Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1312: Sword and sword!

Long Yunxin coughed and his face became strange. (?(〔network

She is deep in the subconscious, and she really thinks so.

"Do you think that Li Yao exerted influence in the federal government, let the authorities release me as soon as possible, and hired me to become the head of the Department of Sociology of the Great Wild Warfare, and had the opportunity to preach the theory of the immortal. Is this kindness and even stupidity? How can it be!"

Su Chang sneered, "Tolerance is the power of the strong, the more powerful the more talented, the more tolerant the power, Li Yao does this, is to show the power and self-confidence of the 'reconstruction of the truth', against the 'study of the immortality' It’s small and ridiculous!”

"Once this preconceived view is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the world will inevitably give a scornful meaning to the ‘cultivation of the immortal.’”

"Our cultivators don't mind being hated or even feared, because fear itself is a force, a force that will surrender and faith! But fear is one thing, contempt and ridicule are another thing! If everyone’s attitude towards 'Xianxian Avenue' is contemptuous, it’s hard to shake your heart again!”

"This is Li Yao's wishful thinking."

"The ancient war, if you captured the enemy generals, often not directly killing the head, but leaving him a dog's life, pulling him to the streets to show the public, showing the most embarrassing, the most ridiculous side in front of the world, in this way to disintegrate The image of the enemy forces to combat the morale of the enemy."

"Decapitation will only make the enemy become a hero. This kind of life is not as good as death. It can really eliminate the source of the enemy's power!"

"I am at this moment, just like after being killed by oysters, the enemy who is on the streets, do you think this is a kind of preferential treatment? No, this is Li Yao's miscellaneous thoughts, the most cruel torture!"

Su Chang suddenly said nothing, Long Yunxin was shocked, subconsciously said: "You, are you not friends?"


Su Changying’s eyes are like hearing the world’s best laughter. “What is the teacher’s words, how can I and Li Yao be friends? In my opinion, this shameless, ruthless, and omnipotent The most extreme guy may become the most terrible enemy of the empire. I can’t wait to make him smashed and frustrated now!”


Long Yunxin is getting more and more confused about the faction of these Yuan Ying. "That, then, have you just talked and laughed?"

"Sue seniors want to kill me, but he does not have this ability. Although everyone is a Yuan Ying, but the Soviet predecessors are biased in the field of humanities and social sciences and spiritual control, unless there are thousands of psionics in their hands, otherwise he It’s not my opponent. Killing my heart together, I can kill him with one hand!”

Li Yao inserted a sentence and smiled. "And although I have the ability to kill the predecessors of the Soviet Union, but you have just heard it, he still has a lot of use value. What reason do I have to do it?"

"He wants to kill me but can't kill it. I can kill him but I don't want to kill. In this case, we both meet together. Besides sitting and talking, laughing and talking, what else can we do? Do you learn to shout the street and make each other a dog? Head?"

“Do you see it, how bad is this ‘super federal hero’?”

Su Chang laughed. "He said that I was ‘heavy’ and I was worried about it. I changed my law and said that I am a singer’s street!”

Long Yun’s heart was sweating and he was speechless.

Secretly in my heart: These Yuan Ying’s minds are really different from ordinary people, so I can’t guess what!

It is no wonder that the world has called Yuan Ying "Yuan Ying Lao Ge", and even they themselves have accepted such a less elegant title.

Because they are indeed a group of strange people who can't always think about it!

Long Yunxin spent a long time, although he hasn't fully understood it, but his attitude toward Su Chang is not as resistant and fearful as he was.

She said with respect and respect: "Su seniors, that is to say, you know very well that Master Li Yao is using you and pulling you to "show the streets to show the public" to combat the image of 'Xianxian Avenue' and 'True Human Empire', right? So why are you willing to be used by him?"

"Although the predecessors are cultivators, the spirit and discouragement of the predecessors is not like the greedy and fearful generations, including the "Xiao Xuan Ce" and other cultivators who made up the catastrophe in the flying star world, and there are few cartilage heads! Since the predecessors have already seen through the "detoxification of the heart" of Master Li Yao, why not take a knife and go to death?"

"At least, if the seniors are not willing to accept the 'pseudo-skills' and open the game "Civilization", there is absolutely no one, can you force the predecessors?"

"Why don't I want to?"

Su Chang’s eyes are full of gods, and they burst into the heat of a teenager like a dozen or twenty. The voice suddenly increased by octaves and filled with unshakable self-confidence. “What I said just now is just the small abacus of Li Yao. It’s already, but is it really that simple?”

"The most crucial point is that I firmly believe that the 'Xianxian Avenue' must be right. No matter how filthy, distorted or refuted, you will eventually fall under this unique truth!"

"Li Yao hopes to turn me into a 'vaccine'; I hope to establish a college dedicated to Xiuxian Avenue, to understand the enemy in depth; I hope to create a game to solve all the problems that arise during the operation of the cultivation of civilization! Then I am like He is willing to be!"

"Because, I firmly believe that I am not a 'vaccine', but a special medicine that can save lives; no matter what kind of mentality the students are holding to come to class here, in the end, the correctness and advancedness of Xiuxian Avenue will be present. Sex and uniqueness; not to mention the game "Civilization". The more you play, the more you will be present. The conventional means can only solve the small problems that flow on the surface, but it can't cure the innate ailments of human beings. If we want to fundamentally save our civilization and let it continue to burn for 10,000 years, 100,000 years or even longer, then it is not necessary to go to Xiuxian Avenue!"

"Li Yao thinks that he is using me. I know that it is not self-defeating, but it is used by me."

"In a word, this is the avenue of the avenue. There is no possibility of any retreat and retreat. Only the sword is drawn, and the narrow road meets the brave!"

"Since Li Yao dares to challenge Xiuxian Avenue in this way, then I will fight for life! Let us prove the right and wrong and sin in the future for a hundred years!"

Su Chang’s passionate and heroic spirit made Long Yunxin deeply moved.

Just in the "Civilization" game, I cultivated the abomination and contempt of the immortal, and suddenly there was some small shake.

These Yuan Ying old monsters are really terrible. They are a little closer to them and they are easily infected by their powerful heart!

Just then, the outside thought of a soft knock on the door, a teenager wearing a great desert warfare suit came in with a tea tray, first and foremost, called Su Chang a "master", and then helped the three teas for tea. water.

Long Yunxin is very strange.

In the realm of comprehension, the names between the masters and the apprentices are very particular.

Su Chang, the cultivator of the immortal, under the guidance of the federal government, opened a lecture in the Great Wilderness, and it was normal for all the students who had attended his class to call him "teacher, professor, director".

However, these students should be very aware of the origins and identities of Su Chang, and they know that they are studying Xiu Xian Avenue just to better deal with the enemy.

Between them and Su Chang, it is only the weakest teacher-student relationship, more like the relationship between business and consumer as a commodity.

But the term "master" is very different from the "teacher."

One day is a teacher, and life is a father. This is a very serious, meaning a lot of obligations and rights!

For example, Li Yao used to be a visiting scholar at the University of Meteor. The students at the University of Flying Star called him a "teacher". This does not mean that Li Yao has a little responsibility and obligation to these students.

Looking at the Three Realms, who are qualified to call Li Yao "Master", only Wu Mayan, Xie An'an and Jin Xinyue are three. They are Li Yao's "true disciples" and will inherit Li Yaoyi's in the future.

Many times, the true disciple is closer to the family than the family. The two sides are deeply involved. Every practitioner, especially the Yuan Ying, is a disciple of discretion and caution.

This college student in the Great Wilderness Warrior is actually a "true disciple" who cultivated the immortal Su Chang?

Long Yunxin could not help but seriously look at the boy.

The first feeling is that he is too young to be too young. If it is not the school uniform, it may be regarded as a high school student or even a junior high school student!

His skin is sallow, his hands and feet are as thin as the lumber sticks, but he has a very big head, and his big and round eyes occupy almost half of his head.

His first impression of Long Yunxin was like a poorly-bred bean sprout.

It was sensed that Long Yunxin was looking at himself, and the young boy also gave her a glimpse.

Despite his small size and tender face, the juvenile's big eyes are like a vicissitudes of an adult, full of amazing powers, and a glimpse of the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

Long Yunxin cold and chilled.

She felt that the teenager's gaze did not stop on her. After penetrating her internal organs, she shot directly into the clouds.

At the same time, she also perceives two opposite temperament from the juvenile.

One is the aristocratic demeanor of being pampered and calm, and between the gestures, it shows that the teenager has received a good high society education.

However, under this faint aristocratic temperament, there is another kind of awkwardness and indifference that is swaying on the wasteland, like a wild child who is not afraid of fear.

The mysterious young man succeeded in attracting all the attention of Long Yunxin, even more than Li Yao and Su Chang, two Yuan Ying old monsters add up, but also make her curious.

Long Yunxin narrowed his eyes, and now the teenager is wearing a badge on the chest of the slightly enlarged school uniform.

The first one is naturally the famous "Fighting Iron Fist" school badge.

The second badge, also based on the fist, is a fist, clasping a sword with double-sided edge.

On the back of the hand of blood, there is also a shining eye.

This badge, recently seen in the flying stars, is often worn by people, even at the University of Meteor.

It is an organization that has risen very fast in recent years, the symbol of the "Patriot Front"! (To be continued.) 8

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