Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1306: civilization


Looking at the young man's sleek shape, and matching the face that often appears on the street posters, all the college students are stunned!

This, this, this is the legendary master Li Yao?

He wore a half-size, loose-fashioned cultural shirt. The middle of the cultural shirt is a big "25o" three figures. There is also a badge with a tight iron fist on the chest. It is surrounded by a small circle. "Warmly celebrate the establishment of the Great Battlefield. Fiftieth Anniversary!

This is obviously a free publicity shirt during the celebration!

From the slightly faint figures and badges, as well as the folds that can't be washed, it can be seen that this cultural shirt has been worn for a long time, and quite ordinary fabrics have been worn out as thin as a flap, silky. Texture!

Crumpled t-shirts, plus large plaid beach pants, and a pair of "kick-and-slap" slippers, right, and a belt hanging from the waist, but it is oily and crystal powder To the colorful tool skin, it forms the basic shape of Master Li Yao!

Master Li Yao has just completed the initial maintenance work of the giant **** "fantasy ghost", not only his hands are covered with oil and various suspicious liquids, but also a pungent smell, even his face is black and white, like a The giant panda who just woke up. [[{(network

This honor, so that the idol tower in the minds of young college students, collapsed instantly.

It turns out that the photos on the posters are handsome, arrogant, and domineering. They are all deceptive, and they are all rendered with a lot of soft light, infinity and special effects!

He, he, his real person has grown so ugly!

"Dragon teacher!"

Li Yao does not know what these watery female college students are thinking.

He was able to meet the old man in the flying star world. He was also very happy. He showed his white teeth and greeted Long Yunxin.

Long Yun heart was full of emotions, and he was a little crazy.

She is not as blind as an ordinary female college student. She only pays attention to things that float on the surface, but it is a powerful vitality that escapes through every pore of Li Yao, and the stars hidden in the deepest part of his eyes. The vastness of the sea!

Long Yunxin sighed in secret.

Until now, she finally reluctantly admitted that she had a little bit of love for Li Yao, and even if she was not rejected on the spot, she would not bear fruit.

They are people from different worlds, and the gap between the two is really too big.

Her world is the University of Meteor, the starry world, and the new federation, which encompasses the Three Realms, is the limit of her cognition and struggle.

However, under Li Yao’s seemingly indifferent posture and slightly awkward shape, there is a world with almost no end, a world that is enough to cover the entire universe!

His world is too vast, too mysterious, too wonderful, and he is so deeply immersed in it that he does not care what his image is in the world.

It would be like a Peng Peng would not take the time to carefully manage each of his feathers for others to appreciate.

Because it has a higher sky to break through, the farther seas to conquer!

Take care of the colorful feathers, and make a clear and sweet tweet. This is what sparrows and scorpions will do.

Long Yunxin feels that he is a little sparrow, and Li Yao is a singer who flies above the Xinghai. Even though they have been flying together for a while, they have to fly in a while, but after all, they have to part ways.

Eligible with a smashing wing and flying high, flying to the end of the universe, can only be another head Peng Peng!

I figured this out, Long Yunxin suddenly felt that the heart was trembled, an invisible bond was released, and the knot that had been plagued for many years was missing. She could face Li Yao quite calmly!

Long Yunxin took a deep breath and smiled. As a deceased person, he returned to Li Yao to explain his intentions.

“Every student wants to communicate with me in depth. I welcome you, of course, welcome!”

Li Yao was overjoyed and squinted. "After all, I have been a visiting scholar at the University of Meteor for more than half a year. I also teamed up with Master Xue Yuanxin of your school to open a war **** suit! I am still very good at Meteor University. Emotional, cut and learn, of course, no problem!"

"But this is the case. I have just returned from Kunlun to Tianyuanjie. There are still many old friends to see. The schedules during the day are full, and can't be done at night?"

"Tonight, I have a candle and night talk with my classmates. Everyone has exchanged ideas and talked about it. It has been learned until dawn. Are you saying good?"

The college students did not expect the legendary Master Li Yao to be so enthusiastic, so good to talk, cheering for a time, happy to win!


Li Yao smiled and said, "I also hope that everyone can help me a lot. It is estimated that it will consume everyone all day, rest assured, will not let everyone waste, in fact, please help you test a new magic weapon, collect some experimental data. !"

For college students in the refining department, as an assistant to the refiner, conducting a magic test is one of the daily lessons.

What's more, the test invitation proposed by the legendary master Li Yao, it will not be a common magic weapon, and there is no reason to refuse!

All the students at the moment have promised to come down.

Long Yunxin originally came out with his classmates to study and travel. He had the opportunity to get a high-handed point like Li Yao. The opportunity was very difficult. At the moment, he promised that he would bring the level of his classmates to a high or low level. If it is a magic weapon that is too precise, I am afraid that the test will not be a ugly interpretation.

"Despite your peace of mind, this test does not have any difficulty. Don't say that you are a college student, even middle school students can easily get started."

Li Yao laughed. "In fact, it is not a test. Just ask everyone to play a game."


Long Yunxin is puzzled.

"Yes, the game, a very special game."

Li Yao smiled and said mysteriously.

Twenty minutes later, they appeared in the closed park at the southeast corner of the Magic Expo.

This area displays the most cutting-edge, cutting-edge, and even the level of magic in the research and testing phase. It is not open to the public. Only VIPs and experts with special invitation cards can enter.

Li Yao brought nearly 100 college students to a circular, translucent glass house.

It is like a virtual game center that can be seen everywhere. It is surrounded by metal worm-like game bins. Through the neural connection technology, the player enters the deepest illusory world and launches a lifelike and exciting game.

Surrounded by the "squeaky" sound of the crystal brain during high operation, the air is filled with an incense-like taste.

A large number of participants have already been tested in the game bin.

Long Yunxin glanced at both men and women, and even the white old man still accounted for the majority.

"This game requires testers to have a certain degree of sociology, political science, gamification and military science, so in the average person, the older testers are mostly."

Li Yao explained, "At present, the game is still in the closed beta stage. We have selected all walks of life in Tianyuan, and citizens of different classes have tested it and accumulated a lot of data. The next step is to come from the blood demon world and fly. Stars, players in different cultural backgrounds tested!"

"The flying star is a starship civilization. When you play this game, some strategic choices are definitely different from the Tianyuan people who belong to the planetary civilization."

"Exactly, I heard that you have a hundred students to study and travel. Since they can get into the University of Meteor, they are definitely outstanding elites. It should be no difficulty to play this game."

Li Yao took the college students to the basement level. Immediately, many staff members came forward and took them to their respective game bins.

Long Yunxin noticed that these staff members wore the school badge of the Great Wilderness Warrior on the chest. It should be a volunteer team composed of students from the Great War.

It seems that the opening of this game, and Li Yao, who was born in the Great Wilderness, is also inextricably linked.

Li Yao adjusted a game bin to the "half-step too illusory" mode, and personally pointed to Long Yunxin to play the game.

Because the game has not been completed, the picture presented in the three-dimensional light curtain is a bit simplistic. Under the hustle and bustle of music, two large characters that have not been rendered, appear rough and primitive, come from the depths of Xinghai.


This is the name of the game.

Look closely, the word "civilization" is actually composed of countless stars. When the gaze of the gamer condenses on these two words, the star of the cockroach suddenly bursts into a star-shaped sea waterfall, which is finally enlarged. A piece of rotating galaxies.

There is a small line next to each galaxy:

Panlong civilization!

Medicine fork civilization!

Wu English Ming!

Sandman civilization!

The names of dozens of different civilizations, with their eyes focused on them, will reveal detailed information about the civilization, such as population, resource distribution, social form, number of strong people, and so on.

"Civilization" is a game of cosmic simulation management. The player will choose a self-cultivation civilization and play the role of the highest decision-maker to grasp the progress of civilization!"

Li Yao said, "Every self-cultivation civilization has unique skills and resources. Some have rich crystal mines, some have a lot of relics of the Xinghai Empire, but they also face various problems, such as lack of resources and population explosion. , asteroid impact and even the invasion of the demon, the devil is coming, etc. As the highest decision-maker, you must choose the most appropriate strategy to solve these problems one by one!"

"We offer millions of strategic choices that can be considered to be infinitely free. They are not bound by all the rules of morality, law, and ethics. As long as you can withstand the consequences of a certain strategy, you can do whatever you want. !"

"The game has hundreds of different standards of victory. The highest difficulty is to have a comprehension civilization support 30,000 years and radiate to at least a hundred worlds around."

"Unfortunately, in the internal testing stage, no player has been able to achieve the goal, so the teacher may wish to play the game with the goal of 'let my civilization live as long as possible'."

"After the game is over, you can see from the leaderboard how high your ability to control civilization is." (To be continued.) 8

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