Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1338: The fighting power of the ancients!

The two horses who are fighting in the jungle, of course, can't be what Yuan Ying and Hua Shen. [

It’s not even the sect of the waters.

It is only the mortal army led by a very small number of comprehensions.

However, when Li Yao adjusted the dragon to a best angle and drew the battle, he was still deeply shocked by the bravery of the indigenous people in this world and the fineness of their swords.


"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Although most of the two sides used "cold weapons", they still burst into a group of sparks and streamers, and the ground was pulled out of a large pit one or two meters in diameter. The trees that were thick and thin were also shaken by the waves. It’s broken.

It seems to be a hot weapon battle using a crystal cannon and a spar bomb, the same smoke and fire, the fire splashed.

Li Yaoxian focused his attention on the "Wang Shi" who was "inviting and urging".

Because this army is very likely to represent the highest government on the planet, it is the main target for Li Yao to deal with.

Whether it is alliance, integration, neutrality, or defense, isolation, or even war, it will not bypass the "court".

Wang Shizhen is not a master of the king. This ancient armor is embellished with tiger spirits. Although most of the soldiers are ordinary people, they are all strong, tiger-backed, and the temples are high and the eyes are shining. Master.

Raising your hand, playing the tiger, and kicking it out, hitting a fist, will shake the ripples.

And they are wielding the heavy iron knife, from the sound of breaking the wind to analyze, at least three or fifty pounds weight!

This is not a historical romance, what is "two arms and eight hundred pounds of strength."

In real life, there are strengths that will make the three or fifty pounds of swords sway freely, and they are definitely masters of high hands.


Li Yao secretly admired that the average strength of this "Tiger Tiger Xuan Tiejun" basically reached the peak of the military.

According to the words of the Xingyao Federation, it is almost the same level of "Linggen opening degree is above 9o%"!

Li Yao recalled the elite special forces of the Xingyao Federation. The ordinary soldiers on their own side, if they do not use hot weapons such as crystal cannons, and only use cold weapons such as chainsaw swords to fight, it is not this one. Tiger's Xuan Tiejun's opponent!

This is normal.

In modern society, the magic weapon is integrated into thousands of households, and life is becoming more and more convenient. At the same time, it also weakens people's instinct and wildness to some extent.

In certain historical periods, the strength of the ancients is greater than that of modern people. It is quite normal to be better at survival in the wild and to kill in close proximity.

What's more, the world's oxygen content is extremely high, and the aura is extremely abundant. It is not surprising that a large number of top warriors have emerged.

"The average quality of these 'Tiger Lines of the Iron and Steel Army' is even more than the ‘refinery’ on the Iron Star!”

Li Yao is pondering in his heart, such a tiger wolf master, if you can join the federation, and then equipped with modern chainsaw swords, shock knives and crystal cannons, is definitely a powerful commando team, even if you encounter a cultivator, you can hard-hitting Fighting on the ground.

Conversely, if they fall to the side of the real human empire and become the cannon fodder and minions of the empire, it is definitely a federal disaster.

What's more, in addition to the ordinary soldiers who are the top warriors, there are also some refining people in the "Wang Shi".

Most of them wear more vivid and gorgeous armor. In addition to a tiger pattern on the chest, the shoulder armor is also carved into the mighty form of the tiger's shout.

Their swords are more embarrassing than ordinary soldiers, like zooming in on dozens of tiger teeth, and there is a faint lingering spirit on the blade.

Each knife will release a few meters of knife gas, and after the air is torn, it will condense into a tiger head down the mountain.

Even the mountain people and savages who are more than ten meters away may be torn apart by the "Tiger Tigers".

"The 'pioneers' and 'teams' in the army are all self-cultivators during the refining period. It seems that the world's comprehension and secular worlds are deeply intertwined and mutually exclusive."

The ancient world is also divided into many different forms.

In some worlds where the aura is not abundant, there are only a few auras in the "Dongtianfudi" such as the deep forest and the old, and the number of comprehensions is very small.

The relationship between these comprehensions and the secular world may not be very close, often just a illusory legend, a true god.

There are also some worlds where the self-cultivators are self-contained and mainly act in the form of "Zongmen".

The so-called "dynasty" and the like are nothing but the shackles of the Zongmen. There may not be too many comprehensions in the imperial court and the army, or even one.

All the self-cultivators stayed in the Zongmen, only occasionally down the mountain, revealing the miracle of the fairy tale, remote control command.

However, there are also some ancient worlds. The local dynasties were established by the self-cultivators. The self-cultivators are highly integrated into the secular world in all aspects. The emperor is a self-cultivator, and the ministers and military commanders are all self-cultivators. This is not a rare example. see.

In front of this world, it seems that this is the case, because the aura is too abundant, the number of comprehensions is definitely very large, and it is impossible to live in the world. It is necessary to go deep into the secular world and build a relatively stable set with ordinary people. The social system can maximize the interests of both parties.

Under the leadership of the "pioneer" and "team" in the refining period, Wang Shiru was like a tiger, and his knife flashed lightly. He gradually recovered from the stunned stun and stabilized his position.

However, the brave barbarian who dared to come to the "Wang Shi" naturally had a rather hard mouth.

On the body shape, they grew up in the southern place of the haze, compared with the Wang Shi from the Central Plains and Niu Gao Ma Da, they are much thinner.

However, the bronzed skin, as well as a bunch of dried tendon-like muscles, showed their solid foundation.

They are born jungle hunters, like a big mountain monkey that only slips and keeps hands, jumping up and down between the branches, walking like a ghost, quietly appearing behind the king.

Compared with Wang Shi’s black iron armor and Bailian Baodao, their equipment is varied and ragged.

However, the poisonous mist sprayed on the mouth, the poisonous snake wrapped around the arm, the scorpion hidden in the bamboo shackles, the cockroaches, and the various colored poisonous insects effectively compensated for the defects in the equipment, and the Wang Shi’s head was ruined and miserable.

Even with Wang Shi hard...


Li Yao’s eyes are now a pioneer in the refining period of Wang Shizhong. He was stopped by a short savage savage. The swords and bone blades of both sides smashed a spark in the air, but they were indifferent. .

Looking closely, Wang Shi is always red-faced, and the spirit can rush, but the savage pupil has gradually become two vertical seams, the jaw is convex, and the fangs are long.

"This is... the demon!"

Li Yao saw the change of the wild man at a glance.

When the master of the king disregards the release of the aura, the savage is also desperately bombarding the mitochondria, awakening the wild cells in the body, showing the form of a part of the demon!

However, it is not so much like to say that these savages are pure demons.

They are more like a mixture of Terran and Yaozu, but only retain a part of the characteristics of the Yaozu.

"That makes sense."

"You must know that in the era of the wilderness, there was no such thing as 'humanity' and 'demon'. The demon is just another form of combat of the human race. Everyone is a comrade-in-arms who is bitten by the female Yi people and fights side by side. ""

"In the civilized world outside us, the reason why the Terran and the Yaozu are seriously opposed is that they were "too one" 40,000 years ago, and they turned themselves into a 'Taiyi Yaozu', ruling the entire universe, resulting in 30,000 years. In the era of great darkness, the two sides have endless endless blood."

"If this world has not been in contact with the outside world for tens of thousands of years, naturally, I don't know what the 'Tai Yi Yaozu' has ever experienced in the 'Great Dark Ages'."

"Then, the boundaries between the Terran and the Yaozu in this world are not clear, even intermarriage, and it is quite normal to give birth to countless mixed-race descendants."

In all fairness, Wang Shi’s ordnance, combat techniques, and command are all above the savage. If you are in the plains and fight in the right place, you can beat the wild man to find his teeth without a moment.

Here, it is the smoke of the smoke, the forests of the swamps and pits.

The savage occupies the advantage of the land, and has the advantage of sneak attack. In addition, the swearing is not afraid of death or even the same play, and even the battle with the king is equal.

After a long battle, Wang Shi could not help but be anxious.

After all, they are expeditionary laborers, one death and injury, and the military will weaken one point.

That is to be able to fight out ten wild people, from the vast mountains and rivers, the energy source is constantly added.

"Wu Nan five-way recruitment system to make Ling Ling" under the shackles of the black armor, suddenly a shout, two copper cymbals in the hands violently collided together, hit a burst of broken gold cracking roar!

On these two gongs, there are hundreds of colorful copper rings nested in them. After the collision, the copper ring rotates rapidly, releasing a ray of light, like a big bowl of inverted buckles. All over the place!

The black armor's face was white and his body shape shook, almost falling from the war, but it was hard to hold on to the teeth, waving the gongs and smashing!

The second roar, the more bright, the remaining sounds, such as the big river rushing, around the battlefield, for a long time.

A strange scene is born!

Within the scope of sound waves and shadows, Wang Shi’s morale is great, ordinary soldiers have eyes bursting, skin splitting, muscle arrogance; Pioneer and team are more aura, and the knife is soaring, the momentum is like a rainbow.

Those savage people seem to be deafening roars, scared and stunned, and they are helpless, and they don’t know how to resist the fall of the big knife!

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Dozens of swords and slashing swords fell, dozens of meters long knife mans, even dozens of savages are smashed in half, the internal organs are thrown into the ground, the air suddenly presents a steaming bright red!

Wang Shi’s singer screamed and slammed into the savage savage army.

Looking at the horrible body of the companion, the savage who was not afraid of death showed a look of fear and horror, and shouted like a beast. (To be continued.) 8

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