announcement for you."

When Ivo finished speaking, Ceres stepped forward and began to explain to everyone the new system about mages, priests, knights and blood cultivators.

After finishing speaking, Ceres passed the floor to Ivo "Now that you know about the various energy systems, I have news for you regarding the ceremony."

"Starting from this day, not only the awakening of the blood will take place at the ceremonies, but also the test for magic. But now, only this year, everyone who has passed will be able to receive the basic techniques of blood cultivation or breathing, in the following years, no one else will receive a technique. "

The crowd did not like this and they began to grumble and resent, but Ivo said "I understand your displeasure, but you should also understand that some warriors, after awakening, decide not to continue their path as a warrior or a hunter, but at the same time, they continue to cultivate their blood getting stronger. "

"Therefore, the council made such a decision. This is because once you wake up, you will still be stronger than usual, but blood cultivation will not negatively affect your fertility, and you can safely have as many children as you want. "

"However, if you decide to devote yourself to another cause, you can join the legion or become a magician, there you will be given more advanced techniques. Naturally, we also do not forbid you to cultivate the techniques that you inherited from your ancestors, this is completely your decision and we will not influence it in any way "

Although many disagreed since no one wanted to lose the free cheese, nevertheless, Ivo's arguments were convincing, since some really, became warriors, but they were not engaged in hunting or war, but something else, and then they began to regret about their decision, because they wanted to have children, but they could not.

After finishing his speech, Ivo waited while the ceremony took place.

The ceremony took place according to the technique that Ivo invented, that is, the fear potion was used, and before that all the tribes were trained according to the Ivo method, so 100% of the children went through the ceremony.

In addition, Ceres and 4 other magicians placed magic balls in front of themselves, which tested the magic talent of those who wish. This ball is also a creation of Ivo, since in his opinion, the test of the old shaman, where the child should see some particles, is too primitive.

Also, now the talents of children were divided according to the following level: 4 <no talent; 5-6 low knight talent, 7 medium knight talent, 8 high knight talent, 9 low magician talent, 10 medium magician talent, 11> high magician talent.

Of course, the magician's talent influenced only the initial rate of development, and if a talented child shirks, then he can lag behind a child with a weak talent.

But the talent of a knight is another matter, if you become a knight, then you will not be able to go into the rank of a magician, since the core of the knight is transformed into another core, different from the core of the magician.

And only knights with high talent have a small chance of becoming magicians.

Hours later, the ceremony ended and Ivo distributed to everyone [Raven Tribe Blood Cultivation (Extraordinary)], [Raven Tribe Basic Breath (Extraordinary)]

Of course, Ivo improved the old techniques to 15 points, which is the lowest technique on an extraordinary level. But that should be enough. After all, even if Ivo gave them a mythical technique, these children could only activate 9-12 points. By the way, it is on this principle that Ivo distributes techniques in the legion. He created an epic technique, but gives it to everyone in parts.

This is to prevent techniques from leaking out of the legion, only incomplete versions. But when the warrior of the legion proved his loyalty and strength, he was given the next part of the technique and so on ad infinitum.

Stopping thinking about it, Ivo noticed that several people wanted to become magicians. 30 children are lucky and they really have good talent. 60 people became knights and now, in addition to their blood, they also have mana. The rest were unlucky and they can only cultivate their own blood.

After all these long events, Ivo invited his relatives to his hall, where they spent time together.

Suddenly at the table, Ivo said "Ceres, the legion system is more or less established, and anyone who wants to can already readily learn the military craft, but as for magicians and knights, we do not have any training activities."

Ceres pondered and replied, "I will organize classes in which I and other magicians will divide the students and teach them. But while we can teach magic, we don't know much about knights. "

"Knights are not very different from mages when it comes to managing mana, only knights cannot release energy. I think that in a few days I will create some suitable spells for the knights. "Ivo answered while still eating.

Ceres nodded and said "Fine, then I will take on the knights myself and train them, I hope you will help me in some matters."

Ivo smiled, kissed her on the cheek, and then replied, "Of course, sweetheart."

Vesta, who at that time was also at the table, parodying Ivo and Ceres, said "Of course, beloved * muah * * muah * * muah *. You couldn't do it at the table, there are other people here besides you "

Ivo grinned and said "You are already 17 years old, you probably already have someone who interests you?"

Vesta chuckled "Until no one can defeat me in battle, I will not recognize anyone."

Ivo, deciding to play a trick on her, said "If I constantly defeat you, then it turns out that I fit these criteria."

Vesta's ears flushed sharply, and then she shyly said, "Ceres, your husband is flirting with other women, and you don't react to this in any way."

Clea could no longer hold back her laughter and laughed loudly, calming down a little, she said, "Your brother is just joking at you, but he is right, you are already 17 and you ought to find yourself a man, you know that it is very difficult for warriors to have children."

Vesta only responded with indignation and continued to eat.

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