Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1299: Who is Li Linghai?

In the last words, the righteous father hoped that Li Yao would surrender to the real human empire when the covenant alliance struck, and let him go to the empire to find a woman named "Ling Linghai" and said that he would look at the face of the righteous father. This woman must Will take care of Li Yao, and even the entire Tianyuan world. 〔<(??

This incident will inevitably make Li Yao very strange.

First of all, the righteous father is a sacred ally, and this "Spiritual Sea" is an imperial person. What kind of friendship between the two of them can make the righteous father remember her before he dies, and believe that she will take care of her. Later generations?

Secondly, what is the identity of this "Linglinghai" in the empire, and her power is so great that she can determine the extent of the fate of a big world?

The righteous father said that the identity of Li Linghai is not a secret. If Li Yao has the opportunity to go to the empire, he can find out if he asks.

Since Su Chang is a master of the Yuan Ying series, it is not a casual passer-by, and he is more likely to know.

Anyway, in his lifetime, he is unlikely to return to the empire, and he is now asking him, not afraid to disclose any secrets.

"Last name?"

Su Changmo glared at the bare brow and said, "Since you will have no brains to ask me, obviously this 'Ling Linghai' must be a well-known figure. In our empire, there is a 'Lijia' that has the right to rush to the wild. It is considered to be the most powerful manpower gate under the royal family!"

"The long wind and fierce family, as early as the era of the Xinghai Republic, is a giant of wealth that spans several large worlds. The history of this family has been for thousands of years. Even before the Xinghai Republic was established, this ancestor I started the activity."

"They are one of the oldest families that have been passed down after the collapse of the Star Empire!"

"Wu Yingqi called the emperor, Changfeng Lijia was the first group of giants who bowed to him. A large number of Lijia children joined the emperor, participated in the war of annihilating the 'Orthodox government of the Xinghai Republic', and continued to accumulate military exploits and expand The influence in the army, with the annexation of countless worlds that do not obey the empire!"

"To this day, there are as many as seven people in the world of the "Buddhist" who are the children of the Li family. Not to mention the children of the Li family who are all over the army and the capital, they can grasp in the dark and in the dark. The economic, political, military, and media lifeblood of the empire!"

Li Yao nodded: "Understand that Wu Yingqi is an outsider after all. He can be enthroned as an emperor. I am afraid that it cannot be separated from the support of the "long wind and fierce family"!"

“It can even be said that it is a land snake like ‘Long Wind Lijia’, with the brand of “Black Star Emperor”, taking the opportunity to eradicate dissidents, eliminate competitors and gain more real benefits!”

"In any case, the Republic of Xinghai, the real human empire, no matter how the dynasty and the years change, the ‘长风厉家’ always stands!”

"Is that almost what it means?"

At this point, everyone understands people, and Su Chang is also embarrassed to put gold on the empire's face, and coughs: "You can say that."

In the heart of Li Yao’s heart, if it is such a descendant of an ancient family that has been circulating for thousands of years, it is the earliest hero of “from the dragon to rejuvenate the country”, but it is indeed possible to determine the fate of the “Bian Bian small world” in the Tianyuan world.

"Li Linghai, Li Linghai..."

Su Chang picked up his fingers and gently tapped his head. "The children of Li's family are thousands of people. Even the most outstanding ones are countless. It seems difficult to find, etc. It's weird, weird, this name is really a bit. It’s familiar, as if there was a sensational news!”

"Let me think about it, think about it, Li Linghai, Li Jiazi, female..."


Su Chang’s eyes narrowed, and suddenly he looked at Li Yao for a long time with a very strange look. He saw Li Yao’s bones stunned and got a goose bump.

This is not the gaze of the cultivator who is full of malicious and hostile emotions.

Instead, take a few small "暧昧"!


Li Yao was dumbfounded and licked the goose bumps on his arms. He asked quite a bit: "What do you mean by the Soviet seniors looking at me like this? What is the taboo of this woman?"

"It is indeed a little taboo, the prince of our real human empire, just called Li Linghai."

The faint shackles of Su’s eyes turned into a thick suspicion. “Few people dare to call their names to the princes, so I didn’t think about it for a while!”

"Where did you know the name, suddenly asked what our princes did?"

Li Yao was completely sluggish, his heart was like a mess, and Su Changda had a small eye and stunned for ten seconds. He said: "If I say, I admire the talent and beauty of your country, so ask casually, Su Believe or not?"

Su Chang slowly shook his head.

Li Yao’s teeth started to hurt again, and it hurt so hot.

As long as the answer is so sensitive, he will not ask Su Chang.

"That, Su senior."

Li Yao Gu said to him, "Do you think that there is no such thing as a line between our two countries? Before we destroy the sacred alliance, do we maintain the most reluctant peace? Is your expedition fleet not likely to turn around?"

Su Changdao: "The way you transfer topics is very poor."

Li Yao forced cough, cough, cough, cough, and cough.

Su Chang sighed: "Forget it, you don't want to say, I can't be reluctant. Even if I know the answer, I am afraid that it will not be possible to send this answer back to the Empire in my lifetime!"

"However, imaginary peace is absolutely impossible! The Black Wind Fleet will not turn around and will definitely swallow you up within a hundred years!"

"This has nothing to do with the empire's ambitions for the territory, and even has nothing to do with the avenues between us. To be honest, the empire is rich in the world, encompassing the universe, and really can't see the pebbles of your stars!"

"The key issue is that now there is a sacred alliance besides the empire!"

"Any world, if the empire does not occupy, the sacred alliance will certainly occupy! Any resources, not owned by the empire, will be drained by the sacred alliance, and then turned to deal with the empire! Any human, if not If you fight for the empire, you will be brainwashed by the 'good deeds', and you will be devoid of emotions and fight for the sacred alliance!"

"You understand, this is a long-term relationship, so the empire will never give up any big world, and all the creatures living on it!"

"Understood, since the empire will never give up the ambition to conquer us, it seems that before this fight against the sacred alliance, this war between us is inevitable!"

Li Yao sighed. "I only hope that the failure of this war will make the big man of the empire a little clearer and figure out what kind of opponent they want to conquer."

"now it's right."

Su Changyi smiled. "This universe, after all, still has to talk about strength! The weak meat is strong, the natural selection is natural, the strong is the respect, the winner is the king!"

"If you really want to be a chess player and participate in the game between the Empire and the Holy League, and if you are on the same level as the hegemon in the Xinghai, then let the Empire see your strength!"


Even after leaving the cell, the gentle and soothing breeze came to the fore, and Li Yao was still full of fog and confusion.

Even the large-scale mining magic that is rumbling in the distance, as well as the rising buildings, can't calm his chaotic mood.

"Daddy, can your jokes be too big for you? You said that you are a sacred ally, how do you get together with the princes of the real human empire?"

"Listen to the meaning of the lines between your words, your relationship with the people of the Prince is still very good, it is difficult to say, you have a leg?"

Li Yao was shocked by his own thoughts.

But think about it, it is quite possible!

After the old man fell to the Tianyuan world, **** borrowed alcohol to eliminate the sorrow, night and night secretly tears, sometimes gazing at the distant night sky, mouth muttered to himself, thoughts as if flying to the clouds.

Li Yao also ate pork, which is obviously what the strong man looks like in spring!

What's more, what are the causes and effects between the two unrelated men and women, which can't be solved more than "love", and let them absolutely believe in each other?


"As a sage of the sacred princes, what is the twists and turns between the princes of the real human empire and the empresses of the future, and the secrets of ulterior motives?"

"Does the righteous father mean that I want to go to his ‘good old days’?”

"And, since the old man is a sacred man, in theory, he should also be bound by the ‘the best way,’ and will not reveal a little negative emotion!”

"But the old man I saw, the joys and sorrows and sorrows, is completely normal, and he wants me to guard against the sacred alliance when he is dying!"

"Obviously, he broke away from the control of the 'good deed' and awakened the true human consciousness and completely betrayed the sacred alliance!"

"How can I do it?"

"Is it related to the mysterious woman of Li Linghai?"

"And, what happened to Xiao Hei?"

What Li Yao is most concerned about these days is not his physical recovery, but the secret of Xiao Hei.

This group has been sealed in the black wing sword for decades, the meat, lazy guy, can be used to control the giant soldiers!

At the beginning, Li Yao thought that Xiao Hei was a kind of treasure that was hundreds of thousands of years ago.

However, after obtaining its consent, Li Yao scraped a little bit of powder from it and tested it, but now it has been undergoing thorough refining for the last time, not hundreds of thousands of years ago, but thousands of years ago. Up to 10,000 years ago.

Therefore, Xiao Hei’s “date of birth” is not the era of the ruins, but the era of the Xinghai Empire.

According to Li Yao’s own experience, coupled with Xiao’s confused memories, Li Yao initially speculated that Xiaohei should be the auxiliary magic weapon of the Xinghai Empire’s comprehension and specialized in manipulating the giant soldiers.

It can be said that it is something like a "liquid crystal brain" that translates the ancient operation interface of the giant gods into a new interface that modern people can use.

The problem is coming.

The last master of Xiaohei, which is the peerless powerhouse of the Xinghai Empire?

Where is the righteous father, and find it?

What about the half key that was stuffed into the black wing sword with it?

The righteous father asked Li Yao to hand over the keys to Li Linghai. So, is the whole thing related to the Prince of the Real Human Empire? (To be continued.) 8

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