Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1337: Blood-stained peach blossom

The two army's strange costumes, as well as their ancient to almost rudimentary blade, are like the extras who just ran out of the costume drama.

For a moment, Li Yao even wondered if he had strayed into a meeting place for "ancient lovers gathering."

In Tianyuanjie and Feixingjie, there are such a group of guys who love the atmosphere of the ancient times and the super-dusty atmosphere. They also set up some costume costumes, ancient magic weapons, dressed up in a mess, playing with each other and shooting. It is also considered to carry forward the traditional culture left by the ancestors.

However, the broken limbs are flying in the sky, the internal organs are turbulent, the screams of heartbreaking and screaming stunned the birds in the jungle, and even the fiercest beasts are scared and squirming... all kinds of shocking scenes Tell Li Yao, this is definitely not a game. It is really two groups of "old people" fighting in life and death!

Judging from the arrangement of the two sides, it is obvious that this "court army" under the banner of "Wunan Five-way Recruitment System" has been walking through the mountains for a long time. It is hard to find this place with water source. A little more open, just settled down.

As a result, they were attacked by these short, lean and savage mountain savages.

The savage seems to have lurked in the branches and mud, and rushed into the belly of the court army from all sides.

In the first second of the game, the most cruel situation was presented.

"How, how can this be?"

Li Yao’s ten thousand can’t figure it out.

Judging from the armor, the blade and the battle flag of both sides, the civilization here is still at a very preliminary stage. It is a replica of the history book and the era of ancient times in the Ouyezi dream. It is quite original.

how can that be possible?

You must know that in the era of the Xinghai Empire 10,000 years ago, human civilization has been pushed to the peak of a flower and a fire.

With the aid of the three "Feng Shen Tian Shu", the modern comprehension civilization created by the "Emperor" has entered a fairly mature stage almost at the birth.

Even in the "doomsday change", the "emperor" and the "doomsday war mad" suffered both losses, and the Xinghai Empire fell apart, but the seeds of modern self-cultivation civilization have been scattered into the world of three thousand.

In the fragmented world, the ruins of the Xinghai Empire are everywhere.

Even after the collapse of the Xinghai Empire, the most chaotic years of indulgence, people on all planets still remember the glory of the Age of Empires, and can also discover a large number of inheritance, not really starting from scratch.

Therefore, the new civilization established on the empire's debris has returned to a relatively modern level without thousands of years.

Such as Tianyuanjie and Feixingjie, there are large cities with reinforced concrete, popular civic education, calculation and communication means such as Jingnao and Lingwang, and a certain degree of understanding of the universe.

The situation of the meteor and the Tianyuan world is not a special case.

In the "brain-washing tutorial" of the real human empire, dozens of independent human civilizations, such as the Panlong civilization, the Medicine-fork civilization, and the Wu-Ming Ming, have all been recorded in modernization in just a few thousand years.

What eventually led to their destruction was not the terminal illness of feudalism, but the dysentery of "postmodernization."

Even the big world dominated by the Yaozu, such as the "blood demon world", seems to retain a lot of traces of the original planet on the surface, but in fact it is only in a different direction.

Based on the biochemical field of the Yaozu civilization, it also has biochemical brain, sacral warship, biochemical beast modulation technology, biochemical brainwave network, etc., quite modern magical powers and magic weapons.

Li Yao has encountered the most "original" planet, probably "iron original star".

However, the condition of the Iron Star was special. It was once subjected to a fierce savage attack, and the civilization was almost severed.

Even so, the refiners on the Iron Star have developed a variety of “real magic weapons”, and on this basis they have created a unique “real gas civilization”, they are powered by “real balloons”. It has the magic weapon and facilities of modern gas trains, real airships, large steel mills, reinforced concrete cities and so on.

Li Yao never thought about it. Today, he can still encounter an "ecological civilization" that seems to be in a feudal society.

"There is no reason, let alone the great development of the Xinghai Empire era. Even in the end of the 30,000-year-old "Dark Age" ruled by the Yaozu, the Yaozu civilization has evolved to a fairly advanced level. How can this be?"

Li Yao muttered to himself and suddenly realized one thing.

The world has been enveloped by the Dark Nebula for at least tens of thousands of years, and there is no such thing on the Starry Empire star map left by the Starbucks.

If it is not good, no matter whether it is the sorcerer dynasty or the Xinghai empire, it does not know its existence. Naturally, it has not accepted the "baptism of modern civilization."

It is a single planet, in the "black box", "singularly bitter" has developed for tens of thousands of years, the external changes, the sea of ​​stars, the cosmic trend ... have nothing to do with it.

Li Yao’s mind suddenly came up with a saying:

"I don't know if there is a Han, no matter Wei Jin."

That is an article in the memory of the Earth era in his mind, once seen in a textbook, the name is called "Peach Blossom Spring".

Can it be said that this mysterious world is the "peach flower source" in the universe?

However, this "peach blossom source" is not as peaceful and peaceful as the peach blossom source in the textbook, but it is a knife, and it is full of blood and killing.

Li Yao has some toothache.

He is ready to do everything, no matter how advanced his civilization is, he is not afraid, he will find ways to squeeze out the essence of the other's civilization, and then get a certain degree of communication with the other side.

I did not expect that the other party would be like this... "backward"!

"How to do?"

"I came to visit and form an alliance on behalf of the Stars Federation. The result is still ancient!"

"The good news is that since there is a big armor with a strong armor, there is also a banner for the "Wu Nan Wu Lu Recruitment System". I think there is a court."

Li Yao has a rich memory of Ouyezi. At present, he has developed the Yuanying stage, and he has a little understanding of the customs and customs of the ancient world.

The so-called "recruitment" is a very common official title in different ancient worlds.

The central dynasty, which is generally located in the plains, will set up a "reporting division" in the barbaric land of the border, responsible for coping and deterring the aliens, recruiting rebellion, and crusade.

"Fortunately, there is a central government here, and finally know who to look for."

If it is the kind of "blood-warming civilization" that is completely in the "jungle society" and kills people and kills you, and it is even worse, even the negotiations do not know who to talk to.

"The bad news is that since there is a court, the rule of the court is definitely the emperor, the emperor, and the ninety-five!"

"Don't I find the Emperor's Majesty and say to his old man, 'Your Majesty, you know, in fact, the world we live in is vast, there are hundreds of thousands of worlds outside your ruling land, and I am one of them. Aliens from the world '..."

Li Yao sighed and suddenly felt that this alliance was difficult to bear.

He has swallowed up a lot of memories of Ouyezi, and he has a certain understanding of the era of ancient times, and he does not like ancient repairs.

Because, in terms of "Tao Xin", the ancient repairs are actually more focused on the mortal who regards mortals as ants.

This is not to say that ancient repairs must be evil spirits.

In fact, among the ancient revisions, there are many swordsmen who are weak and helpless, a ranger who teases the dust, a master who is compassionate, and countless loyalists, worrying about the country, and the impassioned generation.

However, no matter how the loyalty and filial piety of the ancient cult is, it is difficult to accept the concept of equality in modern society, and truly put yourself in the same position as ordinary people, and even accept the checks and balances of ordinary people.

This has nothing to do with good and evil. To Dadari, perhaps it is called "the limitation of history"?

Su Changfa, a cultivator, has a good saying in the past. It is impossible to constrain the ancients with the moral values ​​of modern people.

Li Yao encountered such a group of "old people"!

"No way, let's observe and observe!"

Although the other party's stage of civilization is still in "ancient", at first glance, all aspects are relatively backward, but Li Yao can not look down on them, and even dare not rush back to Xinghai to build the "gate of the stars" and summon the federal fleet.

You must know that the ancient world of the ancient world has once had the crazy age of "Yuan Ying is like a dog, and the gods are full of streets!"

The psionic power here is so abundant, even the geckos in the woods are two rounds larger than the Tianyuan world. The ghost knows how powerful the comprehens here are!

In case he really underestimated the strength of the other party, the trade rushed to summon the Xinghai Fleet from the Federation, and the other party silently discharged three or fifty ecstasy...

That Li Yao is really guilty of dying.

"Before summoning the federal forces, there are several key issues that must be clarified first."

"First, is this civilization that is suspected of 'ancient world', whether it is the real dominance of the world, or is it just a superficial flaw, and there is another civilization that is more advanced and more hidden in the ground or outside?"

"Second, how was the world hidden in the 'black box'? What happened to tens of thousands of years ago and even hundreds of thousands of years ago?"

"Third, how many yuan in the world, how many gods, if there are a lot of Yuan Ying and the gods, if they attack, how much damage can they cause to a modern cultivation civilization?"

"Fourth, the most crucial point, what is the signal that was sent to the outside world a hundred years ago, is it the ancient revision of the world? What is the purpose?"

Li Yao does not know how terrible the gods are.

On the road of his cultivation, the person who has been exposed to the most profound experience should be regarded as the "Star Thief Supreme" Sword of the Stars, the Spider's Nest Star, the Deep Depth of the Underground War, and the Seclusion in the "Supreme Cave House". .

He used to spend a few years in the Supreme Cave House, absorbing the essence of Yan Xinjian's cultivation.

That was the most rewarding retreat in his practice, not only rushed to the realm of “extraordinary Jin Dan”, but also laid a deep foundation for the 30-year-old to break through the realm of Yuan Ying.

In a certain sense, he can also be regarded as the true biography of Yan Xinjian and become the "true disciple" of Yan Xinjian.

Yan Xinjian only touched the threshold of the realm of the realm of the gods, and he went into flames and died.

Li Yao, with the cultivation of Yan Xinjian, reversed the average strength of God's eccentricity. Anyway, I thought for a long time that even if I only sneak into the Stars Federation, it would cause earth-shaking damage! (To be continued.)

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