Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1345: The collision between civilizations!

Regardless of the Xingyao Federation or the real human empire, after sketching out the general appearance of the ancient era from the vast ancient books of the ancient times, the differences between the "medium-recognition" and "modern self-cultivation" and the reasons for these differences were carried out. In-depth study and analysis. [(?[?[

Li Yao’s experience is even more extraordinary. He has the memory of the ancient master of Ouyezi, and he has a deeper understanding of the congenital defects of ancient civilization.

The difference between the ancient and the modern cultivation is, in essence, the difference between the feudal society, the self-sufficiency, the small-scale peasant economic system, the modern large industrial system, and even the post-modern information society system.

The former is just a simple accumulation of experience, according to the cat painting tiger, knowing it but not knowing why, knowing that a certain spell can summon a certain magical power, and this magical power can play a certain role, nothing more.

As for why this spell can summon a specific magical power, and how this magical power is formed, and why it presents a unique destructive power, attack power and all kinds of strange powers, it is not known, a brain The children all shirked to the head of the "God of Devil".

The latter is concerned with the bottom of the question, the principle of scrutiny, the calculation of big data, and the large-scale replay and mass production under the same conditions.

Even the simplest flying swords and "fires" must thoroughly understand their principles!

for example.

The same "Lotus Handprint", in the Ming Dynasty, may be the "grandfather of the ancestors of the ancestors" passed down, how should it be printed, what effect can be sifted here.

As for the "Zu Zuzu Master", in all likelihood, it is "to get the teaching of the aliens, the magic of the magic", only to master this handprint.

The principle of the fingerprint, the psionic cycle process... I don’t know, the complete black box state, only know the input conditions and output results, what is in the middle, the ghost knows.

Such a "black box handprint", passed down through the carrier of jade slips and classics, has two consequences.

If the inheritance is intact, it will be regarded as a standard by the descendants of the later generations. It is not easy to be a "punk master". Everyone is practicing step by step, and even half of the posture cannot be changed.

As everyone knows, people's fingers are long and short, the palms are also large and small, and even the direction of fingerprints and palm prints, the impact of the opponent's printing will have an impact.

What's more, the handprint of this "immortal teaching" was originally probably in the Pangu civilization. The cultivation of a natural six-finger race was copied and copied from the root. How much power is left?

This is still a good situation.

If the carrier that stores this handprint is damaged in the hundreds of thousands of years of civilization exhibitions, it is commonplace to change the dynasty. It is normal for the civilized birth and death to happen several times. The inheritance of the ninety-nine is all damaged. Maybe the later monks can only think about it. The method is completed.

However, they do not know the basic principle of the so-called "handprint", and the completion of the practice has become a metaphysical study. No matter how bleak the wind is, it is basically four words, "heart is the spirit"!

The power of complementing this way is even more worth mentioning.

Modern self-cultivation civilization is different.

If the modern comprehension civilization gets a brand new handprint, they will first realize that the so-called "handprint" is nothing more than using the most flexible organ hands on human beings to guide the biological currents in the body between the fingers and fingers. The oscillating, constructing a unique magnetic field, and then using these magnetic fields to excite the psionic energy hidden in the human body, the ancient ring or the nature, breaking through the critical point, generating a chain reaction, constructing a larger "spiritual magnetic field" ".

Therefore, the handprint is equivalent to a "command" that calls for "functions". Different handprints represent different commands.

But the order is not unchangeable. Everyone can combine their own actual situation to “write” their own, most concise, direct, elegant, and error-free commands.

After understanding this principle, modern monks will fine-tune this handprint through the powerful computational power of the crystal brain, combined with the information of the size of the palm, the length of the fingers, the bone density and even the average hand, the limit hand and so on.

Including the degree of bending of ten fingers, the angle of the finger joint, the frequency of the shock of the arms... all input into the crystal brain to construct the model, repeated tests, after several millions of tests by digital means, about output A perfect handprint process.

Modern monks practice in accordance with such a "standardized perfect printing process", and can also get the assistance of "handprint holders" and other cultivation facilities, and naturally take half the work.

This is just the beginning.

Now a brand new handprint, the government will also enter it into the relevant "handprint database", and the existing handprints to match the degree to see if there is a series of handprints.

It will also be mixed with the mantra of the mantra in the 'Curse Database', and it will be calculated repeatedly in the virtual world. Is there any kind of curse that can be used together to increase the power?

There are countless follow-up research projects like this.

But all research, including the huge fascinating database, has only a strong central government or level of commercial organization to support it.

Under the small-scale peasant economy, it is impossible for the imperial court and the classical sects who are beggars to have such power.

The same is true of Li Yao’s moves.

Seemingly simple straight punches, whip legs, knee hits, in fact, from the attack route, respiratory frequency to the psionic winding model, all countless experts and scholars carefully calculated, hundreds of years, thousands of years of painstaking accumulation of crystal, and after each The second-order operation of more than ten trillion times of the level of the brain is repeatedly calculated and optimized, abandoning all the flashy redundant movements, returning to the most original meaning of the concept of 'attack'.

With the greatest strength, the shortest distance, hit the most vulnerable part of the target.

It's that simple.

It’s so ugly.

It is so rude.


Li Yaoping’s unpredictable fist once again broke through the local swordsman’s eyes and slashed his sword.

The local Yuan Ying screamed, and the entire head was embedded in the hard rock, like a smashed nail.

This is of course.

The practice of the local Yuan Ying is that he has been practicing in closed doors for decades.

Li Yao’s "Exterior Yuan Ying" is a collection of wisdom essences of tens of billions of people in Tianyuan, Blood Demon, and Feixing. In hundreds of Yuan Ying, tens of thousands of knots, and millions of buildings. The base and countless refining monks, born in constant communication, improvement, testing, and adjustment, contain the principles of tensinology, biochemistry, trajectory, aerodynamics, human anatomy, and so on.

And these thousands of disciplines have to be exhibited in a highly industrialized and informationized society!

This is not a battle between two Yuan Ying.

It is a partiality, and it is self-styled. It has been in the small peasant economy for more than ten thousand years. It is the first time that there is no suspense of civilization between the modern and cultivated civilizations of the world.

"The Yuan Ying here is too weak."

Li Yao’s heart is faint.

In terms of the level of spiritual power, this local Yuan Ying is still a good one.

However, his knots, spells, chanting, and melee movements are full of fancy and inexplicable movements.

The movement is secretive and the posture is very elegant. The sound and photoelectric effects that are stimulated are quite exaggerated.

It’s a pity that it’s not a beauty pageant, it’s a fight.

Li Yao estimates that these extra movements of eyebrows and claws are either the Pangu people who originally created this method of practice, and a certain physiological structure.

Either in the wars of hundreds of thousands of years and the replacement of the dynasty, the information is distorted, and it is rumored to be rumored. I don’t know how it will remain.

Either a kind of ritual ritual that summons the gods and expresses their devout faith.

No matter what, no... no eggs!


Li Yao was also a foot, passing through a few wildfires, kicking off the local Yuan Ying three rear molars.

In the Dongfu, he is also domineering and exposed. The local Yuan Ying, who is absolutely strong in the gas field, is like a big monkey that has been smashed by the hair, and the wolf has reached the extreme.

His eyes were filled with anger, his expression was sorrowful, his hands were still dancing like cramps, his mouth was filled with words, and he desperately called for the demon gods and ghosts.

Although every meaningless extra action consumes less than 0.1 seconds, three or five actions add up, which is about half a second.

In the battle of Yuan Ying Lao Ge, half a second is enough to do a lot of things.

"Feudal superstition is killing people!"

Li Yao couldn't help but sigh, and secretly said in his heart.

To step into the modern self-cultivation civilization, we must first break all feudal superstitions and establish an atheistic world view and cosmology. Only then can we look at the various magical powers, magic weapons and classics passed down from ancient times in a more objective manner, and conduct research, improvement and even Thoroughly overthrow the comeback.

But how easy is it to do this?

Li Yao’s memory of the earth in his previous life is a place where there is no trace of prehistoric civilization at all. No matter the pyramid, Stonehenge or the Great Wall, it is manpower.

Even so, there are still billions of people who believe in the existence of the so-called **** Buddha.

And in many worlds of this world, there are really prehistoric civilizations that humans cannot understand.

Once the giant corpse of the Pangu civilization was excavated, it was easy to be regarded as the demon of the gods, and the remaining Xinghai battleships and orbital space stations were not “the Temple of Heaven and the Temple of Lingxiao”. What is it?

Let an old self-cultivator who has witnessed the ancient corpse and can separate the air and control the fire, to deny the existence of the demon, become an atheist... It is too difficult and too difficult!

How does the modern cultivation of civilizations break the belief in the gods?

This is the reason that "the blessings are dependent on each other".

In the 30,000-year-old dark age, the Terran was brutally ruled by the Yaozu, and the Yaozu vigorously promoted the theory of the demon and ruled the Xinghai with the "four-column system."

In the four-column system, the Yaozu is the "God of the Devil", the "God of the Gods", and the Terran is the traitor of the traitor who betrayed the Protoss. The crush and enslavement are the fate of the Terran. For thousands of years, never live.

The Terran must fight against the Yaozu, and naturally it must be crushed together with this set of "God and Devil" theory.

"There has never been a savior, nor an emperor, to create the future of mankind, all by ourselves!

Indulge in 30,000 years in the dark, prayed for 30,000 years, struggled for 30,000 years, and saw that half of the gods came out to save their own people, and thoroughly realized this.

From then on, after defeating the Yaozu, it broke through the explosive exhibition of modern cultivation of civilization!

Perhaps, without these 30,000 years of indulgence, it will be impossible to reinvent the bones and gain new life. Today's worlds are still the same as the world in front of us, still indulging in the medieval era of superstition and obstinacy! (To be continued.) 8

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