Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1352: Alternative strategic partner

Thinking of this, Li Yao gently spit out a sigh of gas, the heart is quite helpless. ?<[?[<]

I really didn't expect the situation in the ancient sacred world to be so chaotic.

Without a government with absolute control, it is difficult to talk about long-term alliances or cooperation. Even if he really said that he had moved the emperor of the Dagan dynasty, in a few days, the Dagan dynasty was uprised by Bailian or mixed with the king or the cloud. Ghost Qin is gone, who is going to cash?

What's more, Xing, the people suffer, die, the people are more bitter, the more the world is vying, the more the people of dawn are squandered, the long-term change of the dynasty, not knowing how many innocent ordinary people have died, are dying, will die !

Li Yao can't talk about how sad and sorrowful the world is. The ancient sacred world is far from the glory of his motherland. It was originally two unrelated worlds.

But this does not mean that he can watch the same kind of himself, the white old man, the baby of the babble, the young girl of the cardamom, the young man of the glory... The tragic death is under the sword, but Indifferent.

It is not only the swordsmen who can kill people. In the ****, the tragedy of Yi Zi and food is also commonplace.

In an environment where thousands of households sing and sing, what kind of morality is devastating and terrible things can happen. It is not only the human beings that are trampled into the dust, but also the full dignity of human civilization.

If possible, Li Yao is not willing to continue this tragedy.

Whether from his heart, from the federal spirit, or from the national interests of the Xingyao Federation, do everything possible to interfere in this internal affairs, help the ancient sacred world to settle the chaos, and even support a "pro-federal" regime. , are all great things.

However, this does not mean that Li Yao has to stand on the side of the Dagan Dynasty.

Li Yao accepted the basic history education of the Xingyao Federation, and also read the ancient books and classics, and knew the story of the rise and fall of at least a few hundred dynasties in the three thousand worlds.

For example, the "white lotus sacred religion" and the peasant uprising such as "mixed king" may not be the embodiment of justice.

The ghosts and ghosts from the northern grasslands are more likely to be brutal and barbaric.

But this does not mean that the princes and nobles of the Dagan dynasty are what are good things.

When the end of the dynasty came to the end of the dynasty, it was often not the external troubles of the dynasty, but the internal decay. At this time, the princes and most of the bureaucrats, using the word "human scum", are considered a kind of praise.

Judging from the situation in which the Dagan dynasty has been sung on all sides, Li Yao is very skeptical that the Federation really invests a lot of resources to support them, and whether it can turn the tide.

After all, the Federation is too far away from this world. The words "the whip is beyond reach" are not to be said. The hard work is a piece of mud that can't be supported on the wall. Li Yao also has nothing to do.

What's more, the big cadres who live in the central state of the country do not necessarily believe in the "good intentions" of the federation!

In this way, Dagan is not the only alternative partner of the Federation.

In the southeast of Dagan, the ascendant white lotus sacred religion, the northwest, the astounding king of the sky, these two forces of the army, are worthy of investigation.

In the final analysis, the peasants of the Middle Ages were the most honest and patience of the people. They did not push them to the dead end of the mountains. Who would want to keep their heads on their belts and the heavily armed Wang Shi?

It is nothing more than hungry, the bark grass roots are eaten up, starving to death is death, rebellion is also dead, this is just a call, the battle is awesome.

And when it comes to solving the famine problem...

It is precisely the strength of modern self-cultivation civilization.

If we say that in the purely military field, the ancient civilization and the modern self-cultivation civilization have their own strengths, and in some individual items, it can be a long and short term. In the field of civil comprehension technology, the ancient civilization is purely a mess, and it is defeated.

The essence of modern self-cultivation civilization is not a chain saw sword, not a crystal gun, not a spar battleship.

Instead, the cultivation and magic weapons are integrated into thousands of households, and various pesticides that increase the yield of crops and kill pests are produced. The automatic harvesting equipment such as “wooden cattle and horses” surrounds the sky and can predict the weather and even the line. Meteorological magic weapon of cloud and rain.

With the help of these people's usage treasures and elixir, we can completely solve the famine problem that has plagued human civilization for tens of thousands of years, and it is an explosive exhibition!

When the population breaks through the threshold of hundreds of millions of dollars, there is an infinite possibility of civilization advancement!

In the modern Yaozu, the situation is the same. The expert of the blood demon kings is the demonized plant modulation expert. The original modulation is not all kinds of vicious carnivorous plants, but the hybrid rice with high cold tolerance and high yield. , wheat, barley, cassava, green bananas and the like.

How did the overwhelming animal tide come from? It is by these hybrid rice, wheat, barley, cassava, medlar... a myriad demonized plants are fed!

The exhibition of any civilization is in the shape of a pyramid. The strongest on the tip of the pyramid is brave and supported by the huge tower base.

The more stable the lower tower base, the stronger the tower top can impact the limits of civilization!

This truth, the modern Terran know, the modern Yaozu know, but the ancient repair may not understand.

Therefore, in many ancient worlds, when the secular world is hungry and full of smoke, and when it becomes a human purgatory, the realm of comprehension is often bleak, and it is easy to get rid of it!

Supporting the forces of the Rebels such as Bailian or the King of Heaven, the difficulty seems to be smaller than the support of the Dagan Dynasty.

Li Yao did not know which step of the Xinghai Federation’s Xinghai navigation technology was exhibited after the Centennial Exhibition.

However, once he set up the door of the starry sky, the high-yield, genetically modified, drought-resistant and cold-tolerant crops of several transport ships from the federal government, plus a large amount of humanitarian relief supplies, should not be a problem.

With food, people can stabilize the people, exert federal influence on the rebels, and even transport the population that the ancient sanctuary can not accommodate to the federation. On the one hand, it can help alleviate the population pressure, on the other hand, it can enrich the power of the federation. , the best of both worlds, what awkward?

If Dagan, Bailian, and King of Heaven are all not allowed to go to the wall, even the northern aliens are also potential strategic partners.

For this world, Li Yao is an alien, and there is no such thing as a "Central Plains" concept.

In his case, there are only two important things. The first is the right to live and the rights of the people in the area, and the second is the possibility of long-term cooperation between the local government and the federal government.

In general, the "interracial" into the "Central Plains" is often accompanied by brutal killings and **** suppression.

However, when riding a dragon wolf, holding a strong bow and a hard iron horse, and hanging hundreds of spar battleships overhead, it is not necessarily the case.

The northern inferior "Xing Yun Ghost Qin" is the last alternative when Li Yao is really unmanned. Anyway, no matter who can "apocalize the Central Plains", it doesn't matter, as long as it is fast enough, it is more than a hundred years. It’s better to fight in the war.

Of course, the Federation really wants to intervene in this political situation, there are two prerequisites.

First, Li Yao wants to thoroughly understand the mysterious signal sent to Tianyuan and Feixing two hundred years ago. What is going on, from the current level of civilization of the ancient sacred world, it is impossible!

Second, Li Yao still has to figure out whether the ancient sacred world is now carrying the pioneer of the real human empire with similar tasks, and whether the other party has begun to make waves.

Li Yao’s routine, many of them were learned from Su Chang, a professor at the National Humanist Colonial University.

It is conceivable that the imperial pioneers really sneaked into the ancient sacred world and will certainly support local forces to achieve their goals.

If you can't handle the current northern aliens, you can already have a six-tube rotating Vulcan gun!

Thinking of their image of the dragon wolf and the artillery in the palm of their hand, Li Yao’s heart was in a cold.

These two things have not been clarified. It is impossible for Li Yao to build a star gate to expose the federal coordinates.

Some are far away.

Li Yao sorted out the chaotic thoughts and continued to conceive the observation report.

"With regard to the military power of the ancient sacred world, I am currently in the southwest. I only see the tip of the iceberg. It is difficult to estimate the specific military figures of the various forces."

"It can only be said that it is a state of the Dagan dynasty that seems to be able to mobilize hundreds of thousands of troops, and such a state has a total of eighteen in Dagan."

"Although the weapons they use are quite rudimentary, because of the abundance of the aura, the soldiers are slightly better than the EFF, and they are quite fierce melee players."

"In terms of high-end combat power, there is still no detectable existence of the **** of the gods, but it is known from the southwestern Wu Mankou that there are thousands of cultivation sects in the ancient sacred circles, among which the top ones are almost all of them. And the top ten big sects have more than one yuan."

"The number of Yuan Ying in this world may exceed three to five hundred, and its quality is even higher. The high level of the Yuan Ying period and even the peak of the Yuan Ying period are endless!"

“As of now, there are three of the most notable ‘first-class players’.”

"The first one is the ambassador of the ‘White Lotus sacred religion’ that stirs up the southeast half of Dagan. It is called Wan Mingzhu, the ‘white lotus old mother’.”

"White lotus mother Wan Mingzhu, is a powerful ghost repair without flesh, known as the 'mother of the world's ghosts,' the whereabouts of vain, the means of speculation, should be good at pure energy attack level master, I have not encountered this type before The opponent must be able to fight the spirit of 120,000 points."

"The second one is to control the millions of displaced people in the northwest. They have been killed by the princes and killed by dozens of times.

"According to Wu Mo Man in the northwest, this monarch does not die in the body of the drought and the sorrow. Wherever he goes, he is a thousand miles away, killing people without counting, and the chickens and dogs are not left. It is the most devastating murderer of the Dagan Dynasty."

"This kind of statement, of course, has the intention of the court to deliberately demonize the filth, but this is also a strong sigh." (To be continued.) 8

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