Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1365: Nightmare is hard to wake up

"Congratulations to the ancestors, refining the magical powers, uniting Wunan, Megatron!"

"The ancestors of the sorcerer, the gods are invincible, I am up and down the Silver Wolf Mountain, only the old ancestors are looking!"

"Old ancestors! Old ancestors! Old ancestors!"


Ling Lan was awakened from the eccentricity of a strange monster, and suddenly awakened in the nightmare of evil. He couldn’t help but scream, and this is the sound of the flattery that he heard in his sleep, and it really came from around the city of Huolu.

She is like an ice cave, her body is shaking, and a golden dragon in her belly is like a candle in the wind. It’s been a long time to breathe back. It’s not a messy fire camp, but it’s a fire. Deep in the depths.

Temporarily safe.

Although I don't know how long it will take.

For Ling Lanyin, everything that happened in a short day has grown like a nightmare that will never wake up and can't break free.

Yesterday, she was the proudest of the sky, the genius of cultivation, the orchid fairy that everyone envied.

Since she was a child, she has been a parent of Dagan Shijia. Although she is a daughter's family, she has not been despised by the family because she showed her cultivation talent early. Instead, she has obtained more cultivation resources than the male.

And she did not live up to the family's expectations. At the age of twelve, she was sharply exposed. She officially entered the family's backing of the purple swords. After that, the practice road was smooth and savage. In just a few decades, she became a purple sword. And even one of the youngest Jin Dan swordsmen in the whole world!

Ling Lan is very self-satisfied, thinking that there is absolutely no way for her orchid sword to be solved.

Although this is her first time to go down the mountain, but what she has to deal with is just a bunch of ignorant savage, not being taken care of by her.

What's more, she is only an assistant. The master brother "Thunder Sword" is the real main force. Everything has a master and a master. What else can she worry about?

did not expect……

Over the course of the day, the situation changed, and the master swordsmen and the elite swordsmen in Zongmen were all in different places. The black moon sages who had always made good friends with the Central Plains rebelliously attacked the enemy camp. The enemy even dared to send the leader of the Peng Peng, Han Yuantai. Such an important person, and in the moment of the eternal and eternal annihilation, there is an endless end of a horrible, sinister spirit!

This, what is going on here all!

Ling Lan was completely confused.

It was only then that I realized that it was so pale and powerless that I was hiding under the indifference and loneliness.


At this time, her father, Wu Nanwu Road, asked to make Ling Shoujing hear the sound, gently knocked on the door and walked in.

Ling Lan, who has been practicing in the Purple Swords for decades, rarely returns to his hometown, and his father’s feelings have always been alienated.

Moreover, since she was refining Jindan, under the tout of everyone, her mentality has gradually changed. Some people do not put the father of the early stage of the knot, and think that they are the pillars of Lingjia.

When she went south, her father was also unassuming in front of her, and she was very respectful of her identity as "Jin Dan Jian Xiu", which made her even more arrogant.

Until now, the situation was chaotic and unrecognizable, only to show the calmness and enthusiasm of Ling Shoujing, the second-class member.

When Ling Lan was overwhelmed and confused, he quickly recovered from the stunned, carefully scrutinizing the situation and trying to turn the tide!

"Father, what's the situation outside?"

Ling Lan asked for a rush to meet.

They are now under house arrest by the sorcerer in the fire city, and no one can leave the city without the permission of the sorcerer.

Although the witch guards outside guarded by the outside could not stop them, but when they thought of the dawn of blood-staining, the genius of the genius of the genius, the two fathers and daughters had a repair of the knot, but they did not Dare to act rashly.

"Now the enemy and the enemy are not divided. The situation is not clear. I have let Yuanwu go to the official to meet the coffin. By the way, he will explore his tone. Yuanwu has always been clever, and there should be news later. I am a little bit safe. Don't worry!"

Ling Shoujing waved his hand and drank a pot of cold tea on the table. Obviously, this seemingly calm and arrogant court member of the second class of the court was also undercurrent, and the waves were raging.

"Exploring the tone..."

Ling Lan was a bit stunned and thought about it. He asked himself comfortably. "But, in the morning, when the coffin appeared, he killed the black moon sage and wounded Han Yuantai seriously. So it seems that he should It’s standing on the side of the court, loyal!”

These words made Ling Shoujing laugh and laughed. After thinking about it, he explained: "There are some twists and turns, I don't know about it, but I can't blame you! Lingbi Master was originally active in the seven generations, and was always in the vicinity of Wunan. I have never been involved in the Central Plains, so the fierce name is not obvious. You young people have not heard of his name, and it is normal."

Ling Shou sighed and introduced the daughter to the daughter one by one.

Hearing the Jin Dan female sword repaired again and again, sighing.

"The enemies between the brothers and the black moon and the black moon are very deep. It is said that six or seventy years ago, because of the greed of their master Wuyin's ancestors, the black moon lord found a Opportunity, kill the coffin!"

Ling Shoujing smiled bitterly. "But now it seems that the coffin is not a fate, and it is not really dead. Maybe there is another chance, but it has been hidden for decades, retreat, and finally refining. Quiet, come back to find the Revenge of the Black Moon!"

"He has been hiding in our army, and even endured the pain of being burned by poisonous fire, just to wait for a best chance to break his brother Black Moon Supreme!"

"This murderer has killed the Black Moon Supreme, but it is purely a grievance, but may not necessarily stand on the side!"

"If he was willing to kill Han Yuantai at the time, then it would be better to say that it was a pity that Han Yuantai was only seriously injured and left a new variable!"

"It turned out to be a savage murderer nearly a hundred years ago!"

Ling Lan was incredible. "How old is he looking so young?"

"The land of Wunan's smog, there are many evil methods. He has been retreating for decades. What strange things can be born, even to change the soul, and to modulate a brand new 'Voodoo of the Voodoo'. It’s also a common thing!”

Ling Shoujing said, "This murderer was the rare Jindan strongman in Wunan six or seventy years ago. After a few decades of retreat, I really got a great creation, and I became a mysterious and magical artist. I rushed to Yuan Ying. Mid-term or even high-order, has become a peerless powerhouse in the world!"

"I don't want to be young and tender, so I have to be contemptuous. He is definitely one of the most terrible murderers in the world!"

Ling Lan nodded again and again.

Just kidding, if anyone sees the violent means of this murderer at dawn, he dares to take it lightly, it is really too hard for his life!


Ling Lan asked for a moment, and asked, "My father thought that this retreat for dozens of years, just a great success, broke through, and the enemies of the great hatred, who will stand on the side, they are Dagan, or is it a ghost?"

Ling Lan is very worried.

She always feels that the murderous means of this murderer, and the style of the savage and viciousness of the ghosts of the Qinyun ghosts, which are widely advertised by the division, are somewhat similar.

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say!"

Ling Shoujing smiled and shook his head. "After all, it is a generation of old people who have disappeared for decades. They used to have little reputation in the Central Plains. We know very little about the mind and the style of the spirits."

"More than this, this is a heart-wrenching, sturdy, savage, completely incapable of guessing and estimating characters. Acting on your own, it is a complete madman!"

"This is more difficult than the Black Moon Supreme to grasp ten times. No one knows where he will stand for any reason, or which side does not stand. He is alone, and he wants to do whatever he wants!"

"Just, my son, in order to work hard, for the Ling family, and for your purple swords, we must find ways to bring this person together!"


Ling Lan’s pretty face showed a very obvious resistance.

The Ziji Jianzong is a famous decent, and the concept of the righteousness of the righteousness and the righteousness of the heroes is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

She has a natural resistance to the sorcerer, the sorcerer, who is between the side of the door and the path of the demon.

"My son, now is the time, be sure to focus on the big picture!"

Ling Shoujing sighed and sighed. "I also know that you must not be accustomed to the sinister and sinister style of the spirits. It is more than you, why do you even want to be such a savage and a snake?"

"Just, he can use an enemy two, instantly suppressing two Yuan Ying, and repairing it is simply unfathomable. Such a peerless master, if not standing on the side of the court, but relying on the ghost Qin people, will give me How much trouble does Dagan bring?"

"What's more, his fierce name spread throughout Wunan as early as decades ago. Today, in the eyes of the public, he killed the first master of the South of Wunan, and shocked countless Wunan!"

"His attitude is also very likely to determine the whole trend of Wunan!"

"And the movement of Wunan Five Road is related to the thousands of mouths of our Ling family, and the survival of your entire Ziji Jianzong. This point, before you go down the mountain, your master should also explain it to you?"

Ling Lan was nodded because of the tangled color of the face.

"Our trip to Wunan, every glory in the court, just waiting to see our good show!"

Ling Shoujing said coldly, "If we can not only stabilize the situation of Wunan Five Road, we can even hire a big master who is above the middle level of the Yuan Ying period. What can be said, what is the crime of treating us Lingjia, the seven sects of the eight sects in the realm of cultivation, and what is the purpose of copying the home of your purple sword sect?" (To be continued.) 8

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