Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1340: First off-road observation report

This seemingly ancient and simple flying sword actually involves many "string theory", "membrane theory" and even the mystery of the field of quantum algorithms. The level of civilization of the Starry Federation is not necessarily refined.

It stands to reason that such a social form is still in the middle ages of civilization, and it is impossible to refine it.

However, according to the truth of the narrator Su Changfa, Li Yao combined with his own experience from the memory fragments of Ouyezi, but has a very reasonable explanation for this puzzling phenomenon.

Quite simply, in this magic weapon that seems to be far beyond the times, it often has the core magic weapon unit or symbol of the Pangu or the female Yi people.

The people of the later generations are just adding new auxiliary units to these fragments of the wild magic.

It is like a primitive man in the Stone Age, and he has a military dagger refining with modern technology.

Primitives do not need to understand the alloy refining process, structural principles, and extinction degaussing methods used in modern daggers. They can also bind the dagger to a bone or branch and “refine” into a “indestructible” "The artifact"!

It’s a thousand times more difficult to make such a dagger from scratch and to tie the dagger to the stick!

Therefore, in the era of ancient studies, there were many strong treasures that modern self-cultivation civilization could not imagine.

It is not that the ancients were smarter than the modern people, but that the ancients were in a time when they were closer to the floods. It was easier to unearth the debris of the wild treasures. With these elements of the treasures as the core, they could naturally piece together the mysterious treasures.

When the ancient repairs ruined the ancient treasures, the modern self-cultivation civilization can inherit without the ancestral heritage, and the development is naturally difficult.

Of course, the so-called "easy" is only relative.

At least in the depths of Li Yao’s memory, the ancient world in which Ouyezi is located can discover a piece of ruined ancient treasures. It is definitely a major event that sensationalizes the world and will lead to the competition of the Quartet.

The ancient treasure has no master, only the Germans according to it, what is "German"? The big fist is the virtue!

In the world of Ouyezi, usually only the stronger than Yuanying, is eligible to have a treasure.

In this world, a Jindan strong person in the district is qualified to control a flying sword with the ancient treasures as the core.

It can be seen that she is either honored, has a special status, and has a strong family of teachers. Or there are many fragments of ancient treasures in this world, not as rare as other ancient worlds.

Li Yao’s heart cares about this, but the moment of thinking and turning.

When the orchids in the white women's cuffs were completely bloomed, the fat-like bald-like body burst into flames, and the land collapsed and turned into a pool of flesh and blood.

Such a horrible scene makes all the savage screams of horror.

The leader was killed cleanly, meaning that they no longer have a little room to rest, and when the indifferent white woman repairs the sword again, it is not as simple as dozens of savage soldiers.

Many savage people shouted and fled.

The situation suddenly reversed, and Wang Shi was as a tiger in the mountains.

However, the mountains are high and dense, and the army is scattered into the forest. There are many variables. Even if there is a secret sword of white women, it will inevitably cost a lot.

The "recruitment" of holding the two scorpions is also a generation of soldiers who have been through the battlefield, and now the gold is sent to the army to clean up the mess.

Just as they cleaned the battlefield, settled the barbarians, and saved the friendly forces, Li Yao also began to write his first observation report.

"Lee Yao's report on the alien world, the first issue."

“On the first day of my landing on the mysterious world, I observed a contest between two indigenous forces.”

"This planet has a relatively stable main continent, and the eastern side of the continent is a fertile plain that is struck by a large river parallel to the equator."

“So, it seems to be ruled by a relatively open ‘Central Plains dynasty’, with a bureaucracy that is sufficient to develop a position like ‘recruitment’.”

"However, the dynasty's control over the entire planet has not reached 100%. On the jungle and grasslands on the edge of the mainland, there may be some semi-opening barbarians who are not convinced of Wanghua."

"Otherwise, there is no need to set up such an official position as "recruitment.""

"This planet is full of spirits and has a high oxygen content. The body of the snake worms is relatively large. The human body is extremely tyrannical. No matter the army of the central dynasty or the warriors of the border barbarian, all of them have superiority to modern ordinary people. The physical strength, strength and speed above, with modern training, is very likely to become a well-trained and strong army!"

"The fierce battle that just happened, on the surface, seems to be that the barbarian army sneaked into the army of the central dynasty, but in fact it is very likely that 'Wang Shi' had long expected that such an attack would occur, deliberately tempting the other to attack, but it was Take the opportunity to kill the leader of the other party!"

"This shows that both the king and the barbarian army have a certain degree of complex tactical formulation, conspiracy and layout, and are quite insidious and deceitful. They must not be regarded as ignorant and primitive people because their civilization is backward."

" Moreover, the number of self-cultivators and the blood of the demon family in the two armies is extremely large. In terms of proportion, it has surpassed the Class A permanent battle group of the Xingyao Federation. The land area combined with this area is so large that it is suitable for farming and The vastness of the breeding land is so wide that perhaps the number of comprehensions in this world will far exceed our expectations."

"In terms of equipment, the swords and magic weapons used by ordinary soldiers and low-level comprehenators in this field are relatively low-level, not exceeding the average level of the ancient era, and we have thousands of magic weapons components. The modern magic weapon is not the same."

"But it is very likely that this area will have a large number of ancient treasures of ancient treasures. With these ancient treasures as the core, it will be able to refine the super-powerful magic weapon and achieve or even surpass the power of modern magic."

"What I have seen so far is only the contest between the two ordinary armies in this world. It is not the most elite ‘Yulin Army’, and even above the Yulin Army, there is a high probability of self-cultivation.”

"But from the tip of the iceberg, we can initially measure that the strength of this world is not weak. Even if we can't compete with the vast war system of our modern cultivation civilization in the vast plains and the vast vacuum, but if it is an ancient repair of this world. The squad, which broke into our starship and started a melee in the narrow cabin, was a headache."

"So far, it has not been found that this industry has the ability to strike long distances across the Xinghai."

"But you have to consider such a very serious problem."

"The real human empire has this ability!"

"If the Imperial Expeditionary Force comes into contact with this world, using the magic weapon, the secret of cultivation, and even the land and population of the Federation as a bait, buy the strong in this world, form a 'Yuan Ying mercenary', and even 'God of God Commando' What?"

"This is a very common method used by the real human empire in the process of colonizing the outer sea."

"With Aboriginal versus Aboriginal, and a few indigenous peoples, they are exhausted, and after losing both sides, the Imperial Army will take advantage of the devastating trend to take advantage of the fishermen!"

"And these are still in the classical era, I don't know the sinister ‘古修', I am afraid it is not difficult to be bought.”

"We must avoid this situation and even cure it with its own way. If we can't form an alliance with this world, at least we can't let the strong people in this world accept the Empire employment, but should be hired by our Federation!"

"The strength of the empire is strong, but the federal government that has absorbed and absorbed the remains of Kunlun may not be able to open some more attractive conditions. With the support of this ancient era, it will form a 'Xingyao Federation Overseas Mercenary Corps'!"

"The above is just my preliminary observation. Whether this world is as simple as it seems, or hides deeper secrets, including what the mysterious signal of a hundred years ago is, and needs further exploration."

Li Yao completed the first observation report, and the battlefield was quickly cleared up. The original **** forest was once again restored to silence.

Li Yao gently glared at the temple and wondered how he should deal with the "Wunan Five-way Recruitment System."

This is not because he has the preference of "the Central Plains is righteous", only the court in his eyes.

For the pattern that has risen to the sea of ​​stars, and regards all the tribes of the three thousand worlds as compatriots, no matter whether this "master" or the barbarian in the mountains, it is almost the same.

Li Yaolian’s eight-legged demon can accept it. He is also a “monster” who can grow his teeth and claws with a sneeze. How can he discriminate against these seemingly savage barbarians?

However, it is only a hundred years since he has been swaying in the stars. The black wind fleet of the real human empire may be killed in minutes, and there is not much time left for him.

He is not interested in playing any white dragon fish suit, pretending to pretend that the step-by-step upgrade from zero, must make a more equal dialogue with the highest government and the strongest in this world in the shortest time.

At present, the highest government in this world is very likely to be the imperial court, and the strongest is either the emperor himself or the sects or the heads of the family who used the emperor as a beggar. Go to this circle.

"This army is extremely elite. The officers have tokens and numbers, and everyone knows each other. In the short term, I am unlikely to pretend to be a soldier. Even if I mix in, I can't find too much useful information."

"So, disguised as a barbarian?"

"No, seeing that they are extremely decisive, they are not merciless to the barbarians, and they are not allowed to be captured!"

"What the hell... oh, what is this?"

Li Yao is sinking into the infiltration policy and suddenly perceives a subtle fluctuation.

The Snapdragon has ignited all the magic of scanning to the limit. In a short time, it locked the flying mosquitoes in the nearby bushes with a pale golden wing!

It seems to be common in the mountains, and the head of the flower mosquito is not much smaller than the cockroach. It is entangled with a very thin god, like a touch of hairspring, extending to the depths of the mountains.

This is where someone is far away, controlling the flying mosquitoes through the mind.

Li Yao was shocked and realized that in addition to himself, there was a second "observer" crouching in the dark! (To be continued.)

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