Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1359: Yum!

"The younger generation of Ziji Jianzong Linglan, the algebra teacher Tianqingzi said hello to the Black Moon Supreme, the teacher said that since the 20th year ago, the dinner Xiafeng and the predecessors gathered together, the sword said, benefiting a lot, I have always remembered these two decades, and I hope that when my predecessors can go to the Purple Swordsmanship, I will be able to appreciate the style of Wunan masters!

Ling Lan took a big gift because of a deep glimpse.

The black moon sage smiled slightly, the voice was mild and mellow, and there was no accent of Southwestern Wu Man, such as the Qingxi Mountain in the mountains. It was pleasant to hear: "Ling Xiaoyou is pleased to pick you up. You are the youngest Jindan in the past few hundred years. The swordsman, the name of the big, even I have lived in the southwest for a long time, and I often hear it!"

"Swordsman, the king of the hundred soldiers, the purple swords, is also the respect of the kendo of the world, I have long had the heart to go to the harassment of your party, but has been entangled in the custom, can not be broken down, please respect the teacher Tianqingzi forgive me!"

"It is said that"

He lowered his voice a little, saying, "Now the Northland gathers, the masters gather, want to reproduce the grand event of the millennium, do a battle against the sword, decide the conference of the world's air transport! I am growing up in Wu Man A wilderness of the land of the haze, but also has the heart to observe the style of the world's heroes, but unfortunately not familiar with the life of the Central Plains, if you don't get it, please ask your party to introduce it!"

This sentence has a profound meaning. If you carefully try to figure it out, you will have the meaning of standing on the side of the big dry cultivation and even aligning with the Purple Sword.

Ling Lan was overjoyed, and then gave a big gift. He was about to talk. The black moon sage was smiling and waved his hand and turned to Ling Shoujing: "Ling Daren."

Although Ling Shoujing is also a monk of the Dan, he is a member of the imperial court. This time, he is the identity of a big angel, not a self-cultivator.

Therefore, Ling Shoujing wants to wait for the Black Moon Supreme to say hello to him first, and this is the only way to see him.

"Ling Daren, you have seen the situation now."

The black moon sage refers to the two sides of the fire on both sides of the fire, and the two sides of the sword are arrogant, and smiled bitterly. "Thirty years ago, I have traveled all over the world, and I have seen the vast and powerful tycoon and the Central Plains. Unfathomable, our Wunan Five Road is remote, the people are thin, the wisdom of the people is not open, in front of the big dry, but a small dust, as long as a sneeze, it disappears without a trace!"

"In my case, it is a thousand and ten thousand who are afraid to be enemies with Dagan. They are willing to be the southwestern barrier forever, and will always be the Wunan Mountain River."

"However, although the big dry is strong, the ghosts and ghosts are not weak. Over the years, the monks of the Yunyun have appeared in Wunan. They are threatening and tempting to our tribes, and there are very few tribes who can't eat each other's erosion and intimidation. On the side of Ghost Qin, I am helpless!"

"I also went to these tribes to ask for sin, but when people rebutted, I have nothing to say!"

"People say that they are all good-going people. They didn't want to switch to the ghosts and Qins, but they were a little bit guilty. The ghost Qin people would have to kill them, and the Wang Shi couldn't reach them. Do you have to watch your own people killed?"

"Although I am a Yuan Ying, but I am alone, the ghost Qin monks are in groups and the fire is coming. How can I protect the Wunan Bai people by myself?"

"Yes, today's business, it will be such a situation, I can only persuade the fire and the innocent brothers to temporarily stop the military, waiting for the arrival of Wang Shitian soldiers, presided over justice, hehe, hehe!"

"In any case, please let the adults reassure, the vast majority of the Wunan Baizu, still admire Wanghua, toward the imperial court, but only in the ghost of the Qin Qin, they had to swallow the sound, and the virtual and the snake!"

"As long as the black stone squats after three days, we can completely suppress the ghost Qin monks, the self below, the Wu Man Baizu, naturally still firmly stand on the side of the court!"

The Black Moon Supreme is also a powerful figure, and all of them are telling the truth.

Anyway, Wunan Five Road is just a small egg, big dry and ghost Qin two hard stones, they can not afford to provoke, had to ask two "hard stones" to first score a high.

It seems that in order to prove the "no help" of the Black Moon Supreme, his voice has not fallen. From the innocent camp in the opposite side, dozens of witch monks and three ghosts of the Qin wolf are taken and turned into an arrow. Straight toward the direction of recruiting the army, but it was stopped in their arrow, triumphant, loudly roaring, and did not put the court Tianwei in the eye.

Black Moon Supreme looked helplessly at Ling Shoujing: "I have some little fame in Wunan, but these savage and unruly guys really don't listen to me, I can't always look at them. Kill the past, kill a blood into a river, do not keep the chickens?"

Ling Shoujing was full of cold frost, looking back at his family's "Xuanhu Tiewei", Shen Sheng: "Fang Dazhong, Zuo Qianxi, cut a few ghost Qin people back!"

The so-called family Ding, is not the servant of watering the flowers at home, but cultivated from a small age, spent a lot of money, only know that there is Lingjia, I do not know the Emperor of the Emperor.

At the moment there are a number of cool-looking, avant-garde pioneers, and blood-stained swords in the scabbard of the hungry tigers.

Li Yao originally hid in the crowd to watch the play, and he couldn’t help the old fritters of many witches and monks around him to be noisy. They stupidly stupidly “two scorpions” went out to do it first.

It seems that the witches and monks here, and the witches who are rushing out there, many people have deep contradictions, but they want to kill by the knife and fall to the face of the head.

Li Yao’s heart is dark, and he can’t wait for Meng Duo and Gu Si’s feet.

The heart can't shrink, but when he appeared on the broken cliff, he set up the image of "developed limbs and simple mind."

Seeing that most of the savage monks had hippie smiles rushing to him, Ling Shoujing, Ling Lanyin, the Black Moon Supreme and the fireless eyes swept to him.

He can only bite the scalp, "wow wow" screaming, urging his majesty, and the rest of the dozens of savage witches, and a group of Xuanhu Tiewei, rushed out together.

Two black pressures, chaos, grotesque, unruly army smashed together.

Li Yao was deliberately looking for three ghost Qin wolves.

Come here, he naturally took the opportunity to test the ghosts of the ghost Qin people.


The three-handed knives turned out to be four or five meters long, and he passed the risk of his head and cut off his hair.

The ghosts of the Qin Qin people are good, at least they can help their spirits to rush out of the body for four or five meters without gathering, which is a very high standard of ancient magic.

What surprised Li Yao was their mount, the monster known as the "Dragon Wolf".

This kind of monster combines the impact of the horse and the ferocity of the hungry wolf. It also faintly carries a glimpse of the dragon. Even if you see Li Yao’s giant python, you are not afraid, but open the **** mouth and smash the giant scorpion. The head bites over.

"The fairly advanced monsters have already faintly brought the shadow of biochemical beasts. I don't know if it was the biochemical technology developed by the ghost Qin people, or did they get the biochemical inheritance of the era?"

Li Yao once again flashed a knife and cut it. The giant smashed his head and slammed the other knight. He took the opportunity to turn around and ran.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

A few lingering powerful psionic powers, the power of the arrow of the spar bullets passed by him, bursting open around him, and bombing him with a gray face.

Many witches and monks issued a strange smile.

Ling Shoujing, Ling Lanyin, Fire Wuji and Black Moon Supreme are just a bright spot.

"The strength of this son is quite good."

Ling Shoujing said to the black moon.

"It's good."

The black moon sage smiled a little and didn't know what to think.

In a short while, there was a scream of screams on the battlefield and finally met people.

Both sides cut off the heads of several people and gradually separated from contact.

Because the three ghost Qin wolves were wasting too much time on Li Yao, the Xuanhu Tiewei was able to kill him. Although he did not cut the ghost Qin people, he killed several Wuman monks and returned home. Applause, the war is on the rise.

"Tomorrow will hold a grand ceremony in front of the front line, officially enshrined as the Wunan Tusi of my great work, guarding the southwestern barrier for me, and forever strengthening the river and the mountains!"

Ling Shoujing was indifferent to the fire, and he did not wait for the fire to be grateful and arrogant. The sharp eyes once again shot at the opposite camp. The voice contained psionic power and oscillated within a few squares. "The Tianchao army has arrived, and there are still reinforcements coming in, and three On the yum of the day after the yum, the worms who are not convinced of Wanghua are all turned into powders!"

For a time, the fire-fighting camp cheered, but the fire-fighting camp was silent, and the morale fell to the extreme.

The Black Moon Sisters narrowed their eyes and silently observed the aura of Ling Shoujing and others and the military capacity of Xuanhu Tiewei. I don't know what to think about.

Li Yao was stunned on the side, coldly looking at him, and his heart seemed to smell a hint of conspiracy.

Into the night.

Beyond the Fire City Walled City, the army that Ling Shoujing brought has already set up a series of ups and downs.

Together with the local barracks, Xuanhu Tiewei enjoys a fire-free banquet under the raging fire. On the one hand, it is used by Wang Shi to pick up the dust, on the other hand, it is a loyal and courageous person who is rushing during the day.

Spirits! Roast pig! Wildfire! An interracial barbarian girl singing and dancing!

The atmosphere is warm to the extreme.

"Oh! Oh!"

After three rounds of wine, the dishes have five flavors, and everyone is red-faced. When the blood is boiling, the strong man in the Xuanhu iron guard lifts up dozens of heavy wooden boxes, opens the iron lock with an axe, trips on one foot, countless gold. Silver jewels, spar mines, and heavenly treasures are scattered from the inside.

The fascinating treasures of all the savage monks are straight and the heartbeat is almost stopped.

"Everyone is a loyal martyr of my great work. I don't have to say anything else!"

Ling Shoujing has a few spirits brought by the Central Plains. The temperament is very different from the daytime. The murderous atmosphere of the vertical and horizontal battlefields is like a big tiger set up by a person.

He shouted, "These spar, magic weapon, panacea, magical medicine, and all kinds of magical secrets. Since I have traveled to Wunan for a long time, I have never thought of going back and working hard!"

"Three days later, Yum!, a total of 300 people are expected to participate. We have a hundred people in the Xuanhu Iron and Steel, and the other two hundred warriors must be selected from among you!"

"From tomorrow, you will choose the two hundred strongest warriors among you. All the spar, magic weapons and exercises in front of you are divided equally by these two warriors!"

"This is just a pre-war reward."

"When you are on Yum!, when you have outstanding performance, there are more rewards!"

"Although you were born in the land of Wunan, you are the unparalleled national sergeant of my great work. As long as you are loyal to Dagan, you will not be ill-treated!" (To be continued.)

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