[2nd year AR January 5]

For several days, Ivo was busy spending all his time in the workshop, constantly improving his blacksmithing skills, as well as training other blacksmiths. He did not want to make weapons for himself and Vesta until he was satisfied with his skill, but while he was busy producing Viking swords and javelins for the Legion.

While Ivo was banging a hammer on a red-hot piece of iron, he suddenly saw a notice in sight.

[You insidiously poisoned the tribal leader +200 FP]

A wide smile appeared on his face, then he gave this piece of iron to others, and he went to his room. Sitting on a chair, Ivo opened the system menu and purchased [Peach of the Titans]

Suddenly, bright particles began to gather over his hands, which began to form the same red and juicy peach that Ivo saw on his menu.

After enjoying the sight and smell of the peach, Ivo brought the peach to his mouth and bit it. The juicy and sweet taste instantly began to spread throughout his mouth. Feeling this sweetness, Ivo began to eat the peach faster, until one small seed remained in his hands..

Ivo put the seed on the table and began to wait, and after a second, he suddenly felt that his blood began to boil on its own, thick steam began to form around Ivo, and the heat that surrounded him was almost the same as in a fire.

In order not to set fire to the room, Ivo quickly put the seed in his inventory, and then ran outside. When he ran out of the room, Ceres saw the unusual state of Ivo, so she followed him excitedly.

When Ivo went outside, the snow that fell on him instantly evaporated, and in the place where he passed, water appeared from the melted snow.

Finally finding a suitable place, Ivo decided to maintain a boil state with his technique, so he proceeded to perform various movements.

Ceres stood nearby and closely watched her husband to help him if something suddenly happened.

Finally, an hour later, Ivo calmed down, and the heat around him subsided. Breathing in fresh air, Ivo looked at his stats.


Name: Ivo son of Kato

House: Kato

Age: 18 (+1)

Race: Human (75%); Lesser Titan (25%) (+9)

Strength: 350

Dexterity: 170

Stamina: 500

Magic Affinity: 100

Magical capacity: 1457/1457 (Natural Energy) (+110) 2100/2100 (Mana)

Energy type: Natural Energy; Mana

FP (Fantasy Points): 20 (-6573)

Profession: Mage 4 circles; Blood cultivator


Traveler's Breath (Epic)

[Magic of 0 circle:]



Cold fog

Searching for life

[Magic of 1 circle:]



Ice grip


Magic arrow


[Magic of 2 circle:]

Fire arrow




Land control

[Magic of 3 circles:]


Flame beam

Elemental Shield


Cultivation: Cultivate Traveler's Blood (Epic) +


Traveler's fencing. Style 3 Sword (Advanced)

Style 3: Backlash (Extraordinary)

Style 3: Deep Wound (Extraordinary)

Style 3: Relentless Attack (Extraordinary)

Initial Alchemy (Rare)

Initial Rune Engraving (Rare)


Lesser Titan Regeneration (Extraordinary) +

Seeing his new stats, Ivo opened his mouth wide, previously he was able to purify his blood to 17%, but now he raised the purity of his blood to 25%. This means that the peach brought him 8%, instead of the promised 5%. It appears that by performing the cultivation technique, Ivo increased the benefits of the peach.

He also noticed that his race had changed, so Ivo decided to ask the system about it.

[Transaction successful -5FP]

[When the purity of Titanium blood becomes equal to 25% or more, then the so-called maturation occurs, so your race has changed, the same can happen if a creature with Titan's blood reaches 250 years of age. Titans of this age are no longer considered children in Titan society]

Ivo chuckled, it turns out that for the titans, even his former teacher was still considered a child, interesting.

Ivo asked the system "What are the differences between this race and the previous one?"

[Transaction successful -15FP]

[Lesser Titans are the weakest in Titan society, but this does not negate the fact that they have amazing body regeneration allowing small body parts to grow like fingers, high magical affinity, and they are not subject to aging. In addition, due to the fact that such Titans are considered adults, their fertile substances have a high vital energy, therefore, adult Titans can, like ordinary people, have as many children as they want]

[Since the maturation stage has already passed, further purification of the blood will not have the same high impact on the user's statistics.]

After reading the last system message, Ivo thought that some evil god was trying to nerf him, but then he gave up this thought. Since the Goddess of Fortune is always next to him.

Analyzing what he had read, Ivo smiled bitterly, now they found the reason why the tribe had problems with birth, they were just children.

But now, Ivo has found a solution, of course, he could have asked the system about this earlier, but honestly, at that moment he did not really care whether he would have children or not.

Also, Ivo can now conclude that if adult Titans have a normal chance of getting pregnant, then if Ivo tries to do the same with a simple person, the chance grows to 100%, now he needs to be more careful with Ceres.

Finally, while Ivo was sorting out his thoughts, an agitated Ceres ran up to him, and then began to ask him, "Are you okay? What was it? Are you wrong in practice? "

Ivo shook his head and replied, "I'm fine. You could even say that now I feel better than usual. "

Ivo clenched his fist tightly and strained his muscles and said, "I think I have broken through a certain limit and now I am closer to the true titans."

Ceres nodded, knowing in principle what he meant since she was also cultivating her own blood. Carefully examining her husband, she noticed that something had changed in him, he became more ... ... attractive.

Unable to contain herself, she gently hugged him and laid her head on his firm chest. Feeling the loud beating of his heart, she felt much more comfortable.

Ivo also hugged her and then said, "After the breakout, I also feel that it will be very easy to have a baby now, so we should be careful during the nights."

Hearing about this, Ceres opened her eyes wide, and then sharply answered "No !! I want a child"

Ivo embarrassedly scratched his head and said "Are you sure? , after all, a child is a big responsibility and we just may not have enough time to take care of him."

A light appeared in Ceres's eyes and she said, "I always have enough time for him!"

Suddenly Ivo felt Ceres's hand fall on his groin and squeeze him tightly, then she stood on tiptoe and whispered in his ear "I want us to do this right now."

Ivo did not oppose this and together they went to their bedroom.

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