Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1326: Colonization

Su Changfa sat on his knees and said: "You know, I am a real human empire, and I am a university. The main research field of our colonization is to expand the territory of the empire and achieve colonization and conquest in every big world. Today, I I will pass on some of these little experiences to you."

"Tell me, Li Yao, what do you think is the most important and precious resource in the universe?"

Li Yao indulged for a moment: "Psychic? Mine vein? Tiancai Dibao? I am afraid it is not that simple?"


Su Changfa smiled slightly. "The psionic energy, the veins and the heavenly treasures are important, but if they lack two other resources, they will not be able to maximize their value."

“I tell you that the most important resource in the vast universe is time and information.”

“Time means the possibility of development, and information means the direction of development.”

"For the simplest example, the real human empire and the constellation of the Xingyao are now in a hostile state. There is an imperial fleet that is far above the federal power and is killing you!"

"If this empire expedition fleet can appear in front of you in an instant, the federation is almost impossible to resist, and it will be defeated!"

"Unfortunately, the almost infinite sea of ​​stars is itself the best barrier. This expedition fleet needs at least a hundred years to appear in front of you, and the information of the 'expeditionary army is coming' is unfortunately I am known by you."

"So in this hundred years, you can carry out targeted development and evolution. When it really comes, the outcome will become unknown!"

“This is the importance of the valuable resource of ‘time’.”

"And it takes a hundred years to arrive, because it doesn't know your specific coordinates, the 'information'!"

"Time and information, complement each other and influence each other, determine how far a civilization can go and how strong it can be!"

"So, in the contact, exchange and even confrontation of different civilizations, how to hide and disguise their own information, and maximize the collection of the other's information, has become the key to success!"

"In our Imperial Colonial University, there is a school motto that has been passed down for nearly a thousand years. Don't underestimate the indigenous people on any planet. No matter how backward or weak he seems, he must not be exposed in front of the indigenous people until he has no absolute security. Any information about us!"

"Indigenous people are very dangerous. Once they get our information, plus the hundreds of years that the Xinghai barrier has won, who knows how far they can develop, how much trouble can the Empire!"

"Look, I am the best example of myself."

Su Changfa pointed to himself and smiled bitterly. "It is no problem to tell you honestly. When exploring the world of indigenous civilization, we have a whole set of operating procedures, accurate to every detail, and can thoroughly integrate ourselves into the indigenous world. The key information, the ability to accurately assess the level of local civilization, and determine 'harmless' will determine the next step."

"If we are directly at the Flying Stars, before we launch a Thunder strike, you don't even want to discover our existence!"

"Oh, because we landed the remains of the Pangu civilization far from the meteor, and were stunned by the wild battlefield there, it will be deceived by your disguise, causing irreparable consequences."

"It can be seen that the awkwardness of the indigenous people has nothing to do with the level of civilization. Even if the civilization is backward, the indigenous people may emerge with such a despicable, treacherous and sinister existence, and conceal the explorers from more advanced civilizations! ”

Li Yao coughed a few times: "Thank you!"

Su Changfa said with a face: "In the conquest and expansion of the last millennium, our real human empire gradually summed up the standardization process of opening up a new world. There are four main steps, namely, penetration, observation, interference and transmission!"

“The first step is infiltration, which is disguised as a local indigenous identity. It is the most important step in the seamless integration of local civilization. It is absolutely impossible to let the other party know about our existence.”

"Because there is no absolute goodwill civilization in the Xinghai with limited resources, we must assume that any civilization is initially malicious and can guarantee our own security to the greatest extent possible."

"The presumption of innocence is not applicable in this place."

"First assume that a civilization is malicious, as a starting point, silently observe the civilization, resources, armament strength, high-end force of the civilization in the dark, and finally determine whether it has the strength to impose its 'malicious' on us, and when we How much will it cost to impose 'malicious' on it?"

"This is the second step, observe."

“In general, the big world, which is worth investing a lot of time and resources to 'observe', has a certain strength, and in their 'home court', it is not so easy to be conquered.”

"That's the third step, interference."

"The so-called 'interference' is to mobilize the resources of the world and explore a state of meaningless internal friction through the ability of the explorer itself."

"For example, we can use the magic weapon that transcends the ages of this civilization to provoke the strong infighting within the civilization."

"For example, we can incite the civilized and ambitious warlords and civil war with the leading civilized government."

"For example, we can release the plague and the encephalovirus, and even summon a ‘small robbing’ from the empire, so that the civilization is caught in a series of natural disasters.”

"In short, before the arrival of the Imperial Army, do your best to consume the strength of the civilization, disrupt and even kill their evolutionary path!"

"The 'Missing of the Immortals' that once broke out in the space of the stars is a kind of 'interference'. By establishing the longevity hall, provoking the ambitions of Yan Yan and Xiao Xuan, etc., the development of the flying star world has been greatly delayed. Speed, even has entered the fourth step 'transfer'!"

"That was originally a textbook-level empire colonization classic case, I did not expect the last moment, was slashed out by you, hard interrupted, boiled into a pot of raw rice!"

"Oh, yes, there is the fourth step of 'transfer', that is, to establish the gate of the starry sky, transfer the coordinates of the destination, and find a way to let the local army jump over in an instant!"

"It seems the easiest step, but how the door of the starry sky is built, where it is built, etc., there is still a lot of attention, bit by bit, all learning!"

"Infiltration, observation, interference and transmission, seemingly quite arduous tasks, but because they are sent out to act as Xinghai explorers, they are often the strongest of the Yuan Ying series. This level is no matter which big world it appears in. Super-class masters, it is not difficult to break into the core circle of the other party. A little subtotal, a big world will be at hand!"

Li Yao Yue was more shocked and heard a word: "Don't compare our federation with your empire. What you want is conquest. What we want is integration! We are going out to find allies, if the other party is not willing to join the federation." Big family, we will never be reluctant!"

"Convergence and conquest are just two translations of meaning."

Su Changfa smiled and said, "The reason why you choose what 'integration' is simply because the time left for you is too small, only a hundred years, and your long-range strike and force delivery ability is too weak. It is not enough to conquer a new world across a million light years. Even if it is barely conquered, it will not be absorbed and absorbed!"

"If you have a super fleet like the empire, you can slowly digest and absorb it for hundreds of years, when a rich and fat new world is presented to you, and the above-mentioned indigenous Yelang arrogant, arrogant to you, refuse to "integrate" with you. You will not use a little bit of force to 'accelerate its civilization process'?"

Li Yao said nothing, too lazy to discuss these hypothetical problems with Su Changfa, a repentant and unrepentant.

“Even if you are really so ‘innocent,’ then at least the two steps of “infiltration” and “observation” are essential to learn the essence of Imperial Colonial University!”

The old man sighed. "Although I can't wait to take you back and forth, I really don't want to see you fall into the hands of the indigenous people in the dark nebula. They will be in each of your brain cells. The information is squeezed out!"


Li Yao touched his nose and asked.

"Don't you just say that?"

Su Changfa squinted at him. "The destruction of your Starry Federation is not related to me, but the fate is that you are not only holding your own information, but also a lot of information about the real human empire!"

"If the dark nebula is deep, there is really a very powerful and malicious civilization. When it devours the Starry Federation, it will certainly analyze a lot of information about the real human empire. Do you think that it will let the empire pass? ”

"Even, when it squeezes out all the information from your mind, maybe the first thing to devour is the empire, not the federation."

"After all, the empire is a hundred times more affluent than the federal government. It is more attractive to predators in the universe!"

Li Yao’s “嘿嘿” laughed: “So, is it possible that we are exploring the action this time, which may drag down the empire?”


Su Changfa stared at him coldly.

"That's so sorry, sorry!"

Li Yao said without apologetic.

"No need to apologize."

Su Changfa sighed. "Follow me to study hard. The empire has spent thousands of years accumulating the essence of colonization. For the sake of the empire, I hope that you can explore this action smoothly, and you will succeed!" (To be continued.)

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