Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1354: A mess!

The two witches and monks thought that the sound waves would be converged into a line, which was confidential and would never be heard by the Jin Dan female sword in the front of the car.

However, he did not prevent them from being close to each other, and he was also stunned by Li Yao, a big master of the Yuan Ying period.

Li Yao did not have to reveal what they meant.

Because almost all the witches and monks are holding their own ideas, they can scream, but they really want to fight for their lives. It depends on the sword of the king and the sword of the ghost Qin. Which one is sharper? It is.

Through these sneaky exchanges, Li Yao has slightly clarified the situation in Wunan.

The Dagan Dynasty Ding Ding Ancient Holy Land is a millennium, between the rich and prosperous Central Plains and the southwestern jungle area, separated by a mighty “Wujiang River”. Therefore, when dividing the Tianxia County, it will be the southwestern jungle south of the Wujiang River. , collectively referred to as "Wu Nan."

In Wunan, the mountains and rocks are steep, the weather is hot, and the weather is soaring. At first glance, the vast virgin forests, even the rare basins and plains between the mountains, are also blocked by the mountains and mountains, and it is extremely difficult to communicate with the outside world.

This place is extremely unsuitable for human survival and reproduction. It is enough to spread the snakes and worms of various diseases. It is enough to extinguish the spark of civilization. Therefore, among many states and counties, Wunan is the least populous and weakest.

The great dry colonization of the millennium and the forced relocation of countless Central Plains emigrants to this place are just to make the displaced people and the place here mixed, and also educated a group of "cooked seedlings" who know the Central Plains rituals.

In the depths of the vast jungle, it is still the world of Ru Mao drinking blood and eating life. There are also various witchcraft and demon methods that are speculative and blameless, and are regarded as murderous by the Central Plains.

Fortunately, many Miaofan tribes in Wunan know that they are alone, have been honest for centuries, and have never had a rebellious heart.

The witches and monks who danced the snakes and ghosts often huddled in the land of Wunan, and rarely walked around the realm of the Central Plains to do the work.

This is because, like the Wu Man soldiers, the Wu Man monks are very dependent on the suffocating gas, poisonous mist, snake worms and other ants in the tropical forest.

They are born jungle hunters, even if the Northland Haoqiang led a million troops into the jungle, they only need to drill deeper into the forest, no one can help them.

On the other hand, if the Wuman monks leave the jungle and go to the middle of the plains, the power of the smog, the worms, the worms, and the haunts will be greatly reduced.

Since Wu Nanqun has no way to compete with the world's heroes, and the Dagan dynasty has come up with a lot of magic weapons and exercises to entice them, then returning to the big dry, let Dagan's recruitment system to open the country here, do nominally The rule of the ruling, and then the cadres and patriarchs, all of them are sealed into thousands of households, generals and toasts. It seems that there is nothing wrong with them.

Relying on this strategy, Wunan and the Central Plains have maintained a calm surface on the surface for nearly a thousand years, and in addition to tribute ministers, almost well water does not violate the relationship between rivers and waters.

However, in recent decades, when you look at the big dry vibrations, the king's anger has faded, and there is some ambition and ambition in Wunan.

Especially after the rise of the ghost Qin people, the regent king Han Bingling was ambitious, and he had already given birth to a mixed sea, swallowing the meaning of the world, and paying great attention to the layout of the four sides.

Although Wunan’s strength is not strong, its geographical location is quite critical. It is located in the southwest, close to several large granaries in the middle of Dagan, and it goes straight down to the southeast prosperous land, which is equivalent to the most weak The abdomen.

For hundreds of years, Dagan has been very reassured about Wunan. He has never built a military and town fortress on the first line of the Wujiang River.

At present, the thieves are beating in the southeast and northwest, and the ghosts and Qins in the north are watching. The Dagan will not be able to turn around to have a living force to strengthen the defense against Wunan.

If the Wusang tribes rebelled against the court at this time, it would be equivalent to a knife on the weakest waist of Dagan, and it would be inevitable that they would fall into disrepair.

Han Bingling secretly dispatched the ghost Qin monk to infiltrate Wunan, investing a lot of resources, and spared no effort to woo the owner and toast of Wunan.

His rebellious work was very meticulous. At least Li Yao’s two veteran brothers in the eyes of the company received the messenger from Ghost Qin and received a gift from Han Dingling.

In the two refinery period, the Wu Man monks in the district have taken care of such a thoughtful, and it can be seen that Han Daling, who is called "Wolf Lord" by Dagan, is so meticulous and how sleek!

Nowadays, Dawei Yuwei is still there. The real dragon king is condensed and not scattered. No one knows how the aftermath will break down. These savage monks and savage monks will certainly not be stupid enough to be the first bird.

The gifts given by the ghost Qin people are all smiling, and the gold and silver treasures and the classics of the martial arts are also rejected. However, they must officially raise the flag of the renegade and completely break with the cadres. It is also necessary to observe and observe, consider and consider the matter.

Perhaps all the lords, patriarchs and comprehensions of the Wunan Baizu are waiting for a signal to appear.

Now the signal is coming.

Six months ago, the old patriarch of the Hulu tribe was mysterious and violent.

The Hulu tribe is the largest and most powerful barbarian tribe in Wunan Five Road. It is also the one with the closest to Dagan and the most educated.

The patriarch of the Hulu tribe was enshrined as the "Wunan Toast" by the Emperor of Heaven, and was the chief of the total number of Wunan Baizu.

The so-called "recruitment system" is often not a permanent official position. If there is no calm for a hundred years, then there is no need to set up a recruitment department. The local government and the operation of the tributary system are all controlled by the "Wu Nan Tusi". The so-called "Witches Governing Witch"!

It goes without saying that the old patriarch of the Hulu tribe is a hard-working loyal minister.

However, his successor may not be.

The old patriarch was violently dying when he was young and strong, and he did not leave a few words to specify the heirs.

Among the many sons and daughters, the boss is indiscriminate and the second child is innocent and strong, and each of them is in charge of several Dazhai tribes of the Hulu tribe.

After the death of the old patriarch, the boss fired the first place to take out the suicide note of the ghost, and announced that he was the new prince of the fire priest hand-picked by the father, and sent the flying messenger to the **** of the gods, requesting the official appointment of Dagan and Canonized.

This is what it means to continue to be loyal to the big cadres and to recognize the rule of the big.

The second child was innocent and unwilling to show weakness. He also took out a crumpled suicide note and declared that he was the right-handed fire chief.

This is not counting, he also broke the news of an earth-shattering.

It is said that when the old patriarch was alive, he felt that the number of days had changed, the artifacts were easier, the big dry and fading, and the reason why Yunqin rose up, and he no longer wished to turn to the Dagan tribute to the Yunqin camp.

The matter was learned by the Dagan Assassin hidden in the Huolu tribe, so he used the mean and shameless means to assassinate the old patriarch.

And he is innocent, for the future of the Wunan Baizu, but he does not hesitate to do so.

As soon as this statement came out, Wunan Five Roads were greatly shaken.

It wasn’t because of the absurd joke that “the big assassin assassinated the Wunan Tusi”.

But it was shocked that Ghost Qin finally found a so-called "bird".

In order to compete for the position of the chief of the fire, the two brothers have been fired and fired for half a year, spelling out the blood of the corpse, but no one can help each other.

At the moment, the two sides, under the mediation of the prestigious elders and monks of the Wolverine Bai ethnic group, finally agreed to sit down and negotiate, and use a more refreshing way to decide who is the leader of the Hulu.

However, everyone with a discerning eye can see that this is the drama of the stage before the stage, and the main character is on the scene.

The fire-free seal of the documents has long been sent to the gods. The Hulu tribe is the key to the Wu and Bai tribes. It has always been respectful and courteous to the court. This matter is not trivial, and the court naturally has to support him.

Therefore, there is only "Wu Nan five-way recruitment system" Ling Shoujing, led the elite Xuanhu Wei to come to this scene.

On the other side of the ghost Qin, naturally, a large number of elites have been dispatched to make waves. There are also many tribes who can't help but jump out of the stage under the leadership of the "birds".

The savage raid that Ling Shoujing’s army had just entered the jungle was the result of several Wuman tribes who had invested in the ghost Qin.

Unexpectedly, they had not had time to invite the rewards in front of the new master. The leader was smashed into a bolognese.

At the moment, the two self-styled tribes of the Hulu tribe have been ignorant and innocent. They are recruiting soldiers, savvy monks between the poor mountains and the poor, and finally expanding their forces; the other is waiting for the arrival of their respective reinforcements.

Waiting for the Dagan Wangshi and the ghost Qin masters to appear on the scene, the final "negotiation" will begin in Huolu City.

The idiots know that this "negotiation" will never be carried out with a tongue.

And the outcome of the negotiations will be decided, not just as simple as the throne of the Hulu.

If the boss fires unscrupulously, it proves that the Yuwei of the Dagan dynasty is still there, and the real dragon is against the scales. It is by no means a small Wunan can touch.

The Wunan Baizu, who said that they can maintain their loyalty for more than ten or twenty years, are even willing to send their troops out of the grain to help the Dagan.

If the second child wins innocently, then needless to say, not only the Hulu tribe will completely fall to the side of the ghost Qin, it is likely to cause a chain reaction, the entire Wunan five roads are smoldering, the betrayal of the flag, the situation is completely smashed to out of hand.

It is precisely because this "negotiation" is so important, so when the army of Ling Shoujing entered Wunan, he put on a gesture of "seeking for hunger and thirst", recruiting countless barbarians and witches along the way, even Li Yao. Without roots and ignorance, he was invited to the account with respect and respect.

Ling Shoujing naturally knows that most of the witches and monks will not fight for the Dagan Dynasty.

But at the crucial moment, one more person shouts and shouts, and it is good to add more power. (To be continued.)

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