Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1342: Hundred Ghost Order

The mosquito that had been implicated in his thoughts for hundreds of miles, hovering over the mountains, hovered over his head for a long time, and gradually flew to the corner of his mouth. He opened his mouth and swallowed, and swallowed in his mouth.咔 咔 咔 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

"The idiot of black and nose has not grown for decades. It is still stupid like a pig, greedy like a dog, and a little bit of a slap in the face, dare to go to the front to attack the army!"

The blue-spotted grotesque shook his head and looked disdainful.

With the distortion of the facial muscles, the wings of the blue bird-shaped birthmarks are like dancing up and down.

The three thousand worlds are all derived from the Pangu Nuwa, including the mysterious world of “out of the three realms, not in the five elements”, and also the cultivation of Pangu or Nuwa.

The human civilization, the language, the text and the social system used in this "Three Thousand and One Worlds" have inherited the essence of a large number of Pangu civilizations.

Therefore, each other's language is similar, just like a variant between different dialects.

Li Yao swallowed a lot of memory fragments of Ou Yezi, and he was proficient in several dialects of the Middle Ages.

During the five years of Kunlun's development, the Federation has unearthed many fragments containing the ancient sayings and runes of Pangu civilization, and further understanding of the language system of Pangu civilization.

The text used in this circle is similar to the "Lotus Lotus" in the early Middle Ages. It only slightly increased or decreased some brushstrokes. Therefore, the ten characters of "Wu Nan Wu Road Recruitment and Ling Ling" were smashed by Li Yao. I recognized it at a glance.

It is the accent of this blue-spotted grotesque, swearing, ghosts, ghosts, like a nine-curve snake, crawling up and down in the human ear, and it makes people feel creepy.

Li Yao distinguished for a while, compared it with dialects of dozens of ancient times, and then combined with the context, he barely understood his meaning.

The blue-spotted geeks continue to scream: "When you are black, you don't want to think about it. When are you now? Do you dare to come to the office to ask for help? Is it easy for the generation? It’s a pity that his body is good, and there is that. Mouth 'nine holy smoldering blood knife'!"

It is a "pity" to say, but the face of the squirrels has not revealed a really pity.

It’s like saying that it’s not “easy to be with the generations”, but it’s not in the heart.

It seems that this chaos in the jungle has not been put in his eyes at all. No matter whether it is a squad or a victory, it is a trivial matter.

Li Yao’s heart is dark, the so-called “black nose”, who wants to come is the fat head of the rhinoceros monster.

Listening to the tone of this bluish geek, and "black nose" is old knowledge decades ago, but the relationship is not very good.

Since he observed the "black nose" and the method of the orchid female sword repair, he still ridiculed the irony and disdain, obviously it is far above the existence of both sides.

The squirrels sneered a few times, and they left the matter behind them, continuing to look at some of the sword embryos and rune fragments on the altar.

It turned out that this altar was used as a "workbench".

Li Yao is the master of refining tools of Bogutong today. After a little observation, he saw the intention of the squirrels.

I want to come, this blue-spotted eccentric has found such a mysterious cave house with Pangu armor and corpse.

However, perhaps hundreds of thousands of years of erosion, perhaps he is not the first to find the lucky here.

In short, there are not many legacy treasures left in this area, only half of the arm shackles.

The Pangu people are huge in shape, and even if they are half-armed, if they are used as raw materials for refining, they can also create a lot of secret swords and magic weapons that blow hair and break hair and cut iron.

The blue-spotted geeks have been residing here, dismantling the giant arm shackles and creating a magic weapon for their own use.

Listening to his self-speaking tone, and the "black nose" has not been seen for decades, and then look at the layout and operation here, he is likely to have been in this place for more than ten or twenty years.

Li Yao vaguely saw that on the smooth and mirror-like cave wall deep in the cave, dozens of square holes were carved out, and the inside was first finely smeared with a layer of bone powder and white. The semi-finished products of the magic weapon are all seen from the giant arm shackles, not a year and a half.

In the era of ancient repairs, the professionalization of the self-cultivators is still unclear, and the high-ranking monks are often involved in a wide range of medicinal voodoos and refiners.

This blue-spotted geek is very likely to be a master of the Yuan Ying series. After discovering a "treasure", he secretly hides and retreats for decades, while practicing and creating a powerful secret treasure, it is a very common landscape in the era of ancient times.

However, the ancient revisions that are not very familiar to various basic disciplines, after obtaining the secret treasure of the Pangu civilization, obviously do not solve the principles in the same way as modern self-cultivation civilization.

The bluish geeks only look at the super-strength alloy used by the giant arm scorpion and use it as a raw material for the sword refiner.

However, it is the aerodynamics, psionic cycle and ergonomics hidden in the brachi... The mystery of many fields is turned a blind eye, which really makes Li Yaosheng feel violent.

Having said that, the Bleu geeks also have their own set of refining methods.

However, he saw that he had taken a sword embryo polished with the Pangu war shards. He was fascinated with a face for a moment, and spit out a green saliva from his mouth. When he touched the sword embryo, he turned into a green and shining. When the flame is extinguished, several lines of ripples remain on the sword embryo.

The bluish geek narrowed his eyes, looked at the light, observed the direction of the texture for a while, and then untied a colorful silk sac at the waist, and found a black token from inside.

This token has the size of the palm, and the surface is very sinister. It engraves hundreds of big-headed dolls. Every big-headed doll smiles, but the depth of the smile reveals an indescribable taste.

Such a "hundred child play map" is actually more chilling than the "hundred ghost night map".

The blue-spotted geek silently recited the curse, and two light green smog were scattered in the nostrils. The tokens were turned around nine times, and they were divided into a thinner green silk, and they all went to the "hundred child play map". In the nostrils of the big dolls!

A weird thing happened!

After inhaling his thoughts, these big-headed dolls, which are stiff on the metal tokens, are all distorted. The expression of "smiles and smiles" is also a bit more screaming, painful, and infertile!

Suddenly, the blue-spotted geek stretched out and was thin and long. He also took the finger of the green and shiny nails and played three times on the token. He screamed, and the thoughts seemed like fish lines. From the depth of the token, "fishing" Come out a few souls!

These few souls, like a few small children and even babies, are skeletal violent, distorted, and unspeakable weird.

The squirrels in the nostrils are full of snoring, and a powerful aura hits the child's soul. If there are a few invisible big hands, like a muddy pill, the child's soul will be flat and round.

Under his painful suffering, these children's souls could not survive, and they could not die. They were finally provoked by a fierce temperament, and their faces became more and more embarrassing, and they launched a counterattack!

However, he was cruelly killed shortly after birth, and his soul was extracted from the soul. The child who has nothing to do but purity is the opponent of a big master of the Yuan Ying period.

The blue-spotted geeks seem to be playing tricks with cats and mice, and they don’t care about their children’s souls, honing their fierceness and cultivating their anger.

"This, this is not just a cult to cultivate a stranger, but a secret such as "raising a little ghost"!"

Li Yao was shocked.

Obviously, he saw the bones of the children on the outskirts of the cave, all of which were caused by the green geeks.

He kills the child and extracts the soul, but it is sealed in this weird token.

This token is like a "spiritual body" in the modern comprehension civilization, which can be used for hiding and maintaining the soul.

This Jun is doing this, obviously not good intentions, he wants to smash the child's soul, slowly wash and modulate, and modulate it into a "little ghost", and then integrate it into the secret sword and the implement, and enhance the power of the magic weapon!

To explain what is a "little ghost", we must first say "spirit".

The legend of ancient repair, Feijian magic can pass humanity, as long as the birthday is long, absorb enough Japanese Jingyuehua, and communicate with the owner's mind, it is possible to breed a "spirit", from which the magic weapon can do whatever it pleases, automatically attack and defense, no need Master control.

The magic weapon of the spirit, called "Lingbao", is a higher level of existence, but also the treasure of countless ancient repairs.

From the perspective of modern comprehension civilization, the so-called "spiritual spirit" can be roughly called "artificial intelligence embedded in a large number of tactical schemes, which can independently search, cruise, judge and attack and defend".

Even with the development level of the Xingyao Federation, it is quite difficult to breed a highly developed "artificial intelligence" that completely simulates the human mind in the crystal brain.

Not to mention the medieval era that was still groping in the dark.

Now, there is even a quite popular view in the federation. It is believed that the reason why the ancient times were so common is that they are the "pangu civilized military artificial intelligence" left after the war, and many of their variants.

The ruins of the wilderness, if you can't ask for it, there are a lot of unsatisfactory minds, and the idea is hit by humans.

Killing people, extracting the soul, and attaching to the magic weapon, can also achieve the effect of "artificial intelligence", even better.

This kind of magical technique that transforms the human soul into a "spiritual spirit" is better for the spirit of the child.

Because a white child's soul is not polluted, just like the "underlying state" that has just completed the underlying architecture and has not been written to any front-end operating system and specific instructions, you can fill in new instructions as you like, without worrying about the system. Many problems caused by the conflict. (To be continued.)

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