Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1329: The future of disciples

The essence of one's life, along with a life seed of Ding Ling, was sent to the frozen warehouse of Yao Shi Group for proper preservation. Once the two sides had an accident, they could be extracted and reconciled. Worried about it. [[{(network

In the following days, it was a revisit in the hometown of Tianyuan, Feixing and Blood Demon, and visited relatives and friends.

The long journey of the stars is more than 100,000 miles of 100,000 sails. It is said that it will take thirty or fifty years. If there are some twists and turns, it will be a snap in the 70s and 80s. It is more likely to search for a hundred years. Nothing was gained. At that time, Li Yao also activated the Star Torch and returned to the Federation to prepare for the Imperial Expeditionary Fleet.

Li Yao has three borders and has many friends and old friends. Many of his predecessors have a high age. In the next 100 years, they will actively participate in the new federal exhibition and cannot enter the hibernation state. They may not be able to survive for a hundred years.

It’s very likely that it’s the last one. The two sides met and felt a lot of emotions. However, the self-cultivators are aiming at the sea of ​​stars, and they have long been alive and dying, and the present is the result of boiled wine.

In the three months of Li Yao’s special training, the Tianyuan cannon and the Mars were also commissioned, and the magic weapons such as the Star Torch were all available. The final date was set after ten days.

That is the only time when Tianyuanxing’s only satellite is closest to the parent star, and the tide is the strongest.

At that time, people will create a big bang in the depths of the veins under the Tianyuan cannon, causing a man-made earthquake, and the power of the raging fire will flood the Tianyuan cannon.

This is the integration of the eyes of the blood demon and the psionic power of the Tianyuan cannon. Together with the Mars, its own star-horse jumps to the extreme, it can make this little dust, crushing the three-dimensional world in one breath. Between the four-dimensional world, there is no visible, invisible barrier.

There are still five days to shoot.

Tianyuanjie, Xingyao Federation, southeast cultivation center, Fugo City, next to the magical tomb, Chaoyang New Village!

Here is Li Yao’s hometown and the place where his dreams began.

For the past five days, he has stayed here, spending time with his childhood friends and elders, especially the lovely old people who have helped him.

Before the college entrance examination, he was kicked out of the Akasaka No. 2 Middle School. Later, he was taken by the miners' secondary school.

After his fame, the Fugo City miners’ secondary school was even famous, and he invested a lot of resources and manpower to create a number of famous high schools in the Federation.

Today's middle school of miners is a private school funded by Li Yao and Yao Shi Group. It has also formed a counterpart relationship with the Great Wilderness Warrior. It is regarded as a secondary school of the Great Desert Warfare.

According to the school's idea, the original name of the school can be changed. It is very good to call "Lee Yao Middle School" and "Yao Shi Middle School" directly.

However, under Li Yao’s insistence, he still retained the original school name and insisted on the policy of enrolling students in the lower and middle classes of society in order to show his original intention.

Li Yao often stayed in the middle school of the miners' children for five days. For those who are like him, the poor children who fought hard from the graves of the fortune, the slums, the orphanages and the streets of the poor streets, from these blood, The sweat swelled, and the young man who insisted on his teeth, saw a lot of his own shadows in the past, and he also gave birth to some feelings of sigh.

At the moment, these teenagers are still unremarkable seedlings and even weeds, but they don’t know that they really have been going for a hundred years. When they return, can they grow into a leafy, can only hold the sky Big tree?

At that time, the Starry Federation will become a look like how to turn upside down?

Will it be that the self at that time will become an "elderly person" completely behind the times?

This feeling of "one day in the mountains, the millennium in the world" will come true, and Li Yao’s heart will have a wonderful change.

Suddenly, he could understand the meaning of the family.

Compared with a civilized sacred field, personal struggles and efforts are indeed worth mentioning!

This feeling was stimulated to the extreme when I saw three disciples.

In the past five years, Li Yao’s three disciples have achieved impressive results in various fields.

They are scattered in the three worlds, chores are entangled, and they can't find time to gather.

This time I came to see the last side of Master, and I was naturally tearful and reluctant.

Like the Ding Bell, Wu Mayan participated in the intensive warrior cultivation on the Kunlun Star. However, he is a “refinery”. The cultivation path is different from the ordinary practitioners. He has only cultivated for three years and feels that progress is getting slower and slower. Way, return to hometown Iron Original Star.

In the next two years, he followed the northwestern Yanyuan, the strongest iron man in the past, and he was alone in the darkness of the iron star. While practicing, he cooperated with Xiongwuji and Yaoshi Group to open the entire iron ore star.

Today, he is still a young man in his twenties, but he has already far surpassed the two strongest people of the former Iron Star, the achievements of Yanbei and Xiongzuo, reaching the unprecedented "extraordinary" three hundred years of refining Heavy" realm!

Of course, the division of the realm of the refining spirits is a "one-heavy" realm for every one meter of aura expansion.

However, the common monk Dan, under the violent bombardment of Wuma Yan's three-year refinery period, can not last for thirty or fifty seconds, but it is also true.

The current Iron Star, which is quite different from that of a decade ago, was originally a very small number of habitable planets in the Three Realms. Before the robbery, it was even richer than the Tianyuanxing and the blood demon star resources, and the aura was richer.

Only after the robbery, the flying star world fell apart, and the home school and the starry school were seriously opposed, and they were unable to open it.

At this moment, I have invested a lot of resources in the Tianyuan and the blood demon world, and there are thick and thick skins. The strong and powerful Yaozu can be opened. The infinite potential of the Iron Star is immediately spurred out and exchanged with the outside world. The trade is extremely high.

The vast majority of resource trade is in the hands of Yao Shi Group.

The Yao Shi Group has accumulated a lot of wealth and has also fed back all of this wealth to the opening of the Iron Star.

Iron Original Star is not only a decade ago, but the land of “Ru Mao and blood” is buried in the ground. Before the advent of the robbery, the “Flying Star United Government” was established in the underground shelters and cities. Excavated, the heritage of which has been passed down, and it has provided a great boost for the advancement of the new federation!

Now, the collar of the Iron Six is ​​still the Bear Promise.

Since he completely destroyed his body in the battle with Yan Beibei, he has been able to concentrate on the road of trade and trade, and has managed the iron ore star to be well-organized and prosperous.

Wu Ma Yan is his son and Li Yao’s apprentice. Even the Yao Shi Group is responsible for the actual operation of the Wu Ma family, and naturally plays an important role in it.

The potential of Iron Star is still far from being exhausted. It is very likely that in the next 100 years, it will restore its glory in 5,000 years ago and become one of the most important planets among the three worlds.

It can be predicted that the status of Wu Ma Yan is bound to rise and become one of the top powers in the new federation.

Wu Mayan is like this, Jin Xinyue is not too much to let.

Although her father, the former hegemony of the **** demon world, has been ill, accepted the body's instant freezing, and was hibernated in the most mysterious war prison in the Federation.

However, Jin Xinyue has inherited all the means of the gold and the slaughter, and there is also a seven-year-old exquisite heart.

Although her cultivation is only the realm of Jie Dan, she is backed by such a big backing as Li Yao, and also supported by Tianhuo and the fire ant king. In the past five years, she has been using the contradictions of the four demon people and the demon gods. After the virus ravaged, the large vacuum zone left the Yaozu reunified, and the planets of the edge of the flying stars and the resources of the Iron Star Dark 6 were used as bait, which successfully attracted a large number of middle and lower demons. Follow her.

Up to now, she has been in the position of the "nine-day mysterious girl" in the Wan Yao Hall.

After cultivating a group of loyal and private soldiers, we will not be afraid of any one of the demon's dogs.

In fact, after learning about the existence of the "Covenant League", and even went to Kunlun personally, I saw the theory of the opposition between the Yaozu and the Terran after seeing the "Lei Zhenzi" troops of the wild demon who fought side by side with the Terran. The foundation is also difficult to continue to exist.

Both the Terran and the Yaozu are descendants of the Literati. The two sides are originally one, but they are different "arms". What are the contradictions that cannot be resolved?

The Terran has an independent spirit, emotion and will. The Yaozu also possesses all this. They want them to accept the "goodness" and become the existence of no emotion and will, only obedience, which is unbearable to any demon. thing.

You must know that even under the "four-column" system of the former Yaozu, you need to use myths and legends to paralyze the bottom demons, so that they willingly obey orders, instead of depriving them of their self!

The current sacred alliance has greatly increased the integration process between Tianyuan and the blood demon.

Up to now, the large amount of capital in the blood demon world has also flowed to Tianyuan and Feixing with a large number of demon people collecting resources. The Renren and the Yaozu have established a number of joint venture groups to jointly promote the construction of a large number of projects.

As a leader of the Yaozu, Jin Xinyue is bound to occupy a pivotal position in the next century of the Federation.

Moreover, this woman is different from Wu Ma Yan and has little interest in the improvement of personal strength. However, she is ambitious and wants to control the whole world!

She has never concealed from Li Yao and will one day become the president of the federal government.

With the support of the entire blood demon world and Li Yao's massive resources, this is indeed a dream that can be turned into reality.

Looking at Jin Xinyue is more heroic than the five years ago, aggressive, cool Xiao his father's face, Li Yao could not help but think of it.

Will you sleep in the hibernation warehouse, and it will be a hundred years later.

When he returned to the gorgeous, his disciples had become the federal speaker, and they were leading the world, ordering the world! (To be continued.) 8

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