Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1355: The fierce name of the coffin

Through the whistle of Wu Han's monk, Li Yao also found a very crucial message.

Ling Shoujing’s “Wunan Five-way Recruitment System” has two purposes.

One is naturally to support the fire, and maintain the nominal rule of the Dagan dynasty here.

The second is to recruit a large number of Wu Man Tu soldiers, go to the Central Plains to suppress the white lotus chaos, the tyrannical kings and the ghost Qin sweep.

It seems that the strength of the Dagan dynasty was indeed emptied to the extreme, and it was necessary to increase the pressure on the local area by means of drinking and quenching thirst.

Or, this is a strategy of "bottoming at the bottom of the river, one stone and two birds". As long as the entire Qinghuan five-way youth force is recruited into the army, it is weakened in the process of suppressing the place and fighting against the northern army. The Baizu have the meaning of rebellion and are also powerless.

In addition to the Wu Man soldiers, Wu Mang is also recruited.

The military and political circles of the Dagan dynasty and the realm of comprehension are basically two systems that complement each other but do not interfere with each other.

At the same time that Dagan Wangshi and Guiqin Tieqi competed against each other, the Dagan monks and the Yunyun monks on the northern prairie also had several encounters and had done several battles.

It is said that recently, in order to compete for the national sport of the king, the two sides have to hold a huge sword of law.

For this century-old battle, the Dagan monk and the Yunyun monk are all admiring the masters of the Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains, and the ancient sacred circles are everywhere, and the voices of "Taoyou staying" are everywhere.

Although Wu Man is weak, but the grasshopper is small, it is also meat. Even if there are not a few masters of the Yuan Ying series, it is good to ask some of the witches and monks who have built the base level to go back and support the scene.

What's more, this is a long-term relationship. If Dagan can't recruit these witches and monks into the camp, it is very likely that they will be surrounded by the ghosts. One by one, there is a lack of a knot. There is more than one knot on the other side, which has a great influence on the growth and decline of the overall strength.

Therefore, the court's second-class staff, Wunan five-way recruitment system to make Ling Shou-Jing, on behalf of the Dagan dynasty, came formally to seal the fire for the new "Wu Nan Tusi", and through him to recruit the barracks, preparations Military capital, swinging north.

Ling Shoujing’s daughter, Ling Lanyin, who was born from the “Dagan First Sword School” Ziji Jianzong, represents the Dagan Xiujie in a certain degree, and invites the singularities of the various departments of Wu Man to stand in the big In the dry camp, go to the battle sword of the 100-year-old encounter.

This is really good.

The fighting between the Dagan and the Yunyun monks must have the participation of the top comprehensions of both sides. If you can witness it, you will save a lot of effort.

The only thing that needs to be confirmed at the moment is whether there is any hidden danger in the identity of "Lingshi Shangren". Don't wait for him to appear in the fight against the sword, but it has become the target of both Dagan and Youyun.

Li Yao quietly eavesdropped behind, and suddenly heard the two witch monks actually mentioned their forged names.

It turned out that not all witches and monks are gangsters.

The aura of the ancient sacred world is too abundant. The result is that it will breed countless strange celestial treasures, and even some fruits and blood of the beasts. As long as they eat and drink, they can reborn, wash the marrow, and awaken the roots. Comprehension!

These comprehensions have a sturdy psionic power, but the cultivation of mind and wisdom is not at home. It is equivalent to a three-year-old child who dances the dragon and the moon, and is very dangerous to himself and to others.

Such an example is particularly rare in the area of ​​witchcraft that lacks cultivation and ceremonies.

Therefore, among the hundreds of witches and monks, in addition to the vast majority of old pythons and old foxes with hidden knives, there are also a few "innocent" and "beautiful and lovely" existence.

For example, Li Yao’s now fake character is such a character.

These people have become self-cultivators because of their coincidence. Even in the process of awakening the roots, the aura collides and hurts the gully of the brain, becoming more confused and confused than ordinary people.

They are often born in the most remote areas of Wu Man, the deepest stagnation of the poor mountains, and the fact that the outside world is changing.

The impression of the locals on the Dagan dynasty still stayed in the era of invincibility for hundreds of years.

Therefore, when the Dagan Wangshi arrived, these rich and lovely Wuman monks were the most active and effective. They thought that they could follow the predecessors of hundreds of years ago and follow the master of Wang Shigong to get a lot of magic weapons from the Central Plains. Gongfa and Tianmu Dibao rewards, Guangzong Yaozu!

In front of a fat and thin two witches monks, they swayed full of belly and bad water, in the discussion of the "negotiation table", how to smash these silly boys in the forefront, to take the throne of their fire.

Among the "stupid little boys", it is natural that Li Yao plays this role.

Li Yao’s heart moved, his legs were clipped, and his giant scorpion was like a dragon, and he suddenly squeezed into the middle of two witches.


Li Yao blinked, and the python was staring at the two people with ill-conceived words. "I heard you calling my name, you are laughing, you are laughing at me!"

The two witches and monks were shocked. I didn’t expect this kid who came out of the broken cliff to be so close behind, and they didn’t find it all the way. I didn’t even think that Li Yao’s ears were so sharp. They all gathered the sound into a silky smudge, or he was swept to one ear.

"Swallow the snake brother, don't get me wrong!"

The savage savage savage monk, chubby witch monk, hurriedly leaned on the skin, the dead-like witch monk made a wink, smiled and said, "Come here, introduce you to the ancient priests of Heiyunzhai, I And he just talked about the strength of the swallowing snake brother, and suddenly lost the three lords of the Moyunling Baihuatun, it is really impossible, no!"

Li Yao used a pseudonym "swallowing a snake", which means "eat a snake", indicating that he grew up eating a snake.

This is a fairly common naming scheme in the depths of Wu Man, the uncontested tribe.

Li Yao curled up his chin and his nose expanded slightly. He didn't even look at the two people: "What is that? Don't say that they are the same guys with three monkeys. When I am in the mountains, even the heavy armor of the wild boar is also Throw in a few miles!"

"That is, that is, the snake swallow brother is a hero out of the juvenile. When it comes to recruiting and making accounts, it is definitely a big splash. Our old bones must look at your performance!"

Gusi 铎 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑

Li Yao became more and more proud, and he was so happy that he was red-faced. Suddenly, some of the "sorry" bowed and asked: "Hey, I asked you, I heard what happened... In the city of Huolu, as long as I just throw the opponent out three times. Five miles away, or thrown into the mountain rock to live and die, there are a lot of rewards, what rare babies have, but also the Central Plains official, but really?"

The two witches and monks face each other and smile. They nod their heads and smiles. "True, true, nature is true. The 'question order' is written clearly, as long as the younger brother releases the means and kills the enemy. It is good to kill the other monks by thirty or fifty. The gold and silver treasures, the classics, the Central Plains magic treasures, and the big officials, dozens of official positions are waiting for you to challenge!"

Li Yaole couldn't support it, scratching his head and scratching his head: "The official who surnamed Ling said, "We are helping those who are on the side of the fire. We can't kill anyone here! But I don't know what other people are on the opposite side. Can't help but pick me up and down?"

The dwarf savage monk, Meng Duo, who is covered with poisonous snakes, laughs and laughs: "The swallowing snake brother is born with divine power, and there are different skills and sorrows. Even the high-grade poisonous scorpion is tempted to obey the post. In Wunan, fear It’s hard to beat the enemy, Gu Sihao, brother, you said yes?”

"Of course, of course!"

The savage monk of the living dead is a serious man. "The head of this battle, the non-swallowing brother is none!"

"That's great!"

Li Yao excitedly slammed his fists and rushed to the eyes of both of them. "The two of you must not rush with me. Otherwise, I remember your name. I can't remember this giant python!"

Two vulgar monks who are old and sultry, who are rare and robbed of their merits, are now touting the kung fu, blowing the "swallowing snake brother" into the sky, and the underground is unparalleled, let alone in the small Wunan five roads. Even if the Zhongzhou gods, the Yunyun grassland, can go.

Li Yao seems to be touted by them completely unable to find the North, while laughing with his arms, laughing and arrogant: "Right, a few years ago, when my master was still dead, I often mentioned a name on the 'Lingyi. The guy of the man is very powerful. The biggest regret of my master in this life is that I have not been able to fight with the spirits!"

"Now my master is dead. I have lived alone in the barren hills for more than ten years. It feels much better than when he is alive! I don't know if the coffin is coming here this time. If you come, which side is it? If it's the opposite, I will kill him with a fist and take his head to give Master a drink!"

As soon as this statement came out, the fat witch monk "Munduo" and the thin witch monk "Gu Si" were involuntarily stunned, and his face instantly became pale.

The temperature near the three people was a few tens of degrees lower, like a big hail with no shadow and invisible, squatting on them.

The two looked at Li Yao’s eyes as if they were watching a dead body full of venom and plague.

"Swallow the snake brother, get it quickly!"

Meng Duo smiles more ugly than crying. "Ling, spirit, and spirits are the names of his old people. Don't just take it out and make fun of it!"


Gu Sizhen also has a heart and a sigh of relief. "It’s okay to kill yourself. Don't let our two brothers!"

The two are like a leprosy patient, quite a respectful meaning.

Li Yaoxuan will let them go, deliberately yelling at the scorpion and shouting: "Hey, what are you doing? Is the sorcerer so terrible? Do we have three players, but also beat him?" (To be continued.)

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