Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1307: Unavoidable destruction

Long Yunxin gently shakes his eyelashes. [<[网

She is a girl, and she does not like to play such a strategy involving grand narratives and stars and seas.

However, listening to Li Yao’s introduction is quite interesting, but I might as well try it.

Under the guidance of the game tips, Long Yunxin stepped into the game step by step, choosing the simplest novice difficulty, and the Panlong civilization ranked first in the list.

Under the "newbie difficulty", she does not need to formulate specific policy rules. It only needs to adjust and choose the major policies. The system will naturally achieve her will according to the direction of optimization.

"In the 431 year of the Panlong calendar, the new Chief Executive of Panlong United Government has taken office. I hope that you can bring the Panlong civilization with a proud history to a more brilliant tomorrow!"

Along with this simple and boring introduction, a vibrant planet is getting bigger and bigger in front of Long Yunxin, and gradually there are bustling big cities, row upon row of buildings, and crowds of people.

The flow of information falls like a waterfall, introducing the basic information of the Panlong civilization.

The game Civilization comes in two different versions, the version of the comprehension and the version of the average person.

In the version of the comprehension, the transmission of information flow is more than ten times that of the normal version, which greatly shortens the game time.

Long Yunxin can become a teacher of Meteor University. The computing power is not weak. Although it is a strategy game that he is not very good at, he still masters the basic situation of Panlong civilization.

At the beginning of the game, Panlong civilization is a fairly mature single planetary civilization.

On the parent star Panlongxing, they have established a civilized society with high levels of security and welfare.

Here, ordinary people and self-cultivators live in harmony and immerse themselves in the dreams of high welfare, high pension, paid vacation, low working hours, and low labor intensity.

This "beauty dream" is based on the fact that Panlongxing's resource consumption is accelerating and resources are about to dry up.

Long Yunxin comes from the starship civilization, just like the nomadic people in the Xinghai. From the beginning of memory, her family and compatriots, all of them are driving the starships to follow the tide, looking for battlefield wreckage and debris space with only one and a half resources.

In addition to the resource planets that are too harsh and unexploitable, they never let go of any space in the space.

Therefore, Long Yunxin “controlled” the “Panlong Civilization”. Now that the “Death Date” of the depletion of resources on the parent star is approaching day by day, it is natural to choose to march toward Xinghai.

To enter the Xinghai, we must build a huge fleet of stars.

To build such a fleet from scratch, it is necessary to switch the entire civilization from a high-welfare society that is drunk and dreaming to a "hard struggle" model in which everyone struggles and contributes.

Long Yunxin is coming soon, things are not as simple as she imagined.

Panlongxing’s resources are very limited. When she ordered to raise taxes, shorten vacations, extend working hours, and put a lot of resources into the construction of the Xinghai Fleet, she immediately received a strong rebound from all sides.

The Panlong people who have been in the high welfare system for too long, like the delicate flowers that have been in the greenhouse for too long, have long forgotten the blue roads of the road, and what is the taste of hard work.

The civilians all complained that they had launched strikes, marches and demonstrations. The academic circles accused her of destroying a well-functioning economic system, causing financial market turmoil and the collapse of the stock market. Political opponents accused her of being arrogant and arrogant. Even in order to fill the pockets.

As a result, in the case of serious internal consumption, she was able to invest in the resources of the construction of the Xinghai Fleet, even worse than in the past!

Looking at the illusory environment, I screamed out an angry little man, gnashing his teeth, glaring at the eyebrows, and waving her fists constantly. Long Yunxin was somewhat helpless.

Seeing that such a policy continues, it will lead to large-scale riots in the society, and Long Yunxin has made some small concessions.

She had thought that such a concession would calm people down.

Who knows that these hard-to-fill guys think that she is weak and deceivable, and she has to make more demands.

In the end, the high welfare and security requirements they proposed were far more outrageous than the original system, and the entire national economy could not bear it anyway.

This time, she is **** for tat.

However, the weakness of the past has caused her to lose the support of her allies and subordinates. The two sides have spent hundreds of years in the noisy squabs, and all the resources of Panlongxing have plummeted, and the curves of the ups and downs have finally come to an end. It became a straight line of the heartbeat of the dead, and the physiological functions of the Panlong civilization disappeared rapidly.

Soon, a group of cold little words jumped out:

"In the 522-year history of Panlong, Panlong people consumed the last gram of twins in the long-running quarrel and completely lost the ability to jump in the Xinghai."

"They were killed and killed in a cage below 1% of the light, and they didn't break through the barrier of the wall until they sneaked out!"


A line of points and rankings jumped out.

Long Yun is blushing. In all the players who choose "Novice Difficulty, Panlong Civilization", her performance is even behind 83% of players!

Long Yunxin’s face is burning and burning. She is also a teacher of Meteor University. How can it be so bad?

Pulling out from the illusory world, some guilty to look around, Li Yao did not know when he had left.

She sighed a little, bite her teeth, and returned to the world of Civilization.

It is still the difficulty of the novice dragon civilization. This time she clenched her teeth and adopted a tough policy. She ignored the people’s rebound and the filth of political enemies. Like a famous iron lady, she insisted on promoting her “Xinghai Kaikai” plan.

All over the Panlongxing, there was a large-scale riot.

The flame of the riots jumped in the depths of Long Yunxin's beauty. Her beard was deeply embedded in her lips and she chose not to hesitate.


Somehow, the masses of the parade had a magic weapon of mass destruction, attacked the military and police, and suppressed the massacre. For a time, the blood was drifting and the people were rolling.

Although the tide of strikes and demonstrations was forcibly controlled, the spirit of the entire civilization was completely defeated, and it was in a state of death and stagnation!

Long Yunxin looked at the various resources of the dead and dead, and wanted to cry without tears.

Yes, she can forcibly extend the working hours, shorten the welfare, and force people to go to work, but there is no way to prevent people from being smuggled and slippery, and passively absenteeism!

The high-ranking military responsible for the construction of the Xinghai Fleet advised her that the situation is in jeopardy. The state should be declared fully mobilized, large-scale curfews and military management should be implemented, and everyone should be included in the militarization system. Military law is engaged!

Long Yunxin agreed to this suggestion helplessly.

This "special effect card" has been played, and it has become immediate, the society has become more stable, the efficiency of resource collection and utilization has been greatly enhanced, the scale of the Xinghai Fleet has expanded, and everything has returned to the right track.

Just as Long Yunxin was a sigh of relief, thinking that the Panlong civilization finally had to overcome this difficulty, a group of guns and bullets were suddenly drilled in the depths of the picture. The soldiers with their faces were wrapped around a black cloth. Striding towards her.

"Hey? This game has a ‘military coup’ set up? Come here, save your life!”

The poor Panlong civilization was destroyed for the second time.

This time it was destroyed in the crazy ambition of the military conspirators.

Long Yunxin, who refused to accept the loss, regained a few rounds of resistance. As a result, no matter how hard she tried, she repeatedly weighed and the Panlong civilization inevitably broke into the abyss.

Among them, the farthest she went, it has been difficult to show up to the six hundred years of the dragon calendar, and successfully opened nearly 20 resource planets.

A large number of crystal ore sources have been continuously transported to Panlongxing. She once established a large-scale cross-world voyage fleet and is eager to enter the new world.

At this time, the nineteen resource planets even announced at the same time that they would no longer be willing to endure the will of the parent star. From now on, they will become a country, and they will become the "foreign sea federation" and fight with the parent star!

Looking at the starship that was killed by the dragon star from all directions, Long Yun was so angry!

"The exhibition of Panlong Civilization has no solution at all. It is completely a dead end!"

Long Yun changed his mind to a new civilization, Wu Mingming.

Then, he was caught in a bigger trouble than the Panlong civilization.

She resisted dizziness and played a few games. She finally managed to exhaust the last patience and had to admit that she was probably the worst "leader" in the world.

Just as she was disheartened and chose the “exit” rune, the system suddenly jumped out of a new line and asked her if she would like to continue to experience the game from a new perspective.

Long Yunxin is patiently introduced to the introduction, and now there are two different ways of playing in Civilization.

In the first game mode, she can be the highest master of a civilization, guiding the direction of civilization.

However, she can also serve as a small part of this civilization, an obscure ordinary person, who is at the bottom of the society, to experience the ups and downs of the resurgence of the stars, the sacred seas, and the civilization.

The former is a top-down, magnificent strategy game.

The latter is a bottom-up, role-playing game that is big and big.

Long Yun heart and mind turn, the brain released a stream of information, surrounded by light and shadow, and soon placed in a new world.

She returned to the Panlong Star, but it was not the highest consul of the Panlong civilization. It was just an office worker who could not be ordinary.

Life in the game naturally shortens the time scale.

A series of major events in the society, as well as the impact on female staff, all turned into information torrents and flooded into her brain.

She can also make choices about the life of female staff.

But in many cases, under the turbulent flood of change, personal choices are pale and weak, and often only follow the tide.

At the beginning, Long Yunxin struggled and tried to give up. It was like an indifferent spectator who quietly watched the female staff spend a lifetime, struggling to balance between work and family, parents and children. .

Looking at it, Long Yunxin gave birth to a very subtle sway.

It is very strange that when she is the supreme governor of the Panlong civilization, she feels that the Panlong people are too ignorant and ignorant. When they are blind, they don’t know what’s going on, and they are happy to see what they are doing. Why can’t they choose to work for 16 hours a day? , reduce half of the salary, and put all resources into the construction of the Xinghai Fleet?

There is nothing in the big picture, too selfish, too blind!

Therefore, when she encountered the problem for the second time, she chose “repression” without hesitation.

But now, when she moved to the perspective of a common Panlong person, she “experienced” all of this, but she changed her attitude unconsciously. (To be continued.) 8

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