Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1300: 璀璨 shine!

still have a question.

If Li Linghai is the ordinary aristocrat of the real human empire, perhaps Li Yao will one day go to the empire and find a way to find her.

But she is the prince of the real human empire!

Li Yao went to the real human empire, I don’t know what it was for the Year of the Monkey. When he got there, it’s very likely that people are already the Queen of the Empire!

Therefore, how should Li Yao break into the empire, the palace of the extreme heavens and the celestial stars, to find the wife of the emperor's wife?

The picture was so beautiful, Li Yao chilled coldly.

At the time of distraction, the old turtle, who lives in Shou, does not know where it came from, and he said happily: "Li Yao Xiaoyou seems to be full of thoughts, but I don't know why?"

Li Yao’s brow wrinkled, and he said with a good voice: “I have a lot of troubles, but I can’t solve it when I am old.”

Although it’s a sorrowful mung bean with a small eye: "Why is this? Old age is not talented. After all, it’s a few years older than Xiaoyou. There are some life experiences. You can come out and talk to your friends. Maybe you can have fun for the little friends. Confused!"

Li Yaodao: "Is this not obvious? It is always an "absolute defeatist". I believe that the destruction of our civilization is inevitable! In this case, in the eyes of the old, all the struggles we are doing now are in vain, I am troubled. What tells you what is the use?"

"It seems that Li Yao Xiaoyou has misunderstood 'absolute defeatism'!"

Although he had a good temper, he listened to Li Yao’s straightforward local sniper, and he did not change his color. He smiled and said, “Ask Li Yao’s friend a question. Do you believe that people are destined to die?”

What is the problem?

Li Yaoyi stunned and blurted out: "Of course, life and death, natural law, I am not the kind of blind pursuit of eternal life!"

Although he sighed, "No matter how brilliant, how brilliant, how great, in the end, it will inevitably become a pile of dead bones. The loess will be held, and even thousands of years later, it will disappear and be completely annihilated, right?"

Li Yao nodded, not convinced: "As long as you have been shining, it will be enough, even if it really disappears?"

"So, Li Yao Xiaoyou can also call it an 'absolute deathist'."

After returning to life, he said, "Do you believe that no matter how hard you struggle, death is inevitable?"

Li Yao was a slogan.

"Since Li Yao's friends report that the living is destined to die, even if you are escaping yourself, why should you struggle so hard and struggle now?"

Although he is serious, "Is it true that for a 'definite deathist' like you, the short life before death?"

"of course!"

Li Yao felt that he was in a mess of brains, and he was poured a hot oil and thoroughly opened the pot. "Is this not nonsense? Is it because we are dying sooner or later, we are not living well?"

"now it's right."

Although the life is faint, "Now, Li Yao Xiaoyou should be able to understand a little bit of the essence of 'absolute defeatism'?"

"You believe that people are destined to die, but you will not deny the value of all efforts when you are alive?"

“On the contrary, perhaps it is because of the existence of death that the so-called 'living' is full of precious meaning!”

"If there is a eternal life, everything that the eternal life has done is truly lost."

"It would be like a race. Only when there is an end, the race is meaningful. If there is no end, if there is no end to running, who will have the motivation to run?"

"In the same way, I believe that human civilization is destined to be destroyed, but I have not denied the value of human civilization, and I have not denied the value of all efforts made by everyone, including you, to save this civilization!" ”

"Because I firmly believe that our civilization will eventually die, we can get a more mysterious perspective, look at our civilization, the bits and pieces of civilization, and record every shining point, and condense into the great tombstone of our civilization. !"

"This is the essence of the ‘tombstone school’. Does Li Yao’s Xiaoyou understand?”

Li Yao’s eyelids are faster than the butterfly flapping his wings: “...a little understanding.”

"So, is Li Yao’s friend willing to open up and talk about the confusion in your heart?"

Although the life is very amiable and asked.

Li Yao grabbed a half-day, and felt that these bad old men were all hidden. Can you stun people with a few words?

After thinking about it, Li Yao said: "To be old, there is a problem that has really bothered me for several days. In fact, it is not a problem, but a big problem!"

Returning to the ground refers to the uneven ground: "I want to hear it."

Li Yao also did not care whether the ground was not clean, patted his buttocks, and sat down on the ground, sitting and talking.

"Before the real human empire and the covenant alliance have not yet revealed the whole picture, I am still very determined about my own philosophy."

Li Yao honestly said, "However, after coming to Kunlun, I have contacted the immortals and the sacred people. I also learned some of their ideas from different angles, especially the origins of the immortals, and I have a fairly clear understanding. After that, I was a little confused."

"My heart is very strong, and of course it is not shaken by the core idea of ​​'guarding ordinary people.'"

"Only, the "history of the decline of the true civilization" that the cultivators explained to me seems to make sense. In the process of the cultivation of the true civilization, some internal contradictions are indeed difficult to resolve!"

"Dragon culture, medicine fork civilization, Wu English Ming... There are dozens of different self-cultivation civilizations, all of which have died for various reasons. The 'diseases' that caused them to die are not necessarily in our Starry Federation. It!"

"The so-called 'Xianxian Avenue' is certainly not a cure for disease. It is just a dose of 'tiger and wolf medicine'. It stimulates the body's potential for a short period of time and shows the appearance of a spirit. In fact, it is forcibly suppressing the root of the disease. After the effect has passed, it will be intensified and completely dead!"

“However, our ‘Comprehensive Road’ seems to be difficult to solve the problem completely and create a perfect world!”

"a perfect world?"

Although he is sad and laughs, "Li Yao Xiaoyou, you are a little bit enchanted, what is the 'perfect world' in this world?"

"The word "civilization" is too vast and complex, and it can be said that it is a matter of people.

"Life is alive, even if you are born a giant, Jinyi jade food, and carefully maintained, and strive to be strong, and there will be no three disasters, a little trouble?"

"Where the ordinary folks in the red dust world, who can completely have no disease, no troubles? That is only the dead in the grave!"

Li Yao’s heart moved and asked: “What if I have troubles?”


Although the life is greatly shouted, "the soldiers will block, the water will cover the soil, the disease will cure the disease, and the trouble will be solved. If it can't be solved, it will be used to eliminate alcohol and cry....Whether the princes and nobles, or the city's coward, who is not? So come all the way?"

Li Yao frowned: "There are always some troubles that can't be solved. There are always some diseases that can't be cured!"

"Then die."

In the small eyes of the mung bean that is retired, it is a very clear light. "Ask a question, Li Yao Xiaoyou, you think that a doctor has died more than a dozen patients under his hand. He is not a 'killing quack. 'What?'

Li Yao indulged for a moment and shook his head. "It depends on the situation. The doctor is not a god. There are always some terminal illnesses that cannot be cured."

"That's right."

Although he looked at the clouds of lavender not far away, he said, "Since you know that doctors are not gods, there are always some diseases that can't be cured. Even if patients are really dead, they may not be the responsibility of doctors."

"Then, you are not a **** of self-cultivation. Why do you think that the destruction of these civilizations in the Panlongjie, the pharmaceutical fork, and the Wuying world... must be the problem of 'the road of comprehension?'"

"You also said, life and death, natural law, people will die, the sea will be dry, any matter will decay, even the burning sun will be extinguished one day, on what basis a civilization will not get sick, will not die?"

"When civilization is sick, I will find a way to treat it. If this prescription is not enough, I will replace it with a prescription. All the prescriptions have been tried, or not. Then I want to find a way to leave the offspring, and then die with dignity. This is our 'Tombstone School'. World view."

Li Yao’s expression is like being caught in a deep valley.

Suddenly, I was extremely confused. Suddenly I realized that I suddenly became empty and my thoughts didn’t know where I was.

"It’s reasonable to say it to the old saying, I seem to have some troubles!"

Thinking about it, Li Yao finally muttered.


Although he said with a smile, "Since Li Yao Xiaoyou believes that a person is alive, the most important thing is not how healthy he is, how long he lives, but how much light he can release, that is a civilization. So, why not?"

"As long as human civilization can be used as a curtain of the stars and the sea, leaving a strong color, even if one day it really goes to the end, what regrets?"

"At least, our 'Tombstone School' will do everything in its power to record this insane and unparalleled sum, as our 'offspring' and 'heritage', to the endless years of light, endless years After that!"

Li Yao squinted and looked at the clouds in the sky like a stormy wave.

The line of sight seems to penetrate the clouds and shoot deep into the endless star.

His heart is ups and downs, his breathing is short, his eyes are stunned, and his troubles in the bottom of his heart are untidy.

He can't wait to, and wants to leave his indelible mark on this "big screen"! (To be continued.) 8

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