Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1322: Ding Ling's choice


Li Yao touched the back of his head in some embarrassment, but after seeing the fierce light in his wife's eyes, he immediately focused on it. "Yes, that's it!"

"This is almost the same!"

Ding Ling smiled with satisfaction and took Li Yao's hand. The two feet stepped on the steps that the spirit could condense and walked to the end of the cloud.

They are like standing on the edge of an imaginary cliff, overlooking the vast expanse of land and the vast expanse of the sky.

After a long silence, Li Yao finally said with a hard time: "What do you think about the task of exploring the Dark Nebula today?"

Ding Ling narrowed his eyes, and the palms slowly moved in the sunlight, as if to pick up a stream of rivers of light, saying: "I am just a simple warrior, not too much about these things involving refining equipment and intelligence. Understand, you said first!"

"I feel that this task must be implemented, even if you pay the price of a Yuan Ying! If you don't go, the risk may be too high. If you go, you may find a more spectacular relic than Kunlun. Even Pull to a strong ally!"

Li Yao’s remarks were obviously repeated on the road to the cloud. At this moment, the teacher is definitely not the best choice.

"I am not worried that he will fail, but he is the "Xing Ling", who controls the most powerful super crystal brain in the Three Realms, and is responsible for countless revolutionary magic projects. He is the future of the Three Realms in the next 100 years. The mainstay of the development of the magic weapon, no he can't!"

"Other people, I am reluctant to think of a few, for example, the Secretary of the Secret Sword Bureau, over the spring breeze."

"As the 'three strongest Jin Dan', he has four talents in the field, it is a good candidate! First of all, the intelligence gathering work is his old business, this is very familiar; and he is also a A good refiner, after a year and a half of intensive training, will be able to master the repair and assembly of the 'Star Gate'."

"But if you choose a big brother, it is the same problem. His role on the federal secret front is also irreplaceable. Especially the appearance of the imperial and sacred people is the same as ours. It has to penetrate into the federal government. It is much better than the past. The Yaozu is even easier."

"Intelligence and reverse osmosis work is destined to be the top priority of the future battle!"

"Moreover, the big brother is far from the realm of Yuan Ying. After all, there is still a line of distance. It is really a juncture. This line is very likely to cause big trouble. Let him go, it is not very safe!"

"Other Yuan Ying, most of them are specialized in a certain field. It is necessary to strengthen the training to master the skills of another field, or a little bit more reluctant."

Ding Ling 铛 "噗嗤" smiled: "Speaking for a long time, that is, Wang Po sells melons, self-selling and boasting, I feel that this task is not yours, no you can't do it?"

Li Yao’s face blushed: “It’s not the meaning, but I am more suitable than Professor Mo Xuan and the big brother. The most important point is that I feel that I am staying in the Federation. It seems that I will not play too much in the next 100 years. effect."

"Although I am a core member of the Giant Gods Project, we have assembled five giant soldiers. Whether it is the assembly process or the driving principle, all have a systematic operation manual. If you want to further study, It involves the most advanced theoretical areas."

"Not just a giant soldier, the same is true of other magic weapons."

"You know, I am good at the actual operation, and I don't know anything about the cutting-edge cutting-edge theory. The role that can be played back is very small."

"Yao Shi Group, Shuangyuhui and Tianhuo Organization, the same is true. I have a large number of shares in name, but in fact it is the shopkeeper!"

"Yao Shi Group handed over to the elders of the Wu Ma Yan family, and Xiong Wuji together; the double sisters are now my brother brother Peng Hai personally fencing; Tianhuo organization has fire ant king and Jin Xinyue dual leadership! They are managing And the ability to operate is more than a hundred times stronger than me. Even without me, these three groups will thrive!"

"I want to go and think that I am in the current Federation, it is like a mascot. If I leave for a while, it will not have much impact on the development of the Federation?"

Speaking of this, Li Yao suddenly made a "crack", hesitated for a long time before whispering: "I think that from all aspects, I am the best choice, the only problem is you."

"You just saw the information you just saw. Looking for a mysterious world in the Dark Nebula is like groping an embroidery needle in a dark swamp. It might take decades or even hundreds of years!"

"Although we have all been promoted to the realm of Yuan Ying, the vitality of the cells is extremely powerful. As long as there is no big war in the past 100 years, and the life is not indiscriminate, the bodily functions will maintain a vigorous vitality. Compared with the present, it will not change much. ""

"However, it will last for a hundred years!"

"So, I need to hear your opinion, I hope you can help me decide!"

"Wife, if you think that I am the most suitable person, then I will go; if you do not agree with me, then we can go to the teacher now and refuse this task!"

Ding Ling took the palm of his hand to the front, staring at his man through the crystal clear light, and chuckled: "I decided, so obedient?"

"That is!"

Li Yaoyi clap, "He is not as big as his wife!"


Ding Ling smiled and said, "I can answer you seriously and solemnly now. If your reasons are just those words, then I don't agree with you!"


Li Yao is dumbfounded.

"Why, do you think that I will be very pleasing to the fullest?"

Ding Ling snorted and slammed Li Yao’s chest. "In fact, I think Professor Mo Xuan said something quite right. Li Yao, don’t think too much about yourself. Who is leaving the world? Can't you? You must be out of the limelight for everything, and every problem must be solved by you?"

"Whether Professor Mo Xuan is still a big brother of Spring Breeze, or even another special training for Yuan Ying for a year and a half, it is really not as good as you, and it is absolutely impossible to perform such a task? Are you so powerful?"

"Maybe, they will be able to perform this task more beautifully than you!"

"As for the vacancies left after they left, this is not a problem. I don't believe it. Tianyuan, Feixing and the blood monsters add up to tens of billions of people. They can't find two secrets. Who is the president of the Association of Refiners?"

Every time Ding Lingyu said a word, he poked heavily on Li Yao’s chest and poked Li Yao’s mouth and sighed.

At this time, Ding Ling's palm was gently rubbed in Li Yao's chest, whispered: "In short, the federation can have countless superheroes, you are not the first one, not the last one, even if you hide at home. Sleeping, the sky will not collapse, the earth will not fall, the end of the world will not come!"

"But I only have one husband and I am too lazy to find a second one."

"You are not so important to the Federation, but you are very important to me, understand?"

"So, if it's just those reasons, then my answer is this. I don't agree. I don't agree! If you dare to fool you with the reason of the 'national justice', 'sacrifice spirit' and so on, I Punch his head!"

"You have done enough for the Federation, even if there is really something ‘the responsibility of the comprehension,’ it’s already finished!”

Li Yao was said to be speechless by his wife, and he was in the clouds for a time.

I pondered and thought that there was something in my wife’s words: "If you just have those reasons, you disagree, that is, if for other reasons, would you agree?"

Ding Ling grinned, suddenly no head and no brain: "Lee Yao, thank you."

Li Yao became more and more strange: "What do you thank me for?"

"Do you know, in fact, a long time ago, before I met you, even after I met you for a long time, I thought that I would not get married in my life."

Ding Ling opened his arms and the whole person melted in the golden sunshine. He said, "After all, my character is what you know. I am so rude, and I like to take risks and kill. I am keen on the brains of the beast." Hit it out, once you practice madly, you won’t rest for three days and three nights, and nothing can be taken care of!”

"I used to think about what kind of man would accept such a wife? Most men still prefer the kind of quiet, the woman who got the kitchen under the hall, not my madness. Type?"

"But after so many years of marriage, you have been very supportive of me, whether I join the experimental cultivation program with great danger coefficient, or live ammunition and intensive monster killing, even at the edge of the gravitational circle near the pulsar, slightly no Cautiously, it will be inhaled and compressed into a little smaller than dust. You have not stopped me."

"When I report these cultivating subjects to you, I can see the worry in your eyes, but you have not stopped it at one time, but instead put on a relaxed face to encourage me to tell me why?"

Li Yao’s face is redder than the burning cloud. He touched his nose and said, “What’s the reason for this? It’s all you want to do, you can get happiness from these things, realize your dreams, and even find life. True meaning!"

"I am your husband, of course, to support your wife, to do whatever she wants, to bloom and shine!"

Ding Lingxiao smiled heartily.

The sun once again appeared behind her, sketching her golden silhouette, and stretching her pair of wings behind her.

"This sentence is also what I want to say to you!"

Ding Ling said, "So, in the case just now, if your reason is just 'the country needs me to go', then I will never agree, the country does not need you, I need you!"

"I want to get my support, unless your reason has nothing to do with what country, planet, civilization, future and other magnificent things, just a simple 'I want to go!' (to be continued). )

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