Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1328: Life heritage

Su Chang said this to his share, Li Yao could not find a reason for rejection. [??network

What's more, he is also interested in Lu Qingchen, a mysterious teenager who stands out from the crowd but is incompatible with the whole world.

Lv Dengchen’s grandfather, Lu drunk, is the deepest, most terrible, but also the most sad opponent Li Yao has ever encountered.

He can be regarded as a "cultivator" who is born and raised in the Federation. It is proved by his own actions that everyone has an abyss hidden in the bottom of his heart. A **** demon, if he is slightly careless, will fall into a situation where he will never return.

Now, Lu drunk has already fallen to the law, and Lu’s adoptive father is also serving a sentence in the mine star prison on the edge of the flying star.

The Federation does not engage in the establishment of the Zhulian Jiu. Lv Qingchen’s biological parents are the heroes who sacrificed their lives in the beast of the beast. This account is naturally not as good as Lu.

Lv Qingchen became a true disciple of Su Chang, and this incident was not thought of by Li Yao.

However, after carefully reviewing the background of Lu Chenchen, he felt that he would swing between the two avenues, which is quite normal.

Li Yao and the authorities did not prevent Su Chang from recruiting true disciples.

On the one hand, this kind of thing can't be stopped by blocking. Even if people don't reveal the real "mental relationship" on the bright side, can't they secretly teach and confuse in the dark?

Roughly blocking, it will only show its weakness, and it will prevent a lighter face on the bright side, which will only lead more young people to sneak into the door of Su Chang.

Since I decided to take Su Chang as a "reverse teaching material", this point must still be there. Moreover, from the relationship between Su Chang and Lv Dengchen, we can see the model of the immortal inheritance, the future and the real human empire. Struggle is more beneficial.

Aside from the ideological disputes, Lu Guangchen, who grew up and was trained by Lv, was indeed a young man with outstanding ability.

After Ding Lingyu gathered a large number of members of the "Patriot Organization" members and rebuilt the "Patriot Front", Lu Qingchen joined the organization.

Ding Lingwei is a martial artist. Apart from his strong personal appeal, he has neither the ability nor the interest and the time and energy for organizational construction and management.

Most of the time, these jobs are handed over to the appropriate talents of the family, which naturally includes Lu Qingchen.

In just a few years, he has not graduated from the university. He has already played a pivotal role in the Patriot Front. Now he is the propaganda officer of the "Public Federal Association" outside the Patriot Front, and is a rising star.

Li Yao was not warned or wary of this young boy because Lv Qingchen was raised by Lu drunk.

Is it not too ridiculous to cultivate and position to his degree, if you still have to be deeply jealous of a college student in his early twenties?

Since Lv Qingchen hopes to understand his comprehension and Xiuxian Avenue and make his own choices, Li Yao is also willing to fulfill his prudent and research spirit.

Li Yao is full of confidence in Xiuzhen Avenue and firmly believes that Lu will be the most correct choice.

Today is the last lesson of Li Yao and Su Chang in the "Teletics".

“Before you arrive in an exotic country, you must disguise yourself as a native of indigenous civilizations and mix in to observe their social form and strength! So, what kind of identity is appropriate?”

Su Chang asked.

“If possible, it is best to pretend to be on the edge of local civilization radiation, and the semi-open population is more appropriate.”

Li Yao returned.


Su Changmei pointed out.

"After the explosive exhibition of the Xinghai Empire era, the three thousand worlds have long been highly developed and prosperous. Even after the tragic war of 'the end of the day', the Xinghai Empire has completely collapsed, but it has left countless relics and secret treasures."

Li Yaozhen talked, "Relying on these relics and secret treasures, even if there is only one planet in the world, it is easy to exhibit a strict organizational structure and advanced social form!"

"In such a vast world, in the prosperous area of ​​the civilized center, the population is dense, the government is tightly controlled, the family is inherited, and a peerless person emerges suddenly. It is certain that someone will trace the source and explore his teacher and origin. It is easy. Dewy stuffed!"

"So, if possible, disguised as a master from the edge of this civilization, the wilderness of the wilderness, on the one hand is not easy to find flaws, on the other hand can also reduce the other party's vigilance, more conducive to collecting the other party's intelligence."

"Why must we appear as a peerless powerhouse, can we not pretend to be a city-small people who are not amazing?"

Su Chang’s eyelids flashed and he continued to ask.


Li Yaodao, "The world of elephants, ants will never understand. If disguised as an unknown city, how can it be possible to clearly understand the high-end combat power and political core of the world in a very short time?"

"There is only two ways to get to know the true strength of a world."

"Either look for a high-end force in the world, secretly attack and replace it and act in his capacity."

"Either, it is from the wilderness of the world, and gradually enters the core circle of the world as a wilderness master."

"If you cut into the core circle of the other party, you will be able to see the overall strength of the other party?"

Su Chang smiled and continued to ask.

"Not necessarily, if this big world has been in a state of calm and calm, then the masters of the parties will not lie, even if everyone can sit down and cook together, talk and laugh, they may not be able to see their true strength."

Li Yao shook his head.

"If so, what should I do?"

Su Chang asked the most crucial point.

"If this is the case, we must find ways to intensify contradictions and change the state of calm."

Li Yao calmly said, "The most common and best way to use it is to use the fake ‘treasure’ or ‘remains’ to seduce each other’s masters!”

"Explorers can prepare a batch of vivid fake secrets in advance, and even incorporate some real secrets of the Xinghai Empire, and even the secrets of the ruins of the past, buried in a certain part of the target world, and then release news everywhere. , claiming that a certain place has a valueless city, an inestimable relic."

"In the ruins, not only have the treasures of the rich and the enemy, but also the magical powers, medicinal herbs and magic weapons that the practitioners dream of. Who can open the treasure and get the inheritance, and immediately become the master of the whole world!"

"There are contradictions in some places. Even those who are not interested in secrets and secrets, they will not watch their opponents get these secret treasures. Therefore, all the masters will flock to go and explore the treasure. Involuntarily, the more you roll, the deeper!"

"Explorers are mixed in the treasure hunt team, watching on the sidelines, on the one hand can consume each other's high-end combat power, even if the consumption is not enough, you can also see the real card of the world, and then determine the follow-up action plan."

Su Chang heard the sound and finally nodded. He smiled and said: "Very good, very good, Li Yao, even with the standards of the real human empire, now you have become a fully qualified Xinghai adventurer! ”

11:20 in the evening.

Beyond Kunlun, the Crab Nebula is deep, close to the star range of the critical range of pulsar gravity.

So far, the three-month special training has ended, and Li Yao has completed all the preparations for exploring the depths of the Dark Nebula.

Ten days later, he will be out, the most distant, longest, and perhaps the most thrilling interplanetary journey in the history of the Three Realms!

Now, there is only one last thing to do.

Li Yaoyuan looked at the pulsar not far away.

Through the observation of Linggen, I did see what Ding Lingwei said, the light wave of 100 million kinds of colors, like a lotus flower bloom, like a sea of ​​fire, like a blast, like a storm, like a thousand wild The fierce beast, coming from the ancient times, sweeping the sky, rushing to the endless future!

The birth and annihilation of the entire universe seems to be presented in front of him.

A big horror, big touch, big loneliness and great calm that could not be described by pen and ink, silently poured into Li Yao.

Li Yao silently runs the psionic powers of the limbs, and the source continues to flow deep into the brain, stimulating the spirit, forming his own small universe, echoing with the external universe, resonating, blending with the water, and the heavens and the people are feeling .

Hey, faint, and lingering, I don’t know how long it took, he finally realized a great harmony of the universe.

Li Yaoyi shouzhongzhong, qi Shen Dantian, entangled this great harmony with the spirit of the gods, and constantly imprinted all the essence of life and the sentiments of heaven and earth into this great harmony, down, down, impacting Dantian The following three inches are related.

At the same time, his air dynamic simulation system, which is condensed by psionic energy, also stimulates the most sensitive nerve endings.

at last!

When he was extremely strong in the essence of life, and the metaphysical sentiment of Xuanzhi and Xuan, all of them were printed in this great harmony, and the nerve endings reached the limit. Li Yao snorted and conveyed his strength to make this harmony. Out!

Under the weightless state, this great harmony immediately turned into a crystal clear, faintly scattered light golden pearl.

Li Yao used a special container to buckle from both sides to preserve this harmony and preserve it properly.

Perceived the great vitality of the great harmony in the container, as if to break through the container to break free, Li Yao smiled.

Both he and Ding Ling are in the ascending period of their careers. The two have been busy with cultivation and research in recent years, and have no time and energy to consider the issue of Zizi.

In the next few decades, the two are destined to sway in different worlds and are less likely to give birth and raise future generations.

However, the exploration of Xinghai is ultimately a very high risk, and Li Yao does not dare to guarantee that he will be able to retreat.

Therefore, keep a glimpse of the strongest and most powerful life essence that contains all his moral and heavenly feelings. If there is any unexpected event, you can ensure that the blood of the two can be passed down! (To be continued.) 8

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