Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1347: Unbearable! (fourth more!)


Li Yao suddenly disappeared!

The air between him and the local Yuan Ying seems to be suddenly distorted by a mist of fog.

That is Li Yao's speed is too fast, after the tearing of the air caused a temporary vacuum, showing the phenomenon of illusion.

It wasn't until the fog appeared that a burst of deafening sound waves broke out in the air.

Li Yao's speed has been increased by at least three times. Just a black stream of light sprang from all over the body, wrapping his body and limbs, and solidified into a powerful black crystal!

The mysterious warfare is a heavy fire type, and the colonization is completed!

A cold and sturdy black war god, supported by the tail flames of 18 black flames, is standing above the local Yuan Ying, condescending.

On the curved mirror helmet, six red-red crystal eyes rotate silently, the aperture is constantly zoomed in and out, and the target is cold and cold.


The fierce black mist mixed with psionic and demon spirits is unscrupulously released, filling every space in the narrow rift, as if the canyon has become a slaughterhouse dedicated to Li Yao, even the choppy Duron River, the tide There has been a moment of stagnation!

The local Yuan Ying’s laughter came to an abrupt end.

The heart was also completely frozen by Li Yao’s killing and air.

For a moment, he even forgot the fear, but concentrated all his attention on Li Yao’s crystal.

He has never seen this before... the weird and perfect armor, even wrapped up every inch of the skin of the comprehension, without revealing a trace of flaws.

Moreover, on the smooth and mirror-like appearance of the armor, there is still a faint stream of light flowing through it, as if there is a thin film of light like a flap covering it. From different angles, it is full of thousands of complicated Kind of color.

The local Yuan Ying was once again scared.

Not only because of the fear of "absolute power," but also because of a mysterious unknown.

From this seamless and exquisite armor, he faintly felt that the other person seemed to come from a world he could not guess, understand, and imagine.


Li Yao directly punched and slammed back from the psionic giant who had rushed to himself from below.

With the increase of the mysterious warfare, his boxing power has increased by three times. In a punch, a bucket-sized hole has been blasted in the chest of the three-headed and six-armed psionic giant. The ripples are undulating and cannot heal for a long time.

The psionic giant is like a deflated ball, sending out a scream of tears.


The psionic giant is the sacred soul of the local Yuan Ying. It is directly connected with his soul. Li Yao’s fist is like a brain that directly broke into the local Yuan Ying, so that he once again spurted a blue Yingying Blood, the whole person has withered!

Li Yao’s eyelids were not smashed, and the local Yuan Ying was smashed into the rock, which was like a big cake.

The iron fist is like a blast, and hundreds of punches are blasted in a second. The whole person seems to have turned into a heavy-duty Xuanguang pile driver. On the mountain rock, a hole of several meters deep is produced, and the local Yuan Ying is born. I went in.

With the help of one of the strongest crystal squads in the Three Realms, such a battle is purely a raging.

From the moment when Li Yao was serious, the local Yuan Ying could even make the last scream, and he had to pass Li Yao’s permission.

Half a minute later, the depth of the hole reached ten meters and it became a brand new cave.

Because of the ultra-high-speed friction between the fist and the rock, the temperature in the cave was raised to hundreds of degrees, and the smoke was blue.

The psionic giant once again rushed up, but was smashed in half by Li Yao.

As for the local yuan baby...

He was very evenly applied to the wall of the cave, and was eroded by high temperature and friction, completely extinguished!


A touch of green light suddenly burst out of the hole, flew through Li Yao's pants and flew out, turned into a three-foot-high green little man, looks like the local Yuan Ying just under the Li Yao fist. .

The little man escaped to five or six hundred meters and fled to the safe zone. He thought that he fled with his hands on his hips and angered. He pointed to Li Yao and said: "You dare to ruin my 'Lingling Master' body. I am not dead with you! Even if you hide your head and show your name, the boss will dig up your roots and one day, come back and destroy you!"

Under the swearing words, the little man laughed and turned into a green light and went straight to the depths of the Rift Valley.

Li Yao's eyelids shook, and the control interface was full of brilliance. The data and runes fell like a torrential rain, instantly locking the other's position, speed, psionic response and the most suitable magic weapon.


The mysterious warfare has a large shoulder-shouldered sword that opens quickly, revealing the flying sword launching tube of the hive, and “嗖嗖嗖嗖嗖”, dozens of automatic tracking ultra-mini flying swords roaring out. Turning into dozens of colorful streams, plucking out a rainbow-like trajectory, within a few seconds, catching up with the escaped Yuan Ying from different angles.

"Booming and banging" a few times, the local Yuan Ying "Lingling Master" finally issued a heartbreaking scream, and then the soul flies, never overborn!


Looking at the distance rising, the rainbow fireworks fluttering in the dark rift, Li Yao yawned shallowly.


Now, Li Yao has become the owner of this "Dragon Cave".

The thing he cares most about is of course the mysterious token that bans the souls of countless children.

In the depths of Dongfu, Li Yao sat on the altar and squatted from the altar, and arranged the magic weapon he used for repairing and refining. He carefully studied the token that engraved hundreds of boys and laughed.

Above the metal token, there are three 蜿蜿蜒蜒, such as the small word that climbed over: Bai Guiling!

The result is not what Li Yao expected.

He carefully observed the Xuanguang magic weapon that can see the internal structure of the metal. As a result, at the core of the "Hundred Ghosts", he found a round magic weapon unit, which was covered with dense pinholes.

A ghost, like a lotus seed hidden in the lotus, hiding in it, falling asleep.

The shape of this magic weapon unit is very similar to some of the units unearthed by the federal government in Kunlun. It should be confirmed as a product of the Pangu civilization era.

The main purpose of this kind of magic weapon is to contain the soul.

According to the federal ghost expert, this type of magic weapon was originally estimated to be a medical device used by the first-aid ghost on the battlefield.

Killing on the battlefield, sacrificing many, and inevitably, many soldiers will become ghosts after they die.

But the nascent ghosts are extremely fragile, and if they are not properly stored in a stable and sturdy place, they will soon be wiped out.

Through this magic weapon, the ghosts will be temporarily stored, and after the end of the war, a similar "spiritual body" can be created, which can be used by ghosts to control their lives.

Such a piece of "medical device" fell into the hands of future generations of monks, and they were added with a simple manipulator array and a gorgeous shell, which became the "hundred ghosts" of this kind of injury, the evil of the soul. Send a magic weapon.

Li Yao counted a total of one hundred and nine children's souls from the hundred ghost orders.

Coupled with the thirty-six-handed knives and the haze that invaded him, the total number reached 221.

This is just a survivor.

It is conceivable that in the process of cultivating these knives, there must be more children's souls that have died after the endless suffering, and the total number may reach three or five hundred.

Li Yao was angry at the bleeding of the gums, only to feel that the Lingshang people died too much, too cheap.

How to deal with these children's souls is to make Li Yao somewhat entangled.

When these children were killed by the Ghosts, they were only three or five years old, and they were at most six or seven years old. They were still at a young age and could not remember anything.

Please repeat the refinement and modulation of the spirits, and wash away the remaining memories and become a piece of pure white paper.

It is impossible to send them back to their hometowns, not to mention the significance of the civilization level of this world. The Shanlin tribes of Wu Man’s land are unlikely to let them spend a lifetime in the form of ghost repairs. .

I am afraid that in the jungle where the voodoo mantra is prevalent, if they do not disappear quickly, they will be caught by other evil monks, and they will be modulated into "little ghosts" for the second time!

Li Yao thought twice and can only bring them around, hoping to slowly dissolve them into a sigh of relief, and have the opportunity to bring back to the Federation in the future to regain their status as an "orphan"!

Fortunately, there is plenty of space in the "Hundred Ghosts", which can accommodate hundreds of children's souls, but it saves him trouble.

Solving the problem of children's souls, Li Yao began to carefully search for the "Dragon Cave" of Lingfu's Dongfu.

He found a three-footed trail behind the altar, leading to several small holes in the back.

This time Li Yao raised his vigilance, and the existence of a one-inch groping prohibition found a few rather rudimentary traps.

The owner of the trap is dead, and Li Yao will ban the cracks without any effort.

The trigeminal path leads to three small holes.

The first place is the warehouse, which stores a large amount of food such as clear water and dried meat. The second place is made up of white bones to form a bed, which is the bedroom of the coffin. The third place is the study, with many jade slips. And mottled books.

Li Yao from the place where the spirit of the scorpion was turned into a gray fly, found a strange material in the hundreds of degrees of high temperature, not a black spot, there is a polished ring that is very rough.

In his master crystal cell, he preloaded a lot of cracked banned gods, connected the crystal wire to the Qiankun ring, and the gods read it automatically, violently cracking. After a few seconds, it would be quite primitive. Open, making him the new master of the Qiankun ring.

The collection of Qiankun Jiezhong, together with the scrolls and jade slips in the study, makes Li Yao roughly outline the origin of the cave house and the purpose of the lieutenant's seclusion.

The fourth long-lost one is dedicated to everyone!

Let me say this by chance.

Yesterday I saw a friend’s message saying that how many old cows can be rewarded.

It’s really embarrassing. This month is not as crazy as the previous two months.

But please understand that the old bulls are desperately working every day, they are all writing now, even if you don’t reward, the old cow will still make every effort to write as much as you can; if you look good, you will be rewarded. However, the old cow has been exhausted, overdrafting all the ideas, and thinking more than one or two chapters, it is also very difficult, please forgive me.

This month's speed is a little slower, and it is also a bit of an objective reason. At the end of last month, my wife's body was checked out and the body was somewhat wrong. These two weeks old cows and she basically stayed in the hospital every day, although the time was a lot, and the state of mind was difficult. It is completely calm and cannot be immersed in the world of novels 100%.

Now I am finally set to do a minor operation next Monday. I hope everything goes well. Here, I also help her to ask for blessings!

The problem of updating the wife's surgery in the past few days is definitely guaranteed. Everyday, it is necessary to look at the situation. How much effort the old cows have in anyway will not make everyone disappointed. (To be continued.)

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