Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1360: That's it!

A few large boxes of spar, magic weapons and weapons of the gods piled up together, like a gleaming Baoshan, under the light of the arms of the torch, the more thorny crystal glare. {(

A big Baoshan, two hundred witches and monks are equally divided, if you can win a few games on Yum!, there is a more generous reward!

Li Yao has heard a lot of witches and monks, and has sipped his saliva.

Although they are good at playing snakes and ghosts, they are swallowing smoke, and they dominate the poor mountains and rivers. But these gorgeous treasures and pure spar from the heavens of the heavens have never been seen before, and even they have never heard of them.

Li Yao stood by and watched, even the two old fritters, Meng Duo and Gu Sizhen, could not avoid the eyeballs, the breathing was short, and the red lines climbed from the neck to the ear, apparently being shaken by the money.

If it is not in front of Baoshan, there is a look of murder, the aura of the mysterious Tiger Tiewei holding a knife to guard, and that Jindan female sword repair Ling Lan because of the cold look at them behind, Li Yao estimated that many witches must be directly Go up.

At the moment, Wu Man’s monks are brave, everyone is the first to shoot the chest, the giant python, the poisonous snake and all kinds of strange animals are more claws and claws, and the ghosts and screams are ringing over the clouds, guaranteeing that there is no fire for more than ten miles. The military account can be heard.

Many witches and monks are rushing to fight, and now they want to join the ranks of two hundred warriors.

Ling Shoujing was laughing and laughing, indicating that everyone was a little bit stunned: "This is the first time that the ambassador has arrived. The means for the heroes of the southwest are not yet taught. No matter who you choose at the moment, it is unfair to everyone!"

"Before tomorrow, there are still three days. We will study and compare in the military. Everyone will release the means under the eyes of the public. Everyone will show their powers. Whoever is going to go, there is nothing to say. Do you think that it is not?"

"Come, don't talk about the knife soldiers today, just drink alcohol. On the ‘Ling drunk’ that we are not far from God, this is the gift of the emperor, the grace of the court, everyone is not drunk!”

In the bursts of heavy screams, many Xuan Hu Lux also pulled out a bucket of fragrant wine.

It fell in the unique horns of Wunan, but it was thick in honey.

In particular, a barrel of wine is about to be finished, and the last thread hangs along the wall. It is broken and continuous, as if it will never be finished. Seeing many people’s eyes blinking out, jump into the wine cellar and take a shower. It is.

Everyone is like a giant whale that is so absorbent, yelling and drunk.

Not so long, I was drunk, and I snorted.

Li Yao also swallowed the "Ling drunk".

A faint warning sign in the depths of the brain, but let him carefully analyze the composition of the wine.

"Sure enough, there is a strong anesthetic ingredient in the wine, otherwise these witches are not drunk so quickly."

"However, although the effect of anesthesia is fierce, the nature is quite mild, it will not cause a little damage to the human body, and you can wake up early tomorrow."

"This Wunan five-way recruitment system makes Ling Shoujing, not simple!"

Li Yao did not feel a bit malicious from Ling Shoujing.

What's more, these Wuman monks are standing on the side of the court. Unless Ling Shoujing wants to change to the Ghost Qin camp, it is impossible to be disadvantaged to these witch monks in any case!

Li Yao simply pretends to be drunk, like a beach of mud, soft on the ground, watching Ling Songjing's actions.

The banquet lasted for two or three hours and did not stop.

Li Yao noticed that when a large number of Wuman monks were drunk, they were mixed with a lot of ordinary Wufan soldiers who had no choice but to replace them. They continued to drink and have fun.

Many of the witches and monks, including him, were carried to the depths of the military camp by the Xuanhu Tiewei, a seemingly ordinary leather account.

Someone opened his mouth and fed some hot, sour, sour, boiling water to his mouth.

Li Yao absorbed trace elements from the root of the tongue and analyzed it in detail. It is now a drug that stimulates nerve excitability and makes people wake up from anesthesia.

At the moment, I coughed a few times, "Wake up," and looked around in confusion.

The atmosphere of the drunken banquet is gone, this is a cold and big account full of **** taste.

Even the roaring torches around the big account are all emitting cold blue light.

Wherever the blue light goes, everyone’s faces are as green as dead bodies.

Just now, I was still in a good mood, and even some Lingshoujing, who was in the shape of a wave, were wearing a set of red tigers and swallowing gold urns. The two octagonal horror stunned and crossed behind them. Da Majin sat across the center of the military account, with no expression, such as iron cast copper. Pouring, staring at them coldly.

Around the 20th and 30th, like the wolf-like tiger, the Xuanhu Iron Guardian, all of them are the pioneers of the army, the team is like the self-cultivator, the sword is unsheathed, and the knife is swaying.

They did not hide their aura, and the spirits stirred up, filling a thick leather military account with balloons.

Li Yao turned around and looked around. There were sixty or seventy Wuhan monks, who also turned away from the hangover with a confused face, squinting at the eyes of ignorant, and did not understand what was going on.

Some of the wacky monks who were a little agile thought that Wang Shi would like to start with them, "ah", but did not know how to be good, scared to fight.

Although they have a large number of people, they have gathered together from various villages. They are not familiar with each other. Many people even have small contradictions. They are purely rabble, and naturally they cannot be as united as Wang Shi.

"You are not safe, you are not malicious, but there are so many outside eyes, you have to use this way to invite everyone to come to the narrative!"

The tone of Ling Shoujing’s speech is completely different from that of the banquet just now. It is full of scraping and toughness like a scraping steel knife. It is even more murderous than the expression in the day.

He coughed softly, and several Xuanhu Tieweis re-raised the "Baoshan" that had just been piled up outside to the military account.

At the moment, those magic weapons, spar and military blades are mixed together, and the more dazzling and dazzling.

"Now, there are a total of 68 Wunan Yinghao in the big account of the ambassador. These treasures are equally divided by you!"

Ling Shoujing’s export of this sentence is really a stone-shattering, so that all the vulgar witches are smashing.

Everyone can't believe their ears, and their tongues are greedy.

Didn’t you just say that it takes three days to compare and test, and the strongest ones are eligible to be divided into two hundredths of these treasures?

These Wuman monks, although they have not studied modern mathematics, know that 60 people and two hundred people are divided into a Baoshan, each person is much cheaper, much more!

Only Li Yao’s heart moved, and he clearly understood the plan of Ling Shoujing. He could not help but scream for the wisdom and determination of this recruitment.

The sixty-seven witch monks around Li Yao are not the most senior and strongest, but come out from the remote and hidden stockades. The most stupid and stupid, the most loyal to the court.

Those monks who included the first rushing out and fighting in the opposite day, regardless of the performance at the time, even if they were defeated, were all gathered here.

On the contrary, even if it is recognized that the strength is outstanding, the well-known witch monk, as long as it is the kind of two sides and three knives, the position swings, the idea is just a flag shouting, such as "Munduo" and "Gu Si" stream, one did not appear!

In this way, what does Ling Shoujing want to do, isn’t it out of the way?

The movement of Xuanhu Tiewei is extremely fast, and the spar, the magic weapon and the military blade are divided into two percentages.

Subsequently, they carried out a dozen large boxes of brass wraps and opened them one after another.

In the first box, there are cold swords and flying swords. The swords are covered with spiritual lines, and the spirits are overflowing. When they are still in the box, there are a lot of dragons and screams, so many witches and monks can’t help but fall back half. step.

These swords are more advanced than the weapons of the gods that have just been taken out in public!

In the second box, it is wrapped in straw, cotton wool and silk. The fist-sized shovel is also covered with mysterious and complex spirits. All the spirits are intertwined and condensed into "Bei Xin Lei" five words.

In the back of the boxes, there are also exquisite workmanship, inlaid charms, and a night cloak that hides the aura and hides.

In the last box, it was full of gold and golden scrolls.

Several Xuanhu Tiewei unfolded the scrolls and let many Wuman monks watch them one by one.

Many Wuman monks are not literate. They only know what they are saying. It is the instrument that the Dagan dynasty granted to the official position.

Written on the scroll, are the fate of the Wunan Five Road, the following is also covered with the Wunan five-way plan to make the big seal, but the name column is vacant, not filled out.

"The styles of the sword and the flying sword are different. You can choose your own customary blade. There are four people in the Taiyi, and one in the Qingyun Lingjia. There is no one in the night." The name on the instrument..."

Ling Shoujing smiled and smiled, but there was a strong killing in the smile: "That depends on the performance of you later!"

Many witches and monks face each other.

The atmosphere is so strange, so rewarding, so even the dullest mountain savages can feel wrong.

A fat-skinned monk was daring, and he asked: "Dare to ask the honor, wait a moment... What performance?"

Ling Shoujing sneered a sneer, one word and one word: "After an hour, before dawn, we have to raided the opposite military account, killing the innocent fire and killing the Qin Qin people! During the daytime battle, all of you performed very well. , showing the loyalty to the court, the ambassador is quite satisfied!"

"You are the real hero of Wunan, what else should you test?"

"Before the night attack, we have prepared such excellent equipment for you, and we must be even more powerful. I hope that you will continue to perform well. Don't let me, let the court, let the emperor disappoint!" (To be continued.) 8

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