Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1348: The difference between ancient and modern exercises

Li Yao and the cultivator Su Changfa passed through the ditch and learned the experience of some real human empire to develop the remains of the wild.

Most of the time, the excavators of later generations did not have such good luck with the Xingyao Federation, and they were able to unearth a "Kunlun" intact.

In the hundreds of thousands of years of shoal of the sea, the vast majority of the remains, in fact, have been repeatedly excavated dozens of times by the predecessors.

Excavating the remains of ancient civilizations is actually similar to the tombs. When a tomb thief opened an ancient tomb tens of thousands of years ago, he was most likely not to discover antiques, but the urine that was left behind by his colleagues hundreds of years ago.

The same is true of this cave house.

Perhaps more than a hundred thousand years ago, the underground here was once a treasure house, a spar base, an emergency shelter, and so on.

However, after the demise of Pangu and Nuwa's civilization and the rise of humanity, many comprehensions discovered this place and developed most of the ruins.

Unlike the robbery, most of the comprehensions do not take things and run them. Instead, they use this as their own and develop into a cave.

Because the natural rift valley landscape here is conducive to the aura of stagnation, forming a very unique natural magnetic field.

Together with the big river running down the depths of the mountains, the various metal ions in the deep mines are brought out, making the air here different, which is very helpful for practice.

What's more, the place is remote, and there are trees covering the sky above the rift, which not only blocks the line of sight, but also the psionic fluctuations inside it are difficult to escape. It is an excellent natural camouflage.

It is extremely difficult to find a way to cultivate in this small "dongtianfudi". If it is not coincidental, it is extremely difficult to find.

For tens of thousands of years, countless predecessors have been developing this place in the Dongfu, and they have left a lot of their own cultivation notes, such as magical magic and even flying swords and magic weapons.

It’s been a long time, and it’s been a long time.

When the clan masters found this cave house, in fact, there were few relics of Pangu civilization in the cave, only a few large bones of the Pangu people, and half a huge arm.

However, it was he who found a dozen of the legends left by the predecessors, practice notes, and a lot of refining materials.

The sorcerer has cited these things as treasures, and has been living here. While practicing the magical powers left by the predecessors, he used his last squad to smash the wreckage and refine his own knives.

It is a pity that most of the transcripts that he left behind are dedicated to cultivation, and they do not tell their own life, as well as the style of the place.

From these words, Li Yao can only see that he has lived here for at least fifty or sixty years. He has already practiced the overbearing supernatural powers left by four or five predecessors, and also sacrificed six sixty-six and sixteen soul stalks. The knives, and his goal is to refine the nine hundred and ninety-one knives, then go out and shake the world.

It’s a pity that if the aspirations are not paid, it will be killed by Li Yao’s inexplicable alien Yuan Ying.

Li Yao, according to the figure, smashed all the magical works that were collected in Dongfu and carefully searched them.

His interest in these legendary "Peaceless Wonders" is not great.

After devouring the memory fragments of Ouyezi, Li Yao gained the ability to open the ancient world of the refining of the world.

In the refining tower, there are some secrets of the magical exchanges exchanged with the various sects.

Li Yao is no stranger to the ancient books and classics. He also follows the memory of Ouyezi and cultivated a lot of ancient magical skills. He did not think that there was anything unusual.

In the modern theory of comprehension, the importance of the "Peace of the World" is almost inferior to that of the Middle Ages.

As the saying goes, "There is a glimpse of the end of the paper, and I know that this matter must be carried out." In the eyes of modern comprehensions, "the classics of the law" is nothing more than a "textbook".

It is not a "study of Hongru" to read the four books and the five classics.

It is impossible to brand all the theoretical works compiled by contemporary scholars such as "Economics", "Accounting", "Finance", "Stock Investment Theory", etc. in the university. It is impossible to be within a year and a half. It becomes a billionaire.

Get a jade slip, a few volumes of ancient books, find a cave closed for decades, after coming out is the invincible master of the world, how can this kind of good thing?

The so-called "smart craftsmanship" is just a piece of knocking on the door, used to lay the foundation, even if the foundation is solid, you can enter the room, and the road behind it is still growing!

What's more, from the perspective of today's people, even in accordance with the standards of "textbooks", the secrets of the ancient times are also not enough.

On the one hand, the ancients can't break the myth of the gods, they are often the "Chonggu School". I believe that the older the better, the better the original taste, and the ancient pots of the ancients are more than the monks of today. Feijian is a bit more powerful.

Under the shackles of Chonggu and today, they are convinced of every word in the ancient books. They only know how to draw a gourd and do not know how to keep up with the times. Naturally, they are parrots, toddlers, and even shameful. It is.

Anything, once it comes to mind and metaphysics, it makes no sense to say that all ancient magical powers are good. If power is not exerted, it is not that the magical power itself has problems, but that it is not well trained, that is, it is really A hair is practiced according to the patterns and paths on the classics, which is also the reason for his own "heart disbelief."

If you think so, how can you improve?

On the other hand, the ancient repairs have their own treasures, the problem of building a car behind closed doors, and getting an ancient classic, it is a rare treasure in the world, lest other people come to steal him and rob him.

Therefore, the news is secret, and even find a place that is inaccessible, and the head of the Tibetan head is "closed and cultivated."

As everyone knows, any knowledge and theory in the world is exchanged between people and people. If you learn from each other's strengths and complement each other, you can collide with the spark of wisdom to prove the merits of the exercises and find out its flaws.

I don’t communicate with other people. I don’t have a systematic theory to discuss the environment. I am alone to find deep forests, underground caves, and overseas islands to do silly cultivation. I don’t know why, I don’t know why. ****, some minor ignorance and illusion clusters are regarded as "the immortal point", "Su Hui awakening", plus a variety of five fans, the mysterious and mysterious, the swollen face filled with fat, the air blowing, It became a book of "cultivating notes", "Shenzhen true solution."

If this kind of thing is buried in the underground for tens of thousands of years, it will be obtained by the later monks, and it will become a new "ancient magical power", and it will be worshipped by future generations.

Such a vicious cycle of tens of thousands of years, most of the magical powers that have been handed down, from the perspective of today's people, all are full of loopholes, ridiculous, and often less useful than the broadcast gymnastics of the federal primary and secondary schools.

Don't underestimate the broadcast gymnastics. This thing combines the wisdom of all the martial arts masters and medical experts in the whole country. It also captures the essence of hundreds of ancient fighting techniques. It is polished in one stroke and one way to strengthen the foundation and activate. Human growth cells, no better!

The spiritual master, as well as the predecessors of the predecessors who have occupied this cave in the past tens of thousands of years, are the victims of Li Yao’s thought of this cultivation system, but they are also unknowingly becoming the harm of this system. By.

Li Yao carefully read the legacy texts they left behind. They can't say that there is no flash at all, but some of the essence is covered by a lot of dross.

Exercising according to this method is just like the performance of the genius of the sorcerer. At first glance, there is something to do with it, but it is full of unnecessary extra movements, and cannot withstand the real fire.

In a word, compared with the modern comprehension system, the biggest problem of the ancient system is that it is not professional!

But now, Li Yao is going to have a gun, and to cultivate a little bit of these "unprofessional" ancient magical powers.

He is a high-level master in the Yuan Ying period. He has cultivated many ancient magical powers through the memory fragments of Ouyezi. Besides, he does not really have to learn these magical powers, but he wants to simulate the acoustic and optoelectronic features of their performance. There is no difficulty.

Li Yao did this, of course, there is only one purpose, that is, to borrow the identity of this unlucky ghost.

Li Yao’s ultimate goal is to break into the core ruling circle of this world and closely observe the heart, position and social operation mechanism of this super-class master in order to analyze whether the other party has the possibility of alliance or even integration.

Even if it is impossible to form an alliance, it is a good thing to hire a team of Jindan, Yuan Ying and even higher-level monks in this world to form the overseas army of the Stars Federation.

Even if this is not possible, then he must not let the real human empire, the Jin Dan, Yuan Ying and even the gods of this world are hired.

To break into the core circle of this world and exert a certain influence, then the identity of a Yuan Ying is definitely indispensable.

If only the foundation, the knot, then those Yuan Ying old strange, who is patient to listen to him?

Yuan Ying is not a dog's tail grass in the field. It is impossible to come out unprovoked. If he is in the realm of comprehension in the name of a "new yuan infant", there is always a chance to be questioned by the teacher, the family inheritance, and so on. It is extremely difficult to forge something.

This unlucky "spiritual man" is a pretty good identity.

First of all, he is a barbarian monk. After going to the Central Plains, he is not familiar with the customs of the Central Plains. He does not know the rules and regulations of the mainstream comprehension, and even the accent is strange.

Secondly, this unlucky ghost has been practicing here for at least fifty or sixty years, and from the words he left, he analyzed that in order to prevent others from being suspicious of his whereabouts, he had already released himself before the retreat. The news of death.

Such an old monster re-emerges from the rivers and lakes, and is somewhat secretive about his identity. Sometimes Yunshan is covered with fog, so it is normal to make a mystery. (To be continued.)

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