Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1344: Local Yuan Ying is angry!

The hexapod crocodile has a different body, and the huge body is twitching under the control of the nerves. From the torn neck, a large group of stinky poisonous blood is poured out, and Li Yao is covered with a face, making him a brilliant crystal. Yingying's blood man.

Li Yao’s strong temperament made the local Yuan Ying extremely shocked. He carefully bred a dozens of loved demon pets and was strangled by one stroke, which made him feel heartbroken.

However, the slightly blue-colored demon blood contaminated the other side, but it made his heart sneer.

This six-legged crocodile dragon was found in the upper reaches of the raging river "Poison River" in the depths of the Rift Valley, next to an unknown poisonous spring.

The mouth of the poisonous spring, the spring water is clear, it seems to be clear and delicious, but the surrounding is not grass, the birds and beasts are absolutely, no one is bold and close.

Only the six-legged crocodile dragon with only the length of the arm, drilled out from the gap in the mountain wall, swayed into the spring water, played and drank water, and was discovered by the local Yuan Ying who was collecting medicine nearby, knowing that this is a natural beast, Go back to the cave to raise.

This beast usually likes to eat snakes, poisonous insects, cockroaches, cockroaches, and other poisonous snakes. The venom has been stored in the depths of the internal organs, and the sputum in the mouth is extremely poisonous. In the blade of the war, the absolute blood sees the throat.

And its blood toxicity is more than a hundred times better than saliva!

This inexplicable mystery, although brave and unparalleled, does not know the mystery of the six-legged crocodile dragon, even if it does not evade the dragon blood, is it not...

Looking at the green smoke coming out of his body, Li Yao was interested in it. He extended his **** and licked a dragon's blood. He gave it to the entrance and tasted it.

"Yes, yes, this dragon's blood contains a variety of neurotoxins, blood circulation toxins and cytotoxins, which is equivalent to mixing the venom of cobra, bamboo leaf green, golden ring snake and blue sea snake, and the effect is increased by dozens of times! Instantly eroding human nerve endings, cerebral cortex, and respiratory and voluntary muscles, it first produces an illusion of eccentricity, followed by nerve loss, limb twitching, and finally muscle spasm, respiratory failure and death!"

"In natural venom, it is a very overbearing breed!"

"However, compared with the **** demon world with modern genetic technology, the body fluids of hundreds of poisonous insects and monsters, and the genetic agents carefully prepared, there is still a big gap!"

Li Yao has a large number of Gorefiends. Hexae is a good expert in gene modulation and cell strengthening. He has a strong ability to analyze, resist and crack the venom that invades the body. It can be said that "there is no poison". !

This is also the biggest capital of Li Yao’s blood and demon world.

After the three worlds combined, Li Yao felt that he was upgraded to the realm of Yuan Ying when he was so young. According to the usual cultivation methods, it is difficult to make rapid progress in a short period of time.

Therefore, he and the Jinxue, the fire ant king and other demon people who have trusted, have studied a lot of methods that seem to be "squatting evil."

Such as using a variety of mixed poisons to stimulate cell potential and enhance physical strength is one of the ways.

This method is actually on the iron original star that year, Yan Yan used to strengthen his own "day robbery body" path.

After five years of modulation, Li Yao’s current body, although not revealing the mountains and dew, is ten times more powerful than the ugly “day robbery body” of the northwestern Yan.

What's more, he can also use the "Dream of the Dream" to return the pores to the limit, the skin is as smooth as the mirror, the venom can not penetrate, how can it hurt him?

"It seems that the technology of the demon animal breeding in this world is still at a very primitive stage. It has only reached the stage of artificial domestication. It has not been used since the embryonic period to intervene in the breeding and growth of the beast."

"The talent of these natural monsters is even better. After all, it is not like the bio-beast of the blood demon world. It is a monster born purely for killing!"

Li Yao’s body fluttered, and the ultra-high speed of the muscle bundle trembled, and the venom attached to his body shook out in an instant, forming a red-red poisonous mist in the body.

He is looming in the red-red poisonous fog, and it shows an unfathomable horror.

The local Yuan Ying was scared to jump.

There are a number of Yuan Ying masters in the Central Plains, the Northland and overseas. Most of them have heard about it, but they never know that there is such a hot and strange figure!

Moreover, he wanted to blow his head and couldn't understand it. Now the Central Plains are competing with each other, and the winds are raging. All the masters gather in the North, and even he wants to join in the ninth and then the knives.

This mysterious master, but where did it come out, what did you do in Wunan?

"Don't it be that the news of my refining here is leaking, and I made a special trip to kill and win the treasure?"

“It’s impossible!”

"Self-acquisition of this cave house, since the discovery of many secret treasures, it has been ridiculous, pretending to be violent and dying for decades. For decades, it has not moved in the realm of comprehension, and it has been circulated within a hundred miles. For decades, the people who rushed in have been killed by me, and even the souls have swallowed up, and there is no possibility of leaking the wind!"

The local Yuan Ying thoughts turn, the more I think the more my heart is, I know that life and death are in the first line, my hands are smashed, a round, white miserable beads are shining in the palm of my hand, and Bi Yingying’s streamer is flowing all over the body, but it is Outside his green feather coat, put on a layer of armor!

This layer of shiny armor is made up of numerous hexagonal scales in series, and the joints are reinforced with grotesque skulls, especially the two corners of the helmet like a viper. Witch color.

The local Yuan Ying has one hand to buckle a smudged flying sword, while the other hand carries a colorful pimple, and the surrounding body is surrounded by dozens of flaming fireflies, and the evil murderer's style is undoubtedly revealed.

Li Yao took a bit of appreciation and looked at this ancient armor. There is a feeling that he has entered the history textbook and is fighting with the ancients.


The blood of the battle boiled to the extreme. He did not intend to plant the crystal scorpion. In the posture of bare banana body and only around the banana leaf, he reached the face of the fully armed local Yuan Ying!

Ding Ling and Iron God Yanba are right!

In this mysterious world, there is a high probability that there will be a master above the Yuan Ying. If you encounter a strong person in the level of the gods, even if he has a modern magic weapon in hand, it may not be able to be instantly equipped and activated.

The flesh and blood is the most "fast" magic weapon. At the crucial moment, it is very possible to save his life!

This barbarian Yuan Ying, who lives in the barren hills and mountains, should not be the strongest person in this world. Otherwise, he should go to the Central Plains and ride on the head of the emperor. In terms of resource collection efficiency, the Central Plains It is many times higher than the wilderness of the rainforest.

With such a meta-infant, to adapt to the play and tactics of the local ancient repair system, just right!

Li Yaoyi’s most simple and straightforward, even the middle school students who have received the federal nine-year compulsory education will exert the “black tiger heart” and hammer it toward the other’s breastplate.

The local yuan is mad at the blood, he has never seen such a very unreasonable play!

In the realm of comprehension, even if you kill someone to win the treasure, you have to first pass a name portal, the two sides use the exquisite moves, and then sacrifice their own strong * treasure, gorgeous battle?

Where does this geek come out? If you don’t want to scream, you will be screaming and screaming. The savage savage will laugh at the rough movements of the big teeth. The straight-forward moves are so powerful!

The local Yuan Ying feels that it is not a "black tiger" but a black stone!


Local Yuan Ying is angry!

The ghosts and eroded bones swayed, and the dozens of fluorescent lights in the whole body immediately turned into a vain yin wind, entangled in Li Yao's body!

The faint flying swords are worshipped in the sky, and it has turned into dozens of swords!

The hands are like a lotus flower, and there are dozens of runes in a moment, as if they have the essence, and they come to Li Yao’s chest.


In just a few seconds, the figures of the two people were divided into dozens of times and changed hundreds of strokes.

At first glance, the local Yuan Ying's moves are exquisite, the magical powers are ever-changing, the magic weapon is speculative, the sound and photoelectric effects are more gorgeous and gorgeous, what is the Thunder, which is lightning, and what the ghosts are crying, the smoldering with the sharp edges The stinging seven-color streamer is dazzling and dazzling.

Li Yao’s offensive is restrained to the extent of “honesty”, that is, no fancy boxing, whip legs, wrestling, very few mourning curses, and rarely release the mysterious illusion, more than the crop Unpretentious.

However, from the results

The local Yuan Ying was completely suppressed!

Then the exquisite moves, the ever-changing curse, and the secret magic weapon, met Li Yao’s steel fist and iron legs, all turned into eggs and touch the stone!

"I didn't guess wrong. It really is a very typical ancient era of warfare."

Li Yao, while suppressing, has an analysis of leisure and leisure. "The ancient chanting chanting, manipulating the magic weapon, and using the magical powers are mostly from the Pangu and the Nuwa, which have been handed down from generation to generation."

"However, many tribes of Pangu civilization have different differences in their physiological structure and human beings. In the process of hundreds of thousands of years of circulation, it is inevitable that they will be rumored to be rumored and information is distorted!"

"Plus, the ancients can't break the thoughts of feudal superstition, and they don't know the truth about prehistoric civilizations such as Pangu, Nüwa, Kuafu, and Gonggong, but they treat them as gods."

“The magical powers, why is it called ‘God’, because ancient repairs have made these exercises a succession of the gods!”

"Since it is the inheritance of the gods and devils, of course, one word cannot be deleted, and one action cannot be adjusted. One link cannot be missed."

"Even if there are ambiguities, even ridiculous things, it is only that their ‘sense’ is not enough, or that ‘the heart’ is not devout enough, and that the rulings themselves are problematic.”

"So the food is not old, so it is self-styled. Even if you have a fascinating psionic power, and there is a ‘real’ Pangu secret method in hand, can you exert more powerful power?” (To be continued.)

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