Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1362: Lord of Peng Peng!

"It’s counted!"

At this moment, Ling Shoujing and Ling Lan face each other because of the two fathers and daughters. Where would they not know how the ghost Qin people had prepared, this is clearly a trap!

"Spread in the southwest!"

Ling Shoujing is a sand and field squadron of Wenwu and Shuangquan. He glanced at the weak links arranged by the other party and took the initiative. Under the cover of his daughter Feijian, he went straight to the southwest!

However, just as they were about to jump out of the innocent camp, there was a fierce wolverine in the jungle in the southwest. Then, dozens of round things shimmered with green and shining light, lost from the air. Come over!

"Be careful!"

Ling Shoujing and Ling Lan also thought that the other party had thrown over the magic weapon such as "the palm of the hand", and hurriedly transported the psionic shield. The light curtain circulated and shrouded the Xuanhu iron guard. ({〔〔〔{?network{

Those things ran from the psionic shield, dripping and rolling, not bursting out, but they were the heads of a grin.

The mysterious light that surrounds the human head seems to contain some sort of magical shape. The wounds under these heads are all dry and should be cut down for some time, but it seems to have just fallen from the cavity, expressions, lifelike, and even solidified. The horror in the eyelids is clear.

Although it is not a palm of mine, but in the hearts of many big tigers and sorrows, the arrogance is more powerful than the one hundred palms.


Jin Dan female sword repair Ling Lan because of the flower eclipse, the heart of chaos, could not help but exclaimed.

The first one was a little bit of a wildfire, and it was shined to the head of a sleek, demeanor. It was not her master. The first master of the young generation of Ziji Jianzong has already entered the realm of Yuan Ying. Who is the "Thunder Sword" of the whole big dry repairing realm?

This time, Wunan was nominally responsible for Lingjia’s Xuanhu Iron and Steel. In fact, it was supported by Ziji Jianzong.

On the bright side of Ziji Jianzong, a Jindan sword was repaired by Ling Lanyin, and he followed his father’s army.

In the dark, there are also new masters, "Thunder Sword" Lou Chongzhen, and hundreds of elite swordsmen in the Ziji Jianzong, rushing one step at the banks of the Wujiang River, preparing to assassinate the masters of the ghost Qin reinforcements, and hitting each other by surprise.

If everything goes well, a few days ago, the building should be rushed with the ghost Qinren and Linglan, and then spurt all the ghosts in the jungle, and resist the barbarians of the heavens.

Since the news of a letter from Lou Chongzhen half a month ago, he has been losing his message until now, in this way!

One of the youngest Yuan Yingjian repairs in the real world, the Thunder’s sword tower rushed to his eyes, and the lost eyes were separated by a layer of psionic shield and looked at Ling Lanyin dryly.

Almost dry, deep in the eyes, full of mistakes, shocks, fear and despair!

This is also the heart wall of Ling Lan.

There was a long laugh in the direction of the human head.

A whole body is surrounded by black fire, more magnificent than the rhinoceros, such as the unicorn-like "dragon wolf beast", stepping out a black flame trace, slowly smashed out.

Behind the dragon wolf beast is a giant who is taller than two meters, with a copper bell and a tiger's back.

If the giant is over two meters high and has a wide waist, it is very easy to give people a sense of "four limbs, simple mind."

This person is a wide-ranging, courteous, sharp-eyed, electric-powered man, full of deep rivers, and an intangible temperament.

His appearance is nothing more than a barbaric feature, even the 髻 梳 梳 梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The appearance of this person is the heart of Ling Shoujing and Ling Lan, falling into the ice cave of the depth of 18,000 feet, how can not get out.

"It turned out to be the brother of the Qin Qin Regent Han Da Ling, the ghost of Qin Ba Bu, the head of the Peng Peng Department, the long-time master of the Yun Yun monk, Han Yuantai!"

The system of the ghosts and ghosts of Qin is different from that of Dagan.

In Dagan, the comprehension people live, practice and act with the "sects" as the basic unit. Except for a very small number of scattered repairs, almost all the comprehensions belong to a certain denomination.

Even if they are officials in the DPRK, they must be controlled by their respective denominations. They must seek benefits for the sects. Without the support of the sects, from the officialdom to the business community, they will not be able to display them.

On the secluded prairie in the north, there were also some sporadic sects. However, after the strong rise of Han Dazhao, the system was reformed, and a very small number of sects were extinct. All the monks and monks were unified and divided into eight.

It is equivalent to arranging all the monks in the entire Xiuyun comprehension to become a strong army of iron and blood. From then on, there is no sectarian division, and there is no free and easy retreat. There is only one iron and blood to kill and to exchange military training. The resource of Wu Fufu!

Yuyun monk, divided into eight, the reason why Han Yuantai can become the "King Peng Department", under the Han Daling Mausoleum, the most powerful on the Yunyun prairie, relying on blood, but wisdom and martial arts!

A few decades ago, he was the master of the Yuan Ying in the north of the earthquake. His strength was at least in the middle of the Yuan Ying period. His hands were covered with the blood of the Dagan monk, which is one of the most difficult opponents of Dagan!

Unexpectedly, in order to provoke the situation of Wunan Five Roads, even the ghosts and nobles who are so respected by him are personally out of the horse. No wonder that even the "Thunder Sword" building is not an opponent, turning into the soul of his knife!

"Ghost Qin is so valued in Wunan, even the Lord of Peng Peng is personally involved!"

Ling Shoujing's face was white, and there was no more calmness. Even his hands could not help but tremble.

From the moment when Han Yuantai appeared, he knew that his general trend had gone.

What's more, with Han Yuantai coming out from the darkness, holding a silver plate and a big face, smiling, not the black moon who was just in the military account and who he vowed to be?

Black Moon Supreme, the first master of Wunan, has long since turned to the ghost Qin people, all of which are their layout, the purpose is to gather all the talents!

Ling Shou respects the heart like a knife, 10,000 regrets should not be convinced that the black moon sages said, eager to advance, rushing to attack!

But this is really a crime of non-war. Although the black moon is a monk, it is quite a "hearted king", and actively moves closer to the big dry repair.

In the past few decades, he has often traveled in the Central Plains, and has maintained a very good relationship with the famous and famous deputies, including the Lingjiao's big backed Zizhen Jianzong, even if he has not seen it for more than a decade, the correspondence has never been cut off. The various local treasures of Wunan are also sent to the Ziji Jianzongshan Gate every year.

The Dagan dynasty is now in a stormy environment, and there is such a gracious barbaric vassal. What is picky?

Therefore, although the black moon sages lived in the southwest, but the major sects did not take him as a side door, but regarded him as a member of the Dagan revision.

This time, the Wang Shi came to discuss the arbitration. The black moon sages are obsessed with the powerful power of the ghost Qin, and they can't stand on the side of the big cadres. This is what Lingjia and his daughter can understand.

Therefore, both sides confessed to the songs, and the black moon sages opened the door to convenience, so that the starry night raid plan was successfully realized, and the Ling family and the daughter did not have doubts.

Unexpectedly, he was at the most critical moment, anti-go!

"Black Moon Supreme, you"

Ling Shoujing stunned his heart, and his body shape almost fell off Malay.

He did not have much hatred for Han Yuantai. Everyone was originally confronted by the two armies, and they had different plots and no wins.

The blackmoon sage's betrayal of the Dagan dynasty is what makes him want to burn, and his anger is unstoppable! "

"The dynasty of the dynasty, the air transport, the choice of the Lord, the defeat of the king, why should the ambassador be a big fire?"

The black moon sage smiled slightly, not salty.


Ling Lan was smashed by the blue flying sword, and a silver tooth almost chopped.

Jin Dan female sword repair is not annoyed for her own situation, but shocked by the black moon sages so do not put the big dry repair realm in the eyes, even more optimistic about the scent of barbarians on the grassland?

"Black Moon Supreme, Dagan Xiuzhen has always been waiting for you not thin, do not despise you is the land of Wu Man, the mean side of the door to the left, sincerely accept you, treat you as a friend, you, how can you do this!"

Ling Lan was so angry that she had no choice but to say, "You have already made up your mind to betray, plus Han Yuantai, you two Yuan Ying, you can already wipe us out, why do you have to play tricks like this? , tempting us here, is it deliberate to humiliate us?"

After all, she was too young, and she stayed in the practice of Ziji Jianzong. Although she was trained to be high, her mind was relatively simple.

The reason why the Black Moon Supreme did this, she did not understand, her father Ling Shou respected but it was a bright heart, and instantly understood.

Yes, the black moon and the Han Yuantai two Yuan Ying team, can indeed kill the Luo family and all the Xuanhu iron guards in the knot period.

However, Wunan Wulu, nominally a big-handed people, has ruled for hundreds of years, and many tribes have maintained a somewhat habitual loyalty to Dagan.

If you are violent, you can get the sympathy of the witch's face, but it will not be able to gather people's hearts in a short time.

Wunan Five Road is a complex jungle environment. Even ordinary witches are as agile and flexible as monkeys.

As long as they drilled deep into the forest, let you be a Dan or Yuan Ying, and want to find them out, it is a matter of exhaustion of mind and time.

Therefore, the black moon sages and Han Yuantai, the fire innocent together, set this bureau, let Ling Shoujing first use the "star night sneak attack" such mean and shameless means, destroying the sacred rules of "the yum."

Such awkward means, if succeeded, cleanly killed the innocent and all the ghost Qin people, then the Wunan Baizu naturally have nothing to say.

But it’s quite awkward now!

Han Yuantai and the Black Moon Supreme are not only trying to kill them, but also want to use this to completely break the entrenched influence of the Dagan dynasty here! (To be continued.) 8

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