Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1346: Despicable!

Even if the overall gap between the medieval revision system and the modern revision system is abandoned, it is far from the strength of Li Yao's own strength, which is far from the local Yuan Ying. 〔?<

Who is Li Yao? In the realm of "excellent Jin Dan", I will dare to fire and the first high-level meteor of the Yuan Ying period, Xiao Xuan Ce!

Since then, he has been alone in the blood demon world, with the eyes of the blood demon eyes of hundreds of thousands of demon army, and dozens of demons!

Even on the "Kunlun", I personally slaughtered a "Pangu Protoss"!

At the moment, from the perspective of the temperament of the soul, his strength is absolutely above the ordinary high level of the Yuan Ying period!

From the perspective of flesh and blood tyrannical, the Gorefiend possesses, you can activate the wilderness cells at will, and he is the master of the demon king series!

He simply blends the advantages of Yuan Ying and the Emperor, and unless he is a high-level master in the Yuan Ying period, he may still fight with him.

In general, the first stage of the Yuan Ying period, the middle stage, in front of him, are considered clear porridge.


Li Yao is also a heavy hand, his arm in the void to pull out a three- or five-meter-long white line, heavily beaten in the local Yuan Ying chest.

"咔咔" two sounds, the psionic shield is divided into five pieces, the dragon scale breastplate is drawn into pieces, the local yuan baby's sternum burst into powder, the chest is deeply sunken, even the lungs are blown up a few pieces, throat There is a strong embarrassment in the depths.

The local Yuan Ying hugged his head and squirmed, and escaped hundreds of meters in one breath.

Li Yao did not pursue, but he was expressionless and focused. He recorded the power he had just exerted and the other's injuries and other data in his mind.

This is not a battle at all, but he is experimenting with a mouse.

A hundred meters away, the local Yuan Ying was scattered, the appearance was terrible, and the heart and the liver were cracked.

In the mountains and mountains in the south of the Wujiang River, he was originally a savage murderer who was arrogant and ruthless!

But this mysterious stranger who appears inexplicably is more fierce than him!

Even the War A is not worn, and the magic weapon is not used. Just by the flesh and blood, he will almost all his magic weapons.

It seems to be simple and rough, without fancy tricks, but it has torn his psionic shield, dragon scale armor and body flesh and blood again and again!

And his flying sword, even the shadow of the other party can not touch!

Where is this person, clearly a savage beast with a human skin!

Looking at Li Yao's face with apathetic and boring expression, and the eyes of the two deep-seated to guess the half-small thoughts, the local Yuan Ying was deeply desperate, and could not produce a half-point and Li Yao's confrontation.

After the alveoli burst, the sound of the original deep evil spirit has become a broken scream:

"Daoyou! Friends and live!"

"Predecessors! Seniors are forgiving!"

"上仙! On the fairy there is something to say, there is something to say! On the gods and the vast majority, the means are exquisite, the younger generations dare not go to the immortal, I would like to hand this place 'Poison Cave', in the upper constellation Effective dog labor! On the fairy"

Li Yao blinked.

Originally, he had thought about it. He wanted to capture this local Yuan Yingsheng and slowly squeeze out the information of this planet.

But think carefully, this Yuan Ying is a local native after all, familiar with the mountains and rivers around, one flower and one wood.

Moreover, from his silent prohibition in the Dongfu, this person has quite a bluffing mind, not a barbaric, simple-minded barbarian.

This point can be seen from the fact that he is struggling for mercy when he sees it badly.

If you say it again, it’s all a Yuan Ying. It’s not that he can’t beat Li Yao. It doesn’t mean he can’t escape when Li Yao is lax.

Li Yao has just landed, and there are still many things that must be concentrated, and it is impossible to leave such a time bomb around.

What's more, a witch monk may not know the situation of the Central Plains dynasty and the realm of comprehension. Anyway, the army of "Wunan Five Roads Recruitment System" is on the left, waiting for Li Yao to polish his new identity and go directly to find They ask the same.

Therefore, under the balance of Li Yao, I feel that there is still no need to leave a living.

Li Yaozhuo stood on the dark river of the turbulent Rift Valley. He was full of chaos and winds. He did not rush to move his wrists and ankles. He turned a deaf ear to the local Yuan Ying’s grief and said: "Run."

This is the first word he said since he landed.

The goal is to exercise your vocal cords and throat muscles to simulate local dialects.

What he simulated is exactly the way the local Yuan Ying talks.

The local Yuan Ying is pleading with tears in his eyes, but the bottom of his heart is a wave of 10,000 tricks. The magic weapon at the bottom of the box is in the waist, and he can’t help but hear a “run” word, but it’s Did not understand the meaning of Li Yao.

Li Yao pointed to the darkness of the end of the canyon, and the upper reaches of the dragon river, repeated: "Run, run with your fastest speed."

Just now, the relevant data on both ends of the attack and defense have been collected almost. He also wants to test the limit escape of the local Yuan Ying.

The local Yuan Ying finally understood what he meant.

Also from Li Yao’s unwavering face, he realized his identity as a “test body”.


The local Yuan Ying’s face instantly rose red, and the bird’s-shaped cyan birthmark became more and more obvious. It’s just going to explode from the forehead!

"Do you want to deceive people too much, don't you know the horror of Yuan Ying's anger?"

The thunder of the local Yuan Ying’s entire chest suddenly burst into a thunderous sound, and then it was deeply sunken.


A **** fog of Bi Yingying, sprayed into the air, turned into a three-headed, six-armed, face-faced giant.

This is his burning spirit, releasing Yuan Ying, ready to fight with Li Yao!

Through the cover of the psionic giants, the local Yuan Ying took a sac in the waist, "嗖嗖嗖嗖", thirty-five black squats, and screamed in the air, dragging out the road. The dead black line, attacked Li Yao!

"This is it!"

Li Yao sneered in his heart.

Whistling is the thirty-six-handle black flying knives. Each of the flying knives is entwined with strong grievances and dead air. It is the seal of the innocent child's soul to act as a spiritual treasure!

These thirty-six-handed flying knives should be the magic weapon of the pressure box at the end of the local Yuan Ying, which is easily reluctant to use.

Because every time it is used, the external psionic fluctuations and radiation may erode the spirit of the magic weapon, causing the "Lingbao" to slowly degenerate into a common magic weapon.

However, once the application is carried out, the sensitivity of the magic weapon itself, the singularity of the attack route, and the cooperation between the thirty-six knives and the flying knives are indeed unpredictable and infinite.


Thirty-six black lines flashed across Li Yao’s body, as if he was locked into an impenetrable prison.

The materials for the thirty-six-handed flying knives were all peeled off from the Pangu giant trenches. Maybe there are still a few Pangu characters in the surface, and the speed is extremely fast. Li Yao suddenly disappeared.

Zhou was suddenly cut out dozens of wounds, the wound was black, and the flesh turned out, like the baby's lips.

A black gas rushed to the ground and drilled down the wound.

Li Yao frowned and secretly cursed.

The despicableness of the local Yuan Ying is far from his estimation.

This chop is not only to refine the soul of innocent children into a spirit, to be enclosed in a flying knife, to enhance the handling and automation of the magic weapon.

He even used some other means to bring the weaker children to the soul. It is very likely that the newborn baby, even the fetus soul in the mother, was extracted and made into a shadowless invisible haze. The gas is attached to the flying knife.

As long as the flying knife cuts the target a little oily skin, these hazy gas can flow into the target body along the wound, directly licking the nerves and soul of the target!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing Li Yao’s dozens of wounds in the body, he was entangled and infiltrated by hundreds of haze, as if he could not move. The local Yuan Ying was fascinated.

These thirty-six soul sorcerers are made by hard work and hard work for decades. They are only used to kill a few monsters, but they have not been tested on the masters above.

Just now he couldn't estimate the depth of Li Yao. He didn't dare to sacrifice the knives for a while, until he finally retired. He could only let go and did not expect the effect to be so good!

The local Yuan Ying swept the hustle and bustle of the moment before, and shouted loudly. "Where is the lonely ghost, I went to the cave of the Shangren to come to the wild! Let you spend thousands of magical powers, all kinds of means, eat this The human's 'child's soul sorcerer's knives', the yin into the blood, such as bones, into the marrow into the brain, are required to live, can not die, suffer thousands of knives, Wan ants heart bite!"

Li Yao is really angry.

"Aha, so many fresh haze, it seems to be made up of souls, the most delicious!"

The blood-colored demons wake up in the depths of Li Yao’s brains, lift their noses, and sniff like a pug. They don’t shake the tail that doesn’t exist. They smile and ask, “Can you eat?”


Li Yao coldly said, "The souls of these babies should be just prepared into a haze soon, put them in a suitable magnetic environment, and perhaps wash away the suffocating gas, reproduce the possibility of clearing the spirit, and absorb them all to you. Wrap it up, but don't devour one, otherwise I will really smash you!"

"Other things, you can make a joke with you, but this thing, I am very serious!"

The **** demons took a nap and said, "I don't want to be so serious, I just joked with you!"

"Although I am the dark side of your soul, it represents all the negative thoughts and emotions of yours, but your soul is dark again, and when your emotions are negative, there is no darkness to the extent that you want to devour your baby's soul!"

The **** demon screamed and turned into dozens of red streams, rushing toward the haze that invaded Li Yao.

The ones that make up these hazes are just the ordinary witches and babies in the Wunan Mountain Forest. When they encounter the **** demons, it is really a "small witch"!

When I was too late to struggle and scream, I was controlled by the **** demons and took a deep picture of Li Yao’s brain.

Li Yao perceives the emotions hidden under these fierce and fierce outer layers, helpless and extremely painful.

His pupils contracted into two hardened needle tips, staring at the local Yuan Ying not far away.

Hey, hey, hey!

On the mountain wall backed by the local Yuan Ying, there were suddenly dozens of criss-crossing gaps.

It was the murder of Li Yao’s realism, which was torn apart! (To be continued.) 8

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