Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1314: March into the universe!

Three days later, the conference center on the east side of the park.

The Magic Expo is still in full swing. Even in the middle of the night, hundreds of thousands of tourists are lingering in the park. Various sound and light effects will be reflected in the colorful world.

In the conference center, the 6th Yuan Ying Conference also kicked off.

Since the beginning of five years ago, the Yuan Ying Conference has become a permanent conference held once a year. No matter how busy, all Yuan Ying will try to put all the hands on hand to come to the party. They will exchange ideas for the past year at the conference. The progress of the project, the forward-looking development of various research areas, and the search for resources and opportunities for mutual cooperation.

Although the Yuan Ying Conference is only a spontaneously organized civil meeting, it has a guiding significance for the future development of the Three Realms.

Many expensive and vital super projects were originally inspired by the inspiration of several Yuan Ying grotesques at the Yuan Ying Conference.

It can be said that the "new federation", the galaxy beast that is destined to engulf the starry sky, was born at the Yuan Ying Conference.

This is the first time that Ding Ling has participated in the Yuan Ying Conference.

When Li Yao walked into the venue with her hand, she was extraordinarily excited, wide-eyed, looking around.

The layout of the venue made her a little mistake.

The Yuan Ying Conference still retains the simple, simple and even messy layout of the first session.

This kind of environment can give all Yuan Ying a sense of urgency of “a lot of waste, no time to wait”.

In the past five years, all Yuan Ying have been cultivating with all their strength. Everyone has at least three or five super projects on hand, and they are too busy to work. They often only see this one year.

Even Yuan Ying, who was not deeply involved in the past, has formed a profound friendship in the five years of development and greeted each other with enthusiasm.

This year's Yuan Ying Conference is very different from previous years.

The first five years of exploring Kunlun have passed, and the technology, magical powers, and cultivation systems of the Three Realms have been initially integrated. The digestion and absorption of the real human empire and the Pangu civilization have reached the stage limit.

Tianyuan, Blood Demon and Feixing Sanjie will be on a new journey!

It is not the Federal Speaker Jiang Hailiu who presided over this Yuan Ying Conference, but an old friend of Li Yao, Professor Mo Xuan.

Since the transformation into a special life form "Xing Ling", and swallowed up the star child's computing power, Professor Mo Xuan's accomplishments in refining techniques have undergone arrogant ascension.

Especially after the Battle of Kunlun, he swallowed the master crystal brain on the "Qingyang" of the immortal war base, and had a new understanding of the refining system of the immortal.

On this basis, Professor Mo Xuan became the main force to explore Kunlun on the one hand, and on the other hand, under the support of Yao Shi Group, actively enriched the strength of the refining system of the Great Wilderness Warfare, and the higher education institutions of the two cities of Feixing and Xue Yao. In-depth exchanges were carried out, and many experts and scholars from both circles were hired to teach at the Refining Department of the Great Desert.

Up to now, the refining system of the Great Wilderness Warfare has sprung up everywhere, and the comprehensive strength has pushed the first deep-sea university refining system of the Federation. In many frontier research and cross-research fields, even more than ever, it has formed a **** for tat, each has its own merits. The situation.

Professor Mo Xuan himself was elected as the president of the Federal Association of Refiners in the past year and became one of the most powerful federal masters!

Since this year’s Yuan Ying Conference and the Magic Expo are held together, it is natural for him to preside over the meeting.

“In the past five years, we have made breakthroughs in the fields of various magic weapons and supernatural powers. Many super projects related to the next hundred years have all blossomed!”

At the Yuan Ying Conference, Professor Mo Xuan opened the door and went straight to the mountain. "The most important research results are concentrated in five major fields!"

"The first is the mass training of super warriors! Using Kunlun to absorb the pulse of the magnetic radiation, the aura that is constantly being produced, we have launched a five-year intensive, three-year sprint project, which has made many talented cultivation geniuses. The speed of light is rising! The Ding Ling, who is sitting next to you, is the biggest success of this project so far!"

"Second, it is a long time for human body to hibernate and thaw! In this field, we have got the help of the longest life of the Three Realms, although we have helped the Shoudao friends, and we have gained a lot of valuable technology from the escaping of the Pangu civilization. Made a substantial breakthrough!"

“Now, we have achieved a success rate close to 100, and the energy consumption has been reduced to a long-term hibernation that can be practically applied. Even if a comprehension person hibernates for 500 years, it will not damage his body and realm!”

"Third, it is the starship technology, especially the cross-world starship technology that can continue dozens of times and hundreds of stars and sky jumps!"

"The efforts of this are mainly from the starship experts in the flying star world."

"On the one hand, they thoroughly analyzed the war base of the real human empire, and on the other hand, they thoroughly studied the wreckage of the shipwrecks of the Pangu and Nuwa remnants on the surface of Kunlun. In just five years, they will refine our starship. The level of the system has been pushed forward for at least five hundred years!"

"Fourth, it is the Xinghai navigation field closely related to the technology of the starship. It is well known that five years ago, we found a chart of the ancient Xinghai navigation left by the Pangu people in the Pangu escape center deep in Kunlun. All the information about the big stars nearby!"

"The cracking, restoration and deduction of this deputy star map has not stopped even for a second in five years. Now, we have initially mastered the basic overview of the thousands of stars near the three circles of Tianyuan, Blood Demon and Meteor!"

"Finally, it is the related magic and technology of the giant soldiers!"

"Yes, we have not completely figured out the mystery of the giant soldiers, and we have not been able to develop a new giant soldier alone. We can only carry out simple assembly and transformation work. In five years, only a total of five giants were assembled. God soldiers!"

"There is too little, even if a single giant soldier is more powerful, it is impossible to decide the outcome of the war!"

"However, the magical powers, techniques, mantras, and runes that are resolved from the wreckage and magical elements of the giant gods can be widely used in various fields of aggression, especially in the refining of the crystal!"

"After using the relevant runes and magical powers of the giant gods, plus the superstring magic of the real human empire, our crystal is higher, faster, stronger, battlefield survivability and endurance combat capability than five years ago. , all have revolutionary improvements!"

Along with the opening remarks of Professor Mo Xuan, the colorful light curtains around the numerous Yuan Ying grotesques have also emerged a vast flow of information, showing hundreds of major projects and breakthroughs in tens of thousands of subdivisions. !

"It is no exaggeration to say that after five years of integration and the development of Kunlun, the comprehensive strength of the Three Realms is at least three times that of five years ago!"

Professor Mo Xuan extended three fingers to strengthen the power of his own words.

All Yuan Ying old monsters are very calm, and they have made some numbness in the past five years.

They all know that Professor Mo Xuan has not bluffed, and the overall strength has increased by three times or conservative estimates, but


Professor Mo Xuan turned his voice and said, "I think everyone is just like me. I know very well how this explosive development came about!"

“In the past five years, we have developed the areas with the lowest technical difficulty, the richest heritage, and the easiest to crack.”

"If we say that we are facing a civilized development examination paper, then now, the simplest basic questions and sub-questions in the previous paragraph have already been answered by us. These questions only account for 10 of the total score, even if they all answer Correct, it does not mean that we will pass!"

"The 90 remaining questions will never be so easy. We will be faced with a hard battle, a bad battle, and a **** battle for the next ten years. We must grind one by one, it’s impossible to be like the past. It’s been smooth in five years, and it’s mad!”

"I think everyone knows that the most important thing is to pass this exam."

"Yes, that's our volume!"

"Now we only have three big worlds. No matter the population, resources, heritage, or even the cultivation system, after all, it is too little, too weak, too thin, and how can it be done in the snail shell?"

"The development of the speed of light in the past five years has laid a solid foundation. Next, we must march into the Xinghai, march into the universe, and march into the mysterious world of 3,000 thousand!"

"Discover the new world, find new resources, exercises, magical powers and relics, and enrich the compatriots there to our camp. In the collision of different worlds, the most sparking sparks will be stirred up!"

"Only three big worlds are not enough to compete with the real human empire and the covenant alliance!"

"But if we can find seven to ten new big worlds within a hundred years and thoroughly absorb them, then it is definitely a force that cannot be underestimated by the stars, and there is also an empire and a holy A strategically balanced chip between the leagues!"

"When I am not waiting, I will fight for the night! No one knows how much time to spend roaming in the sea of ​​stars. Even if we really discover the world of human civilization, it takes a lot of time to digest and absorb them, so we have to prepare now. Get up and try to send out the first Xinghai explorers within a year!"

"This year's Yuan Ying Conference will be based on the theme of marching into the universe, mainly from three perspectives."

"First, technical perspective, marching into the universe, how to go, where to go, how to explore and lock?"

"Second, the angle of integration, if you really discover the new world, even the existence of human civilization, how to incorporate them into our system, after all, from the example of Panlong, Medicine Fork and Wu Mingming, people may not Willing to give up their independence and work with us!"

"Third, personnel perspective, such a major task, who is going to perform? The strength of these Xinghai explorers is definitely not good, but if it is the level of Yuan Ying, it involves all aspects, and it takes a whole body to move. Need to think twice and think carefully!" To be continued.

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