Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1335: Break into the unknown world!

In the next month, Li Yao was quietly moving in the outer stars of the mysterious world.

He explored and mapped on various planets and satellites, and planned hundreds of hiding places and hundreds of escape routes.

Judging from the information recorded on the chart of the Pangu civilization, this is a typical single-galactic world, and most of the psionic energy is concentrated near the stars.

The entire star system has a total of eleven planets, four of which are gaseous planets, the other two are covered with methane-like liquid components, and there are several solid planets that are too close or too far from the star. The survival and reproduction of carbon-based life is extremely difficult to transform.

Only the fourth planet, with a moderate distance from the stars, with its own atmosphere and two satellites, is a resource-rich, aura-rich, inhabitable planet.

That is the essence of this world.

The diameter of this planet is about twice that of the sky star, and the surface area is naturally greatly improved. However, the material that makes up it seems to be slightly different from the sky star, and its density is low, so that its mass is similar to that of the sky star, resulting in a gravitational field. Ordinary people can bear it.

This is also a matter of course. After all, the Pangu people are tall and taller, and they are less suitable for the life of high-gravity planets than the small and exquisite human beings. Since they are the “provincial cities”, gravity cannot be too high.

On the chart of the Pangu civilization, the two satellites of the planet were also highlighted.

It seems that the material that condenses into these two satellites also contains a few differences, so that when they refract the stellar ray, they will be immersed in the mysterious power of mysterious and mysterious. The composition of "Sun Jing Yue Hua" is more mysterious.

Li Yao has always been worried about the dominance of this world, possessing the mysterious ability to sail in the Xinghai Sea, and instead, he is secretly spying on him.

Even this big world is itself a deadly trap, and everything is forged.

Suppose there is a huge civilization with great strength, want to get the specific coordinates of many big worlds, and study their level of civilization, and eventually annex many worlds.

It is entirely possible to choose a place outside of its own parent star, to "dig" such a trap, and to shoot signals from traps in all directions to lure explorers from many worlds.

If they are weak after the observation, the explorer's strength is weaker, then reproduce the body, capture the explorer and his star ship, and thoroughly dissect it, to judge the precise strength and specific coordinates of the explorer civilization, and then proceed One step strategic plan.

If the explorers are powerful and even above them, they can completely discard this "trap world" and escape.

Anyway, this is not their mother star, they will never leave a trace of the parent star here.

When Su Chang talked about the history of the colonization of the real human empire, he talked about many such insidious and deceptive war cases.

Although the possibility is extremely small, it is not an exaggeration to worry about the future of the entire federal tens of billions of people.

Therefore, Li Yaocai did not hesitate to spend time and fuel, wandering around the galaxy, seemingly a bird of surprise, a little change will be slippery.

Unexpectedly, I have been tossing it for more than half a month, but it is "looking at the blind man". The entire stellar system is calm and calm, and I can't find a flaw.

If it is not the means of the other party that has been so brilliant that it can completely hide its existence, let Li Yao completely turn a blind eye and listen to it.

That is, the other party has not yet broken through the gravitational circle of the parent star, or flying into the universe, there is nothing worth exploring, and it has shrunk back.

Having said that, if it is the first possibility, then Li Yao’s current move will definitely be seen by the other side, and then how to struggle is the bottom of the fish.

To figure this out, Li Yaozhuang boldly entered the fourth planet.

The more you march toward the center of the stellar system, the more vivid the traces left by Pangu civilization.

Li Yao has shown large-scale mining traces of Pangu civilization on several solid-state planets and solid-state satellites of gaseous and liquid planets.

It would be like a huge hole, hundreds of kilometers in diameter, straight to the core of the planet.

There is a satellite that has even been hollowed out by the whole child, leaving only a thin layer of skin outside, but I do not know how the mysterious power is supported, and still maintain the original form.

It seems that Pangu civilization is all the planets and satellites in this star system except the fourth planet, as a "resource planet", and there is no plan to colonize, just extract the resources inside, squeeze the planet They are all thrown aside.

This is in line with the end of the "Fighting God War", both sides have tried their best to drain the last drop of power.

On these planets, Li Yao also found some suspected existence of the remains of Pangu civilization.

But he was alone, but he dared not sneak into it.

If he encounters such a dangerous scene on Kunlun, he is destined to die.

He can only accurately scan and map the appearance and coordinates of these ancient civilization relics. After determining the absolute security of the world, he will send the coordinates and information back to the federation, and let the mother star send a large fleet to explore.

A month later, the Mars, disguised as a meteorite, finally drifted to the satellite gravitational circle of the fourth planet.

Li Yao kept the Mars in the dark side of the Moon, maintaining a thin sense of security.

He also carried out three days of restorative training here, feeling that the strength of the body and spirits returned to the peak state before hibernation, and even the shadowless invisible gap in the deepest part of the soul disappeared!

Everything is ready, you can explore!

This exploration, unlike his travel to the flying star world, has a very clear goal!

First, he must mix in this mysterious world without revealing his identity, observe the degree of civilization of the other side, study the social form, and tie the relationship with the core decision-making layer of the other party to find out why the other party has no brains. The land and the Tianyuan and Feixing two circles "greet".

Second, it is necessary to divide the situation of "goodwill civilization" and "hostile civilization".

If Li Yao's judgment is that the other party is a ruthless hostile civilization, then it depends on whether the other party has the ability to attack the world.

If there is, try to find out the specific mode of this ability, and then leave without a voice, bring all the information back to the Federation, prepare early, and even start with strong.

On the third day of the sect, when Li Yan left the Federation for a hundred years, after a hundred years of explosive exhibition, the current Star Alliance should not be a fisherman.

He even couldn't wait to build a "gate of the stars" to see what a mighty and mighty army jumped from behind the star gate!

If the other party does not have the long-range strike capability across the Xinghai, or even the existence of the current Star Alliance, just aimlessly spreading the signal to the universe, it is another matter.

Li Yao also wants to bring the news back to the Federation, so that the Federation temporarily puts this mysterious world aside and concentrates on dealing with the expeditionary fleet of the real human empire.

In the second case, if the other party is not malicious, but only for the communication needs, the signal will be sent, and the Xingyao Federation will naturally give a goodwill response.

Considering that the real human empire is about to be overwhelmed by the army, the terrible sacred people are also wandering like a ghost in the sea of ​​stars. Li Yao will make every effort to persuade this big world to join the federation.

Even if the other party wants to maintain a certain degree of independence, it can also reach an offensive and defensive alliance with the Star Alliance to fight against the Empire and the Holy Alliance.

As a cosmic adventurer who is deep in the depths of the Xinghai, Li Yao has great powers to contact and exchange with unknown civilizations and sign a certain degree of offensive and defensive alliance treaties without approval by the Federal Parliament.

In a word, in the vast expanse of the sea, Li Yao is not only the "diplomatic envoy" of the Xingyao Federation, Li Yao is the constellation itself!

In addition to these two well-defined tasks, there is a small variable.

That is the expeditionary fleet of the real human empire, claiming that the empire is the most ferocious and tyrannical, and even the "black wind" who is deeply jealous of Su Chang, Qi Ruohuo and Tang Qianhe!

For a hundred years, the Federation is on display, and the Black Wind Fleet is not idle. Maybe it will have jumped to the vicinity.

Although through Li Yao's personal experience, he doubted whether the Black Wind Fleet would be stupid enough to plunge into the depths of the Dark Nebula.

However, the large units did not come in and sent several scouts. Like him, it was highly probable to take a small starship into the depths of the Dark Nebula.

The means of navigation in the Xinghai of the real human empire is much higher than that of the Xingyao Federation. Their exploration efficiency is certainly several times higher than that of Li Yao.

If the black wind fleet of the real human empire is really in this mysterious world, even with the local civilization, and attacking the Star Alliance, it would be awful.

Therefore, Li Yao also wants to prevent the birth of this situation.

If you really meet the immortal in the mysterious world, you will spare no effort to destroy the alliance between them and the locals, and let the locals turn to the alliance with the Federation!

Under this circumstance, the position of this mysterious world is very likely to determine the victory and defeat of the "Federal Defence War"!

In addition, there is still a small possibility that the mysterious planet is home to the direct descendants of the Pangu and the Nuwa, just like the "living fossil" that has been buried on the island for hundreds of thousands of years. same.

But now it seems that this possibility seems to be negligible.

If the people living here are really Pangu or female, should the Xinghai have long been covered with their footprints?


The goal of the Mars is still too big, and Li Yao is not ready to carry it.

He landed the Mars on the first satellite of the 4th planet, remembered the coordinates, set the source of the wave of the remote self-explosion, and put all the materials except the star torch into the ring, wearing Crystal enamel, lightly loaded. (To be continued.) 8

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