Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1313: Xiu Xianjuan

"Dr. Long, how are you interested in my true disciple 'Lv Dengchen'?"

Su Changfa is obviously very proud of his disciples. He is arrogant and arrogant. "Lee Yao has worked hard and calculated everything, but he does not know the truth of 'seeking things in people, making things in heaven', no matter how wonderful his ideas are. There are always a lot of variables in the realization! The appearance of Lu Xiaochen may be the first variable, but I believe he will never be the last one!"

"Light dust, I have some things to discuss with Li Daoyou, and you will accompany the dragon teacher to go outside and tell her about the development process of our "Civilization" game. If she is interested in you, you may wish to Have a chat with her!"

"Yes, Master."

Xiu Xianqian, a young man, nodded and gave a gift to Long Yunxin. "Dragon teacher, please here."

Long Yunxin knows that the two Yuan Ying old monsters have to get together and discuss some strange, mysterious and mysterious things.

The exchange between Yuan Ying is too strange and mysterious. She can't keep up with their rhythm. Even if they are touting each other or yelling at each other, they are stupid and unclear.

On the contrary, this weak-crowned boy seems to be able to communicate.

Who is he? Why is it a true disciple of the immortal? Does the federal government ignore this kind of thing?

Long Yunxin had 10,000 questions to ask, and Su Changfa’s suggestion was in line with her intentions. She quickly followed the teenager and left the quiet room.

"Lv, how can you become a true disciple of the Soviet Union? You, do you really believe in Xiuxian Avenue?"

Still on the road, Long Yunxin could not wait to ask.

“What is wrong with Xiuxian Avenue?”

Lv Qingchen inadvertently asked.

It seems that this old-fashioned teenager did not regard Long Yunxin, his teenage sister, as an opponent of the same magnitude.


Long Yunxin was dumb and excused and debuted. "I still use this question. Of course, Xiuxian Avenue is not good. Just watch the game of "Civilization" and know that the immortal is cruel!"

Lv Dengchen smiled, his voice has not completely shaken off the juvenile, but has brought a very unique hoarse taste: "You also said, "Civilization" is just a game, or with a strong The tendency game is just a brainwashing method for the comprehension. How can it be used to judge the quality of Xiuxian Avenue?"

"Under the teacher's leadership, I have participated in the post-work of a small part of Civilization as an assistant. I designed the game "Civilization", especially its information piece "The Rise of the Empire". Deliberately selected a large number of images, scenes and plots that are unfavorable to the immortal, in the subtle, let the players feel guilty, disgusted and hateful to the immortal!"

"This kind of practice is no different from the brainwashing method that the cultivators used to carry out the brainwashing of Master Li Yao in the war base. They are intercepting a certain piece of face and constantly magnifying and extremizing to achieve a specific purpose."

"Today, you can 'have deep feelings' because of playing for a few hours of play, and you are full of hatred for Xiuxian Avenue; tomorrow, you can also be infected by the impassioned and **** heroes of the immortals, and the He Hejun of the real human empire. Weihe Ship Jianli is shocked!"

"But in the end, people like you don't understand the truth or the immortality. It's just a cloud of people, and it's just around the corner."

"The so-called 'summer insects can't speak ice', your heart is so weak, how can I answer your question?"

Long Yun was stunned.


She suddenly wanted to go back and listen to the two Yuan Ying old monsters touting each other or shrew the street, and did not want to stay with this little monster!

"So, before I talk about the issue of "Imperial Avenue", it is best to figure out what the 'Xianxian Avenue' is! If it is good, what is good, how is it good; if it is bad, then concrete What is a bad law, and to what extent is it bad?"

The youngster of the immortality paused and said seriously, "This is the only reason why I follow the Master. I want to thoroughly understand the Xiuxian Avenue and find out what it is, and then decide whether to believe or not."

This sentence, Long Yunxin understands, she breathed a sigh of relief: "Understood, you are just curious, and there is no real belief in the cultivation of immortals, so you are still a comprehension, right?"


Lv Dengchen quickly shook his head. "I didn't say it. I didn't rush to believe it until I completely figured out a theory. The way to cultivate the immortal is like this. The same is true of the way of comprehension. So, I am neither a cultivator. It’s not a self-cultivator, just an ordinary practitioner, a student still groping, and I don’t have a specific belief!”


This answer is harder to understand than the young man thinks that it is a cultivator. Long Yunxin really does not understand, "No faith, no letter?"

"Yes, what's the problem?"

Lv Qingchen took a look at her and thought about it. "When I was young, I used to be like you, and everyone else, I believe in a lot of things innocently."

"I was born in the Great Wilderness. I lost my parents in the invasion of the animal tide and became an orphan. Later I was raised by a foster father who was also a war orphan. I lived with my adoptive father and grandfather."

"At that time, I firmly believed that the Yaozu is the embodiment of evil, the enemy of evil and evil, and my adoptive father and grandfather are the heroes of the top of the earth, defending the mainstay of the Federation!"

"When the news of the massive invasion of the real human empire came, the whole world suddenly turned 180 degrees. The vicious and evil demon suddenly became the object of unity. The hero who resolutely fought against the demon was turned into a toothless one. A traitor and ambitious in the federation!"

"In the past, it was advertised as a wicked, incomparably ruthless demon, who appeared in the land of the federation; and my adoptive father, and the adoptive father of my adoptive father, my grandfather Lu drunk, but because of the 'patriotist organization' , became the enemy of the country!"

"My grandfather died quietly in prison, and my adoptive father was sentenced to a heavy sentence of 50 years and sent to the depths of your flying star to mine."

"Well, I have used a long, long time to convince myself that they are all guilty. The cultivator is our most terrible enemy. In the face of the threat of the real human empire, the old **** vengeance can and must be put down, including my biological parents. Not worthy of the enemy!"

"I really figured it out, completely let go of it, smashed the old beliefs, re-established a stronger, tough, unshakable faith, and turned all the past's unforgettable revenge on the Yaozu, all turned to the direction. The real human empire and the head of the immortal!"

"But, just as I have just identified a new faith, there has been a shocking news. The original cultivator is not the most evil enemy in this universe, and there is a more evil existence than the cultivator. people!"

"Oh, since the news of ‘小天劫’, the Federation has been rendering the horror of the cultivator, just like the horror of the demon lord in the past, it’s called a fangs, ugly, evil, insidious, sinister!”

"This time, it has to change, and the cultivators have become understandable and communicable. Even in extreme cases, we may have to work side by side with the cultivators to fight against the sacred people?"

"It’s just a joke!"

"Since the deadly enemies who don't share the sky can become intimate covenants, the heroes of the top can become ambitious traitors, and the immortals can swing back and forth between the roles of 'enemy' and 'allies'. Who knows that one day, Will it jump out of a more evil existence than the sacred alliance, and we have to fight alongside the sacred alliance?"

Juvenile skin smiles and laughs. "You talk about it. In the face of such a radical change, what do I have to believe in? What I should believe? I am afraid that I have just chosen a new faith, and the unpredictable reality has jumped out. Break it up!"

Long Yun heart is speechless.

Her family is superior, she has grown up all the way, she can't understand the ups and downs of the juvenile, too irritating and bumpy life.

"So, I don't believe anything now."

Lv Dengchen said, "I have to take the time to study the difference between comprehension and cultivation. It may take decades or hundreds of years to try to figure out these two kinds of avenues, and finally decide which one to believe."

"Hundreds of years?"

Long Yunxin was shocked again.

Looking at the face of a teenager, she intuitively felt that the teenager was not talking about it, but made a serious life plan.

“Is it strange?”

Lv Dengchen said disapprovingly, "Sometimes I think that you guys are so strange that you usually go to the vegetable market to buy a green vegetable, or go to the store to buy a crystal brain, you must pick and choose, carefully analyze to decide, how to Choosing a belief in such a crucial event will be impulsive. When the so-called 'opportunity' arrives, is it a hasty attempt to become a comprehension or a cultivator?"

"This kind of thing, even if it takes a lifetime to ponder and choose, it is normal to make a decision at the moment before dying. It should be!"

Long Yunxin was told by Lu Xiaochen that his cheeks were red, and he was so self-sufficient that he barely opened the subject to cover his own embarrassment:

"That, Lv, that is to say, if you use decades of research and finally come to the conclusion that Xiuxian Avenue is correct, then you will not hesitate to become a cultivator, right?"

The boy nodded: "Of course."

"But, you haven't thought about the consequences of doing this? I don't think you have a little bit of concealing your own thoughts. You don't think it will bring you some trouble..."

Long Yunxin carefully considered the words.

After decades or even a hundred years, the real human empire is under the city, and the Xingyao Federation is ready to wait. If there is a large-scale cultivator inside, his ending is definitely not a "trouble".

The big-eyed teenager laughed, like a bean sprout that danced with the wind.

"I understand the meaning of Teacher Long."

Lv Qingchen's big eyes swayed with two rainbow-like brilliances, and he was not flustered. "There is a very coincidental thing. When I directed my practice, my grandfather Lu drunk and my master Su Changfa said a meaning. Almost the same."

"They said that if the avenue is hidden deep in the nine clear yellow springs, then I will not go to hell, who will go to hell?" (To be continued.)

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