Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1353: Twelve gold people!

"The third is the regent king of the northern aliens, the ghost king of the Qin dynasty."

"This monarch's means of military and fighting, from last year's commander of the glory of ghosts and ghosts, in one fell swoop to annihilate the 300,000 iron armor rides can be seen."

"What is even more frightening is that this monarch has a very high degree of accomplishment in politics and culture."

“Yunyun Guiqin was originally a hundred scattered tribes scattered on the grasslands of the Northern Territory, but it was integrated by him with iron fists. It became an unparalleled brigade of iron plates, and absorbed a large number of Confucian scholars who were unwilling to work hard. The culture has been erected and transformed, and even his own surname has been changed from 'Broken Six Korea' to 'Han', and the name of 'Broken Six Han Daling' has changed to 'Han Bingling', indicating that he is not an alien invasion, but is fighting for the Central Plains. The meaning of righteousness."

“With our words of modern self-cultivation, this is a standard ‘compound-type comprehension,’ and has amazing talent in combat and management!”

"Although it is a hearsay, it is still unclear the specific strength of these three super-premium masters, but it is estimated that between the high-end of the Yuan Ying period and the peak, it is certain."

"Yes, last year's Han Dingling commander's army arrived in Beijing, and it coincided with the violent death of the emperor, and the situation was critical to the extreme. It is now relying on the young man to break the crowd and turn the tide."

"It is said that this young man is a thousand-year-old king of the great dynasty dynasty. It came into being. Since the foundation, it has become a major event, and there is a great weather."

"Whether it is ZTE, or returning to the light, the strength of this young man can not be underestimated, the millennium blood nourish, the infinite secret treasure bless, the same can reach the high level of the Yuan Ying period!"

The above four, Li Yao heard, may be a candidate for a "strategic partnership" with the Star Alliance.

Although he had just easily killed a Yuan Ying more than half a month ago, he did not dare to take a nap on the four Yuan Ying.

Yuan Ying and Yuan Ying are not the same.

Li Yao now understands that the southwestern Wu Man’s land was originally the most remote and poor place for Dagan. The number of Yuan Ying is the least and the quality is the worst. The secrets of cultivation and the magic of inheritance are the least.

In terms of ancient repairs, it is about "the side door", and it can't be on the table.

The ancient gatherings of the ancient sacred world, the dragon and the tiger, are still in the Central Plains and the land of the clouds.

There is ample aura and a rich collection of humanities. The major sects have a history of more than a thousand years, and there are dozens of dynasties of more than 100,000 years. The Yuan Ying, who cultivated in that environment, and the "Lingling Master" It’s very different to rely on one’s own hard work, and to get a hole in the ecstasy of a barbarian.

Such as the ghost Qin Regent Han Daling and the Dangdangzi, such a high-ranking person who has thousands of secret laws and infinite resources will not say.

Even the White Lotus, the Virgin of the Independence Army, and the King of the Heavenly King, they have won many of the sectarian sects in the process of raging.

Every time you break through a cultivation sect, you will rob the magic weapon and devour the secrets of the exercises, such as snowballing.

To this day, the magical powers and magic weapons mastered by the leaders of these two nominal forces are only more than the heads of many famous schools!

If Li Yao treats the ‘Super Yuan Ying’ such as Han Daling, Dangdang Zizi, Bailian Madonna, and King of the Kings, they should all be treated as the “three-way yuan infants” of the spirits, and they must cry when they cry.

"Look slowly, from long-term planning, it is really powerless to interfere with the local situation, then I have to find ways to recruit some local Yuan Ying to be mercenaries."

"When it comes time to change the dynasty, there will be a lot of former dynasties and Yuan Ying who have nowhere to go. They will be star-studded. If they are given the nationality of Xing Yao, they will not refuse."

"Right, when the 10,000-year-old dynasty really fell apart, the sacred loyalty of a royal family and a lot of loyalty to the royal family will be brought back to the Xingyao Federation to set up a 'Dagan dynasty exile government'. It is conducive to recruiting more comprehensions. It’s a big deal to talk to them about the conditions. Let’s fight against the real human empire first, then we will pay for the food and help them recover the country!”

Li Yao thought about it.

These things are not in a hurry, until the two sides really take the lead, there are naturally many think tank experts in the federal side will solve it, without him going out of his mind.

"I have heard a very interesting thing in the gossip of the wizard."

“The most serious external problem of the Dagan dynasty is the ‘Ghost Qin’ on the savannah in the north.”

"But the word "Ghost Qin" is actually a nickname for them, and they claim to be 'Yun Qin people'."

"The so-called 'Yun Qin' refers to the first empire of the ancient sacred empire 100,000 years ago, the 'Yun Qin Dynasty', and these northern aliens who are commanded by Han Bingling are the descendants of the oldest dynasty. Put gold on your face to enhance their legitimacy."

"This is not the point."

"The point is that this world is old-fashioned. About 100,000 years ago, the ancient sacred world was everywhere, and countless tribes and small countries were ransacking, and they were in the flames of thousands of years."

"The Yunqin dynasty came into being, but it was a magic weapon that was condensed in the world. It was cast into twelve ‘Yunqin Jinren’, and the ‘12 Yunyun Jinren’ was set in the world!”

"It is said that this 'Twelve Yunqin Jinren' is a height of hundred feet, steel cast iron casting, power is infinite, and you can summon the invincible existence of lightning thunder!"

"Even now, on many ancient battlefields, there have been huge footprints or claw marks of the 'Yun Qin Jin Ren'."

"The height is one hundred feet, the steel is cast in iron, and the lightning thunder is summoned? This is not the ‘big **** soldier’!”

"It seems that in the ancient times, the ancient sacred people of the ancient sacred world have discovered twelve intact giant soldiers, and know how to control their methods, using these twelve giant soldiers to pre-unify the whole world."

"A few dynasties after the Yunqin dynasty, there are traces of Yunqin Jinren, even become a symbol of hegemony, which party can get a Yunqin Jinren, you can win the world!"

"However, the Yunqin dynasty has been 100,000 years old. Even with 3,000 years as a dynasty, it is also a change of thirty or fifty times."

"Take the stars and move, the sea and the sea, the twelve Yunqin Jinren finally annihilated in the long history of the vastness of the smoke."

"The last time they appeared in the annals of this world, about 10,000 years ago, a group of hard laborers who pioneered the river, excavated a golden eye from the mud at the bottom of the river, leaving 'Mo Daojin One eye, picking up the rhetoric of Luohe’s world.

"It was only the appearance of this giant eye soldier that led to the demise of a dynasty, but this giant soldier also disappeared in the war, perhaps being hit hard, the psionics and ammunition were exhausted, and No one will repair it, and after all, it will sink into the sea!"

The rumors of the twelve Yunqin Jinren made Li Yao more afraid to sneak into the details of the ancient sacred world. The information collected at the moment is too little, let’s take a look!

The first draft of the observation report was completed, and he stretched out comfortably.

God read the redistribution to the surrounding, and immediately heard the sound of laughter of many witches.

In front of a body full of poisonous snakes, even the face of the various paintings of the savage monk, a bite of another skinny, like a living monk's ears, the two eyes smirk, snicker.

The witch-stricken monk, who is full of snakes, whispers: "Gusi, you haven’t been with the fire second, how can you not help him, but go to the court army, oh!"

The savage monk's savage monk screamed: "The army of the court, so many people, how many people in our scorpion, how can they fight? They have an old saying, "The good guys don't eat the loss before the eyes," Besides, there are so many rewards for the recruitment, what is wrong with going to the court army?"


After a meal, this living savage monk's monk 'Gusi 铎 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸 奸Now, let's go up and help the battle. If the little girl who has been dripping is cut off, then it is natural to help the second child, Meng Duo, you said it is like this!"

The dance snake monk named Meng Duo laughed and nodded. "Yes, yes, that's it. When we get together, the two nephews may come together and have a photo of each other, etc. They hit the dog's brain to say it again!"

Gusi squeezed his eyes and smiled. He smiled and said: "I usually go very close to the fire second, so I plan to do this. You and the fire boss are not dead brothers. Why are you doing this? Righteousness?"

Meng Duo squinted his eyes: "Everyone knows that Meng Duo, who is my dark cloud, is the most loyal, most loyal to the court. If I want to rebel against the court, it is impossible!"

"Just because this time the court is too much, not only do we have to hand over so much food and cattle and horses, but also to transfer 50,000 witches to the Northland and the ghost Qin people!"

"When we are in the forest, we are as free as the fish in the water. Once we leave the mountain to go to the north, it is the fish that has left the water. Where is the living path in front of the ghost ride? ”

"This is not to make it clear that we are going to die!"

"Munduo talked about the loyalty to the court, but the court did not speak loyalty to Meng Duo. Then I had to put aside the loyalty and see what the limelight said. What is wrong with this?"

"Yes, yes, it's right!"

Gu Siyu nodded and scorned. "That is the slogan that makes us all the stones in the mountains, the fools who don't open up, and think that it is two or three hundred years ago. In one sentence, we must recruit 50,000 people. Haha Let's first let us see if the court has such a big fist!" (To be continued.)

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