Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1134: Black box

In the depths of the Xinghai, there is a gleaming dragon, squatting, screaming and rushing. ]

Look carefully, it is now a grotesque battlefield wreckage, after hundreds of thousands of years, still scattered with colorful radiation, surrounded by storms and undercurrents between the stars, gathered into a small "Galaxy", traversing Between this magnificent star system.


From the front of the "Dragon", spit out a stream of light, hovering around the river of the wreckage for three or four laps, and the whole body spurted out the flames of the road, gradually descending, and it was a miniature star ship with a lot of holes and dust!

On the side of the starship, the nine-star Thanglong emblem of the Starry Federation is clearly visible, and on the other side is a star pattern of a hippie smile.

There is also the word "Mars" on the ship, but it has been scratched and eroded in the journey of nearly a hundred years, and it is almost unclear.

Within the Mars, once again woke up from a decade of hibernation, looking at the magnificent world of Li Yao, almost tears, and shouting!

He was instantly awakened after a short jump.

Instead of a new star, the Mars is involved in a dangerous gravel belt, and there is always the risk of smashing sand.

But this point, not only did not make Li Yao shocked, but made him ecstatic!

Because he is now, the river that formed this "broken star" is the wreckage that has been seen in the periphery of Kunlun, including the corpse of the Pangu people, the armor of the female Yi people, and the Terran-driven treasures of the Terran-driven "!

Although these wrecks are decaying, they are broken.

But now these wrecks mean that he is not far from the real destination!

Li Yao switched the Mars to the manual driving mode, using his amazing skills to manipulate the "snake", smashing the waves in the river of wreckage, smashing the source, and shuttled for a few days, finally the world of this spirit is full of enthusiasm!

This is a very stable star system. The stars in the center of the galaxy are in the most stable and strong years, just like the stars in the Tianyuan world. They are very generous and continuously release light and heat to the outside world.

Moreover, the material that makes up this star seems to be different from ordinary stars, and it is also doped with some precious ingredients that Li Yao does not know. From the naked eye, its color is more vivid, and it is faintly with a glimmer of light. The psionic energy is not only more abundant than ordinary stars, but also more suitable for direct absorption and utilization by the human body.

That is to say, if there are any organisms on the planet around the red-red star, there is no need to cultivate, and only need to be exposed to the sun often, the body can accumulate a certain degree of psionic power.

When the psionic power is abundant, it will stimulate the development and evolution of the neural network, and even produce a higher level of intelligence. It will be passed down from generation to generation. After thousands of generations, it will be able to evolve a powerful and powerful beast and heavenly treasure.

If human beings live here, cultivation is definitely more convenient and faster than Tianyuan, Blood Demon and Feixing.

The so-called "Ri Jing Yue Hua" is what this means.

If you look at this star, you will know that this world is a world of greatness, and it is a "blessed land"!

"Finally found!"

Entering the astronomical parameters and relative coordinates of this star into the main control crystal brain navigation map, the most critical missing, is finally completed!

This is the economic, political and navigational center of the Pangu civilization on the spiral arm of hundreds of thousands of years ago!

If Pangu civilization also has the concept of "governing provinces", then this star field should be regarded as the "provincial city" of the entire Xinghai spiral arm!

Li Yao really wants to dance with his hands and feet to celebrate his big present.

In front of him, the static deciding clock shows that he is from the Stars Federation, and the passage of time in reality has passed through the whole ninety-nine years, one hundred and twenty-two days, thirty-seven hours and fifty-four minutes!

This is really "one day in the sky, the underground millennium"!

As early as ten years ago, after another return to a stellar system with a bad environment, Li Yao was somewhat desperate and ready to return without success.

Unexpectedly, just as he was ready to find a space-stable star field, launch a star torch, and summon a rescue from his hometown, the mysterious destination, suddenly jumped to himself!

"Don't be excited, calm, calm!"

"From this second, the fate of me and the Federation is really on the wire rope at the entrance of the Nine Yellow River. If you are not careful, it will be the end of the world!"

Really at the door of the mysterious world, after Li Yao was slightly indulged, his mood became more and more tense and tense.

The aura of heaven and earth here is so abundant that it is not necessarily a good thing to have a hundred times more abundant than the Tianyuan world.

This means that there is a high probability that there will be a large number of civilizations in the world.

Reminiscent of the information sent to the Tianyuan and Feixing two worlds, Li Yao gave birth to a deep jealousy of this mysterious world.

"What do you want to do about the weird civilization of this world?"

"And, no reason!"

"From the perspective of the magnetic fluctuations received by the Mars, the artificial fluctuations of this mysterious world are very silent. It seems that only the fluctuations of the cosmic celestial bodies themselves, but there are no signs of too many artificial celestial bodies!"

"It is reasonable to say that such aura is rich, coupled with a large number of ancient civilizations, if there is a civilization here, it should have been a giant bet across hundreds of galaxies."

"How do you think that the Xinghai here is empty, there is no trade route between the stars, and there is no half starship?"

Li Yao is puzzled.

He didn't want to go directly into the planets of the mysterious world, to spy on the other's virtual reality, the risk of doing so was too great, and there were too many variables.

His idea is that since this civilization can send information to another world, at least it should be highly open to the entire star system in which it is located. There are transport ships between the stars.

Then he used his best "Starship Breakthrough" tactics to sneak into the other star ship, through the small world on the starship, first observe each other's social form and civilization structure, and then decide the next step. .

If the other party is really malicious, a starship in the district is relatively good at dealing with it.

Unexpectedly, the entire Xinghai Sea is empty, except for the wreckage of the ruins of hundreds of thousands of years ago, there is no trace of artificial celestial bodies, but Li Yao is somewhat embarrassed.

“Don't the world have yet to show the Xinghai navigation technology?”

Li Yao’s face is incomprehensible.

The long-distance Xinghai jumping technology that spans tens of thousands of light years is of course a highly sophisticated and sophisticated field.

But just exploring the stellar system you are in. To be honest, it is not too difficult technology.

Even in Li Yao’s memory, the place where there was no spiritual power in the past “Earth” can be done to some extent. How can this world not have this ability?

Is it

Li Yao thought about electricity, if there is understanding.

In the 100 years of the shuttle between the stars and seas, he has a feeling of faintness. The dark nebula that covers hundreds of light years is not quite like the formation of nature. There are traces of man-made.

This "fog of war" is like a layer of the highest barrier. The whole world is properly protected. Outsiders can neither detect their information nor their stars, and naturally do not know their existence. .

No matter what the outside world is, the world inside is full of wind and calm.

However, as a result, the inside is not visible inside, but it is difficult to see the outside.

Human beings live in the universe. Although they are only small bacteria on small mud balls, every night, when they look up, they can look up and see the vast sea of ​​stars. Even if you don’t use the most precious telescopes, you can enjoy them. Many mysteries in the Xinghai, smashing the world.

In this way, human beings can develop the ambition of the universe and the ambition of the universe, in order to continuously explore the outside world!

And here...

Li Yao does not know whether people in this world can admire the splendid starry sky, perceive the depth of the universe, or their night sky is dark, only two or three stars flashing shimmer?

Imagine that the signals they shot out were difficult to penetrate the "dark and impenetrable" dark nebula. If they developed the primary Xinghai navigation technology, the simple starship would not be able to move in absolute darkness.

Over time, I don’t even know if there is a wider world outside the Dark Nebula. Who will give birth to the minds of the stars?

This world is like growing up in a "black box"!

"Things are getting more and more interesting."

Li Yao indulged for a moment and felt that the whole thing seemed to deviate from the original expected track.

However, it is still cautious, in the mysterious universe, anything can be born, even if you suddenly see a octopus octopus flowing through the green juice, it is not worth making a fuss.

Li Yao now has two choices.

First, launch the Star Torch on the spot and send the specific coordinates here to the Stars Federation.

However, in the difficult voyage for hundreds of years, the Mars was subjected to several serious injuries, and the spare magic weapon components were exhausted. In order to ensure the degree, Li Yao had to use a large number of magic weapons components on the star torch to replace it.

It is not impossible to return these components back, but in this way, the performance of the Mars will be greatly reduced, and it will not be able to do so.

In the face of an unknown civilization, if you don’t know how to escape, it means that you can’t escape!

Moreover, until now, Li Yao still can not rule out the possibility of setting traps.

Maybe when he unfolds the star torch and transmits coordinates to the Tianyuan world, he will be locked and tracked by the other party, and finally the precise coordinates of the Tianyuan boundary.

In the cosmic war, the precise coordinates of one's own side are more ulterior than the patterns on the underwear of the wife.

Even with the power of the real human empire, in the development of the new world, still adhere to this principle, we must first thoroughly understand the level of civilization and the position of good and evil in the new world, in order to send information to the parent star.

Li Yao can despise the spirit of the real human empire, but will never ignore their experience.

Therefore, he decided to venture into the planets of unknown civilizations first, and then pry into their falsehoods before making the next step.

Just as the star torch carried by the Mars, a lot of magic weapons units are seriously worn, and the assembly and deployment of the current shooting effect may not be very good.

It is best to get some resources on the planet of unknown civilization, and let him re-smelt a batch of magic weapon components to ensure that the coordinates of this place are transmitted back to the federation in the least fluctuating and most subtle way. (To be continued.) 8

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