Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1320: You are none other than


Professor Mo Xuan said, “Under the discovery that the cost of carrying out this task is so high, the entire team of our ‘Tianlu Plan’ has been repeatedly evaluated many times. Is it necessary to perform such a task?”

"If this mysterious world is not a regional military center of Pangu civilization hundreds of thousands of years ago, it is very likely that there are a large number of ancient civilization war relics and even 'arsenal'; if it does not cover a strange "black spot nebula" around it '; If it does not suddenly 'wake up' and call us a 'greeting'; if it is not in the right course of the Imperial Expeditionary Force, it is very likely to be scanned by the Empire and found..."

"So many 'if you', even if any one of them does not exist, maybe we will give up this task, after all, it is too complicated, too dangerous, too long, and a little twist, you will lose a precious Yuan Ying! ”

"But, these four factors overlap, like the thorns that are deeply in our eyes, so we can't ignore its existence."

"Otherwise, as if you said it, now we ignore it. After a hundred years of military dying, it is very likely that it is an army that is completely different from our prediction!"

Li Yao listened intently to the teacher's explanation, and constantly pointed and pointed on the virtual star map to estimate the distance from the Tianyuan world to the mysterious "black spot nebula" and the psionic power to be consumed.

In the heart silently calculated for a long time, Li Yao gently tapped his eyebrows and said: "If you really want to conduct such an exploration, it will be the farthest starfish jump in the history of Tianyuan, Feixing and Blood Demon. No wonder we Only the super-small starship of the 'Mars number', which is extremely light and extremely fast, can be launched!"

"However, I still have a technical problem."

"After getting a lot of Xinghai jumping technology of Pangu civilization and real human empire, our 'Tianyuan cannon', 'Blooming eye' and 'Flying star slingshot' have all been upgraded to super-class Xinghai jumping launch platform, and then targeted Sexual transformation is the ability to launch the 'Mars' to the black spot nebula beyond ten million light years."

"But how do you get back to the Mars?"

"Assume that there is a mighty, choppy river that blocks between us and our destination, and that there is a brave man of great strength. Of course, a small stone can be thrown across the river."

"But it's easy to lose it. How to let Xiaoshizi fly back is the biggest problem!"

"After all, we are going out to inspect and survey, really collect a lot of intelligence, always find a way to bring it back, if you can only jump over, but can't jump back, isn't it going to die?"

"We have all considered this issue."

Professor Mo Xuan opened a second light curtain, this time in the illusory space, is a three-dimensional design of a mysterious complex.

A variety of numbers, spiritual lines and arrays, such as the fly head and small shackles, see the stitches, the ordinary refiner looks dizzy.

Li Yao has made up the past and studied it with great interest.

"Our idea is like this"

Professor Mo Xuan pointed to the design road. "You see, this is the modified 'Mars number'. There is a special super-compressed space at the end of it. It can be imagined as a huge capacity ring. We will form a star. The torch's magic unit is housed inside."

“When the explorer jumps into the dark spot nebula, he first collects local astronomical parameters, maps the face of the nearby universe, and looks for the world that is most likely to exist and greet us.”

"After finding this big world, and then near it, look for a safe and stable jumping space, where the star torch is assembled and unfolded, and the precise coordinates of this big world are transmitted back."

"and many more."

Li Yao raised his hand. He was a professional and immediately found the problem. "The distance between the Black Spot Nebula and the Three Realms is so far, unless the large-scale Star Torch, the specific coordinate information emitted, can be successfully received by the Three Realms? Even Received, it is like a little swaying firefly in the dark night, streaked, incomplete, impossible to guide a starfish fleet jump!"

"Want to guide a large-scale Xinghai Fleet to carry out a collective jump of tens of light years, at least hundreds of star torches need to be placed in an array to form the 'gate of the stars'!"

"So many star torches are definitely not a small Mars number to carry!"

"Lee Yao, your concerns are very reasonable, and the next situation will be separated."

Professor Mo Xuan explained slowly and unhurriedly, "After discovering a new world, we need this explorer to go deep into the mysterious world and figure out the other's ethnic composition and civilization without revealing their identity. The level, the distribution of Pangu ruins, whether we are good or malicious, whether it is related to the Empire, the Holy League, the Yaozu, the Tianmo, the Pangu, the Nuwa... or other chaotic stars and celestial beings, the most important thing is why they Want to say hello to us!"

“Explorers need to gather all the intelligence and conduct a preliminary analysis on this basis.”

"In the best of circumstances, the people of this world have highly developed civilizations, have great goodwill towards us, are willing to communicate with us and even form alliances, just like the relationship between the meteor and the heavenly world."

"Then, the explorer sends back the information containing the result through the Star Torch."

"At that time, the Federation will send more Star Torch units to the coordinates of the explorer!"

"Look, the faint 'fire' separated by tens of thousands of light years may not be enough to guide a huge fleet of dozens of infants and hundreds of knots, but to guide some inanimate star torch units, but It is more than enough."

"After the transmission of the Star Torch Unit, the explorer drove the Mars, collected and assembled these magic weapons units, and assembled the second, third, and even the hundredth and two hundred star torches, and finally set up. The entire 'Starry Gate' allows our large forces to jump over and engage in deep communication with each other."

"When the big forces arrive, there must be a larger transport ship carrying a lot of magic weapons to get through the 'Starry Sky Channel', and the explorers don't have to worry about going home."

"On the other hand, if the goodwill of this world is truly undoubted, they are very likely to have a highly developed Xinghai jumping power, and maybe they can go home in their own way."

"After all, the current situation is different from when we were in the Flying Stars. At that time, we did not know the specific coordinates of the Tianyuan world. The way home is naturally very difficult."

"But now, we know the specific coordinates of Tianyuan, the blood demon, the three stars of the meteor, the astronomical parameters, etc., as long as we have a launching platform with the same number of ‘Tianyuan cannons, it is possible to come back!”

Li Yao grinds his teeth for a long time and slowly shakes his head: "I am afraid that there is not such a good thing. A highly developed good-hearted civilization, how can it sound so unreliable?"

"That is the second worst case."

Professor Mo Xuan said, "If the explorer discovers that there is a strong civilization that is extremely hostile to us, even inextricably linked with the empire, the sacred alliance, the demon, the Pangu, and so on, and the other side is deliberate. Conquering or even destroying us, the explorer will also collect all their intelligence, and then return to the 'jumping point' set in the depths of the Xinghai!"

"At that time, the explorer sent another very different signal to the Three Realms. The Three Realms got his message and sent him the same material, but it was not the magic weapon unit of the Star Torch, but the 'Booster'. Magic weapon unit."

"The so-called 'booster', you can imagine an ultra-small 'Tianyuan cannon', designed for use by the Mars, can be smashed behind the Martian's ass, plus the Mars' own star jumping Ability, you can jump back!"

Li Yao thought for a moment: "This is the second "bad" situation, and that is the ‘worst’ situation?”

"worst case"

Professor Mo Xuan said calmly, "This explorer will fall into the hands of local indigenous people."

"This is very likely to happen. After all, the other party has the ability to greet us every tens of thousands of light years. The level of civilization and cultivation is absolutely not to be underestimated. Our explorers are alone in the ignorance of the situation. I have to consider the possibility of being captured and studied by the other party."

"If this is the case, then the explorer must spit out the key intelligence of the Three Realms, especially our war potential and specific coordinate information, and end it cleanly!"

This cruel possibility allowed Li Yao and Ding Ling to be silent for a while.

"Teacher, I will summarize your request."

Li Yao slammed his face with a force, sorted out the chaotic ideas, and slowly said, "In order to explore this mysterious world, the explorers you are looking for need two big pieces."

"First, it is the long-term independent combat capability that goes deep into the enemy's back, disguising the ability to easily, fake identity, collect and analyze intelligence!"

"Second, the ability to independently assemble and repair the magic weapon! He is very likely to build a 'gate of the sky' with his own power! Although all the materials are transferred from the Three Realms, it is necessary to assemble tens of thousands of magic weapons units. Together, debugging and running is still a difficult task!"

“Not to mention, the magic weapon unit is very likely to fail after undergoing the 'broken void' and it is necessary for him to go to the inspection and repair one by one. This is not something that general refiners can do.”

“The Three Realms have the best special forces, intelligence experts and masters of Yi Rong, and they also have the best refiners and magic experts!”

"But the 'Mars' was rebuilt from the Pangu escape cabin, and only one person was approved!"

"Yuan Ying and even Jin Dan, who have the capabilities of these two fields at the same time, can count out one hand. I think there must be no more than three names on the teacher's list." (To be continued.)

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