Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1361: Night attack!

These words are like a whirlwind, instantly shocking the hearts of all the witches. [

The greed of the treasures and the excitement of the official position were unanimously swept away, and all the witches and monks were astonished and stunned.

The night is full of fire!

Kill the ghost Qin people!

This, this is too exaggerated, right?

Only Li Yao cheered loudly in the bottom of my heart.

That's it!

During the day, Ling Shoujing deliberately made a big announcement in the public, and announced that he would officially replace the Tianzi Book as a "Wunan Toast".

In the evening, there was a big feast, and the wine and carnival, and the announcement of the next three days to select the Warriors.

All the actions were made to confuse the opposite side, and let the other party think that he was really single-minded to be a long and short time with the ghost Qin people.

As everyone knows, from the very beginning, he has no plans to play any tricks.

The Wunan Five-way Recruitment System, from the beginning to the end, an idea directly kills the barbarians and the enemy emirates who disapprove of Wanghua, and simply breaks the matter!

From the decision of Ling Shoujing, Li Yao saw that a few days of the dynasty, the suppression of the momentum of the four seas.

This is right, the military affairs of the country can really be handed over to the Taiwanese to decide, but also to fight more than 100 consecutive downfalls? are you crazy!

Li Yao looked forward to the IQ of the high-level sacred circles and raised a series.

The real witch monk, but he did not think so, many people have been shaken after a moment of silence.


"For hundreds of years, the rule of Wunan is to use Yum! to decide whether or not to succeed. If the two sides do not answer the application of Yum!, they will solve the dispute. Now they have said that they must go to the Yum! Before the raid, this is not good?"

"It will be blamed by the ghosts who died on the yum of yum for hundreds of years!"

"The Black Moon Supreme is the host of this yum, and the two brothers of the Fire House are watching the peace talks on his face. We rushed to attack, what about the Black Moon Supreme?"

Everyone has seven mouths, and when they say it, they are not afraid of how powerful the Qin people are, but the anger of the black moon.

This peace talks was carried out on the face of the Black Moon Supreme, and the result was to rip off the face and sneak attack. Where is the Black Moon Supreme?

Yuan Ying's anger is not the same as Xiao Ke, Ling Shoujing may also be able to resist the aura of the big dry angels. These native-born witches and monks must not be able to eat such a blatant face of the black moon.

Ling Shoujing had a smile on his chest, and he slammed the palm of his hand. After the military account, he heard the voice of Sosuo and walked out of the two.

The first one is the savage savage savage.

The second one is the first master of Wunan Five Road, the great loyalty of the Wunan Baizu, the middleman of this negotiation and the host of Yum!

For a time, there was only a breathtaking inspiratory sound in the leather account.

Fortunately, this big account, with nine layers of leather inside and outside sewing, layered cowhide is also sandwiched with the wave of isolation, no matter how big the sound inside, will not be heard outside.

"I got angry and innocent!"

The black moon sage is like a full moon like a white face. It is full of grievances that are not in the daytime. It’s straightforward. “The fire didn’t lie to me, it’s fire and the big assassin murdered the fire patriarch, but he It’s just to avenge the father. I don’t know it for a moment, I believe in his ghost words, I promise to protect myself in my name, and set up a yum to make a decision!”

"But now, I am now a clue, obviously a thing of this wolf, killing my father!"

"He killed his father and betrayed the court that had always been attached to Wunan, and tried to involve the entire 100,000 mountains of Wunan into the boundless war! Such a person must have been invaded by the demon. Being smuggled by the evil spirits, I have no qualifications, and I am arrogant in the Yum!

"My identity is special. I follow the fire-fighting tribes in the village. There are also many shelters from me. Although I am now on the side of the ghosts and Qins, I want them to be hands-on, but I can’t bear it."

"In any case, from now on, until the morning sun, no matter what happens, I will never ask!"

After saying this, the Black Moon Supreme said that the anger had not disappeared. The cold ice swept the crowd and turned back to the back of the military account. Soon his breath disappeared.

This is also a fox with an old traitor, or an idea of ​​sitting on a mountain.

Anyway, whether it is a decisive battle or a raid in front of you, it is good to have a victory or defeat with you, and don't hurt his bones.

With his guarantee, it is the joy of many witches and monks.

And Ling Shoujing’s next words made them more arrogant and screaming.

"Wait a while in the battlefield, who can degrade the other side of the Wu Man monk a head, enjoy a hundred pounds of gold, spar ten pounds; fallen ghost Qin monk a head, reward gold three hundred pounds, crystal Stone thirty pounds! If you kill the innocent and ghost Qin collar, reward the spar!

Li Yao knows that the spar smelting and quenching process of the ancient sacred circles is still not up to date. Most of the spar they use are mostly ore with many impurities.

Even so, the spar, which is usually referred to as "gram", is now thirty-five pounds, and one hundred kilograms is taken out, which is quite staggering.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man, Ling Shoujing and strategizing, even the black moon sages have negotiated in advance, faintly support them.

This gives a lot of Wuman monks a sense of success, the feeling of success!

At the moment, morale has soared to the extreme.

Ling Shoujing carefully selected the sixty-eight Wu Man monks, originally a variety of limbs, simple mind, coupled with this hurricane, has turned into a hungry mad tiger.

He is not enough, he still has to add fuel to the fire, and he has a bucket of "Ling drunk."

Li Yao has tasted some kind of stimulant from these liquors.

Similar to the stormy star robbers he had encountered in the meteor field, before the killing, he liked to inject a stimulant "burning" into the star thief, stimulate the nerve endings, stimulate the secretion of adrenaline, and stimulate the soul potential. effect!

Drinking these wines mixed with stimulants, the witches of the savage monk became more red-eyed, and they were not afraid of fear, such as the extremely hungry ghosts.

After half an hour.

It was the darkest moment before dawn.

It is also the sweetest, deepest, and most difficult time to wake up.

The fire-fighting camp has long been a scream, but there are also a handful of "energetic" witches and monks who are still singing and laughing, laughing like they are still in a feast.

A group consisting entirely of self-cultivators, using night-time shadowless clothing to cover the aura and body shape of the night attack squad, but quietly left the camp, bypassed the fire Lu Chengzhai, and flew to the opposite camp.

In the innocent camp, there is still silence at the moment.

Since it is about three days later, we must use Yum! to make a decision. The Wu Man and the ghost Qin monk who are innocent on this side must of course recharge their batteries and wait for work.

Around the camp, there were only a few high and low torches, and the fireflies were swaying. There were still a few ghosts of the Qin Qin who were still awake.

However, they came from the cold northerly grassland, and they were extremely unsuitable for the southwestern jungle where the damp heat was sullen and the smoke was filled. They were also tortured by suffocating and mosquitoes. They were sleepy and their heads were straight.

The night attack squad seems to be a crocodile wrapped in mud all over the body, crawling out of the swamp silently, under the cover of the night, slowly crawling toward the prey.

Dive into the fire-free camp more than 100 meters, the "crocodile" gradually divided into five more agile snakes.

Until now, the innocent camp was still calm, as if they had never dreamed of it, Wang Shi would come to sneak attack regardless of the agreement of Yu Sheng.


Suddenly, a scream of screaming, tearing the silent night sky, also opened the curtain of a tragic assault.

"Boom! Boom!"

The Taiyi 诛 heart thunder exploded in the innocent camp, and countless camps with the Wu Man soldiers were blown up in the air.

Ling Shoujing led hundreds of masters of the Xuanhu Iron Guardian, and left and right in the camp of the innocent fire, arson, smothering and trampling.

Jin Dan female sword repair Ling Lan is a one-man sword, invincible.

Wu Man’s monk was stunned by the rewards, and it was like a tiger, which was even more fierce than in the daytime.

Under the three-pronged approach, countless Wuman soldiers were still stunned by swords and swords in their sleep, and the entire camp was in the midst of a sea of ​​fire, falling into the brink of collapse.

Ling Shoujing, Ling Lanyin and Wu Mang’s three three-way arrows, with little effort, are in the center of the camp.

The progress of the war is really smooth, and it is a bit confusing.

Until now, the vast majority of the people they killed were savage generals, and even half of the Wuman monks under the fire did not touch.

Ling Shoujing and Ling Lan smelled a sly smell because of faintness.

But the witch-savage monk who killed the red eyes couldn’t care so much.

"The front is the innocent big account, kill it!"

Dozens of witches and monks screamed and threw themselves into the most beautiful military account.

But then came the unexpected swordsmanship, but a "bang" loud noise!

After a burst of smoke and dust, the entire military account was actually caught in a huge pit at the bottom of the ground. The blue flame in the pit was lingering and turned into countless ghosts. The dozens of witches and monks were entangled and burned alive!

"woo woo woo woo"

In the forests of Wunan Mountain, the sounds of the northern yunyun prairie sounded from time to time, which made people feel heartbreaking and screaming.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

A piece of shell-like fireworks hit the air, bursting into a piece of color, shining the earth like a white.

The sacred tiger iron guard brought by Ling Shoujing, including the Jin Dan female sword repair Ling Lanyin, under the glory of the white light, shrink into a group, nothing.

In the dark surrounding jungle, the lights swayed, the shadows were heavy, the horses wolf wolf, and I don’t know how many ghost Qin knights, surrounded them! (To be continued.) 8

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