Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1321: Zhao Wendao

Professor Mo Xuan was silent for a while and nodded: "Yes, there are not many candidates for this task, and you are the first one on the list."

"On the one hand, you have the valuable experience of exploring the stars and the blood demon world alone, which is not available to any of the three realms."

"The results of the two unrecognized risks are very good. They prove that you have all the abilities necessary for this mission. Even if there are some luck components, the new glory of the constellation of the constellation does need some luck to embark on the Xinghai hegemony. road!"

"On the other hand, you are also one of the top refiners in the Three Realms. Although not good at theoretical research, the practical ability is absolutely outstanding and can even rank among the top five!"

"This mission requires the explorer to assemble a large number of magic units, and it is also possible to carry out cumbersome and complicated maintenance work. These operations do not require too much theoretical research level, and have extremely high requirements for practical operation!"

“Integrated, you are the first person to be deserved!”

"However, I just explained to you the difficulty of this task. It is said that 'the mountain is one day, the world has been a thousand years'. Performing such a task will greatly affect your life planning and the future of the family. Impact!"

"You are not a poor boy who was not famous 20 years ago. You can sneak into the rivers and lakes. You are the core member of the 'Great God Soldiers' project. They are responsible for collating and writing the operation manual of the giant soldiers. It is equivalent to the Three Realms. The position of 'Gian Shenbing General Instructor'; under the name of 'Yoshio Group', 'Shuangyuhui', 'Tianhuo Organization' and other teams, the operation in the three real estates are very good, the business is booming; and you are married five Year, there are no children..."

"If you perform this task, it means you have to be separated from all this for at least a few decades, even hundreds of years!"

"A hundred years of agitation, the situation is changing, when you return from the alien, the Star Alliance is destined to be earth-shaking!"

"All these changes require you and Xiaoding to think about it."

"In fact, even I don't know whether to choose you to perform this task. Is it worth it? Because you can stay in the Three Realms, you can also play an irreplaceable role. Maybe you can create more value than exploring Xinghai. !"

"So, even if you and Xiao Ding are deliberate and refuse to perform this task, I will definitely support your decision. You can arrange some relatively close and less difficult worlds to explore!"

"This is my true heart. Perhaps you are better off as a 'spiritual symbol' in the federation. You can gain more reputation, status, wealth and resources than you go to the depths of the Xinghai. The federal creates more stable value."

"This jade slip contains all the research materials about the mysterious world since we received the mysterious signal. You and Xiao Ding may wish to take a good look at it, and carefully consider all aspects of the factors, and then reply to us not later than this. Anxious for a moment."

Li Yao hesitated for a moment, and took over the jade, the little jade of the jade shape was pinched in the palm of his hand, but it seemed to have a thousand weights.

After thinking about it, Li Yao asked the last question: "Teacher, this is really too complicated. I need time and Ding Bell to think about it! But one thing I am very curious about, can you tell me on your short list? There are a few candidates, who else besides me?"

Li Yao’s heart gave birth to a small arrogance.

He really wants to know who, besides him, has the ability to perform such a task.

Professor Mo Xuan’s crystal eyes sparkled with a magnificent radiance. He said slowly: “I just said that there are still many names on the list, which is to lie to you. There are only two names on the list.”


Li Yao’s eyes flashed, "Who is there?"

"It's me."

Professor Mo Xuan stretched out a liquid metal tentacles and pointed to himself. "I put myself on the second overall position on the list. If you don't go, I will definitely go. It is not necessary, and the third is discharged. A name."


Li Yao was shocked. "You, you have to give up everything, go deep into the Dark Nebula?"

"Why, do you think I can't compare with you?"

Professor Mo Xuan smiled, and the sound of Gujing’s waveless voice contained strong self-confidence. “In five years, you are rushing in arrogance, and others will not stand still. At least, compared with five years ago, it happened to be reborn. Variety!"

"The liquid metal body is not only as simple as consuming the crystal brain, it can also be used in combat, and it can also play an unexpected role!"

"Of course, I am a creative self-cultivator, and how to cultivate, the combat power is better than you."

"But this exploration mission is based on latent penetration and intelligence gathering. It does not necessarily need to be killed with the enemy. My ever-changing form is not a favorable condition."

"What's more, after I swallowed the Xinghai and the astrology, the computing power is stronger than you. It is more advantageous than you in calculating the astronomical parameters, deducing jumping coordinates, collecting and analyzing intelligence, etc."

"Why can't I go?"

Li Yao face red and red, and waved again and again: "I, I don't mean this, I mean, you really went, what should Yuan teacher do?"

Li Yao refers to the wife of Professor Mo Xuan, the former head of the refining department of the Great Wild Warfare, and the famous federal refiner Yuan Yuqiu.

Yuan Manqiu is also the first teacher in real sense after Li Yao accepted the systematic refining technique. ,

The original mysterious warfare was from the hands of Yuan Manqiu and Li Yao.

"She will understand and support me, I know."

Professor Mo Xuan said calmly that there is a lack of emotions in the ordinary voice.

"But why?"

Li Yao really can't figure it out. "Teacher, do you know how important it is to the future development of the Three Realms? You are now the president of the Federal Association of Refiners. For the next 100 years, there are countless super magic projects waiting for you to lead. Why are you living in danger and carrying out such dangerous tasks!"

"I don't believe that I can't find a third candidate for this task. I can't do it. I can also retreat to the next best. I choose a super-powerful person with outstanding ability in one aspect, and then temporarily train him another. The ability of the aspect, with the calculation power, understanding and learning ability of the Yuan Ying series, the intensive training for one and a half years is enough!"

Professor Mo Xuan chuckled and said: "Lee Yao, you made a mistake. The reason why I put myself on the second place in the shortlist is not for the sake of the future, just for myself. It's not 'I have to go for the federal', just a simple 'I want to go'!"

"You want to go..."

Li Yao lived and silently recited these three words several times, as if he understood something.

"Of course I want to go!"

Professor Mo Xuan’s fascinating light in the depths of his soul has been unable to carry the strong crystal eye, and he has embarrassed Mars.

The sound is like echoing between the stars, deep, ethereal and strong. "A mysterious world deep in the depths of the Xinghai is likely to contain a large number of ancient civilization secret treasures hundreds of thousands of years ago. The scale is bigger than the 'Kunlun'. Times!"

"There is the possibility of lurking the most dangerous enemies, the Empire, the Holy Alliance, the Devil, the Pangu! There may also be powerful potential allies, such as another comprehension civilization that struggles in the dark universe, even once The female Yi who fought side by side with humans!"

"All the answers are hidden in the fog, waiting for us to explore and explore!"

“For a self-cultivator, is there something more interesting than this?”

"I am a dead and resurrected person. My second life was originally born in the Starry Storm. As long as I can see the infinite wonder of this mysterious world, even if life is once again annihilated in the Xinghai, what else? What about the relationship?"

“The ancients often said, ‘When you hear the news, you can die in the evening’, maybe that’s what it means!”

"So, Li Yao, you know, if you are more suitable than me to perform this task, I will never put you on the first pick of the list!"

"Even now, I strongly hope that you can refuse this task and give me this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"Go, think about it with your wife, tell me the answer, I am waiting for you!"

Professor Mo Xuan waved his hand and ignored Li Yao. He and Si Yilie returned to the small world of the “Day Road Plan”.


Over the vast wilderness, between the thin clouds, the sun has just risen, covering the clouds with a wave of light and flames intertwined with gold and red.

Li Yao and Ding Ling held their hands and walked in the clouds, overlooking the cities under their feet that were smaller than the matchbox.

"We seem to have returned 20 years ago."

Ding Ling said with a smile, "Do you still remember that day? At that time, you were seriously injured in the "Extreme Survival Challenge" on Konja Island, comatose, tearing, and being a waste!"

"of course I remember!"

Li Yao’s eyes sparkled. “At that time, everyone didn’t believe me, thinking that I would be devastated, and I would sink to the bottom. When I barely wake up, no one cares about me; only you believe me, stay with me all day. Not woke up to me, I also made a special trip to the Red Dragon II to find me, then took me to the clouds, overlooking the entire land, guiding my depressed mood, encouraging me to re-energize, stride forward!"

"Right, I remember that you brought a lot of delicious food that day, what sausages, roast chicken, ham, hooves and the like, scared me!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Ding Ling yelled at his hips. "Is it a very deep impression on you, and since then you have fallen in love with your sister?" (To be continued.)

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