Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1301: Big leap!

"Dragon sister, here!"

Long Yunxin, the youngest tutor of the Flying Star University Refining Department, just came to the entrance of the park with the best students from the department. I saw that Xie An’an, a close friend who grew up with him, was jumping up and down, frequently to them. wave.

I haven't seen it for five or six years. This little girl who used to turn around behind her **** has matured a lot, like a cute little woman.

However, the round, red, and ripe little apple-like face has not changed. If it is a cute ponytail, it is said that no one will treat her as a college student!

People can't look at each other, but Long Yunxin knows that this is not optimistic about everyone in the past. Some of them are stupid, and they are the little girls who are favored by everyone. In recent years, they have followed the legendary master of refining, "Xingxing Li Yao". But what amazing progress has been made.

Xie An'an's refining technique has already entered the room and has expert standards. If it is a fake day, maybe it can really fall below everyone's glasses and become a generation of masters!

"I didn't expect it!"

Long Yunxin secretly felt that she had not understood it until now. Li Yao’s monster actually looked at Xie An’an and actually accepted her as a disciple.

Speaking of it, when Li Yao just entered the circle of refiners in the Flying Stars, the first thing he knew was Long Yunxin.

Long Yunxin also took Li Yao to participate in a small gathering of "green plum boiled swords", and also fight together on the empty mountain sword!

Later, Long Yunxin coached at the Refining Department of the Flying Star University. Li Yao also spent half a year at the University of Meteor as a “guest teacher”. The two had had close contact.

Long Yunxin had a good impression on Li Yao, who disguised his identity at the time, and even concealed his feelings to the other side.

As a result, Li Yao refused in a way that was quite abnormal.

Since then, when it comes to the name Li Yao, Long Yunxin hates itching and is ashamed to want to open a seam on the ground and drill in!

For this matter, she even had her own good girlfriend Xie Anan, and the eyewitnesses at that time were not very interested in contacting.

However, time will eventually wipe out everything, it is a long time ago.

Now, it has been nearly a decade since the "Spirit of the Immortals" in the Flying Stars.

It has also been six years since the plague of the blood enchantment and the patriotism of the Tianyuan world.

Even after people first boarded Kunlun and found the remains of Pangu civilization, they have gone through five years!

For everyone in the three realms of Tianyuan, Feixing and the blood demon, the so-called "history" seems to be a lonely boat. After slowly passing through the broad and gentle river, it suddenly rushed into the narrow, rugged, raging canyon. The changes that have taken place in the last five years may be fierce than the changes of the past five hundred years!

Civilization stems from communication, a large number of technologies, magical powers, wisdom and historical integration in the Three Realms, plus the magical treasures, spiritual lines, and mantras that have been continuously transmitted from Kunlun to the Three Realms, as well as the real human empire, the covenant alliance, the Pangu, and the son-in-law. The family, the chaos, the battle of the gods, the road to the good, the road to Xiuxian... all kinds of new concepts, new technologies, new discoveries, new organizations, new supernatural powers, such as springing up, are endless, and seemingly colorful, dazzling, It doesn't matter.

Even the most remote towns in the Three Realms are a day-to-day change. Three to five months will be unrecognizable, and the glorious big city of the Three Worlds Center.

The era of vigorous and exciting big leap, completely kicked off!

For a refiner like Long Yunxin, it is undoubtedly a great fortune to be able to live in such an arrogant and vicissitudes.

Take them on this trip.

Five years ago, between Tianyuanjie and Feixingjie, only through the "Tianyuan cannon" and the "cosmic slingshot", it was necessary to rely on the "Xiaoyuan", a large starship with super-long-range Xinghai jumping ability to communicate with each other. The cost of personnel and materials is extremely high, and ordinary people do not dare to think about "traveling the world".

However, in the last five years, the array of star torches between the two worlds has become more and more large, and the transmission accuracy is getting higher and higher. Even the point-to-point starry sky gate can be directly built, which greatly reduces the cost of travel.

Even the general refiner of Long Yunxin, together with nearly 100 college students in the department, can take a medium-sized starship and jump from the flying star to the Tianyuan world to study and travel!

Long Yunxin and others are only part of a large delegation sent by the Flying Stars.

Their trip is to participate in the first "Three Worlds Joint Magic Expo"!

The Magic Expo, originally a traditional festival of the Xingyao Federation, is the most cutting-edge and cutting-edge magic weapon of the whole country.

After the initial integration of the Three Realms, many magic weapons are composed of experts from two or even three circles to jointly develop and refine.

Especially for the large-scale development of the Kunlun civilization, the remains of Pangu civilization, it is indispensable for everyone in the three circles to make unremitting efforts.

In the five-year development, a development team composed of historians, archaeologists, refiners, and various industry experts encountered various difficulties and obstacles in the depths of Kunlun, and even strange and incredible things. People even sacrificed precious lives!

Now, the first five-year plan of Kunlun Development has finally come to an end.

This trip to the Three Worlds Joint Magic Expo will focus on the most cutting-edge work of their work in the past five years, laying a solid material foundation for the formal establishment of the new Federation.

Long Yunxin and Xie Anan hugged together.

The two laughed and shouted like a 17-year-old girl, as if returning to a carefree childhood.

After all, Long Yunxin was a refiner, and the treasures that were excavated from the remains of a large number of ancient civilizations were inside. Her heart was like dozens of kittens playing and playing.

After the laughter, I immediately took Xie An'an's hand and immediately went to visit.

As one of the two highest schools in the world of flying stars, Meteor University certainly has its own booth in the Magic Expo.

However, the various types of magic weapons developed by the University of Meteor, Long Yunxin has long been familiar.

She knows that Xie An'an is a disciple of the demon star Li Yao. In recent years, she has touched a lot of frontier magic weapons fields. It must be clear which magic weapons are most worth seeing. I also know the operating mechanism and key mysteries of these magic weapons.

Ask her to be a guide, certainly not wrong, maybe even see some good things that ordinary tourists can't see!

"Members, please come with me!"

Xie Anan warmly greeted the dazzling college students.

These young people in their early twenties have not recovered from the first Xinghai jump across the world, and they are staggering.

They have grown up in the narrow and rugged starship civilization since childhood, and even the magnificent Tiansheng City is just an iron shell connected by hundreds of large starships.

This is the first time they have truly “down to earth” to come to a habitable planet.

When I saw the grass and trees in Tianyuan, I felt very fresh. Even if the sun rises and falls, even a bird flies through the sky, they are amazing and amazing.

Xie Anan himself is also from the University of Meteor. These little guys are her younger brothers and sisters. She can understand the feelings of the little guys and wait for a smile.

In the end, Long Yunxin was embarrassed and urged everyone to move forward quickly.

This unprecedented event, the Magic Expo, and the subsequent meetings of various magic trading and research projects will last for three full months.

This is also to minimize the crowds of tourists.

Even so, the park is still crowded with people, not only the ground is crowded, but even the sky is divided into dozens of plane traffic areas according to different heights, crowded with tourists who drive floating dishes and tour buses.

"Wow, look at that side, you have turned a floating mountain into a resource planet, really suspended in midair, showing the model of an automated mining base!"

"There is a back, is that the legendary giant soldier? It is said that we collected all the magic wreckage collected in Kunlun for five years, and we have assembled three giant soldiers! ”

"Hey, are these people a demon? Their wings are so beautiful, like a beggar!"

When I arrived at the park, let's not say college students, even Long Yunxin felt that his eyes were not enough. If he insisted on calming, he would inevitably turn his eyes and tears, and his face would show excitement and stunned expression.

Such expressions bloomed to the extreme when they reached the center of the main square of the park.

In the center of the main square is a sculpture of light and shadow.

It is like a continuous fountain, and a lotus flower that blooms from all angles. It will change more than 10,000 kinds of luster from every angle. Every wave is randomly calculated, no matter how long it will be repeated, it will not be repeated. Indulge in it, never tired of it.

On each drop of "spring water" or each bunch of "petals", there are crystal clear magic weapons, magical powers, technical names and profiles. You can see a large introduction by hand with a single touch.

“The giant soldiers and related magical powers and technology.”

"Star Wars Fort related magic and technology."

"The magic weapon related to superconducting technology..."

"Resistant to ultra-high temperature metal materials..."

This is a detailed list of all the magic weapons of the Magic Expo. It is also a very unique "guide map". If you are interested in what magic weapon, you can follow the map and go to the corresponding area to enjoy.

What Long Yunxin is interested in is this beautiful statue of light and shadow itself.

She held out her finger and touched it on the "petal".

The warm hand and clear elasticity tell her that this colorful statue is not an illusory light, but a condensed spirit!

"You have made a breakthrough in the field of 'superstring theory', able to wrap the psionic energy in the form of a light film, and then twist it into such a subtle form with the spiritual magnetic field?"

Long Yunxin issued an incredible exclamation. (To be continued.)

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