Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1349: Investigating the trend of the army

Finally, according to Li Yao’s experience gained from the memory fragments of Ouyezi, the barbarian monks, who usually come from the barbarians of civilization, often have some sorrowful temperament, a variety of bizarre hobbies, and no deliberate concerns and constraints. Other people are not willing to touch their mold.

Playing such a role of "not getting close to people" also saves a lot of cover-up effort.

Li Yao was originally a big expert in the disguise of disguise. He was carefully prepared for this exploration. With various tools and pharmacies, he could even change his appearance and posture directly from the cellular level. He must pretend to be on the verge of disappearing fifty or sixty years ago. Characters, there is not much difficulty.

Before he could fully understand the other's roots, Li Yao was not willing to disguise 100% of the appearance of the spirit.

In the unlikely event that he is a "public enemy of the realm of the realm", he once provoked the characters of the gods, and it is self-defeating.

Therefore, Li Yao has another small calculation in his heart.


Into the night.

Above the narrow rift, the trees are covered with leafy trees. When the outside is blue and white, the time is full of gloom and darkness.

The strange thing is that in the evening, there are two bright and white bright moons shining outside, and the soft light is like a light smoke that permeates the leaves, so that the rift is immersed in a cloud of silver.

Li Yao has a knee and a flop, sitting in the air.

The hundred ghosts were like being pulled by invisible silk and sinking in front of him.

Li Yao learned the appearance of the sorcerer, and two white light escaped from the nostrils. He wraps around the surface of the ghosts, gently rubs them, and releases the children's souls that are confined inside, let them absorb the essence of the moonlight and strengthen themselves.

In the past, when the spirit singers summoned them out and let them absorb the essence of the moonlight, they would torture them and cruelly scream them to inspire their fierceness and arrogance.

Li Yao naturally would not do this. Instead, he should use his gentle psionic power and the bright moonlight to wash away their arrogance and fierceness.

This is a water mill, it can't be interrupted every day, and it is extremely consuming and time-consuming. It is not good for Li Yao's own cultivation.

However, his heart is so, the spirit of the Starry Federation is this, this is their greatest dependence on the real human empire, Li Yao naturally will not sit and watch these children's souls slowly become fierce and ignorant.

Hundreds of small souls, carefully drilled a hundred ghost orders, but also thought that they have to bear the pain of non-human, but they are carrying a hundred ghosts to probe the brain, push forward and then squat, why not want to drill out.

Li Yao smiled a little, and as soon as they were temperate, they escorted them one by one, immersing them in a warm and hot spring.

These children's souls are all a blank piece of paper. The emotions of anger and anger are changing very fast. They feel the goodwill of Li Yao, and they cheered and turned into a little green and swaying fire. They jumped around him and danced.

They are descendants of the indigenous people of the mountains. They are lively and active. They are like hundreds of small monkeys. They feel that Li Yao is not malicious. He is more and more bold. He slowly gets close to Li Yao and finally jumps. Li Yao body.

This is Li Yao’s arm, the hair that glared at Li Yao, and a few who climbed into Li Yao’s ear. Others tried to open Li Yao’s mouth and went into it, but they took Li Yao’s body as a Great playground.

Children are the temperament of forgetting their claws. They are innocent and carefree, but they have forgotten the inhuman pains of the past.

Perceived the joy and joy emanating from these children's souls, Li Yao's heart was filled with a faint wave.

"Three thousand worlds, perhaps society, country, law and civilization are different. In many cases, it is not clear whether it is wrong or not."

"However, children who have just been born and have not yet been baptized by society and civilized may be the same!"

"The ancient revisions of this world, and the modern monks of the Xingyao Federation, may be very different. There may even be differences in the roads.

“But what are the essential differences between these witch-born children born in the mountains and the children born in the federal modern hospital?”

"Maybe they are all the same, the future of human civilization!"

Under the clear moonlight, on the big river with turbid waves, in the playfulness of one or two hundred little devils, Li Yao meditated, realized and cultivated.


Ten days later, he has been crouching in the cave house of the sorcerer, analyzing the techniques left by the genius of the genius, and simulating the sound and photoelectric effects that will be released during the development of these magical powers.

At the same time, he also read the many classical magical powers in the refining tower in the memory of Ouyezi.

Later, he re-refined many of the magic weapons left by the coffin, and refining several new ancient treasures.

Li Yao reflected on the battle between himself and the sorcerer. He felt that he still revealed too many traces of the moves that did not belong to this era. When he fell into the eyes of the minded person, it would inevitably reveal some flaws.

For example, one of the worst possible, if there is already a scout in the Expeditionary Force of the Real Human Empire, lurking in this world, may be able to see his identity.

Therefore, Li Yao decided that in the subsequent explorations, it is not necessary to reveal the moves and magic weapons that he brought from the Federation, and he used the classical magical powers and the ancient magic treasures to be honest.

This exploration is very likely to encounter strong players above the high-end meta-infant, so it is also necessary to adopt an unusual way to disguise the camouflage, and slowly change its appearance from the cellular level.

This is also a finely crafted embroidered effort, and it took Li Yao half a month.

For more than half a month, he certainly wouldn’t let go of the trace of the army, and sent the dragon to search for the traces of the other side in the jungle, not far behind the other’s ass.

After a blood battle more than half a month ago, especially after killing a master of the knot level, the local barbarian seems to be deeply jealous of the recruits. Since then, there has been no positive conflict, but it has become a small stock, hidden. In the jungle, if you are cold, you will be sneak attacked, piecemeal and beaten, kill one or two, and three or five people will escape.

This kind of tactics is extremely difficult. Together with the natural smog toxic fog in the Wuman Mountains, it is the hard work of the army. The original martial artists who have been strong and strong have become yellow and thin. .

However, not all Shanlin witches are right against "Wang Shi".

After half a month of observation, Li Yao gradually discovered that the barbarians in this area are divided into two categories, one of which is a thorough ruthenium, a broken tattoo, a spur of the bones, and a cave tree that lives deep in the forest. In the nest, safari for a living.

This kind of barbarian has the deepest hostility towards the king.

There is also a kind of barbarian, but it is living in a slightly better environment, such as the stream valley, next to the farmland, planting crops, and living a relatively stable life.

This kind of barbarian is relatively open, and the daily use of utensils are relatively beautiful. I also know that the use of rattan cloth to cover up the shame, and even the concept of "town", in the town, living in some appearances and the teacher is no different. The "Central Plains", engaged in activities such as iron and trade, Li Yao in a relatively large-scale stockade, even saw a white-haired old Confucian who looks like a "Master", with more than a dozen barbarians Child, shaking his head and studying.

It seems that there are also the concepts of "born Fan" and "cooked Fan". There are both savage and unrestrained savages who resist the Wang Shi, as well as those who admire the Central Plains culture and obey the rule of the Central Dynasty.

Sure enough, Li Yao discovered that this line of recruiting for the army seems to be aimed at the “cooked” walled city of 100,000 mountains.

Every time a city is in a city, the local natives can't say that they are "feeding the pot pulp to welcome the king," but the attitude is fairly straightforward.

In particular, the name of Ling’s name appealed to the first level of the barbarian’s monk’s “black nose” who was killed more than half a month ago, and after the lap around the village, the natives of the various city walls were all stunned. Looks like a soil, more and more afraid to commit chaos.

They will invite the heavy wounded in the army to stay and nurse, and prepare enough food, water and essential medicines in the jungle for the army. There are even many barbarians who have actively joined the ranks of the army. The swaying flags of the flowers are flying all over the sky, but the momentum of the army is getting stronger and stronger.

And the name of Ling’s name has not lived up to the “expectation” of these natives. Everywhere, as long as the locals are obedient, they will hold some from the camp... Anyway, it seems that Li Yao’s "The thing, in short, is that the imperial court has the meaning of the local savage king.

After obtaining the canonization, the lord of the savage king who gave the official position was overwhelmed and made more efforts to prepare materials and soldiers for the prince.

This is also the conventional means of dealing with barbarians in the ancient world of the ancient dynasty.

How to ask, what is the word "recruitment"? It is the barbarians who are obedient to the court, and they are recruited to be included in the bureaucratic system of the imperial court. They are sealed and used to go to "crack down" those disrespectful barbarians.

Taking advantage of the internal contradictions of the other side, it is a high-profile trick to be arrogant. Otherwise, how can the Central Plains army, which is not acclimatized by this point of view, completely calm down the barbarians of the poor mountains and rivers?

Li Yao is not very concerned about the addition of the ordinary barbarian to the "Wang Shi".

However, in addition to ordinary barbarians, with the news that the army has penetrated the jungle, every time there is a walled city, there are also many abbots of the barbarian "Qing Neng Shi" coming to work.

What snakes, tigers, ghosts, hippos, buffalo, crocodiles, sika deer, all kinds of bizarre barbarian monks have emerged from the horns. (To be continued.)

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