Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1364: The ancestors returned!


In the big pit of the demon fire, there was a scene of evil demon, a dull voice.

It is like a sneer from the depths of the nine thousand secluded yellow springs, and it is like a myriad of insects gathering together to distort the creeps!

Whether it is Wu Man, the Ghost Qin Cavalry or the Xuan Hu Iron Guard, all feel the tears of the eardrum, the heart is tight, and there is a feeling of vomiting!

Even if the body is able to resist, it is impossible to suppress the shock and fear of the bottom of my heart!

The green and swaying wildfire in the huge pit, like a hot oil poured on a person, "teng", suddenly reached a few dozen feet high, like a bonfire tree.

Numerous Mars, such as the goddess scattered flowers, shot at the surrounding audience, such as the three real fires, the wind was long, swaying and raging, making the scene chaotic, everyone cried and shouted at the mother!

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Deep in the pit, there was a scream of the black moon and the heartbreaking, as if he was suffering the most cruel torture in the world.

All the savage monks are stunned and horrified, and they need to consume all the psionic powers to keep their legs from tremble.

For the first time, they heard the black moon sage, the first master of the Wunan Five Road, and made such a scream.

Along with the screams of the Black Moon Supreme, there is a strange smile that is higher than a wave. It is sharp and sharp, as if the sound from the depths of the rust and the cracks in the rock layer is called: "Yan Wenlong, see clearly Who am I, our old accounts for decades, we can finally count them!"

Yan Wenlong is the real name of the black moon.

Since he became the commander of dozens of villages, Wei Zhen Wu Nan Wu Road's Yuan Ying Lao Ge, very few people dare to call their names.

Even the words "Black Moon Savior" are not the general witches who dare to export.

Most of the witches, when they saw him, they would kneel on the ground, and they would call out "the ancestors"!

But now, this "old ancestor" is in the eyes of the public, falling to the end of the horrible people!

A lot of wrinkles with wrinkles and old-fashioned Wu Han’s monks faintly felt that this strange sound was familiar.

It's not a tone, but it's the kind of tone, the madness, the murderous taste!

They all frowned and remembered carefully.

Suddenly, one of the old sorcerers trembled, his face was green, and the scream of "squeaky" in the throat was actually scared by life!

Under the shackles of the mysterious figure, the Black Moon Supreme has no power to fight back.

Even the screams of sorrow and sorrow, after a while, became intermittent 吟*吟.

When the 最* 吟 最 最 最 最 最 , , 吟 吟 吟 吟 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽 忽

Then, the demon fire "calls", once again brightened a series, a strand of plasma spurted from the depths of the pit, was burned by the demon fire.

There are only a few bones and half a hoe, but it is also in the blink of an eye.

"call out!"

The green Yingying WISP was instantly retracted into the big pit, and no more than half of Mars.

The green mist in the big pit tumbling and gradually surging out, such as a vast lake with a vast expanse of smoke, as if to fight against the morning glow.

Hundreds of meters in a square, all covered in green fog.

This green fog is like a condensed monster. It has an evil life, and it makes a "beep" sound around it. From time to time, it stretches out a tentacle and wants to drag the surrounding monks into the fog.

Even if he grew up in the land of Wunan in the south of the country, the Wuman monk who is good at the side of the road and the technique of witchcraft has never seen such a strange scene.

Not to mention the Xuanhu Tiewei and the Ghost Qin Knight from the Central Plains and the Northland!

Perceived by the powerful and unparalleled psionic powers in the depths of the green fog, if a wild beast is breaking out, all the comprehensions feel dry and dry, and they are at a loss!

In the middle of the green fog, the waves rolled, gradually highlighting a group of humanoid-sized fog.

The fog screams and spreads around, just suppressing the mysterious characters of the Black Moon Supreme, and finally showing the original shape!

At first glance, this person is not tall, slightly thin, and his face is as young as a teenager.

But the fine wrinkles around the corners of the eyes, as well as the darkness of the sea, from time to time, flashing and radiant, plus a slight lift, such as two sickle-like lips, but it is unclear his true age.

He wore a wide green robes that seemed to be condensed by wildfires. The black hair of the waterfall was scattered casually behind the scenes. From time to time, under the sway of the wildfire, there was no wind and danced wildly!

He floated in the air in his emptiness, his hands were carrying, and he unscrupulously released a strong and unmatched aura. The waves undulated and tore the air, forming a visible scorpion that spreads round and round.

Just turned a Yuan Ying old monster into a pus, and pus all the smoke, but in his case, it seems to be a little effort.

At this moment, in the face of hundreds of monks including a Yuan Ying, several named Dan, he did not have a little bit of heart.

The indifferent eyes were swept away, as if a group of chickens and dogs were on the ground.

Every monk who was swept by his eyes felt that he was lying under a sickle and let him fall.

Many Wuman monks daring to sneak a sneak peek at the eye, but they saw the center of the eyebrows. There was a small green birthmark, which seemed to be a small green dot, but it was under the psionic energy, such as dripping on rice paper. Like the ink, slowly dizzy, gradually occupying the upper part of the entire face, forming a cyan shape!

This cyan big cockroach, fluttering his wings, occupies his upper half face, and like wearing a mask for him, making this person more speculative and elusive!

This extremely sinister shape has made the savage monks shudder, and they have remembered a name that has long since disappeared for decades, but it is still horrifying and night-time!

"Ling, spirit, spirits..."

Before they shouted out the name of this person, this person had already screamed in a burst of laughter, and the green robe shook. It was like a hungry scream, and rushed to another Yuan Ying Han Yuantai who was present!

Han Yuantai just took the opportunity to pull out the sinister needles, and he perceives a more powerful psionic power than himself, and his heart is shocked to the extreme!

He is worthy of being one of the top masters on the Yunyun Prairie. He snorted and did not retreat. One handle was inlaid with dozens of spikes. It was like a sword, and it was like a saw blade. The spirit of the body is condensed into a giant wolf with wings in the air!

"Oh oh!"

The giant wolf condensed by the flames is as vivid as a living creature, and the wings are swaying, and they are rushing toward the mysterious geek.


The grotesque green mist of the geeks once again made a scream of irritating earache, and suddenly there were seven or eight skinny ghosts in the green fog, half of which caught the giant wolf and the other half attacked Han Yuantai!

"This is another trick!"

Han Yuantai was shocked and angry. This time, he finally perceives that there are hundreds of tiny needles, weak and boneless, and sneak into the wind with the wind.

"What is this magic weapon, so sinister and poisonous!"

Although I have seen the other person's magical powers, this kind of poisonous needle hidden in the wildfire combines the aura attack and the magic weapon attack, and it is difficult to cope with it!

Han Yuantai secretly complained in his heart, and he could only barely lift the spirit of 120,000 points. One root can distinguish the poison needles contained in the wildfire, and must not miss half of the roots!

at this time

Suddenly, his heart suddenly sounded a warning, and the skeleton of his body was screaming, and he took a hard step to the left.

The wolf tooth knife in the hand is broken silently into two pieces, the fracture is as smooth as a mirror, can not see a little bit broken!

It is a ten times thinner than the poison needle, the shadowless invisible, sharp and incomparable mica thread, drifting in front of him!

If it is not agile, this mica thread has just been cut off, not a spiked knife, but his wrist!

Until now, he has jumped up and down, and the wolf is extremely embarrassed. The other party is smiling, his hands are carrying, and he is attacking purely with aura!

"This, this is where the monster that came out, there is such a sinister treasure!"

Han Yuantai wants to cry without tears, and his heart is arrogant.

The ghost of the ghost, Qin, is not afraid of death, seeing that the Lord will be trapped, and now the long and short screams, instigating the dragon wolf, the group attacked!

The green robe whispered coldly, and the long sleeves shook. From the sleeves, dozens of shiny gimmicks flew out, and the "dropping" turned around.

These gimmicks are made of metal and spar. They are exquisitely crafted, lifelike, empty eyes and jaws, burning green and swaying fires, flying to the front of the ghost Qin knight, "banging and banging" All of them burst open, turned into thousands of green fires, ignited a ghost wall, separating them from the Lord.

Perceived the magical spirit contained in the fire wall, many ghost Qin knights still want to fly up, but their dragon wolves are all screaming and screaming, sulking on the ground, foaming at the mouth, shuddering, Completely convinced!

The ghost Qin Knight who fell to the ground climbed up and looked at it through the wildfire, but saw a picture that they could not believe anyway!

In their minds, the invincible leader of the Peng Peng, the middle-level master of the Yuan Ying period, the North Korean hero Han Yuantai, who has been in the secluded prairie for decades, is **** by a huge shackle like a vulture. .

The two wings of the "vulture" pierced his ribs deeply. The "double claws" clung to his cheekbones, thin and long, covered with a jagged neck, and entangled with Han Yuantai's neck. !

Han Yuantai was locked by this grotesque shackle, and he couldn’t move. The expression on his face was really colorful and wonderful!

The green robe geek crossed the five fingers and buckled Han Yuantai's head. If the eagle caught the chicken, he gently lifted it up. The deep black scorpion could not see a little bit of ripples, and faintly scanned the ghost Qin Knight.

Between the breath, the dust settled, two Yuan Ying, one is terrible to die, one is extremely embarrassed!

Seeing this situation, all the wandering monks around the world just woke up like a dream, "Hula La" all fell to the ground, I do not know who was the first to start, ghosts crying wolf screams one after another, even into a piece, resounding through the mountains!

"Lingling Master!"

"Ling ancestor!"

"Silver wolf mountain wolf tail hole up and down, congratulations to the spirits of the Master!"

"Old ancestors, ancestors, we, we have been waiting for sixty years, you are finally back!" (To be continued.)

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