Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1302: Difficult to connect

As a refiner, Long Yunxin knows that it is not difficult to condense the psionic energy, but to precisely control the output intensity, transformation form and every detail of the psionic energy, to "shape" it into a living Things, the vivid shape, the theoretical and technical difficulties to be overcome, it’s just like a cow!

Only a breakthrough in the theory of sleek, and even a deep understanding of the "membrane theory", can make this all become a reality!

Although presented in front of their eyes, it is just a "spiritual lotus fountain" that looks like a beautiful, human and animal.

However, Long Yunxin is very clear about how incredible this magical power can play in the field of industry and war.

In a word, when the comprehension can shape the form of psionic power as desired, it can stimulate a more complex and defensive string light shield; it can also fold and compile the "spirit" at will, and construct it in an instant. A spiritual circuit that transmits massive amounts of information; even with a small amount of psionic power, it builds a super-large psionic shield that protects a starship or even a city!

This is definitely a revolutionary breakthrough. I did not expect it to be completed in just five years!

If this kind of supernatural power can be spread out on a large scale and applied to every wafer and every starship, the strength of the three realms will definitely be greatly enhanced!

"Dragon sister's eyesight is really good!"

Xie Anan smiled and said, "Since we got a few crystals of the immortals five years ago, we began to study their string shield generators, thus building our own superstring theory and membrane theory system! ”

"Just, our reserves in this area are not enough. I can only simply copy them now, and I don't fully understand the principles!"

"But it doesn't matter, we still have a hundred years to catch up with the empire and the sacred league! In this hundred years, I, Dragon Sister, and the younger brothers and sisters, everyone must cheer!"

Xie An'an, as well as all the magic and magical lists hanging above the Phanom Lotus Fountain, are like a little ignited star, lighting up the flames from the students of the Flying Stars.

The college students are all dry and bloody.

When I am not waiting, I will fight for it!

Xie Anan and Long Yunxin tapped a few times on the Lingeng Lotus Fountain and chose the first day of the tour route.

The first thing they pay attention to is of course a series of magic weapons related to the collection of resource planet mining.

The flying star world is a multi-star world, a vast and innocent hinterland, with many resources and a poor environment.

How to extract the resources on these planets in the cheapest, efficient and safe way is the biggest problem that lingers in the minds of every meteor.

The Resource Collection Magic Museum, set in the open air, is definitely one of the most eye-catching exhibition areas in the entire Magic Expo.

Here, the organizer used the anti-gravity array to directly suspend a “resource planet model” with a diameter of more than 300 meters into the air.

This "resource planet" is full of various "micro" mines, mines and mining bases, as well as countless ant-like mining magic weapons, which are busy and must be clearly seen with a magnifying glass.

One of the most attractive to college students is a self-propelled mining base similar to the "turtle" and a metal-spider-like "mining worker" around the "turtle."

It can be seen that the metal spider constantly transports the "ore" of a grain of rice to the tortoise's abdomen, while the back of the tortoise spurts a radiant flame. In a short while, the "turtle shell" slides to the sides, more The metal spider climbed out and joined the mining army!

"This self-propelled mining base is a technology that we have absorbed some of the real human war bases and developed it ourselves."

Xie Anan stood up and proudly introduced, "Because we don't have to think about the problem of ultra-long-distance Xinghai jumping, we don't need to achieve 100% automation, and we don't have to embed too many attack and defense modules, so the design is difficult. Reduced a lot!"

“All the students saw only the model, and the real test model has now been transported to the depths of the Flying Stars and started working!”

“Once the test is successful, automated mining collection and smelting centers and mining spiders can be the best assistants for the miners, helping them to improve mining efficiency!”

The college students are astonished. Like other tourists, they have their feet floating in the air and flying into the air. They watched the resource planet model at close range. Some people also lined up the old team and tried it on the virtual console. A sense of manipulating mining spiders.

After watching for two hours, they reluctantly came to the next exhibition area.

It is like a large toy store, full of colorful toy models, all kinds of starships, shuttles, crystals, and even the very popular "big gods" model in the three worlds, all in one place. On, let the tourists play.

Here is a paradise for children. Many children can't move their feet when they come here, waving toy models, making a "squeaky" sound in their mouths, playing and playing with each other, and having fun.

There is a faint scent in the air, and many toy models still carry a bit of heat, apparently just refining.

Next to the toy model area are dozens of huge square tempered glassware with a criss-crossed metal tube that moves flexibly by the shaft.

These metal tubes are like flutes, which are covered with small holes.

From time to time, a very fine and fine "wire" is ejected from the hole. Under the refining of the flame, the "filaments" are merged together, and a piece of magic weapon is gradually outlined. After a little cooling, from below The discharge port was sprayed out.

Long Yunxin picked up a magic weapon component, and he felt that it was not gold and non-ferrous. It was extremely delicate and extremely light in weight, but the refining was extremely delicate and rigorous. Every surface and corner was not a little bit smashed!


Long Yunxin knows that this kind of "twelve curved profiled threaded members" is extremely difficult to refine. By relying on the traditional cutting method, I am afraid that it will take half a day to cut one piece, and it must be polished by a senior refiner. It is time-consuming and laborious to release the product. The yield rate is extremely low. There must be one or two of the ten items to be scrapped.

But just in less than five minutes, I spit out one from this weird refining magic weapon!

Long Yunxin did not find a refiner in the vicinity of the refining magic weapon. The dozens of refining magic weapons are all controlled by the crystal brain, and the standard assembly line operation.

However, she did not perceive the strong psionic fluctuations that should be experienced in traditional refining furnaces. This new magic weapon is “quiet” and terrible!

Long Yunxin indulged in a moment, the beauty of the moment was huge, stuttering: "This, this is the magical jet, three-dimensional printing magical?"


Xie Anan smiled and said, "This is also the technology that was analyzed from the war base of the immortal, plus some of the magical powers obtained from the relics of Pangu civilization, which made us initially overcome the difficulties of 3D printing technology!"

"This technology can greatly reduce the difficulty of refining ultra-complex magic components. It can also test the appearance and shape of new magic components on the crystal brain, and can 'print' more lightweight materials to replace the traditional bulky. alloy!"

"We have tested the magic components made with '3D printing' technology on some wafers, and found that the use of three-dimensional printing armor can reduce the weight by 7% without reducing the defense force. Make combat and endurance greatly improved!"

"In the future, if we are going to carry out the Xinghai voyage and discover a wider world, this technology is even more essential!"

"The space on the starship is bound to be limited. It is impossible to carry the magic weapon and the refining equipment in an unlimited amount. The environment in the depths of the Xinghai is unpredictable. I don't know what magic weapon to use."

“Before you set off, it’s a headache when you make a choice for the magic weapon!”

“There is a new magic weapon refining device that uses the psionic jet and three-dimensional printing technology to solve this problem to a large extent.”

“You only need to carry a three-dimensional printing magic weapon, and then store the corresponding refining flow chart in the crystal brain. Some basic magic weapons that do not require high material strength can be printed directly, even for more complicated magic weapons, such as crystal. If you have been damaged, you can also print out the magic weapon components to cope with it!"

"When this supernatural power is constantly upgraded, maybe you can directly print out the super-large and super-complex magic weapon like 'Star Torch', so you don't have to take the bulky star torch to outer space every time! The location allows you to carry more food, water and spar, which greatly enhances your survival and endurance!"

Hearing Xie An'an's commentary, many college students are inevitably amazed, and many undergraduate college students have taken some crystals to play with their skins.

Long Yunxin also took one, and the ten fingers flicked, disassembling the crystal scorpion into the most subtle components, and found that the sparrows are small and complete, and most of the forms of the magical units are rigorously constructed, tightly stitched, and the ordinary toy model is completely different.

She was very emotional in her heart. The change in the world was so fast. Even her teacher in the top university of the flying star came to the Magic Expo, and she gave birth to a wide-ranging vision, not to mention the ordinary people. It!

"What is that?"

Long Yunxin pointed to a large tree that was not far away.

She always felt that such a reddish-brown tree was planted here, which was a bit awkward. Isn't this a "new material display area"?

"That, that is a brand new demonized plant that my master and the botanical expert Fire Ant King of the blood demon world have combined!" (To be continued.)

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