Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1357: Legend of the gods!

According to the Black Moon Supreme, it may not be a lie, but it may be half true.

There may be deep contradictions between the black moon sage and the sorcerer and the two brothers who are deceiving the ancestors together, so that he tries to get rid of each other.

However, it is also possible that the Lingbi Masters have long discovered that the ancient cave house containing the Pangu warfare and the predecessors’ monks’ inheritance is bent on retreating for decades, and fearing that it will be found by the enemy and the brothers, so it will be counted and willingly go to the appointment. Pretending to be the illusion of being poisonous and falling off the cliff.

Maybe, he has been immersed in the cave for dozens of years, and the inheritance of the predecessors’ monks has been integrated. After the refining of the 1989 Soul Eater, the first thing to do is to find the brothers and black moons. Say, destroy the door!

Fortunately, there are eyes in the sky, but when his conspiracy is about to succeed, he meets Li Yao, an unreasonable alien Yuan Ying, who is suppressed by Jing Jing, so that he will not be super-born.

"The identity of the Lingbi Master is really appropriate!"

Li Yao muttered to himself.

First of all, this Yuan Ying is not out of thin air. The roots of the teacher are clear and clear, and they are famous people a hundred years ago.

In the ancient world, there are many guys who have been retiring for decades and a hundred years. It is commonplace for the old monsters that have disappeared for dozens of years to reproduce the world.

Secondly, the sorcerer is a savage, moody, cruel and savage singer, and has always been alone, truly familiar with the character of this person, afraid that only the brother of the black moon.

If it is really a retreat for decades, and practicing the evil spirits, then the earth-shaking changes in character and form are also normal.

As long as you don't hit his brother Black Moon Supreme, you are not afraid to be seen as a flaw.

And this singer's fierce name, even if there is suspicion in life, I am afraid I will not dare to be an interview.

What's more, although the coffin is a notorious murderer, but listening to the introduction of the two witches, he has been in Wunan for decades. He has not left the border of Wunan and is not doing it. The realm of comprehension has made an earth-shattering **** case, so it is impossible to talk about the enemy of the mainstream comprehension.

Since killing eight tribes in one breath, his fierce name has spread throughout Wunan, and after that, he released his rumors, and no Wuman monk dared to confront him.

If you reach out and don't make a smile, all the savage natives will use him as a **** demon, and there is no need to kill the killer. So in the next few decades, he did not make much killing.

Therefore, although this monarch is a long-lost murderer, he has not yet reached the level of "everyone has to be blamed."

Originally, the area around Wunan was self-contained. The Central Plains Shangbang treated them as a food and drink life. They would not demand them in the Central Plains’ ritual rules. As long as they went to the Central Plains, they could be honest. nothing.

Of course, with such a name of "natural haze, moodiness, cruelty and good killing", there is a lot of inconvenience for the integration into the mainstream comprehension.

However, Li Yao’s current thinking has undergone a subtle change. He did not regard the Dagan court as the sole negotiating object.

Dagan, Bailian, mixed king, ghost Qin, these four forces, have the need to investigate. =

The identity of the spiritual master may be rejected by the mainstream of the mainstream, but in the peasant uprisings such as the king of the king and the white lotus, and the ambition of the ghosts to change the dynasty, it may be like a fish. .

The villain has the advantage of villain. The purpose of Li Yao’s trip is to investigate, and it is not necessary to conduct the investigation from the front.

If a certain party knows that he is a murderer who is innocent and cruel, and even sees that he has no more than two hundred children’s souls, he is still indifferent to him, and he talks with him, and then the other conditions are appropriate. Negotiations are necessary.

More importantly, if it is a decent person who is righteous and arrogant, how can Li Yao kill his opponent and seize his identity?

"Determined, it is to use the identity of the spiritual master to investigate the strengths and weaknesses of the forces of the four kings, the white lotus, the mixed king and the ghost Qin, and investigate the movements of the real human empire, and the mystery of a hundred years ago. The reason for the signal, until the water falls out, after the dust settles, build the star gate, summon the fleet of stars from the Federation, and conquer the ancient holy world!"

Li Yao is not a person who likes to play pigs and eat geckos.

What's more, hiding in front of these savage savage savage, pretending to be an insult to their own subtle acting.

Since it is not too much trouble to determine the identity of the coffin, he does not want to entangle any more. At the moment, he is ready to release his momentum, showing the true face of the "Lingling Master" in order to recruit the system from Wunan Five Roads. Ling Shoujing, as well as his daughter, Zi Ling Jianzong female sword repair Ling Lan because of the collection of higher-level information.

The two witches, a monk, interrupted Li Yao’s actions. "

"The swallowing snake brother can not dare to talk about it. Although the old man of the Lingbi has traveled all over the world, his whereabouts are uncertain. He has not appeared for decades, but his brother, Black Moon, is the most savvy of Wunan. Great witch, has already set foot on the realm of Yuan Ying, the status is extremely honorable!"

"Wunan Baizu, which tribe, is not respectful to him, respectful?"

"Even this time, the bosses and the second-in-command of the Hulu tribe are willing to bargain for negotiations. It is not the black moon sages who speak, they have to listen!"

"Black Moon Supreme is the host of this negotiation. Right now, it is in the stable situation of Huolu City. He and the sorcerer are the same, and many of them are exactly the same. If you swear the snake, if you are a priest. The magical powers are greatly scorned, and maybe it will cause the black moon to be dissatisfied, so it’s bad!"

The Black Moon Supreme is the convener and middleman of this negotiation, and is also a character of the Yuan Ying series. This news has caused Li Yao to pick up.

If you want to reveal the identity of the "Lingling Master", others may not dare to investigate and question, but the brother-in-law "Black Moon Supreme" is no matter how bad it is.

This matter is not resolved, and it will definitely leave trouble in the future. Maybe it will become his Achilles heel at the crucial moment.

Li Yao had to hold back the idea of ​​turning into an immediate change, urging the giants and moving all the way.

In the next few days, they have been on the road between mountains and forests.

With the Huanglong Banner and the call for the Dagan dynasty to the depths of the jungle, many Wuman monks came to the scene, and all kinds of strange-shaped battle flags became more and more swaying.

Li Yao is always mixing with the old fritters of the two monks of Meng Du and Gu Siyu, pretending to be young and unreasonable, stupid and stupid, and from the two populations, intelligence.

It is a pity that they are all outsiders, and most of the information in the stomach is a glimpse of Wunan. There is not much understanding of the status quo of the Central Plains.

Li Yao made a lot of learning from the Spring Breeze, and only took a valuable message from their mouths.

One hundred years ago, the ancient sacred world was a true self-cultivator!

It is said that at that time, there was an invincible and invincible monk in the Dagan Dynasty and the Yunyun Grassland. The two had once had an earth-shattering and incredible confrontation.

Although after the showdown, the two gods were not known, some said that they were both killed, some said that they were broken and went empty, and some said that they understood the mysterious world in the confrontation, and closed the practice. .

In any case, the hundred years of time are not long for the monks of the gods, and they are very likely to survive in some form!


One hundred years ago, it was a monk of the gods. After a hundred years of cultivation, God knows how powerful it can be!

Li Yao is very sensitive to the time of "one hundred years."

One hundred years ago, the two gods of the gods disappeared mysteriously in the peak matchup.

Also a hundred years ago, the ancient sacred world sent strange signals to Tianyuan and Feixing.

Is there a connection between these two things?

"Be sure to find these two gods and advise them to stand on the side of the federation!"

"If the two gods join the Imperial Expeditionary Force, the blow to the Federation will be too great!"

Li Yao couldn't help but burst into the scalp when he thought of the disappearance of the two gods and the infiltration of the federal capital.

What's more, the two gods are the leaders of the real world. Their positions are very likely to determine the position of hundreds of Yuan Ying. No matter which side they go to, they will bring a chain reaction, and the consequences are not affordable to the Federation.

Li Yao could not help but secretly rejoice.

There were still many objections to the need to implement such a very high-risk ultra-long-distance exploration.

Now it seems that, fortunately, I have come, and have the opportunity to change everything.

All the way to gallop, people are tired and lack of horses, so that Ling Shoujing and Ziji Jianzong female sword repair Ling Lanyin came out and Wu Man monks took photos.

Ling Shoujing is okay. Although he is a member of the imperial court, he has the initial stage of the knot, but for them, there is not much room for the barbarism between the poor mountains and the bad waters.

Jin Dan female sword repair Ling Lan because of a little bit of loneliness and indifference.

After all, she is a master of the Jindan class from the Central Plains, and most of the witches have their own self-knowledge. They can talk with her and they are satisfied!

The key is this big dry bleeding, the Ling Shoujing army, in addition to the swordsman, is a large number of spar and magic weapon, as long as the Wu Man monks who are willing to serve the court, everyone is full of rewards.

For a time, the morale is so high that there are a few points of the heavenly soldiers, and the meaning of the prestige.

However, Li Yao is good at observing and observing the color, reading the micro-expression, from Ling Lanyin's facial muscles twitching and pupil dilation, but she is somewhat anxious and worried.

After releasing the Xiaolong to eavesdrop on her conversation with her father, I realized that there was still a group of strong support from the original Ziji Jianzong. It was led by a sword repairman of the Yuan Ying class. It should be with them a few days ago. I don’t know why not here.

The destination of the army, the largest town in Wunan, "Fire Lu Dazhai", is close at hand. (To be continued.)

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