Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1341: Gu Yuanying

Li Yao was fortunate in his heart.

Fortunately, I have been careful since I landed, and I have not rushed to reveal the trace.

Otherwise, even if the imperial army in front of us is not suspicious, this "observer" who squats in secretly will also have doubts and leave infinite trouble.

This gentleman was able to attach a faint sacred mind to the mosquitoes, and at least several mountain ridges were remotely manipulated. The repairs must be extremely profound, not under the golden swordsmanship.

Fortunately, this mosquito is no longer modulated. It is the body of flesh and blood. Within a small insect body, it is impossible to contain too many supernatural powers. It is the limit that can barely observe the changes in the war situation.

The dragon is a cutting-edge magic weapon from the Xinghai Empire. It has been repeatedly refining and refining by Li Yao. It is hidden in the air. It is hard to measure, and it is even less likely to be perceived by a small mosquito.

Therefore, it was Li Yaoxian who discovered the second observer, not the other party.

This made him occupy a very favorable position in the silent battle.

The mosquitoes trembled as if they were being pulled by the spirits and flew deep into the jungle.

Li Yao indulged in a moment, gave orders to the Xiaolong, followed by the mosquitoes, and prepared to go to the mysterious observer for a while.

The imperial army of the commander of the "Wu Nan Road Recruitment System" is a huge army with a large number of people, and it is impossible to disappear in the jungle.

When the army is over, the car will be trampled, and there will always be many traces.

The Xiaolong has already explored the surrounding landscapes of the mountains and rivers. Even if they lose their position, they can be re-applied along with the traces of the army.

But this mysterious observer, once lost, may not be able to find it again.

Li Yao has a kind of hunch, and the realm of this monarch should be far above the Jindan female sword repair, perhaps reaching the realm of Yuan Ying.

"But I don't know, what is the means of 'Gu Yuan Ying' in this world?"

Li Yao smiled and began to undress.

After taking off the clothes and taking off my pants, I took off my body and cleaned it. I didn’t wear my underwear. The pendulum swayed and danced with the wind.

He threw all the items from the outside world into the ring of the Qiankun, and activated the instant self-destructive warning array of the Qiankun ring.

In the unlikely event that the worst situation is encountered, it will be able to destroy all the clues related to the parent star in an instant than the captive of the terrorists who are far above him.

As for the nakedness of the shirt, this is the case...

Li Yao scratched his hair, found a piece of soft humus, and put it on the body, and then painted himself to resemble the bear in the forest.

Using a few large leaves that looked like bananas, they barely weaved two pockets of cloth to protect the lower body. Under the guidance of the dragon, they followed the flowers and mosquitoes.

The owner of the flower mosquito never dreamed of it. In the depths of the jungle, some people could perceive his witches, and the mosquitoes swayed and swayed. After turning over the two hills, they turned into a faint golden awn. The speed is faster than the average bird.

However, this area is indeed an inaccessible sinister place. The tens of meters tall towering trees completely block the sun from the outside. The swamps and bubbles are unknown, and there are countless poisonous snake worms crouching. Branches and weeds.

Li Yao estimated that, not to mention the troops from the Central Plains dynasty, even the indigenous barbarians who grew up nearby, may not dare to get close.

The terrain in front suddenly slammed down and there was a narrow and deep rift, like the earth was slashed.

On the cliffs on both sides of the rift, the trees are covered with strange shapes and forks. The green canopy covers the line of sight. If you cover the duckweed in the pond, you can't see how deep the rift is.

However, from the depths of the rift, there was a rumbling sound of water, as if there was a big river with a rush of water, rushing through the bottom of the valley.

In the vicinity of this rift valley, there are not even the path of the half beasts stepping out. Don't say ordinary people, even the top warriors of **** masculine, do not dare to be alone.

Li Yao noticed a very strange situation.

Over the hills that have been turned over by several peaks, in the vast jungle of the vast wild, you can hear the beasts of ghosts and wolverines, and you can also feel some very powerful monsters, showing that they are beasts, monsters and spirits. The paradise of the beast.

Only in the vicinity of this rift valley, the clear mountain forest is denser, and there is a very abundant water source. Instead, I can’t hear the half-sounding tiger scorpion dragonfly. Even the “snakes” that the snake worms climbed over heard Not enough.

The seemingly vibrant jungle is like a dead cemetery. It is clear that the sun is shining, but it gives off a strange feeling of coldness.

The flower mosquitoes plunged into the depths of the rift.

The Xiaolong still maintains an invisible state, not far from the nearest.

Li Yao silently ran into the "Dream of the Big Dream" that he gave to him, and reduced the physiological functions such as breathing and heartbeat to a minimum during high-speed movement.

"Dream of the Big Dream" can not only be used for hibernation, but also has another advantage, that is, in a short period of intense exercise, it reduces the physiological function of the body surface, showing the effect of "outside cold internal heat".

At this moment, if you use a high-power microscope to observe Li Yao's skin, you will find that his pores are completely closed, and the skin is as smooth as a mirror. If you are born, you will not have pores.

The psionic energy, body fluids and smells that escape through the pores are naturally sealed.

In the past, Li Yao also cultivated the corresponding hidden magical powers, but the ordinary supernatural powers can only be concealed in a static state, but not like the mysterious beauty of "Dream of the Big Dreams," while galloping, while not leaking a little smell and fluctuation.

This rift is extremely deep, wide and narrow, and the section is like a triangle. After passing through the upper layer that is covered by the top of the canopy, the bottom is black and hazy.

The bottom of the valley is a white and miserable water. Like a raging dragon, it constantly hits and tears the mountain rocks on both sides of the rift. From time to time, several boulder stones are smashed, and three or two vortexes are smashed and sunk. The bottom of the river is gone.

Such a sinister river can really be described as "feather can not float"!

This place reveals awkwardness and weirdness. It belongs to the topography that is not suitable for three or five zombies.

The mosquitoes flew straight to the huge river at the bottom of the valley, and they were about to be shattered by the waves. Suddenly, Jinmang flashed and disappeared.

Li Yaoqi's eyes were on his eyes. He manipulated the dragon to take a few laps and found that on the side of the canyon near the river, there was a small tree that developed horizontally and half dead. The back of the tree root was a hidden deep and pleasing. A crack that one walks through.

Although the small tree is not large, the root system is extremely long and extremely dense, almost covering the gap completely, just like a natural barrier.

If you don't see the flowers and mosquitoes in your eyes, even if you concentrate on searching, it is difficult to find the article behind the crack.

The dragon was carefully passed through the gap between the roots, and along the winding gap, it was groping for a long time in the darkness, and the front suddenly opened up.

It turned out to be a very open underground cave!

The length and width of the underground cave are more than 100 meters. The traces of artificial excavation are quite obvious. There are still several cracks on the top. I don’t know where to go. There is a faint white light that permeates down, and the whiteness in the cave is suffocating.

Li Yaojing looked at it again and found that the effect of "white swaying" was not only the light that permeated the gap in the dome, but also the bones that covered the entire cave!

Most of the bones emit a lot of luster, such as pale gold, dark red, bronze, etc. The shape is much more numerous than the human skull, but it can recognize the human hands and feet.

This is the remains of the Pangu or the female Yi people, and the preservation is quite good!

Li Yao’s eyes brightened, and the appearance of so many ancient civilizations and bones proves from another side that this mysterious and ancient world of ancient times has a great connection with Pangu civilization.

However, in addition to the stagnation of the remains of the wild, there are also some human jealousy.

Judging from the faintly remaining flesh and blood, the death time is not too far away. It seems to have been killed recently, and the shape is quite tender and small. It is like the bones of a child of three or five years old, even the bones of a newborn baby. .

“Is there a cult to worship the stranger here?”

Li Yao brows her head.

He knows that in many ancient worlds, there are evil ways to use the living to sacrifice magic.

In particular, some wild monks on the edge of civilization have the tradition of cultivating the living and strengthening the power with the soul and the magic weapon.

When cultivating a stranger, it is better to use the pure spirit of the uncontaminated child.

Explained by the modern concept, it is about the child's soul has not been interfered and polluted by various cosmic radiation, and its force field structure is relatively stable.

When Li Yao was slightly over, he found a pair of relatively complete children's skeletons, and the bones of the seventy-eight are falling.

Such a horrible situation, which made him calm and indifferent, all had a wave of killing.

In the deepest part of the cave, there is an altar made of black rock. The altars are engraved with ancient secrets and reliefs. There are quite a few evil scenes that demonize the devil, revealing a burst of ghosts.

Behind the altar, there is also a quaint refining furnace, and a lot of tools to refine the magic weapon. According to Li Yao’s professional vision, it is quite good.

A lot of things are placed next to the refining furnace, but it is more interesting.

It seems to be part of a giant armor.

More precisely, it is a pair of armor worn by Pangu or Lahu, with a total height of about 10 to 20 meters.

This half-arm scorpion, which is four or five meters long, is riddled with plaques, leaving only a frame.

In front of the armpit, stood a middle-aged man with a pale skin and a sullen face.

This gentleman's eyes are deep, and there is a blue birthmark similar to the big bird's wings, covering the upper part of the face.

His eyes are hidden under the "two wings", his eyes are more deep, the hook nose is extremely curved, the tip of the nose is like to poke into the person, but the lips are very narrow, but also protrude forward, like a pointed tip The beak.

Although his appearance is not good, and he is in the depths of the impoverished and impoverished mountains, this monarch has a life-skilled singer, and he is the master of this mountain forest, and he is invincible! (To be continued.)

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