Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1327: Everything is ready

Three months passed, one minute and one second passed.

When the super-transmission platform "Tianyuan cannon" located in the depths of the wilderness was being transformed with the new technology of Pangu civilization inheritance and cultivation of immortals, Li Yao was also madly absorbing various kinds of knowledge, technology and magical powers.

He is like a piece of steel, the density has reached the limit, but under the action of extreme heat and high pressure, the new metal composition, and a little bit hard into the body!

At four in the morning, Kunlun, fifty times gravity, fighting skill field.

The general monk Dan, under such gravity, a little high-intensity cultivation for a while, it will be staggered like alcoholism.

On Li Yao's hands and feet, he wore ultra-dense metal load-bearing modules with a weight of several tons, and then tied together with a very tough beast.

Every time you punch or kick, you must first overcome the drag of the load module and the strong **** of the monster!

Ding Ling and the iron **** Yanba, left and right, attacking him, bombarding him!

He is like a ball that can't be slipped, and he whirls in the battlefield. The psionic shield of the whole body changes hundreds of different forms every second, to the most perfect. The angle to meet the opponent's attack, so that the gestures of the heavy, smashing bombardment, all "slid" from his psionic shield!

For three minutes, despite the hundreds of punches of two refining masters, they relied on such a strange defense method, still standing still, and the corner of the mouth evoked a confident smile.

"Three minutes is coming!"

Li Yao smashed his mouth, and Zhou Lingling suddenly sharpened up and turned into an invisible wind blade, which would tie the hands and feet of the monsters and shackles.

The palms and soles of the feet, as if they were "wilting" in an instant, caused the ring-bearing module to fall off from the hands and feet. He rolled up a strong wind and flew to the wall of the fighting field. Deeply embedded in the wall, the entire battlefield was shaken.

"Hey! Hey!"

Rid of the weight-bearing module and the **** of the beast, Li Yao easily smashed hundreds of jabs.

The fist condenses in the air, gathers and does not scatter, and continues to extend forward, as if from his arm, he has pulled out hundreds of snakes!

"Next, it's my turn to attack!"

In the last second, Li Yao was still jumping and warming up. In the next second, he seemed to split from the middle and split directly into two people. At the same time, he rushed to Ding Ling and Iron God!

On the dull and hot fighting field, the screams of sizzling sounds again, even though the wall was half a meter thick, the outside staff still had the feeling of rupture of the eardrum.

At 7:00 in the morning, the Kunlun Synchronous Orbit and the Star Torch Assembly simulated the test field.

In the darkness of the universe, Li Yao is wearing a set of eight ring-shaped telescopic prosthetic limbs, like a spider-like engineering crystal, floating quietly.

Beside him, there are hundreds of magic weapons units and hundreds of thousands of magic weapon components that can connect these units together.

Li Yao’s gods followed the eight spiritual and prosthetic limbs, and the source of the tide continued to spread around. It was like a shadowless invisible shackle that gently wrapped all the elements of the magic weapon.


A dark red glow appears on the outside of each magic weapon component and unit.

They are like being given life by Li Yao, and they are involved in a whirlpool of turbulence, attracting each other, combining them together, slowly showing the prototype of the star torch, and every detail of the prototype is visible to the naked eye. Speed ​​sketching completed

When several large modules were assembled, Li Yao instantly cut into them, and his hands were turned into two colorful clusters of light. From the fingers, a line of spirits was shot, and all the modules were deep, and the fingers were used to manipulate the spirit. In the way of silk, fine-tuning the internal structure of each module and carefully connecting them together.

Until the end, a "Cosmic Lighthouse" star torch with a length of more than 50 meters and eight umbrella-shaped metal mesh lightwave transceivers in different directions appeared in the universe!

"Time, one hour twenty-two thirty-five seconds!"

When this number appeared on the staff's crystal light curtain, the entire simulation test field came with a burst of exclamation.

With one's own strength, the assembly and commissioning of a super-sized super-star torch can be completed, but it can reduce the time-consuming to one and a half hours!

Those who are eligible to appear in this simulation test site are all top three refining experts.

But they all have to admit that looking at the Three Realms, in addition to Li Yao, it is really difficult to find a second refiner, you can pick up such a speed, have such proficiency and precision!

"Lee Yao, doing very well, how do you feel!"

Professor Mo Xuan asked.

"Feel? I don't know."

Li Yaodao, "My ten fingers, I have no feeling!"

At 11:30, Kunlun, a canteen dedicated to Li Yao.

In front of Li Yao, a monster with a hill-sized size, "Ki Qiu Xiang", has been smoked and shiny, and the fragrance is fragrant.

If the person who smells this taste for the first time is definitely the index finger, the saliva is DC.

However, Li Yao, who has been using the dragon liver phoenix and the delicious duck for a few months, has some headaches.

Looking at the pile of meat hills higher than the three-story building, Li Yao no expression, eyes continually beating, cold sweat on his forehead, faintly watching the fire ant king.

"Don't look at me so sadly, do you know how much effort we have put in order to modulate this kind of 'high-energy odd-angle elephant'?"

The fire ant Wang said with a smile, "This is the best food that has been tried and tested hundreds of times to succeed. After genetic modulation, each piece of the flesh and blood of the odd-horned image contains a very high psionic power. It is simply Eat the spar!"

"Even before the hibernation, the bears know that they should eat as much as possible to store fat and energy, not to mention that you are likely to hibernate for decades. The storage space on the Mars is mostly used to carry the star torch. And with a variety of equipment, you can save more of your own, it will reduce the logistical burden!"

"Don't worry, eat slowly, there is something barbecue!"

At 3:30 in the afternoon, Kunlun, Li Yao's private crystal conversion room.

Although Li Yao is a super-class giant warrior, this mission, he is not prepared to carry giant soldiers.

The shape of the giant **** soldier is too big. In the case that the Qiankun ring technology has not achieved breakthrough development and cannot expand the storage space, it is difficult to compress the giant soldier into a ring.

Even if the giant soldiers can be dismantled and become an independent magic weapon unit, it is too much trouble to assemble a little bit when it comes to the enemy.

I really met Yuan Ying and even higher enemies. I haven't assembled one arm of the giant soldier yet. The flying sword opposite has already made Li Yao a headshot.

Moreover, the giant soldiers have extremely high requirements for the logistics system. After each fierce battle, almost all major repairs must be carried out. It is impossible for Li Yao to rely on himself to complete the maintenance, repair and psionic filling of the giant soldiers.

The most important point is that the giant soldiers are so big, ten or twenty meters high, it is difficult to move quietly under the eyes of the enemy.

The inch is long and the ruler is short. The giant soldier is indeed a weapon of the gods in the sky and sea, but it does not mean that the emergence of giant soldiers will lead to the exit of the crystal stage.

These are two different kinds of magic weapons for different purposes. In the future battlefield, they are destined to be mixed and coexist for a long time.

Li Yao prepared for this mission, in addition to an engineering spider "black spider" used to assemble the Star Torch, there are three sets of mysterious warfare for different purposes.

In fact, the mysterious warfare that belongs to Li Yao now has not been related to the mass production of the original mysterious warfare more than ten years ago, but has become a kind of existence like "series name".

These three sets of mysterious warfare are the crystallization of dozens of top crystal masters, including Li Yao, Professor Mo Xuan and the experts of the crystal star in the flying star world.

Even in the refining of the road, and the great battlefield of the Great Decade, there are many masters of the deep-sea university refining system, and they also participate in it, providing valuable suggestions and opinions from different angles.

In order to improve the survival ability of Li Yao alone in the foreign world, the most important thing is not the crystal scorpion itself, but another set of three-dimensional printing refiner furnace system that the refinery engineers dubbed the "treasure chest".

Relying on this psionic jet and three-dimensional printing refiner furnace, it is possible to "refin" or "print" the magic weapon components necessary for the maintenance of the wafer in the shortest time.

Even some of the basic models of the relatively simple structure, after putting the corresponding raw materials, can be directly "printed" out and molded at one time.

It is like a treasure chest in mythology and legend, which can be continuously ejected like a magic weapon.

"Treasure Box" is in hand, even if it falls to the barren and barren land, Li Yao can quickly establish a basic crystal repair shop.

7:20 in the evening.

Kunlun, Li Yao's private house.

Li Yao and Su Changfa, a comprehension and a cultivator, tea and boiled wine, sitting and talking.

Su Changfa’s true disciple has not yet decided whether to become a self-cultivator or a younger Lv Qingchen, who will serve two people next to him, with big eyes flashing and thinking.

This is the condition for Su Changfa to open.

He is willing to pass on the valuable experience of the Imperial Colonial University in the development of Xinghai to Li Yao. As a transaction, he hopes that during the three months of his career, Lv Dengchen, his only true disciple, can attend.

"My disciple, Lu Xiaochen, has his own opinions in the direction of the Tao, and he is not willing to be easily influenced."

"Li Yao, my philosophy is very different from ours. The communication between us will surely collide with a brilliant spark."

"Let my disciples attend the audition and personally feel the collision between the comprehension and the Xiuxian Avenue. It may be helpful to his heart and help."

"If you believe that the road to comprehension is right, then such an auditor may be able to pull him back to the right path!" (To be continued.)

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