Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1315: 筚路蓝缕

"Below, let's first ask the well-known starship refining authority of the three circles. The Star Alliance ally, the lord of the Battle Star Alliance, speaks. He is also the general manager of the ‘Tianlu Plan’!”

"The road plan will be our first step to the universe!"

Professor Mo Xuan waved his hand and sat back to his position.

Si Yan Lie took the lead and walked to the front desk.

He is also an old acquaintance of Li Yao.

When he was in the flying star world, he once threw out the "Ice God Project" and competed with Xiao Xuance for the leading role of future development.

At that time, he was completely suppressed by Xiao Xuance, and he became an obsessive supporting role.

Unexpectedly, after more than a decade, Xiao Xuanze has already turned into a dusty dust in the Xinghai. In the following year, Si Yilie has revived the second vitality of life and has the opportunity to design more future pictures of the world!

The chief designer of the Battle Star Alliance, the chief designer of the "Benyuan", the strongest battleship in the Three Realms, was filled with strong self-confidence and hope. The waist was quite straighter than the 17-year-old boy. The hair is black and shiny, and there is no wrinkles on the face. Even the age spots are almost invisible. It is younger than Li Yao when he first saw him!

"You friends, long time gone!"

If the priest is loud and loud, full of unquestionable determination and intriguing appeal, there is no half-word nonsense except this one. "After five years of development, we finally have the strength to march into the universe and discover More big worlds!"

“The big world is a word that many ordinary people and self-cultivators often hang on their lips, but what exactly is the “big world”, many times its definition is rather vague and even contradictory!”

“As we all know, the three-dimensional universe we live in is a natural whole, there is no substantial 'barrier', separating and wrapping different 'worlds'!”

"Three thousand worlds are one-piece, continuous, and indivisible. Suppose there is a turtle that can survive and crawl in the Xinghai. It is not old and dead. Give it unlimited time. It can also slowly climb from the Tianyuan world to the meteor. The world, then 'crawling' from the flying star world to the blood demon world, does not require any means of mysterious and complicated."

"Unfortunately, there is no such thing as immortality in the world. Don't say that each of us, even our civilization, has limited time and is the most precious resource!"

"Blocking between the two worlds is not a tangible and qualitative barrier, but the most terrible distance and time in the range we know!"

"In our Tianyuan world, for example, a star system closest to us has a distance of five light years. Even if we advance at the speed of light, we must arrive for five years! Not to mention, our current technology is far from Develop to the speed of light!"

"And this is just a normal stellar system with a psionic power and no life!"

"In the Xinghai, such a stellar system is like a ox, and 99.99% of them have no signs of psionic energy and life. They cannot produce resources and treasures of heaven and earth. They are not enough to be defined as 'the big world,' at most one is the 'abandoned world'. There is no value for development and utilization!"

"From the Tianyuan world, we want to find a rich galaxies with abundant spiritual powers that can breed all things. At least a thousand light years away. With our level of civilization, we can’t reach them by conventional means. It can be said that we are Two different 'big worlds'!"

"So, in many cases, the world is not a very broad concept, but it is narrow and rigorous to the extreme, even smaller than a galaxies!"

“Like our Tianyuan galaxies, the diameter is about 50 billion kilometers, but only within the 5 billion kilometers of the core, there is plenty of psionic and habitable environment.”

"So, it can be said that the diameter of the Tianyuan galaxies is 50 billion kilometers, and the diameter of the ‘Tianyuanjie’ is only 5 billion kilometers, only one tenth of the former!”

"A multi-satellite world like the flying star world is a heterogeneous world, but the flying star world is not a collection of 'tens of galaxies', but only the tens of thousands of stellar systems. Ample space, relying on the collection of wormholes' only!"

Behind the priest, there was a pristine painting.

It was a holy, kind, motherly-inspired goddess, with a willow branch stained with dew and thrown onto the ground.

The dew was swayed by the willow branches and scattered on the ground into a crystal clear dew, shining like a pearl.

This is a myth and legend known to women and children.

In mythology, the son-in-law first squeezed out the human form with the soil, but pinching the feeling that the efficiency was too low, simply using the willow branches to lick the muddy water and dewdrops, throwing them out, throwing them where, where Produce thousands of living creatures.

"The so-called myths and legends often contain profound insights into the universe by the ancient ancestors, and they have a strong guiding significance for us today."

Si Yilie said quietly, "Look at the mud points and dewdrops that have been thrown out. If the earth is regarded as the whole universe, and every dewdrop is a big world, then we are living in 'dew beads'. Among the small microbes."

"Our ‘microbes’ are fragile to the extreme. Only in the dewdrops can we get the necessary nutrients to resist the invasion of the sun and the sand. Once we leave the dew, we will die very quickly.”

"And between the two 'dew beads', although there is no high wall deep barrier, but the distance is too far away, with a microbe short to the ultimate life, it is impossible to leave a dewdrop, crawl a few kilometers away, climb Go inside another dewdrop!"

"This is the relationship between the vast world we live on and the entire three-dimensional universe. If there is only conventional means of navigation, we are destined to be trapped in invisible and inferior, so we cannot break the wall of the speed of light." bingo!"

"Fortunately, above the three-dimensional universe, there are also wormholes between three-dimensional and four-dimensional, so that we can break the void, from a higher dimension, directly to another big world!"

The picture behind Si Yilie changed. From each dewdrop, one or dozens of colorful, colorful and colorful filaments were extended. It was like a very fine and extremely thin rainbow arc connecting all the dewdrops together. !

These rainbow arcs are wormholes.

"The wormholes in the Xinghai are limited. The space where the Xinghai can jump is also limited. It is a space channel! In the absence of certain coordinates and navigation channels, 'blind jump', nine out of ten is suicidal behavior! ”

"With so many of us, only Li Yaodao and his friends have tried the "blind jump" success, but I believe that even if he is, he is definitely not willing to come again!"

Li Yao scratched his nose a little.

Si Yilie said that he is correct. He would rather face a hundred times of Xiao Xuance, Bai Xinghe, Lu Zuo and Zhou Hengdao, and would not be willing to make another blind jump without certain coordinates and navigation channels.

And the strong enemy confrontation with Xiao Xuan, death is also a happy death, but if the blind jump fails, it is very likely to jump to the absurd universe without resources and a little bit of anger, and slowly die in the darkness and cold.

Tens of millions of light years around, there may not be their own kind, so lonely and desperate death, and then a strong heart will collapse.

"To enter the universe, the most important thing is to find and clear each channel, and then set a very high-powered 'lighthouse' at both ends of the channel, which is the star torch, and even combine countless star torches into an array. 'The Gate of the Stars' is convenient for large-scale fleets."

Si Yilie continued. "Fortunately, we humans are not the first civilization to explore the Xinghai. Before us, Pangu civilization carried out large-scale development and planning of the Three Thousand Worlds, and found the vast majority of available insects. The caves have opened up all of them into a waterway and set up a perfect network of star torch transmissions, connecting the three thousand worlds into an inseparable whole!"

"This set of Xinghai network, until the ancient times of 40,000 years ago, still plays an important role, so that the ancients with low technical ability can easily cross the sea of ​​stars and travel between different worlds."

"Unfortunately, after the civil war in the late period of the ancient era, the war between the Terran and the Yaozu, the rise of the Xinghai Empire and the war of extinction, these three catastrophic catastrophe, this set of Xinghai transportation network system is almost destroyed. !"

“To be rich, to build roads first, this is common sense that any village-level government knows.”

"The era of ancient times, regardless of the 30,000 years of the rule of the Yaozu, and the millennium of the world under the rule of the Xinghai Empire, tried to restore and strengthen these stars and waterways, although it was finally destroyed in the war, but left A large number of wreckage and remains, and many star torches just exhausted the psionic power, fell into a dormant state, and did not completely annihilate."

"Now, we rely on the inheritance of the Xinghai Empire excavated from the spider's nest star, the inheritance of the real human empire brought by the base of the immortal war, the inheritance of the Pangu civilization in the remains of the Kunlun, and the mastery of a large number of information on the ancient interstellar channel, as well as refining. The secret of the high-level star torch and the gate of the starry sky!"

"The first step to marching into the big universe is to rediscover and activate these waterways, repair the star torch where ancient civilizations were set up, and expand the door to a larger starry sky!"

"We must be like the ancient ancestors, in the Xinghai, the road to the blue dragonfly, to Kaishan forest, the whole civilization of the body, dry and broken nerves, blood vessels, one by one reconnected!"

“This is the meaning of the ‘Sky Road Plan’!”

On the light curtain behind Si Yilie, there was a glorious world, and they were closely connected by a colorful sky, and they were jointly constructed into a beautiful scene of Xinghai Wonderland.

Despite knowing that it is art processing, Li Yao and Ding Lingwei are still attracted to such a splendid future. (To be continued.)

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