Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1363: Deep pit demon fire! (fourth more!)

Recalling what I did after I came to the city of Huolu, it seems that I have been led by the other side.

The entire layout of the other party is interlocking and progressive, and it is almost foolproof.

Although the Black Moon Savior is insidious and cunning, he can never think of such a plan.

The long-time master of Han Peng, Han Yuantai, is the singer of the Qin Qin Ba Bu Zhi Zhong Yong, the left arm of Han Daling, this must be from his handwriting, and sure enough!

Kill a recruit, the court can send a second, third place ... send a hundred can be.

But the image of the Dagan dynasty was completely shattered, and if the heart was lost, everything could not be recovered.

Ling Shoujing laughed with a smile.

That's right, he saw it all in an instant, and what's the use? It's just a post-mortem.

Sure enough, the direction of Huo Lu Chengzhai came from a burst of noise, and the fire dragons composed of countless torches came from all over the world. They were the chiefs of the Wolverine tribes, the lords, the lords, the sorcerers...

They were originally invited by the Black Moon Sovereign to watch the yum of the three days later.

At the moment, it has become the best witness, and you can see for yourself the "unruly, mean and shameless" activities of the Dagan Dynasty.

As a result, the unprovoked temper of the old patriarch of the Hulu tribe, this scorpion was buckled to the head of the court, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

The building will be tilted, everything will be irreparable, and Ling Shoujing’s desperate heart will beat her daughter a hundred times.

Sure enough, the Black Moon Supreme simply ignored Ling Lan’s doubts, but smiled at her quite slyly, revealing the white and miserable teeth, and said in a whispering voice: “The long-awaited Purple Sword is the authentic Xuanmen A "Ziji Mixing Magic Method" is pure and honest, and it is the first-class one to raise the spirit of refining the soul. Since Ling Xiaoyou is so young, he can rush to the realm of Jin Dan, and he wants to practice the "Ziji Mixing Miao Method" to the extreme. Out of a wonderful flesh and blood?"

"I have been in the first stage of the Yuan Ying period for dozens of years. I don't know how much blood I have swallowed. I have the golden body of Ling Xiaoyou. Maybe I can rush to the middle of the Yuan Ying period? Haha, Hahahaha!"

Ling Lan's face was awkward.

Although she did not completely understand the meaning of the other party, the black moon sage was released to her with a good-hearted atmosphere, but she could not resist it.

She was looked up and down by the extremely evil eyes of the Black Moon Supreme. She was like a cleaned lamb, which had fallen into the mouth of the wolf and was slowly rubbed by sharp teeth.

The surrounding people were full of enthusiasm, and countless witches and priests and sorcerers clashed and rushed to the camp of the innocent camp.

At this point, the horizon has already burned the first piece of morning glow, such as the spark of the fire, and soon red through the sky, the things that happen in the camp, shine more clearly.

Lingjia's father and daughter and so many Xuanhu Tiewei appeared in the fire innocent camp, and there were all the broken limbs and blood flowing into the river. This is irrefutable evidence!

"The warriors of the Wunan Baizu, look at the despicable and shameful activities of these Central Plains!"

The black moon sages have a sinful scent on their faces, and when they slowly fly into the air, they are completely upright and unbearable, and they are angered by the crown.

He instantly changed his tone of indignation and whispered. "We clearly said it, and made a blood vow in front of all the gods in the 100,000 mountains. We must fight for the position of the patriarch of the Hulu tribe.擂 'On, use the timidity of both sides and Wu Yong to decide!"

"These shameless, timid and ruthless people are not talking about rules. When the black wind is high, they come to attack the innocent camp and kill countless Wunanese!"

"They are afraid, don't dare to be in the ring, just in time with our warriors, and the warriors of Yunqin, even with this kind of sinister means!"

"If it is not for me to break in time, they will definitely kill the fire!"

"We have been insulted by the sacred rules that have been passed down for thousands of years! The dignity of all the Wonnan warriors has been insulted by them! The whole mountain of the land of Wunan is insulted by them!"

Every word of the Black Moon Sovereign is like a thunder, and it is blown up in the ears of many witches and monks.

The black moon sages are respected in the Wunan Baizu, and many tribe sorcerers are inextricably linked with him, not to mention the evidence is so many in front of them, it is not necessarily innocent. People, please lift the big car, please come over?

The court’s means are too mean!

The Witch Man, who was originally on the side of the fire, was naturally angry and screaming.

The middle school, which has been swaying with the wind, and whose position is uncertain, is also a big frown, and feels guilty of the unspeakable means of "the imperial court".

Even if he has always been inclined to do so, the Wu Man monks and the chiefs of the sects who stand on the side of Ling Shoujing and the fire are inevitable, and their positions are shaken.

Especially those witch monks who were drunk by Ling Shoujing and others at the banquet, now hangover and wake up, the heart is even more a nameless anger.

What do you mean, the night raids are so big that they are glaring at them, and they are all drunk. Isn’t it a clear letter to them, and take them as a scorpion?

More crucially, then the polycrystalline stone and the magic weapon, all without their share!

This, this is too mean, too shameless, too hateful!

For a time, the human heart floated to the extreme, and there were not many witches and monks who stood on the side of the big heart.

The black moon sages evoke a fleeting smile, and the right arm squats down: "kill them!"

Hundreds of ghosts and iron iron riders above the refining period, just like ice cubes melting in the water, have been hidden in the depths of the jungle, a glimpse of the sound.

At the moment, it stands out from the crowd, forming dozens of arrows, rolling up the murderous temper, and rushing toward the Xuanhu Iron and Steel.

Originally placed outside the camp, loyal to the innocent Wuman monk, also jumped out of the martial arts, blocking the net of the fish.

Han Yuantai, the ghost of the Qin Qin Regent, the owner of the Peng Peng on the secluded prairie, is more powerful than the rhinoceros, more swift than the cheetah, and more ferocious than the serpent, the dragon wolf beast, Chao Lingjing directly trampled over.

The black moon sage is licking his lips and smiling at Ling Lan!


The evil arrows of the ghost Qin people are all magic weapons, engraved with the mysterious and complex spiritual pattern, and stimulated the ever-changing light and shadow in midair. A sharp arrow can even differentiate seven or eight arrows, causing the arrow to rain like a waterfall. The effect, the skull cover the brain fell on the head of the Xuanhu Tiewei!


Ling Shoujing was directly attacked by the dragon wolf and flew out seven or eight meters. The Zhou Lingling Shield and the armor were all split, and a blood and a blood rushed out. It was not an enemy of Han Yuantai.

If Han Yuantai is not willing to let the "big dry angel" reveal some of the wolverine color, I am afraid that this time trampled, he will be able to smash him alive.

"call out!"

Ling Lan's orchid secret sword burst into a splendid brilliance in midair.


A round of faint black air, condensed into a crescent moon, easy to lift the sword form of the orchid form into two paragraphs, but also released a scorpion like "moon halo", swallowed up the sword.

The other side has two Yuan Ying sitting in the town, but here is only a poor one and a golden Dan, this is a game without suspense.

Ling Shoujing, Ling Lanyin and all the Xuanhu Iron Guards are desperate to the extreme, and the expression is exactly the same as the purple sword sword sword repairing head.

"Today's business, only death!"

Ling Shoujing struggled to climb up from the ground, while vomiting blood, while arrogant, "Dagan monk, rather die!"

A lot of Xuanhu Tiewei, one person at least inserted three or five profit arrows, also issued a roar: "Ling Jia Hu, death is not back!"

Jin Dan female sword repair Ling Lan flashed a trace of panic and confusion on her face. After a while, she was replaced by perseverance and indifference. The long sword refers to the black moon sage, and the sword gas runs through the rising sun just rising from the mountains!

The black moon sages laughed happily, gently swaying on the ground, and the figure was as elusive as the crescent moon in the dark clouds, plundering Ling Lanyin.

Seeing this lion's game of rabbits, it will end in an instant.

Han Yuantai, a ghost of Qin, who has always been expressionless and deep in the sea, has a wide-faced national character face, but it is twisted into a twist shape.

"Be careful behind you!"

He issued a sharp warning and completely lost the calmness of the Yuan Ying Lao Ge, which was more tense than Ling Shoujing who saw him when he appeared.

He gave up Ling Shoujing, who could be killed by a cough, such as the arrow of the string, and the black moon sages!

At this time, the Black Moon Supreme is only one step away from Ling Lan.

And his back, but facing the center of the camp, the original pit with the fire innocent military account.

This big pit is a trap that Han Yuantai and the Black Moon Supreme have already prepared. There are a lot of palms and poisonous oils and wildfires buried in it. Just a few people have killed dozens of savage monks who are loyal to Dagan.

With the body of these witches as the fuel, the green and flamboyant wildfires are still not extinguished at this moment. Instead, the black moon leaps over the big pit, and when it rushes to Ling Lan, it suddenly rises fiercely!

The green Yingying WISP is as if it is life-like, and there is a strange smile in the depths of the wildfire. It even extends the flame tentacles of two pythons, one to Han Yuantai and the other to Han Yuantai. Silent and interest-free volume to the Black Moon Supreme!


Han Yuantai did not hide or slam, and one of the tentacles slammed together, and picked up the colorful flames!

I heard a few noises from the "嗤嗤嗤嗤", the lord of the Pengpeng on the secluded grassland, screaming with tears and tears, planted backwards, and reached out and touched his face!

It turned out that the seemingly illusory, empty and empty fire, there is still a long needle that is several times thinner than the hair!

Han Yuantai originally thought that the other side was a pure aura attack, and he was not afraid to fight hard with each other.

I did not expect this strange existence hidden in the deep pit of the demon fire, even despicable, playing a hand in the "mianli hidden needle"!

And this long needle does not know what material and technique are used for refining. It is as delicate as a wolf, weak and boneless, and the detection of his Yuan Ying series can not be detected!

It was hard and hard, and it easily pierced his psionic shield and penetrated his nose and mouth deeply!

A long wolf with a long needle, containing a mysterious power, stabbed into his face, even an arch and an arch, such as the bones of the bones, straight into his head!

"What is this magic trick!"

Han Yuantai was greatly horrified. If he saw a ghost, he would retire. He tried his best to force a long needle. Where can he still care for the black moon?

The Black Moon Supreme is only the first stage of the Yuan Ying period, and its strength is even worse than that of Han Yuantai. Moreover, the Ghost Fire tentacle is mainly directed against him. Before he reacts, he will entangle the whole right leg and hide it in the wildfire. Ten poisonous needles "嗤嗤嗤嗤" pierced into his blood, and swam along the blood to the whole body!


The black moon sage only feels that the blood of the whole body suffers from the pain of the ants, and the aura runs completely blocked!


Under the eyes of all the witches, the Xuanhu Tiewei and the Ghost Qin Tie, they saw that the black moon sages were touched by the wildfires, and they had no resistance. They were smashed into the green and swaying, like a ghost. Deep in the bottom of the pit! ——

Yesterday my wife was operating, so only two more.

Restore the four more today, help her to pick up the character, hehe! (To be continued.)

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