Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1356: Fierce flames!

As soon as this sentence is spoken, Meng Duo and Gu Sizhen, two savage monks and wives, are more like a malaria-like sway. The two are left and right, like a bodhisattva. Racking to the side, shouting: "My god, swallow the snake brother, you go to death, but what do we bring in? We are nothing to worry about, we still have a glimpse of The tribe, a little careless, is the end of the Manchu extinction, that is not a joke!"

Seeing Li Yao’s unfamiliar image of fearlessness, the two witches’ monks regretted having a relationship with him.

However, if the words have been exported, they will not be able to receive them. They can only dance and dance, and tell Li Yao about the roots and roots of the coffin. The young people who know this burdock know that they are powerful.

To put it bluntly, the sorcerer is a murderer who was extremely active in the savage area seven or eighty years ago, even a hundred years ago.

It is said that he was originally the son of the owner of Chiyu Village in the west of Wunan. After the death of the old Zhaizhai, he should take over the position of the owner.

Unexpectedly, there were quite a few ambitious characters in Chi Yuzhai. They worshipped a few outside the wizards and learned some witchcraft and sorrow. They falsely claimed that there was a big birthmark in his eyebrows. , ominous signs.

In order to keep the Zhaizi safe, he must make his eyebrows "green crows and evil spirits" hard to give birth, in fact, it is to set him to death.

The coffin and the enemy fought in a row, and they escaped their lives and lost their lives.

In fact, it is worshipped under the door of the Wuyin ancestor of the Broken Mountain, and there is also a brother named "Black Moon".

Because of his blue-colored birthmark in the center of his eyebrows, it is like a big bird spreading its wings, and all his chances are from this strange bird birthmark, so Wuyin's ancestors named him "Ling".

After a few decades, the Master Lingbi has been following the Wuyin ancestors in the Feilei Cave with the brothers and black moon sages.

Later, I don’t know why, but Wuyin’s ancestors suddenly became violent.

According to the secret rumors in the Wu Man area, it is the fullness of his two brothers and brothers, and the magical masters of the masters of the sorrows, the ancestors of Wuyin are not prepared, and the master will attack and kill!

After the two divisions brothers added Master's magical magical powers to the fifth, they went down the mountain, and the spirits were naturally revenge.

Until now, his actions have been within limits, and even if he has a few enemies, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

Unexpectedly, this sorcerer is a guy who is moody, cruel, and even psychopathic.

After returning to Akabuzhai, he not only smothered several of his tribes in the past, but also tortured him to death with the most brutal means. Even the rest of the tribe was shocked by his arrogance and cheered him for the banquet of the new owner. Blocking the gates of the village, and killing hundreds of people from the whole village, all killed one by one, the chickens and dogs do not stay!

"In the past, they were filthy. I was immersed in evil spirits. When I had to dig my eyebrows alive, you were all timid, dubious, and even standing on their side. For the safety of the stockade, take the blood sacrifice for the true and false! ”

"Hey, let me say, you are being shackled into evil spirits, for the safety of the stockade, and let me dig out your brain one by one to see if there is a evil spirit!"

It is said that at that time, the master of the coffin was talking on the other side, one by one, and smashed the head of the tribe.

This kind of madness and horrible behavior, even in the case of ruthless blood, the uncultivated "birth", is also shocking to the extreme.

And this is far from over.

Although all the enemies were killed, these enemies were worshipped by some of the wizards outside, and they were born under the shackles of these wizards.

The coffin master listed a list, and found a total of seven wizards, accompanied by their full house, killing, even the half-flowered snake in the stockade never let go.

The fierce name of the coffin was spread throughout the Witch.

He was so arrogant that he made the whole witch sorrowful and stunned. He heard the word "linger" and changed color. Of course, there are also many witches and monks who want to kill.

At this time, it shows the means of the clergy.

This prince inherited the Wuyin ancestors, and the martial arts were violent, and they killed all the stockades in advance, without any weaknesses and concerns.

From then on, he can go and go in the jungle of Wu Man, and there is no ghost. It is extremely difficult to capture his trace.

What's more, he knows the truth of "grasping the roots". When he starts, he doesn't leak water. He kills his own enemy and kills him. He has never let go of half a bitter master.

Most of the witches who want to chase him are only to maintain the order and calm of the Wunan Five Roads. They are not bitters, and they have no direct hatred.

He also released news throughout the Witch, and made all the ins and outs of the year clear, and claimed that he was doing this, but it was just revenge.

If he has hatred, he must be careful of a small family, a full family, and fall to the same as the eight stockades such as Chi Yuzhai!

However, if there is no innocence, he will not open the door.

Anyway, he has only one person at the moment. He is not afraid to wear shoes. He wants to find out who constitutes a killing team to deal with him. It is a breeze.

These people traced his traces between the mountains and mountains. It is inevitable that some of them will not be taken care of in their own stockades. They must not rely on him to take care of them!

Such news was released. The original "indignation of indignation" and the team of monks who wanted to "destroy the people for the people" were scattered on the spot. Who would be willing to take a hard time and touch such a brow?

In short, the sorcerer is such a madman, the means of sinister, madness, even when the madman is a madman who can kill the door!

After slaughtering eight stockades in succession, they can still sway in the area of ​​Wunan and walk sideways. In the Wunan comprehension world a hundred years ago, no one else except him.

The sorcerer had been betrayed by the tribes in the past, and since then he has become alienated, and then he has become arrogant and has always been a loner, no concern.

He has obtained a lot of resources and exercises from the eight destroyed, and after 20 or 30 years of cultivation, there is a tendency to become the first master of Wunan.

At this time, there is no one in the area of ​​Wunan who dares to provoke him. Occasionally, he appears in front of the world. No matter which one is in the village, the natives are all scared and frightened. The soul flies and scatters, and he listens to him and asks for it. As a god, he exists. Do not dare to violate.

Even if he appeared in front of the Witch Man, most of the witches were taken by his monk, and he could only swallow his voice and respectfully call him a "senior."

About fifty or sixty years ago, the brother of the Lingbi Master, the Black Moon Supreme, sent a letter saying that he had encountered a different treasure and was about to be born, and invited the Lingbi to explore and capture.

Unlike the sorcerer, his brother, the black moon sage, walked the usual practice of the witch monk.

The so-called "conventional practice roads" is to find a Miaozhai tribe down the mountain after the cultivation, and to become a law-protection, priest, wizard, etc. in the tribe, to help the tribes to kill the beasts, against the beasts, and against the enemy tribes. Priests, wizards, and surrender.

And all the resources needed for their own wear and tear and cultivation are provided by the protected tribe.

If the depth of cultivation is deeper, the more magical spells that can be provided, the more the tribes will prosper, and the status and resources of this witchish monk will naturally rise.

If you are really versatile and responsive, you can also become the "big witch" of three or five tribes, and even open the door to the door, wide-ranging disciples, and cultivating your disciples into wizards and priests of other tribes. It is.

The black moon sage is the way to go.

He also inherited the Wuyin ancestor's robes, and he did a very good job. While the sorcerer became the first murderer of Wunan, his influence expanded to dozens of tribes in a thousand miles, and he also made many contributions. The Central Plains monk has the faint meaning of becoming a positive representative of the Wunan revision community.

As for the rumors of bullying the ancestors in the past, in the view of the Central Plains, it is only a small dispute between the wild people, and there is no real evidence.

What is the relationship between the Black Moon Supreme and the Ghosts, and outsiders are not known.

In short, I don’t know what promises the Black Moon sages made in the letters, and the sorcerer is willing to go to the appointment.

What happened after that was confusing and there were different opinions.

According to the statement of the Black Moon Supreme, after the adventure, the sorcerer was wounded by the monster, and the body was poisonous, falling off the cliff, and disappeared.

However, there are many witches and monks who say that it is the black moon sages and the younger brothers are not prepared, just like the sneak attack on the Wuyin ancestors, kill him!

As for why the Black Moon Supreme is doing this, perhaps his reputation has become more and more important. He has such a fierce younger brother as the sorcerer. I don’t know how much drag and trouble it brings; maybe he has already given it to the priest. Half of the ancestors of the ancestors passed down, wanting to kill and win the treasure; or perhaps the savage savage first killer, and the result is self-defeating... these are not important.

What is important is that the murderer, who is a savage person, has disappeared and has not heard of him for decades.

Even so, after all, he did not confirm the death of the coffin. His fierce name is too horrible. Until today, no one dares to talk loudly about the right and wrong of the coffin.

Otherwise, if he still has such a small point that may not die, it is not fun to be stared at by such a madman who is moody, swearing, and smashing the door.

Mengduo and Gu Siyu are each a guardian of the law and a sorcerer in several stockades. The family has a large population and there is nowhere to escape. Naturally, they are not willing to provoke such innocent disasters.

"It turned out to be such a fierce person!"

Li Yao’s heart was silently concerned, and he finally got a general understanding of why Lingbi’s people had lived in the Dongfu for dozens of years. (To be continued.)

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